
Make You Feel My Love

Byun Baekhyun was walking down the streets during a Tuesday afternoon, thinking about what to do for the day. Or rather, what to do while waiting. Waiting for his friend, Park Chanyeol’s, lunch break. His eyes were busy looking at the different colorful signs of restaurants, but his heart was continuously jumping lightly at each step.

Park Chanyeol was a Shift Supervisor at one of the Starbucks Coffee joints in their community. They first met during a rainy day of August 2012. Baekhyun craved for a Signature Hot Chocolate because he was cold, and he needed to work on his Psychology papers due the next week. He was very lucky because the coffee shop was just at the ground floor of the condominium he was living in. It was very convenient.

When he entered the store, his nose was infiltrated with warmth and strong scent of coffee beans and it was beyond comforting.

The store was almost empty, with only a few people with their laptops. It wasn’t a surprise because the rain was just pouring too hard for people to walk just to grab a cup of coffee. What surprised him though was the person who greeted him at the counter. Baekhyun looked up (the person was too tall) and was greeted with a big smile and big ears.

“Hi Baekhyun!” The other greeted. Baekhyun felt a cold shiver run down his spine. He didn’t even know the guy. Yes, he was a regular costumer, like he goes there every day but it was his first time seeing this guy. Chanyeol, his nameplate read.

And turns out Chanyeol was transferred there from another Starbucks branch at the community next to theirs. He was there for 2 weeks now but Baekhyun didn’t even notice him.

They’ve gotten closer since that day because the worker kept calling out his name and kept talking to him for all reasons. Be it the sun’s too high, the ceiling’s broke, or just because he likes bothering him.

And Baekhyun found himself falling for the charming barista two weeks after. As time spent together went by, he gets complementary drinks, he receives employee discounts (which was prohibited), he has tons of merchandise. All thanks to Chanyeol.

When Baekhyun’s studying and his eyes are starting to get droopy, the barista would fetch him a mug of cold water and a small chocolate bar. Baekhyun would smile at him warmly and thank him for the concern.

Chanyeol treated him differently from the rest.

During breaks Chanyeol would barge out of the employee lounge and sit immediately next to Baekhyun. They would talk about everything they could think of.

It was a miracle, to be honest. Chanyeol was 28 years old, and Baekhyun was just turning 20 that year. A gap of 8 years was too large and they just didn’t have anything in common. Baekhyun loved music and sparkling wine, while Chanyeol loved hobby sports and coffee beans. Their worlds were too different, but they found themselves on the same end of the pole.


When Chanyeol initiated a high-five for the first time, in an attempt for some physical contact, Baekhyun felt electricity run down his entire body. He wouldn’t be surprised if Chanyeol saw him jump. Their fingers slightly fill up the spaces in between before the student consciously retracts his hand and awkwardly waves goodbye.


Baekhyun was crying when they first shared a hug. It was early 2013, approximately two o’clock in the morning. He stayed there even after store hours, watching the baristas cleaning the place before going home. Costumers weren’t even allowed to do that, but he was an exception. Plus, he got really close with the other workers there.

He stayed because he couldn’t sleep. It hasn’t been a day since he got a confession from a guy in his class. Baekhyun was stupidly crying because he boldly rejected the guy. His mind kept shouting “Chanyeol! Chanyeol! Chanyeol!” and they weren’t even dating, or yet, anything.

He ended up so confused because what if he made a mistake of saying ‘no’. He just lost someone who he was sure loved him, unlike the barista who only treated him as someone very special.

Without labels.

He didn’t even mean to cry. Tears just suddenly poured down as he watched Chanyeol clean the espresso machine. And as soon as the other heard sniffing, he immediately went to him and soothed his arms asking him what was wrong.

But Baekhyun couldn’t tell him, because it was just too silly. What kind of a reason was, ‘I’m crying because I think I’m starting to love you too much and I’m not sure if you feel the same way.’

He just sat there, drying his tears, until Chanyeol sat beside him with a warm smile, offering his shoulder, like he was saying to lean on it if he was feeling tired. And Baekhyun did lean on. It was the most comforting place ever.


It was a few days after when they’ve shared their first kiss. When Baekhyun said goodbye, Chanyeol pointed his finger on his left cheek, asking for a simple kiss. The shorter could feel his cheeks heating up but nonetheless he did give it and he couldn’t sleep again that night. He was just too happy.


