Episode 3

Roommate: Idol Special
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“Noona, don’t you think we need to contact each other at least three times a day?” Hyunsik suddenly suggests an unexpected idea as they are still in the midst of picking vegetables for tonight’s dinner. “I think we would get to know each other deeper in that way.”

“You mean, both of us?”

Hyunsik seems bemused as a frown spreads across his face. However, a laugh is heard a second later after he has grasped what she meant. “Not only both of us, noona. I mean, everyone in the house.”

“Ah... really?” Victoria feels a shot of embarrassment surges up within herself; cheeks rising crimson red. She grabs the lettuce and tosses it in the trolley, leaving him behind when she starts to move the trolley anxiously.

Despite the bewilderment, Hyunsik catches up with the elder with a happy grin. “Noona, were you listening to what I said just now?”

“I was listening, Hyunsik-ah,” she mutters, hand busily choosing a few cans of tuna. “And speaking of it, I think we should make a chat room. It would be easier that way, wouldn’t it?”

“Ah, you’re right!”

His words receive a smile from her. “Let’s go. I need to find some milk.”

Hyunsik gives her a nod and takes the trolley from her grip. “Do you drink milk, noona?”

“Yes. I always drink it in the morning. Especially the low fat one. It’s good for digestion.” Victoria then flashes him a quizzical look. “What about you? You don’t drink milk?”

“Not really my cup of tea. I tend to feel nauseous whenever I drink it,” says the younger.

She erupts into a big laughter as soon as she shoves two big carton of low fat milk into the trolley. “Really? I thought you’re into milk just like me.”

“Since you’ve know it, I hope you won’t give me milk afterwards.” He emits a chuckle.

“I won’t,” Victoria reassures. “And by the way, I’d love to bombard you with a few questions but I’m afraid that you’d think that I’m prying into your personal life.”

“What kind of questions?”

“Aforementioned,” she states, “about your personal life. Are you okay with it?”

“If it will make you understand me better, then shoot me some.”

“Uhm, what should I ask...” She has a lot of questions to ask in her mind but she simply cannot let them out properly. “Uhm, are you concerned with fashion?”

“I am,” he answers without hesitation. “In fact, I do love to collect small bags in the shape of guitars. It’s suitable for someone like me who loves to play guitar.”

“Oh, you play guitar?”

“I do,” he replies, smiling significantly. “Or do I look like a person who cannot play guitar at all, noona?”

“I didn’t say that!” She seems frantic. “I was just... shocked.”

“I was just kidding, noona.  Don’t take it seriousy” He is really amused to have seen a new, adorable side of the elder. “Still, you look cute when you were in such a rush, noona.”

“Yah, stop embarrassing me!” She merely shrugs him off by lightly whacks his chest. She does not want the younger to sense how embarrassed she is at this very moment. “It’s not funny at all!”

“You really are cute, noona! I really mean it.” Hyunsik puckers his lips when she does not seem to believe him.

“Okay, let’s stop talking about that, Hyunsik-ah,” she urges. “I still have a lot to ask you.”

“Then ask me more, noona. I’d love to answer your little curiosity!”

“If you had a girlfriend, what style of clothes would you like her to wear?”

“It’s really difficult to answer.” Hyunsik has his chin raised, mouth pouting in deep thoughts. “To be honest, she doesn’t have to wear trendy clothes,. As long as she is able to wear something of her own, I think that’s all matters.”

“Ah, really?” Victoria does not have idea that would be his answer. “I thought you’d say she needs to wear trendy, branded clothes or something like that.”

Hyunsik shrugs. “It’s not really important, noona. That thing within the clothes is much more important.”

“You mean, heart?”

“Of course!” He cracks up. “Oh my, you think I’d say about something lewd?”

“No... that’s not what I meant....” She is trapped in her own words. “Then about the girl’s age? What if she were to have a huge gap with you? Would you still date her?”

Hyunsik is about to answer her curiosity before he happens to catch the clandestine meaning behind her words.

He frowns, eyes locking with her intently. “Noona, before that... can I ask you something?”

“What is it?” Victoria looks calm and unaffected as she chews a mint-flavoured bubble gum.

“By any chance, do you like me?”

“We are one! Annyeonghaseyo, EXO imnida!”

Nana blinks her eyes incredulous at three young figures in front of her. She could not believe herself to have them standing in front of  the house right now.

“Y-yes, a-annyeonghaseyo,” she greets with an awkwardly strained voice, instantly bending down to a certain degree. “I’m Nana from After School. Nice to meet you.”

