Why i am like this, hyung?


 “Why doctor? Why I keep feel this thing? I don’t know what it was..  What’s wrong with me? Sometimes it hurt here and I just could cry. ” Jongdae put his hand on his chest.

“Can you tell me more?” Minseok asked him politely.

“and sometime I don’t feel like I own all those feeling. Sometime when I saw someone smile at me, I felt sad.  Sometime when I saw someone are laughing at something else, I felt like crying. And sometimes when I want to smile, when I want to be happy, when I want to laugh my heart aching. I can’t breathe like I usual do. Suffocate in that feeling. I hate it. I also want to be happy. I want to see people around me happy.” He frowned.

“Thank you for coming to this clinic. But I am not too sure about your illness. I have to look into this thing more. This is my contact card, I will call you when I know what your disease is. And I want you to send me a massage about things that happens to you. And you don’t have to pay, I’m not doing my work well.” Xiumin stretched his arm, taking the card on his edge of table and gave it to Jongdae.

He took the contact card from Minseok’s hand. Jongdae stared on it.“Okay. Thank you doctor Kim..”

There’s not even a smile craved on his lip. He just showed the expressionless face, a fragile one. Jongdae heads out the clinic. His parents were already in the car. He opened the car’s door, clambering into the back seat.

He let out a small groan of tiredness.

Yixing turned his head to his son, asking some tedious questions. “How is the check up going, my dear? What they said? You’re okay, right? Are you…..”

Before Yixing could finish his word, Wufan shot back. “Honey… Let him breathe. Ask it one by one.”

“The doctor said he don’t know what my disease is..  And he will look into my illness.”

A frown appeared on Yixing’s forehead. “I thought this clinic is the greatest one. You know the doctor’s parent, right Wufannie? They’re Kyungsoo and Jongin, our collages 4 years ago.. ”

Wufan exclaimed “Oh, I remember ~. They had a doctor son? Umm,, Xing, should we go to another clinic?”

“No, I just want to home.” Jongdae answered

Wufan nodded, understands his son’s feeling. It was the fifth time he goes to clinic and the doctors said that he just stress. But this time, a doctor take his illness seriously and he just thinking.. like a lunatic.

He put his body on the soft king-size bed. Slowly, his eyes felt so heavy. Jongdae closed them and sleep. But after a few hours, he awakens because his chest throbbed. He can’t sleep. Just could stare at a clock that hanging on the wall.

“tik! Tok! Tik! Tok!”

“uh!! I’m going crazy later.” Jongdae shoved his pocket, took some paper out. It was Minseok’s contact card. He took his phone and wrote a massage to that doctor.

 To: Dr Kim Minseok

Doctor Kim, this is Jongdae. Tonight I can’t sleep.
No. I’m sleeping at first but I awake when my heart keep
 wrenching. I’m sorry for bothering you in this late.

sent: xx/oo/yy

After 2 minutes..

From: Dr Kim Minseok

Oh, jongdae~ It’s good that you send me about
your progression. You’re not bothering me, I don’t sleep
this night. I have to go through the patient’s file. Well ~
I think I can sleep tomorrow

received : xx/oo/yy


To: Dr Kim Minseok

You can help me? Tell me how to sleep faster. I don’t
have anything to do now. Bored~ I’m sooo bored!



15 minutes passes but Minseok still not replied the massage.

From: Dr Kim Minseok

Get out from your house now..


“Why?” He whispered to himself while seeking out slowly from his house. He finally succeed to get out without making any noise.

His eyes widen when he saw Minseok was waiting for him in the car in front of his affluent house. The car’s window opened slowly.

“Jongdae! Get in. Hurry..”  Minseok murmur.

Jongdae baffled but followed the older guy’s order.

He sat on the front seat. “Dr… Minseok? Why you’re here?”

Minseok drove the car to somewhere. Jongdae’s eyes still on Minseok. Minseok is wearing a classy clothes and he make his hair up, not wearing the doctor’s suit and not have a little messy hair like usual.

“Wow. You look different today.” Jongdae proclaimed.

“How?” Minseok smirked.

“Adorable and handsome?” Jongdae blurt. When he know that he declare his mind’s word with his shrill voice, his cheeks blushing pink.

