One-shot: A Fool for You

A Fool for You

A Fool for You


Eating time has always been their favorite time of the day. Sure, there are some days that they had to go through without it but because of that, whenever they had the chance to actually seat and dine for something to eat, that’s when the members of B.A.P feel like a family the most. They can actually be themselves on the often rectangular table, just have a casual conversation while waiting for the food or just, simply loosen up a little bit from their never-ending hectic schedule. It’s always going to sound like an excuse, but eating time will forever be their perfect escape from the reality.

For Yongguk though, as a leader, he always likes to take this somewhat rare opportunity to monitor the eating patterns of his beloved members in terms of, are they eating well? Are they getting enough nutrients? Do they take healthy foods? Do they try to cut down on sugar intakes? It’s always been this way for Yongguk, but these aren’t what matters the most. To Yongguk, the most important part during their eating time is for him to make sure the visual of the group actually eats his foods instead of just fondling with them. There’s been countless of times before that Yongguk had caught Himchan not eating any of his food and instead settled with just, “I’m already full.” There’s also been countless of times that Yongguk had to literally force the food down Himchan’s throat—and that was not actually a good sight to see.

Today was no different—and thankfully, like many other times before, Himchan was seated right next to him, which made it easier for Yongguk to keep an eye on the visual.


(cr. mybutterflyfact)


While the others were busy chitchatting, Yongguk just couldn’t seem to join in. Instead, he kept staring to his right towards Himchan while stuffing his own food in his mouth. At first, the younger latter was completely oblivious to the leader’s intention but after some times—after it was getting a little too obvious—Himchan finally gave a light kick to Yongguk’s leg under the table just to send a message that he was “… eating just fine. Don’t need to keep staring!”


(cr. hyunnieprincess)


The sudden kick took Yongguk by surprise as he shot a questioning look towards Himchan—as if asking him to clarify what that kick was for. He stopped eating for a moment, just sitting there waiting for an explanation from the younger but Himchan just kept eating and laughing at some of the jokes the other members cracked between each other as if nothing happened.

Hyung, why aren’t you eating?” Yongguk heard Jongup asked out of nowhere. He turned swiftly towards his left, finally aware that he had left the fork in his hand hanging in the air for way too long now. So Yongguk forced an awkward smile and nodded to his dongsaeng, as he continued digging in his own meal back again. At this point, Himchan just couldn’t hold back a smile from creeping on his face anymore, for successfully putting Yongguk in somewhat an awkward situation. Serves him right.


(cr. hyunnieprincess)


A couple of hours passed by and the meals initially on their table were almost completely gone now—put aside the salty soup and a bread that was apparently hard as a rock. They were probably going to leave the place anytime soon now but Himchan really needed to use the bathroom, so he decided to excuse himself. If he missed the chance to go this time, it wouldn’t do any good for his bladder. No, he would literally suffer for the whole ride.

 “I’m going to use the bathroom,” Himchan said as he got up from his seat.


(cr. hyunnieprincess)


Hearing that, Yongguk blatantly asked without even realizing what he was asking in the first place, “Ca-can’t I come?”


(cr. hyunnieprincess)


Not that he knew why the hell he even asked that question, and apparently he was not alone. The rest of the members looked at Yongguk weirdly, too, especially Himchan who was standing right in front of him now.

“Well, depends. Do you need to?” Himchan asked, fighting hard not to laugh at the dumbfounded Yongguk.

He looked away almost immediately when Yongguk started to burn him with his stares. It was hard for Himchan to look at the leader for even a second today because he looked extra gorgeous, with that stupid black long sleeves revealing just enough of his collarbones and his hair—his perfect, perfect hair. But then it shouldn’t be a big of a deal, though—Yongguk has always been perfect in his eyes.