“I know, sunbae-nim!” Baekhyun chirps happily and re-enacts a particular dance point from Orange Caramel’s latest song, ‘Catallena’.

Nana and the rest of EXO guffaw boisterously upon his spontaneous dance. Lu Han, who comes out a second later and much to his surprise, appears dumbfounded to stumble upon s at the house.

“Yah, what are you doing here?” he asks rashly, giving the three members, Baekhyun, Chen and Sehun a rather questioning look.

The female idol nods, agreeing with his question. “I was wondering too. Why are three of you here?”

“Actually, we came to play since we are free until our next schedule at 4,” Chen enlightens on their behalf, “and Lu Han hyung will follow us along.”

“Oh, I see,” says Nana, gesturing them to barge inside. “Why don’t you come in? It looks rude of us to let you stand outside.”

“Thank you,” they say in unison and as soon as they step in the house, they are undeniably mesmerized by the great beauty of the double-storey house. Everything seems perfectly picturesque to their eyes.

“I’m so jealous,” Sehun points out, a long pout is visibly seen. “Lu Han hyung’s so lucky to get to live here! If the past season they called Chanyeol hyung and for this season they should’ve picked me instead!”

“Well, this is my time to shine, Sehun-ah.” The elder only laughs. “By the way, why didn’t the other members come as well? They should’ve come since everyone’s all free at this time.”

“They won’t,” Baekhyun says airily, eyes still wandering around the living room. “They said visiting hyung’s house is boring.”

“How could they!” Lu Han scrunches up his nose. “They should’ve come to pay me a visit.”

Chen shrugs casually. “Hyung, where are the other residents? Aren’t they supposed to be here as well? Why are only two of you here?”

“They went out in pairs and I got paired up with Lu Han oppa,” Nana cuts in a tad faster before the elder is about to speak in response.

Lu Han frowns. “Speaking of which, have you introduced yourself to Nana-ssi?”

“We have, hyung,” Sehun remarks and the rest nod in approval. “Baekhyun hyung even danced to Nana noona’s latest song!”

“Ah, really?” Lu Han scratched the back of his neck, apparently flustered. He, on the other hand, does not know how the dance works.

“Do you guys want to eat because Lu Han oppa and I were actually about to order pizza before you came?” Nana asks.

“Call!” The guys shout simultaneously. “Then we’re going upstairs while waiting for pizza to arrive!”

“Make sure don’t make any mess, or else I’ll literally chase you out at once!” It seems like they do not listen to the older member’s stern reminder and briskly make their way upstairs.

“They’re really noisy, aren’t they?” Lu Han turns to Nana, chuckling amusedly.

She shakes her head, responding to his inquiry after she has done making pizza order. “Rather than saying noisy, they amuse me. You know, you look like a father and they are your kids.”

“Truth be told, they don’t pretty much listen to me,” he explains with a giggle.

 “Oppa,” she starts, lips jutting out at his direction.


“Can I ask you something?”

Interested, Lu Han puts down his cell phone at the edge of the coffee table and turns around at her. “What is it?”

“I’ve been curious about male idols,” leading the latter into utter curiosity. “You know fans of yours write fanfics about you and the other members, don’t you?”

“Of course I know and seriously, I hope they would stop writing about guys liking guys.” He clicks his tongue in distaste. “Tch, what kind of idols like the same gender?”

“I second that!” Nana bursts out laughing. “I mean, why would they write those fanfics?”

“Rather than dating female idols, they would rather prefer us to ‘date’ another member,” he says, obviously used to this kind of question. “By any chance, do your fans write about your liking girls, eh?”

“I don’t have many fans, oppa,’ she chuckles. “But sometimes I see they write me with Lizzy or Uee unnie.”

Lu Han rolls his eyes. “Oh, I see.”

“What about you, oppa? Which members they often ship you with?”

“Sehun and Xiumin. But most of the time, it’s Sehun.”


Production team: It seems like you’ve come to grow closer with Nana-ssi.

Lu Han: I know, right *laughs* I think I should be thankful to my members. If they hadn’t come to the house, we wouldn’t have been able to get rid of the awkwardness.

Production Team: What do you think of her? Are you interested in her?

Lu Han: Rather than saying I’m interested in her, I think she is just like my younger sister. Although she may look chic and distant, she is actually fragile deep within. It feels as if I have the urge to take care of her.

