Break Up & Confession

I Am Not Worthy




Yoona wakes up!

She opens her eyes slowly…

Rubs her eyes…

Then she realizes that something hurt her head…

She looks at the person beside her!

Yoona : Taec oppa!!!

Yoona surprised!

It was loud enough to wake Taecyeon up too.

He looks at her!

Taecyeon : Oh!! You’re awake?

Taecyeon asked Yoona with his sleepy tone!

Yoona’s looking around!

Then she faces him again!

Yoona : Oppa!!! Why we’re here….I mean school?

Taecyeon : You forgot?? Last night?

Yoona’s spacing out!


*1 minutes later*


Yoona opens her eyes bigger!

Taecyeon who’s looking at her!

Surprise with her reaction!

Taecyeon : Something wrong with your eyes?

Yoona : Oppa!! Don’t tell me that you were here the whole night?

Taecyeon nods his head!

Yoona rubs her head!

Then she looks at him sadly!

Yoona : Oppa, Wae?

Taecyeon : Wae what?

Yoona : Why did you need to stay with me the whole night? Couldn’t you just leave me alone?

             We’re just friend! You don’t need to care about me this much!

Taecyeon lower his head!

He looks at the ground!

Taecyeon : Am I just a simple friend for you?

Yoona : You…Oppa is…my bestfriend!

Taecyeon : That’s all?

Yoona : Yes! That’s all!

Taecyeon lets out a loud sigh!

Then he faces her!

Taecyeon : Okay! I’m your bestfriend!!! Okay!!

Yoona : Oppa wae???

Taecyeon : Nothing!!! Then can’t a friend help you?

Yoona : No…I…

Taecyeon : That’s okay!!! Are you okay now?

Yoona looks sad again!

Yoona : I don’t know! I think I need to talk to him for sure today!

Taecyeon : Okay!!! If you need help, will you call oppa?

Yoona : I will oppa!

Taecyeon : Come on! I’ll send you home! Your dad might be super worried now!

Yoona : Nae! Thanks oppa!




(At the other hand)


[Victoria’s apartment]


Nickhun gets off from his room!

Suddenly, he bumps into Victoria who’s passing his room!

Nickhun hold on Victoria hand that is going to fall on the ground!

He pulls her up! But it is strong enough!

That’s only an inch away from each other lips!

Victoria looks at Nickhun surprisingly!

Also does Nickhun!

Then they release themselves from each other!


Victoria : Er…Er…I’m sorry!

Nickhun : Oh!! That’s…Okay!!!


They let out an awkward moment between them!


Victoria : Er…Did you sleep well last night?

Nickhun : Of course!!! Er…Where are you going to go?

Victoria : I’m going to the hospital! Would you like to join?

Victoria smiled at him!

Nickhun feels happy!

Nickhun : Definitely!

He answered her back immediately!

Victoria : Okay! Let’s go now!


When they about to step out the house!

Nickhun’s phone vibrates!

He takes it out!

The screen show Yoona’s name!


Nickhun : Er…Excuse me for a moment!

Victoria : That’s okay! Go ahead!


Nickhun walks to the kitchen!

He answers the phone!


Yoona : Hello? Khun oppa?

Nickhun  : Oh! Wae?

Yoona : Where are you now?

Nickhun : Hmm…Hotel!

Yoona : Hotel!!! But can we talk now?

Nickhun : For what?

Yoona : just meet me first!


Nickhun let out a sigh!


Nickhun : Okay!!! Where?

Yoona : Our first met!

Nickhun : The tree?

Yoona : Yes!!!

Nickhun : Okay!


Then Nickhun hung up the phone!

He walks back toward Victoria!


Victoria : Can we go now?

Nickhun : Er…

Victoria : Something wrong?

Nickhun  : I have an important thing to do now…so…

Victoria smiles at him!

Victoria : That’s okay! I can go alone!

Nickhun : But…

Victoria : No but! Do your thing first!

Nickhun : Okay!!! Bye!!

Victoria : Bye!!!


Nickhun let Victoria go first!

He goes after!


[Under a tree]


Yoona’s sitting alone on the bench!

Looking at the sky!

