
I Love You, For You, Forever

                “This is the place?” Zelo asked as he smiled brightly.

                Daehyun gave Zelo’s hand a squeeze before shooting him a smile that seemed brighter than the sun. “This is it. They have our things ready so it shouldn’t be too long.”

                Zelo nodded but Daehyun could see the excitement in him as he practically bounced on his feet. Daehyun chuckled and decided not to make them wait any longer. He pushed open the door that had a beautiful sign on it reading, ‘Mato Wedding Attire: Look out of this world.’

                “I can’t believe how close it is getting to our wedding.” Zelo squealed in happiness.

                There was nothing Daehyun could say that he hadn’t already. He replied with some kind of excited sentiment, feeling the butterflies in his stomach. Zelo and he had been engaged for almost a year now and the wedding was in a few weeks. Daehyun didn’t think he ever been so excited for something in his whole life. Ever since Daehyun had bought Zelo the ring he had been waiting for their wedding day.

                “Hi, can I help you find something?” An assistant asked once they had entered.

                “Yes, we have an order…”

                “Oh! Daehyun and Zelo? Right this way.” The woman smiled politely and directed the men to the back of the store.

                Daehyun didn’t realize there were so many tuxedos, not to mention types of wedding dresses in the world. The walk was an educational trip even though it was short.

                “We will need to do the final fittings before you take them, just to make sure everything is correct.”

                “Right, of course.” Daehyun smiled. He squeezed Zelo’s hand one more time. “I’ll see you in a few.”

                “See you soon.” Zelo waved before following another assistant to different changing room.

                Daehyun walked into his own room and quickly made the change into a tuxedo. He smiled at how he looked; satisfied that he would make Zelo forget about everyone else in the room once he saw him.

                “It looks like everything fits.” The assistant walked around him pulling and flattening the fabric. “Yeah, the tuxedo fits you like a glove. It looks like it was made for you.”

                “Thank you.” Daehyun smiled as he straightened his bowtie.

                “You can change back now and I’ll wrap this up for you.”

                “Thank you.” Daehyun said and the assistant left. He stared at himself in the mirror, thinking about his future life and how much things seemed like they were going to change. Deep down he knew things wouldn’t really change, but he would finally be able to wear a ring so everyone would know he was taken. Daehyun chuckled as he noticed he was rubbing his ring finger.

                With that he changed back into his street clothes and handed the many parts of the fancy outfit to the assistant.

                She gave a small bow. “I’ll take this for you. It might take longer for your partner since he is quite tall.”

                Daehyun chuckled. “I thought so. Finding a shop with a tuxedo to fit him was hard.”

                “I’m sure the fitting won’t take too long.”

                “Ah! It’s fine.” Daehyun waved away her worry. “I’ll be fine here. I’ll just look around until he is done.”

                The assistant bowed before leaving Daehyun to explore the fancy store. Daehyun walked leisurely through the store. He glanced around at all the expensive suits he wished he could afford. Daehyun was happy with the one he was getting but it was interesting to see just how many different types there were. He made a note to check out suits and tuxedos again when he had more money.

                Daehyun stalled. ‘Why would I need to own a tuxedo? It isn’t like I go to fancy events too often…’

                With that thought in mind Daehyun decided to return back to the fitting rooms before he ended up deciding he did truly need a tuxedo for something. As he walked back he looked at his watch and wondered what could be taking Zelo so long. True the fitting would be more difficult but they had researched until they were sure there was a store that had something in his size, so he should have been done by now.

                Daehyun heard something drop and casually looked to his right. ‘Zelo?’

                He quietly approached his tall fiancée who was fixing a rack of dresses. As Daehyun got closer he saw the tux draped over Zelo’s arm, so he knew the younger was done picking out his outfit, but Zelo was staring at the dresses. To anyone else they might have thought Zelo was staring at interest but Daehyun had known Zelo for so long and so thoroughly that he knew what Zelo was thinking by his soft gaze and the way his fingers lightly lingered over the various white fabrics.