“huh, am i?” Minseok chuckled. Jongdae couldn’t lift his head because he was too embarrassed

“Jongdae-yaa~ you’re so cute.” Minseok exclaimed, making Jongdae’s cheek blushed harder.

They arrived at a house, not so big, but still beautiful.

“This is my house. Come in. Follow me.” Minseok lead him to his room. Sit at the couch and on the television if you bored. If you are sleepy, sleep on the bed. If you’re not sleepy, you can’t force yourself to sleep.”

“What do you mean? I have to sleep here?”

“yes. It is my day off tomorrow. I want to spend my day with you, while I can ask you more about your illness. ”

Jongdae laid his body on the bed while pulled the blanket up until his chest. Minseok sit beside him, wearing a statescope. He checked the boy’s condition.

Minseok blushing, he stuttered. “Jongdae.. Why your heart is beating fast?”

Jongdae smile sheepishly.


 But it not just Jongdae’s heart that beating faster , Minseok’s too.

“Stop call me Doctor, just call me hyung or Xiumin hyung. oh yeah, I want to know more what happen to you. I mean your disease.” Minseok still appeared as a doctor even he’s not in his doctor’s coat.

“umm, to make it easy.. This disease not allowed me to be happy. When I had everything that I want, it still making me felt that I don’t have something. But I know I have everything. All about my life is perfect except this disease. Why I am like this, hyung? Can’t I just be normal?.. ”



After a few weeks, Jongdae still live in Minseok’s house. Jongdae told to his parent that it was for his health, so they let him stay there.

“Jongdae… I think I already know what your disease is..” Minseok stuttered.

“What it is, hyung?” Jongdae’s looking into the elder’s eyes curiously.

“It was HYPOPHRENIA.  A feeling of sadness seemingly without a cause.. It can happen differently to different people.. And it happens to you awfully. Sometimes it happens slightly to people and some of them don’t even know that they had Hypophrenia. it is not dangerous. But some have to suffer. ”

A tear fell from Jongdae’s eyes.

 “I’m tired hyung. I just want to be happy.Is it false?” Minseok hug him as more tears rolled on his cheeks.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Minseok try to stop the younger from crying. “Jongdae.. Don’t cry. We could try anything to heal your disease. Jongdae!” Minseok really hated to watch people cry. He really hated it.

Minseok clear his throat “Jongdae! Let me tell you something that could make you stop cry.. I love you.” Minseok peck on Jongdae’s wet cheek.

“What?” Finally, Jongdae stop cried.

“I love you, Idiots! And I know you love me too.” Minseok proclaimed.

“But.. I am a hypophreniac.. You will never happy with me..” Jongdae still sobbing.

“ I already know about your disease from the start but I am investigating how to make the pain go. And now… If you realize, in this few week I’ve been always smiling and you’re the same. We even laughed. Maybe you don’t know, but the person that you love can heal this disease. You’re slowly recovered. I’m glad..”

Jongdae was thinking for a second.

“Yeah, hyung. Now I realize that I always smiled. And I never be in pain or ill when I am with you. And I talk about so many things. I think I got better now. Thanks, hyung!”   Jongdae stole a peck on Minseok’s lip.

Then, he boldly whispered to Minseok. “I want to be your’s”

Minseok answered him sheepishly. “You’re mine now. You’re my girlfriend.”

Minseok sat on the couch while his girlfriend placed his head on Minseok’s lap. Minseok stooped his body until their lips met well. A deep kiss, an intense one. Their mouths both opened and they each other’s lip and tongue. But the one that serving is Minseok. Jongdae allowed his boyfriend’s hand to do anything on his body. Jongdae moaned when he felt how good and warm kiss is. And he love it."You're my hypophreniac and mine." Minseok smile mischivously, lifting his girlfriend to the bed in bridal way. Minseok undress himself and same with Jongdae.. *please think of your own awesome imagination XD. ^^  >_<

A/N: Sorry for the grammar. Unbeta. Don't forget to comment~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 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Chapter 1: Kyaaaahh!!!! >w< Da feels!! Wooohhooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *squeals*
Dana_1004 #2
Chapter 1: Ahaaaaa i love dr au!!!!!!*flying on cloud nine*Write more please about chiumin in future;D
Love you<3