Breathing the fresh air!

Close her eyes!

Yoona : You can do it Im Yoona! Just ask him why?

Yoona said to herself!

She opens her eyes again!

She looks on her left!

But there’s no sight of Nickhun!

She looks on her right!

She smiles brightly!

There’s Nickhun!

Yoona : OPPA!!!
She waved her hands at him!

But Nickhun’s face doesn’t look happy!


Nickhun : Hurry up and say it!

Yoona shocks on Nickhun’s reaction!

She gets up and faces him!

Yoona : I just want to ask you what was wrong with you yesterday?

Yoona glances at his leg!

Yoona : And is your leg okay now?

Nickhun : I’m alright! My leg too! That’s all? If that’s all, I’ll go back!

Nickhun said coldly!

Nickhun turns his head back!

He about to leaves but Yoona catches up his hand!

Yoona : Oppa! Why? What’s going on with all this reaction?

Nickhun turns back his head!

He pushes Yoona’s arm away!

Nickhun : You really want to know?

Yoona nods her head sadly!

She’s really curious of the answer!

Nickhun : Listen carefully then!

Nickhun face becomes serious!

Also does Yoona!

Nickhun : Before I knew you, I had a girlfriend! She’s Chinese!

                   And a few weeks ago…I saw her again! It’s completely just a coincidence!

                  And I don’t know why? My feeling toward you is nothing now!

                  But toward her!!! It’s back!!! My past love is back! For you is nothing!

                 Toward her it’s burning up again! I felt for her again!

                  I don’t know what to do too!!! I’m sorry Yoona!!!


Yoona’s spacing out with Nickhun sentences toward her!

Her tears! It’s coming out again!

Her heart is breaking into a million pieces!

It likes he took out a knife and stepped into her heart!


Yoona : Oppa!!! What about me??? Am I not anything for you?

Nickhun : I’m sorry!!!

Yoona : are you going to throw me away?

Nickhun : I’m sorry!

Yoona : That’s enough for you to play with my heart?

               Does everything we did together is just a toy for you?

               Oppa! Am I not a good woman for you?

Nickhun : I’m sorry Yoona! I’m really sorry!


Nickhun : We don’t deserve to be together Yoona!

                  You’re not a right girl for me! And I’m not a right boy for you too!

                  Let’s break up now!

Nickhun walks away without looking back at her!

Yoona kneels down her knees!

She covers her face with her palms!

Crying harder!!!

Yoona : Oppa! Wa…Wae????




[At the Hospital]


Nickhun : Victoria?

Nickhun entered the room!

With his arms full of snacks!

Victoria : Khun! You’re here?

Nickhun : Nae!!!

Victoria : What with all of the snacks?

Nickhun ignores her question!

He walks toward the table!

And put all the snacks down!

Then he walks back to her!

Closer to her!

Made Victoria surprised again!

Victoria : Khun!! What..What’s wrong?

Nickhun then places her hands on his left chest!

Making her feels his heart!


Nickhun : Vic!!! Would you like to start our love again with me?


Victoria : WHAT???






To be continues….



Another Update! kekekek ^^


Thank You :))))









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yoonyun #1
This story is so beautiful.i hope you will continue making good stories about taecyeon and yoona. :)
Nae! thanks for your reading.:))
I love you made this story end with TaecYoon :)<br />
And I love u put a little KhunToria moments :)
Taecyeon and Yoona married, yay happy for them.
@Minyoontaem: I'm sorry! Because i decided to make Taecyoon a happy ending not khuna!<br />
@Limxiyong: Yes, Donghae was dead!<br />
@Taeyeonlover: Yes it it! The end here! Thank you for reading my fanfic and subscribing !
wanna nickhun and yoona!!!!!!!<br />
not taecyeon!!!!!
Hm i Just read the final one ! i wanna to Ask is that Donghae dead away ?
taeyeonlover #8
Eh? ur fic is over already? WOW!!
Thank you!!! I know i wasn't good at all with the proposing words!<br />
But after saw your comment like this!!! I'm happy! Thank you!! ^^
Not bad at all, or should I say it was good!^^Taecyeon was like proposing on the wedding day^^