Baekhyun decided that it was time to stop loving Chanyeol during early 2014. It has been a year since they met and started their escapade. But neither of them still had the guts to talk about what they were. Were they dating? Were they in a relationship? Was Baekhyun even really special to Chanyeol? When Chanyeol holds Baekhyun tightly by the waist, when his butterfly kisses linger in his cheeks; what do those mean?

The student thinks that it was their that was refraining them from going somewhere. Maybe they were too concerned about what other people would say because one was born on 1984, and the other at 1993. Maybe Chanyeol thinks he’s still immature. Sometimes he thinks that maybe they’re just too scared to say it. Baekhyun doesn’t know, and maybe he never will know.

He tried dating other men, and women. Baekhyun was successful on not thinking about Chanyeol when he was on those dates. He had a lot of fun with them. They made him feel special too.

But at the end of the day, it would always be Chanyeol. ‘What would Chanyeol do if he was with me inside the cinema? What would Chanyeol do if I were freezing because of the strong winds? Would he hold my hand and make me feel warm?’

No matter what Baekhyun does, he will always return to Chanyeol. His heart will always tell him that it’s Chanyeol.


February 2014 when Chanyeol breaks the news that he was being transferred to another branch again. Baekhyun felt his world was slowly collapsing, because he couldn’t stand not seeing the other for a long time. Just the thought of Chanyeol not being there everyday made him choke. He knew that this day would come, but he didn’t expect it to be too soon. He wasn’t prepared. He was too emotionally attached to the man.

Like the other times, the barista walked him back at his unit, just to see and make sure that Baekhyun got inside safely. It was painfully quiet while they were walking. And Baekhyun thought that maybe this was the end. That this will be their last moment.

It was going to end without closure.

When they reached his doorstep, Baekhyun looked down on his shoes. If he would look at Chanyeol now, he thinks that his tears would fall down immediately. He made him too soft at heart. The taller’s cold hand caressed his cheek, and he finally had the courage to look up. Chanyeol was warmly smiling at him.

“Don’t be too sad.” He pleaded, but Baekhyun was already crying. He couldn’t help it. Why did it hurt just to be like this?

“Stop crying Baekhyun. You know I won’t leave you.” That wasn’t giving much of a comfort because Chanyeol will still be away from him. They will be miles away from each other-

“Baekhyun, I’m just being transferred to the store 3 blocks from here.” The said boy stopped crying and he looked at the taller in disbelief. All this time he’d been thinking that Chanyeol would be sent to somewhere super far, but he was just going to be 5 minutes away from him. The barista had a grin on his face and Baekhyun wanted to smack it out.


Two weeks without Chanyeol flew by so easily. Baekhyun didn’t even notice the time. He was too busy with his research paper to care. Although during the time that they didn’t see one another, his barista friends would tell him that Chanyeol came by looking for him. The student smiled at this. It was nice to know that he was making an effort to see him. There were nights when the tall would send him text messages asking him when was he planning on passing by his new store. Baekhyun would giggle and reply teasingly.

‘Don’t be too impatient. I’ll pass by soon. I promise.’

Chanyeol’s new co-baristas were wondering whom he was when he first went there. He came by surprise. Chanyeol’s smile was so big that he had to bite back his smile to compensate the space the other’s mouth occupied to the world.

During his lunch break, the barista immediately sat beside Baekhyun as usual. They sat closer this time, their shoulders and thighs definitely touching. They would look at each other and smile shyly. First conversation cut when one of his co-workers killed his curiosity.

“Are you guys dating?” He asked, and they both felt the sudden awkward air circling around them.

What was the correct answer to that question anyway?

They both just froze there, not even daring to look at one another in an attempt to ask what was the right thing to say back.

“’Cause you guys really look like you’re dating. I sense tension.” At this point, Baekhyun wanted to punch the life out of that person, poking to other people’s business.

He gulped nervously and found his head shaking carefully, answering it like ‘No, we’re not dating. We’re just friends.’ Or as ‘No. Shut the up. You’re making things worse.’


The difference now was that Chanyeol could no longer him back to his building. He wasn’t allowed to stay after store hours anymore, so he keeps leaving early, and when he does, the taller would pout at him, he couldn’t do anything to make the student stay.


The 5th time Baekhyun vists Chanyeol, it felt different. Maybe that explains Baekhyun’s jumpy heart as he walked and occupied his mind with reading restaurant signs.

For one thing, instead of sitting down on his usual table, he sat at the table for two at the very end of the store because it was the only table available. Second, Chanyeol was wearing their new uniform, from a black polo shirt, to a white crispy polo. He looked very handsome.

