
99% is better than 100%

People seem to have a love hate relationship with the number 1.

We love number 1 when it's beside our name in a ranking or a competition. 

But we hate number 1 when we see it in the corner of our phones beside the battery.

And our inability to run fast has never seemed so crucial since the track and field days in elementary.


A text. From Heejin. 

Excited for school tomorrow? 

I texted back. 

What kind of question is that? 


I had literally put my phone down when I heard another buzz. Heejin. 

It is a legitimate question you grumpy child. Are mom and dad home yet?

Heejin is my sister, in case you hadn't caught on by now. She's five years older, and yet she acts like she's 4.

When are mom and dad ever not home? When are you coming? Didn't you say 6:30 pm?


STOP BEING SO SASSY. and yea, I'll be home by then I think? I'll have to see if the bus decides to come on time or not. which is like never. SEE YA SOON SIS! HOLLAAAAAA HOMIE!

I smiled and texted back. 


Then I went and put my phone down, and turned to my computer to resume my episode of Running man. 

Kwang soo had just gotten his name tag ripped off, and his theme song played. I laughed. 

Okay, so here's my little introduction. Hi. My name is Kim Miyung. I'm 17 years old, going into gr.12, and I just moved this summer.

Yup, that's right. I moved during my senior year. Now I'm not THAT upset about it, albeit before we left I did throw a crying fit for about a week. But it was all for good reason I guess. You see our family had just won the lottery this summer, about a month prior. I know right? How crazy is that.

But because of that, we packed up and moved. You know to avoid all the media and possibility of getting robbed after all the news on the radio of "a family of 4 in the little town of Hailington won the jackpot last night for $50 million dollars! They have chosen to keep their identity a secret but it has been reported that this family owns a small variety store near the Pixroy and Blizton intersection. Congratulations to said family!" 

Gee. Thank you radio for keeping our identity "a secret". But what can you expect from the media. 

So my mother, being a very very paranoid lady, decided that we needed to move. And so we sold our store, our house, and packed up everything and moved to Libidon, a city just about 4 hours north from Hailington. All in three weeks. 

And now tomorrow came the day I dreaded the most. School. 

I know I know, it's a priviledge to be going to school and receiving an education, YES. I know. I just couldn't help but dread it sometimes but don't get me wrong I am grateful. Otherwise I'd probably sit all day in front of my computer and ruin my eyes, my back, and get a really huge . Not the good kind. I mean like a really big flabby . So in a way, I should thank school. For giving me a chance to have a future in where I'm this super smart engineer and able to create awesome new things to make our world a better place. and for not giving me a flabby . Because school required me to physically go outside, walk to school, walk to classes, and walk back home. 

And now I can hear the front door opening downstairs which probably means that-


-my sister's home. 

And so I went down and greeted her. And our family talked and ate all night. 

I just really hoped I didn't gain back all the weight I had managed to lose this summer in order to get a whole new wardrobe; 12 kg.



I woke up and looked at the time

6:12 am

I groaned but woke up anyways. 

Now I'm not usually a morning person, but I always somehow managed to get up early every year on the first day of school. Probably because I always got so nervous and because this was a new school, it didn't make the situation any less nerve wracking. High school students are cruel man. I mean, they can watch people execute terrible auditions and fail miserably on the X Factor and count that as "entertainment". Personally, I can't watch those. Because watching them gives me second hand embarrassment and I just end up feeling really really bad for them. Cruel I tell you. Those poor contestants.

I went downstairs, ate breakfast (rice + sidedishes), and talked to my parents - who were literally glowing with smiles because we were now rich and I was going to school to learn and become smart again and not waste my time on the computer as I did during the entire summer.  

Anyways, I ended up wearing a simple white T-shirt, with a light blue jean jacket tied around my waist, with simple black leggings, and converse shoes. 

I looked at myself in the mirror, flattened out my hair, and actually? I looked pretty decent for once. (I silently thanked my face for not breaking out any random pimples over night and thanked this summer for giving me a chance to finally lose weight after 5 years of trying. Maybe this year wasn't going to be so bad) 

So before I left to start my 15 minute walk to school, I said bye to my sister and parents, and set off into the fresh air outside which I hadn't visited in probably a week. And they say sitting reduces your life span and that sun is good for you. So I'm probably going to die when I'm 60. But that's thinking on the bright side.

7:28 am

As I started my walk to school, I put both my earbuds in and started listening to Infinite's Last Romeo. And dang did I feel badbutt. (now what I really mean to say is bada** but since my sister has since the beginning of time forbid me to swear, I now have a habit of replacing all swear words, no matter how small or big, with other "appropriate" vocabulary.) 

So as I walked towards my school, it seemed pretty empty on the streets and sidewalks. Thus, I started to dance. As I have a habit of doing. 

And I swear, I bet you i looked awesome. But of course that's what we all think when we dance or sing in public. 

And so I walked / danced all the way to the first stoplight and waited for the traffic light to change. As I was waiting, I saw a shadow come from behind me and a hand with beautiful fingers reached out in front of me to press the pedestrian button or whatever you call it. 



So obviously I looked. and big mistake. 

My eyes were met with another pair of gorgeous looking brown eyes belonging to the face of a very. very attractive boy with straight black hair wearing a snapback backwards. and then he did something which was a total giveaway as to whether he saw me dancing or not. He gave a small smirk and let out a small chuckle. 

He saw. 

And that's all it took for me to look away at the speed of lightening and I tell you. I almost facepalmed myself right there and then. 

And that's when I met him. 

The boy. 

The boy who's name I did not know and did not dare to look at. 

The boy who's name I wish I could type right now for a dramatic end to this morning. but can't. 


Please don't go to my school. 


7:46 am

At the front entrance. 



He goes to my school. 


I really wish I could swear right now. 




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