                The scene took Daehyun by surprise as it wasn’t something he had ever thought about before. He was bombarded with thoughts of what others would think and how weird it would be but immediately he dashed them away, his anger at himself rising.

                ‘This is my fiancée and I love him. We are buying outfits for OUR wedding and if any of the guests don’t like it then they can leave.’ Daehyun nodded.

                Daehyun crossed over to Zelo, walking up behind him silently and then startling Zelo as he lifted the dress he was holding out of his hands. “Try it on.”

                “I…” Zelo’s mouth opens and shuts, as if he was trying to come up with an excuse.

                Daehyun chuckled. “You can’t lie to me I know you want to try it.”

                “I can’t… Daehyun…”

                Daehyun rolled his eyes and dragged Zelo back to the fitting rooms. They went into the corner stall that seemed to see little customers. “I’m going to be outside and I expect you to model it for me.”

                Zelo looked between Daehyun and the dress now in his hands. He chuckled as a blush dusted his pale cheeks. “How do you know me so well?”

                “Because I love you.” Daehyun smiled before he reached up to kiss Zelo’s cheek. “Call me if you need help.”

                Zelo shook his head at how cheesy Daehyun was being before he pushed him out of the stall. Daehyun waited at the end of the aisle on a small couch. It wasn’t unusual for him to wait for Zelo or even to watch him model clothes, in fact it was essentially part of their routine at the mall, but for some reason this seemed different. Daehyun sat there as his foot tapped to an unknown beat. His hands were sweating and the only thing he could do was wipe them on his faded jeans.

                It took a while, and Daehyun knew it would since it was a flowing dress, but soon enough the door was opening. Slowly, Zelo walked out of the dressing room in a pearl white dress with a small train. This dress had sleeves which actually helped dim Zelo’s muscular look he had acquired by joining Daehyun at the gym. Zelo stood there nervously, looking down as his hands bunched the fabric.

                Daehyun was a bundle of mix feelings. There was a guy in a dress in front of him, not only a dress but a wedding dress, the frilliest of all dresses, which really wasn’t something you saw every day, but the person standing in front of him was his fiancée and he was beautiful.

                “Wow…” Daehyun breathed out.

                Zelo’s eyes darted up nervously. “It’s weird isn’t it? I knew it was… I’ll just change—“

               “No,” Daehyun stood and walked out to Zelo. “Zelo, you look amazing. If this is what you want to wear then wear it. This is your wedding and you only get one.”

                Zelo chuckled at Daehyun comment before grabbing his hands. “Are you sure you are okay with this?”

                Daehyun caressed Zelo’s face. “As long as it is you, I’m okay with anything.”

                “Daehyun!” Zelo reached out to hug Daehyun. “I love—“

                The sound of fabric ripping filled the air, turning the happy occasion into one of fear. Zelo’s eyes widened as Daehyun’s face paled.

                “Back in the—“

                “Yeah!” Zelo ran back into the dressing room.

                In lightning speed, Zelo was changed into his normal clothes, with the ripped dress in his hands.

                “Where is it?” Daehyun whispered as they rushed back out to the floor.

                “On the back…. I think when I went to hug you I stretched the fabric too much.” Zelo’s voice was rising in pitch as he began to freak out.

                 “Your shoulders are much broader than a female’s… I’m surprised you were able to get this on at all.” Daehyun took the dress from Zelo and quickly put it back on the rack. He pushed the other dresses closer so that the slightly, but costly, damage was hidden. “There, all good.”

                “Can I help you with anything?”

                Zelo and Daehyun both about jumped out of their skin at the assistant’s voice.

                Zelo shook his head no, feeling embarrassed.  The assistant was about to walk away when Daehyun spoke up.

                “Actually, yes.” Daehyun pushed Zelo forward. “Do you have a dress that would fit him?”

                The assistant’s eyes widened slightly but it was almost unnoticeable as she dealt with the question like a professional. “We might have something. If you would just follow me, I’ll pick some things out for you.”

                “Daehyun.” Zelo hissed.

                “What? She was asking and you want to wear one, don’t you?”

                Zelo his lips as he thought.