Chanyeol didn’t even notice that he arrived. There were just too many people today. The student dangled his feet and fiddled on his seat. He wished that he would notice him soon so he wouldn’t be sitting this awkwardly

When the busy workingman finally saw him, Baekhyun waved then stretched his arms wide, asking for attention. The barista removed his apron and marched his way towards him, his arms still wide open.

Chanyeol immediately wrapped him around his long muscular arms, and buried the other’s head on his chest. Baekhyun inhaled his scent, as he wrapped his short lean arms tightly around his neck. He felt Chanyeol’s hands soothing his lower back, he hummed in response.

This felt good.

“Hey.” Chanyeol whispered deeply as they pulled apart, his hands resting on his hips. “What’s up?”

“Nothing much.” Baekhyun replied running his hand up and down his arm.  

Chanyeol asked him if he could accompany him to buy food, and of course Baekhyun wouldn’t say ‘no’. When they got back, the worker set his food down on Baekhyun’s table, and ran off to get his employee beverage. He wasn’t even allowed to eat outside food in the store. They were breaking rules again. Baekhyun could just shake his head in disapproval for his actions, but didn’t scold him. He wanted to spend more time with him; he can be that selfish right?

Today, instead of sitting beside him, Chanyeol chose the seat face to face with him.

Chanyeol looked at him and offered a piece of chicken puff. Baekhyun was about to snatch it but he moved it away.

“I want to feed you.” He says sweetly and Baekhyun hates being fed, being treated like a baby. But ever since they met, Chanyeol has always been an exception. Baekhyun finds himself surrendering completely.

During the whole hour that they were together, they find their upper bodies leaning closer to one another. Their faces where to close that their breaths were mixing and it was intoxicating; their proximity making Baekhyun very dizzy. The only thing keeping them apart were his hands crossing one another in front of them. He would occasionally lean to the side and rub his own arm.

Chanyeol just stares at him intensely.

They weren’t talking now, unlike the other times. He feels the taller’s eyes travel from his eyes towards the hand on his arm. He extends his right arm and holds it. Baekhyun watches as Chanyeol examines his hand. His calloused fingers running over his long nails. His warm skin against his.

Chanyeol intertwines their fingers completely for the first time and Baekhyun feels complete. The grip wasn’t tight or loose, it was just right. It was just right for their body heat to complement one another. The shorter finds himself smiling at this and Chanyeol smiles back at him.

Everything feels different now. What was this feeling of extreme longing? They were there together but it wasn’t enough. They both wanted something more but what was stopping them? No one knows.

When they say their goodbyes that day, their hips met gently but painfully, and shared a short but unending kiss on the cheek. Their hands lingered touching for a bit before they could finally let go.

Baekhyun looked back one last time before leaving.

He sighed hoping that one day when he wakes up, everything will constantly be different. That one day, Chanyeol and Baekhyun could finally be together, without anything invisible restraining them, without fear latching onto them, without doubts reminding them.

That the both of them could finally say ‘I love you.’ to one another freely and confidently. Because Baekhyun was sure, when they first met, his mind didn’t doubt where Chanyeol belonged to.

Baekhyun would go to the ends of the earth for him, that he would make him happy, make his dreams come true. When the rain is falling on his face, or when the world was in his case, he’ll offer his warm embrace.

Just to make him feel his love.



(A/N: Inspired by Adele's Make You Feel My Love. Kinda a real story too. And also 'cause I believe that everyone will experience this kind of love at least once in their lives. I am attracted to baristas. LOL.)


Comments are very much loved and appreciated. And please take time to visit my chaptered fic! :)

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SoSquishy #1
Chapter 1: Awwe the ending But I guess Chanyeol lovea Baek too. Of course he does. Haay Baekyeol <3
Chapter 1: Bittersweet ending..... I kinda want some more... make a sequel oooooor whatever. I just want BaekYeol to end up together.
maknae09 #3
Chapter 1: It was so realistic, I really love it!
Poor them
Chapter 1: Im sure 100% that park chanyeol were in love with byun baekhyun. Didn't expecting it to just ends like this but yeah, something different sometimes. Live happily with what you got today and hope for better tomorrow.
Chapter 1: ......oh but I thought they'll be together ;;A;;
so sequel pleaseeeee
puppyvirus #6

Chapter 1: Sequel! They need to get together!
xxxyenxxx #8
Chapter 1: ahhhh so sweet, love it~
mauuuu #9
please upload soon authornim :*