Production Team: Then, is there any girl in the house that piques your interest?

Lu Han: I don’t think so *shakes his head convincingly* I need to get to know them better, though.

“Oppa, should we take a photo?” Nana remarks out of the blue, taking out her cell phone and camera is all ready.

“Should we?” At once, he leans in closer to her and two of them make a happy pose with thumbs-up.

“Where are you going to pose it, Nana-ssi?”

“Instagram,” she states, “do you have one, oppa?”

Lu Han nods fleetingly. “@luexolu.”

She quickly searches for his username and hits the ‘follow’ button at once. “I’ve followed you, oppa.”

“@jin_a_nana,” he voices out her username after approves her follow request. Afterwards, he hits ♥ at their photo Nana has just uploaded.

“Why are you two sitting so close to each other?” causing them to break apart in an instant. They do not know the three members of EXO are already downstairs.

As if on cue, Nana gets up and sprints to the doorway as it seems like the pizza delivery has arrived through the sound of house bell. Well, that is such a relief; she does not have to face them with that scorching red face of hers.

“It’s fortunate that we come at this time, right?” Yoona blurts out as soon as they reach the hypermarket. Although it is in the midst of peak hour, people are apparently lesser than usual.

L nods in approval and he goes straight to the trolley section to get one. “It’d be nice to have a shopping date today, noona.”

Yoona, who is busily texting Victoria upon their arrival, jerks her head in surprise. She turns to the younger, looking wonderstruck. A second later, she lets out a quite strident laugh of amusement. “A shopping date? Are you kidding, Myungsoo?”

“What would you say if I’m being serious?”

She flicks the ‘send’ button and shoves her cell phone into her pocket. “You’re not serious at all, Myungsoo. I can sense it.” She then flips the shopping list open. “Now, let’s look at the list of things that we need to buy.”

L heaves a sigh and nods sluggishly. “Alright, noona. What they want us to buy?”

“Laundry basket, apron, garbage plastic, broom and hangers,” she mouths directly, “and before I forget, Nana asked me to buy a phone charger. She forgot to bring hers yesterday.”

“Noted,” the visual answers. “But why do we need hangers? I guess everyone already has their own wardrobes.”

Yoona shakes her head lightly. “I don’t know. Perhaps, they need for other purpose? Uhm, well... I really have no idea. Anyway, let’s just buy hangers.”

“Okay, noona.”

“Let’s buy this one since it’s pretty cheap!” Almost immediately, Yoona spots the hangers with the cheap label tag right after they land at the clothing section.

“Fine, let’s take this one.” L takes the blue and pink one. “Blue for guys and pink for girls.”

Then, they wander around the other sections to search for phone charger for Nana but in the long run, they find nothing.

“Let’s just ask that ahjumma.” L points his finger to the ahjumma who is apparently the worker in front of them. He pushes the trolley to her direction and Yoona tags along behind.

“Excuse me but where can I look for phone charger?”

The middle-aged woman turns her eyes to them and gives them a bewildered look as she listens to the young guy’s question. “Oh, you can find it at the accessory section. Two blocks from here.”

“Really? Thank you very much, ahjumma.” L looks at Yoona and they are about to leave the scene before the woman calls them up.

She blinks her eyes. “Are you two couple?”

He blushes slightly upon her remark. He scratches his neck bashfully and asks her back, “Do we look like we’re dating?”

“Kind of,” she answers absentmindedly with a nod.

“Yes, we are!” He laughs and casually slings his arm around the elder’s neck, as though they were really dating.

Yoona bites her lip in embarrassment and immediately throws his arm away. “How could you say we’re dating?” She eyes the younger with a furious gaze before turning back to the old woman. “No, we’re not, ahjumma. He was merely joking.”

L finds himself panting breathlessly whilst catching up with her who has practically runs off right after she bids the middle-aged woman goodbye.

“Noona, why are you running away?” He holds her arm as he manages to catch her.

“I’m embarrassed! You shouldn’t have said we’re dating, you know. People will get the wrong idea and tell you what, there are fans following us. What if they happen to overhear what you have just said?”

“I’m sorry.” He pouts. “I was just fooling around.”

“I know you were just fooling around... so please don’t do this next time, okay?” Yoona says and the latter reassures her with a smile.


Production team: Were you really just joking, L-ssi?

L: *seems hesitated for a second* Of course I was joking! Was it seemed real?

Production Team: Unfortunately, yes.