When Himchan was finally out of sight, Daehyun suddenly came up with one of his evil plan to pull a prank on his hyung. He suggested that they should just proceed with the interview they were scheduled on for and started to get up from his seat. The rest of the members laughed as they, too, got up from their seats, agreeing to carry out with Daehyun’s plan, naturally.


(cr. bap-ftw)


Yongguk, despite getting up together with the rest of them, asked in confusion, “Are we leaving Himchan behind?”


(cr. hyunnieprincess)


That question made the members halted at the same time and instantly stared at the leader in disbelief—more of a shock, actually—over how slow their hyung could be sometimes.

“That’s the point, hyung. YES! WE ARE LEAVING HIMCHAN-HYUNG BEHIND!” Daehyun snorted as he rolled his eyes towards Yongguk. He raised a brow soon after, though, when he saw the leader immediately dropped back on his seat, hands spread wide on the couch.

“Ah. You kids go ahead, then. I’m going to wait up for him,” Yongguk said as he pretended not to hear the disapproving mocks and complaints from his dongsaengs.

“Oh, you’re no fun! You’re such a fool for Himchan-hyung,” Daehyun said one last time and pouted, annoyed that their leader wasn’t going to join their little prank—which was a complete fail even before it started.

“Heh, easy for you to say. You’re not the one who’s going to get yelled at and receive a special silent treatment from him when it's all over. I’ve been there and I don’t tend to be in that same situation ever again,” Yongguk defended himself while the others laughed out loud, nodding and agreeing to every bit of it. True, it was always Yongguk who was going to get it if anything happened… because Himchan did not care that much when the others did bad things to him, but he definitely and certainly gave a load of craps if Yongguk joined in.


“Eh? Where are the others?” Himchan came back from the bathroom a few minutes later, confused when he did not see the rest of the members but Yongguk at the table.

“They left,” Yongguk simply replied.

“But why?” Himchan asked again, dissatisfied with the previous half-heartedly answer from Yongguk.

“It’s a prank. They want to leave you here—alone.”

Himchan shot a confusing look towards Yongguk who gave him a blank expression in return.

“But you’re here… that’s no prank,” Himchan said, still standing and still confused as ever.

“That’s just because, I’m a fool for you… apparently,” Yongguk’s words put Himchan to mute.

Yongguk fought hard not to laugh but it was almost impossible to do so when all the cameramen and PDs surrounding them were all cracking up in laughter because of Yongguk’s straightforward answer just now.

The leader smirked as he got up from his seat and inched closer towards the surprised visual. He casually put an arm around Himchan as Yongguk pulled him closer and motioned for him to get going. They exited the place with a smile never leaving each other’s faces.



“What did you say you are, just now?” Himchan whispered, not wanting the conversation to be heard or recorded by the cameraman walking closely behind them.

“A fool. A fool for you,” Yongguk whispered back, knowing well why Himchan felt the need to be discreet.

“I like how that sounds,” the younger nuzzled closer towards Yongguk’s chest.


“Good. I’m always going to be that, anyway.”




[A/N] So, that was it! I wrote this rather quickly and I haven't got the time to double-check or anything so, please forgive me for any mistakes and yeah! :D Tell me you don't want this to happen, instead, rigggggghhhht? :P Comments would be lovelyyyy, they're my oxygen! Till then, thanks for reading! xxx Mao :)

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Chapter 1: Then himchan said, "yongguk, go to the bedroom"
magicbananas #2
Chapter 1: I love the use of the gifts here!!! ^o^
This was so cute!!!! :3
Chapter 1: Asdfghkl. THIS.
Chapter 1: Awws gukkie is forver a fool for his channie :3 and im sure dae would be just like guk is with jae. Hehe
Chapter 1: So cute~ Yongguk is a fool for Himchan~♥
Chapter 1: SO cute~! I love it!
Chapter 1: LOL so fluffy ~ And it's even a graphic based story . LOL ~ LOVE IT .
Your welcome . Proud to have someone using my GIFs here . ;)
Chapter 1: cute story :)