BFF in Korea

Fan Meets Kang Myu Gul

I couldn’t believe what I am actually seeing. I Meilan Dao, a certified Kpopper from the beautiful country of the Philippines is standing at the very alley of the place I have been dreaming and daydreaming: SEOUL!


It took Chaera five times of brutal nudging until I got my MALFUNCTIONAL brain working again.   


“OMO.” I blurted out.


Chaera just smiled. So much with keeping her cool.  



“Have you chosen your personal English tutor from the list I have given you?” the stern manager asked his favorite star.

“Yeah. The tango girl.” he answered

The manager checked the tango girl the young man is referring. Then he found a tacky resume and a fatty girl smiling at the photo.

Displeased, he asked the young man again. “Why? This lady seems to be inexperienced at all. And mind you, we need a good tutor for this upcoming movie of yours.”

“She seemed fine.” He just answered.

“Choose another.”

“I am curious about the tango thing she is talking about. I think there is no harm in it.” he countered.

“We are not playing here Jang Geun Suk!” the manager raised his voice.

“I don’t want another stiff tutor. It’s not helping me. Then let’s replace her if I ain’t improving.”

“Replace her fast.” The manager left Jang Geun Suk smiling from ear to ear for winning the argument.

This is gonna be fun. He thought.         


“Ok. So where are we going?” I asked Chaera when I noticed we are circling around the same place.

“We are lost.” She pouted.


So I looked around and grabbed the map and the address she is holding.

“Should we take the taxi?” I grinned.

“Yah!” she shouted before adding. “We are broke remember? Thanks for bragging me at Divisoria.” she sighed.


Few people are passing around us. And we are like some kittens that have been thrown out somewhere and can’t seem to find our way back. And just in time I spotted a traffic officer. YES!


I walked toward him, put on my prettiest smile (Hope it will work!)

“Excuse me, can you show us the direction going to this place?” I asked.

The poor traffic officer looked at me intently. Then mumbled something in Korean like. “Ehaga andweyo agassi.” OMG! He can’t understand me. Thankful enough watching Korean drama 24/7 on my bum days have made me learn some Korean language. Sigh.      


So I asked again “Ajussi, odessoyo?” praying hard that I have spoken it correctly. And when he smiled I felt relieved. He then mumbled again something in Korean then pointed on a certain bus and exclaimed. “Pallyi.”


Chaera and I bowed at him and chorused. “Thank you. Kamsahamnidda.”  And we both rushed to the bus he is pointing at. I stopped dead when I realized Koreans have different way of paying their fair. I am just thankful that my friend’s brain is working normally that she has already prepared for the situation.


And hail! We arrived at the destination sound and alive. Just about 2 minutes late. But I guess it is ok, RIGHT?? See my friend and I got lost.

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