L: *laughs* It was really a joke, seriously! Just so you know, I really am fond of Yoona noona. However, to the extent I wanted to date her is a big no-no.

Production Team: Are you sure? You look like you were lying, though.

L: I’m not lying. Maybe I will look at her as a woman sooner of later *chuckles*

Along the way to the accessory section, they keep chatting to each other so comfortably as if they have been friends for years. Yoona is indeed astonished to have known that L has this talkative side of him. He was rather being silent when they met for the first time this morning. They all said he was tired because of his group’s impending comeback but Yoona has the different opinion.

“To be honest, noona... I was actually paired up with Nana noona.”

A frown sweeps across her face. “What... do you mean? I don’t get a thing.”

“During the pairing selection, I got Nana noona but instead, I changed papers with Lu Han hyung who happened to get your name.” He looks excited as he unfolds the truth.


Production team: Did you expect that, Yoona-ssi?

Yoona: I really have no idea. I mean, I was wondering to myself. Why would he do that? Nana is a good girl. He could’ve gone out with her.

Production Team: It would make sense that he deliberately did that was just to show you that he is really interested in you.

Yoona: *suddenly laughs* What are you saying? He is interested in me?

“Why would you do that?” Yoona raises an eyebrow. “I mean, I couldn’t find any specific reason for you to go out me today, seriously.”

“I like you, noona,” he professes, eyes staring at her keenly. “I swapped papers with Lu Han hyung only to get close to you. Can’t you see that?”

Yoona does not know how to reply; she is awfully astounded of his sudden confession. Well, he has said this before so she is not really surprised. She is just flustered and fidgeting restlessly. This situation really makes her squirm in anxiety.

So instead, she just flees from the scene and inevitably, leaving the younger male dumbfounded.

“I’ll do the order, okay?” Without further ado, L.Joe grabs the menu on the table before the girl could do anything.

Eunji grins. “Alright then.”

“You eat anything, right?” When she nods in approval, L.Joe instantly places order to the waitress. He positively knows the food he has ordered would fit to her liking.


Production team: What was your impression when you watched him order on your behalf?

Eunji: I was startled *stops to chuckle* I’ve gone out to eat with guys a few times, but they never ordered for me. Indeed, he is a gentleman.

“Are you okay with this place, Eunji-ssi?”

Briskly, she surveys the surrounding of the renowned Japanese restaurant before coming up with a nod. “I like it. I rarely got to eat Japanese cuisine so I should be thankful to you,” she trails off to let out a laugh, “though there are people looking at us so intently.”

“We should’ve put on disguise in the first place,” L.Joe comments upon glancing over them who are probably their fans; they are even standing not too far from their table and taking their pictures so vigorously.

“I know, right?” Eunji chuckles. “I hope they won’t upload to SNS and say stuffs like we’re dating whatsoever.”

“I hope so...”

Their conversation has to put on hold as the waitress appears again at their table to serve meals.

“Eunji-ssi,” he softly enunciates her name, taking a small sip from his cold green tea before proceeding with, “do you want to know me better?”

Her eyes widen as she gazed at him quizzically, slowly putting back the wooden chopsticks in the plate. “What do you mean by that?”

“You still don’t know me very well, right?”

She nods, dumbfounded. “I guess so.”

“Thus, I’m giving you a search chance,” he speaks, “you can search for my profile on Google to find out more about myself.”

“Shall I?” she says, the tone of hers sounds quite hesitated. “I can do the search right now?”

L.Joe tilts his head adorably and smiles. “One minute.”

“Lee Byunghun, 22 years old, lived in California for five years-”

He cuts her in, “I lived there wh

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[Roommate] : 9th episode will be updated within December. Please be patient, okay?


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MingyusPampers #1
Please update
sunshine234 #2
if you want to make snsd come as guest please let hyoyeon be one of them. anyway, i love your story and it's feel real.
problematicjane #3
Chapter 10: UNNIEEEEE T_T WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO UPDATE THIS STORY T_T Its been 7-8 months already T_T
Snowyhappy #4
Is yoona going to be paired up with myungsoo? Update soon
Louie127 #5
Chapter 13: Wait you delete chapter 11?
Chapter 13: Unnie~ please update more <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: Is this real or is it fake about the story because u know the comments on the Allkpop thing says that they have been watching the show.
Kpop912 #8
Unnie~ update~ update
deandra15 #9
Chapter 12: Can you update the story
Louie127 #10
Chapter 8: Well, if he really leaving the show :( yoona and nana gonna be lonely