                Daehyun hugged him. “Don’t be embarrassed. Go in there and find the pretty dress. I can’t wait to see you.”

                Zelo searched Daehyun’s face and once he was positive Daehyun was being serious he grinned. He kissed Daehyun’s cheek and ran after the assistant.

                Daehyun chuckled at how cute his fiancée was as he found himself sitting on another couch, but this one was in front of a raised pedestal which was in front of mirrors. He wasn’t as worried this time. Now he was sitting there, excited to see how great Zelo would look, although he was still worried about someone finding the ruined dress, but he tried not to let his thoughts go there.

                Daehyun had been waiting for a few minutes when he heard Zelo yelp. Instantly he was on his feet and his heart was racing. ‘Is something wrong? Should I go back and check? What could happen in a store?’

                Daehyun’s decision was made for him though when he saw Zelo basically running around the corner with a smile on his face. Straightaway, Daehyun felt relieved and allowed himself to take in Zelo’s dress. It was snow white halter dress, the lacy straps were thin and there just to help keep the dress up, with a sprinkle of jewels on the chest area. It fanned out from the waist giving the illusion of curves. Zelo also had on long gloves and a see-through veil which helped bring the image together.

                “What do you think?” Zelo nearly squealed in joy.

                “You look amazing.” Daehyun answered honestly, still trying to take in the image.

                “There aren’t any sleeves and it is stretchy so I can’t rip this one!”

                “This one?” The assistant who followed Zelo out said.

                Zelo’s eyes widened in fear as he looked at his fiancée for help.

                “Ah, we were worried about ripping them because they look so fragile and well, as you have noticed, he has broad shoulders.” Daehyun came up with the excuse on the fly and once again thanked his genetics for giving him the gift of gab.

                Zelo nodded along to Daehyun’s words, not gifted with lying but hoping just the same that the woman would accept it.

                “Yes, finding a dress was difficult but we have pretty much everything here.” The assistant eventually said, completely believing Daehyun. “Did you want to try another on?”

                Daehyun looked at Zelo, to see what he thought.

                Zelo looked at the dress again before beaming at Daehyun. “This is the one.”

                Daehyun chuckled. “This one it is then.”

                Zelo was bouncing as he hugged Daehyun. “I love you.”

                Daehyun tried to hold Zelo still so he wouldn’t damage the dress. He finally grabbed the taller man’s face and kissed him, making Zelo stop moving. Daehyun chuckled as he pulled back. “I love you too and I can’t wait to marry you.”

                Zelo’s smile seemed to be a permanent fixture on his face, even as he kissed Daehyun again. “Me neither… I better go change out of this, so we can go to the next place on our list today.”

                “I’ll go pay for everything.” Daehyun said as Zelo returned to the fitting rooms. Daehyun’s eyes lingered on Zelo until he disappeared, unable to take his eyes off of him.


                Daehyun looked at the new assistant and followed her to the counter. Daehyun groaned as he saw the total amount their purchase was coming to.

                He smiled weakly at the woman behind the counter. “Do you accept credit card?”


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5/21 working on this now! I'll try to have it up tonight ^_^


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marksphuong123 #1
Hi author-nim ^^
The oneshot is so cute!!! Can I have your permission to translate it into vietnamese? I promise to give credit fully to you. Thank you so much <3
Chapter 1: I love the way you wrote Dae's acceptance!! (And Zelo oppa was adorable :) )
Chapter 1: Oh dear gods this is adorable! I love Zelo's enthusiasm and Daehyun's strong support. Wonderful. Thank you.
bdz357998 #4
Chapter 1: Awww daehyun is so sweet to his fiancé but I feel sorry for his wallet lol
Chapter 1: This was cute.
But, to be honest, if you had ended it up at Zelo running after the assistant to find his dress, it'd have been perfect. It was a really cute moment and it marked the acceptance of Daehyun with whichever Zelo's choices are. Idk, I just kind of feel like the rest of it wasn't of great importance for the rest of the story.
But it was still good tho.
Chapter 1: awwww maan =] this was really cute and good =]
Chapter 1: Awh sooo cute!!
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl fluff overload! <3