The BUM got a JOB

Fan Meets Kang Myu Gul

My precious... my precious...


“Oh.” I answered my phone reluctantly, I know its Chaera again.  

“Gurl, are you heading for your interview?”


“Good Luck.”

“Thanks. I just hope my pretty little horn won’t annoy them and flunk me. OMO!”

“Little horn??”

“Yep. My very loving brother gave me a present, just a little pretty horn on my big fat head.” I explained sarcastically.

“If it was me, I would have given you a bigger one.”

“Yah! Are you even my friend?” I almost shouted gaining attention from other jeepney passengers. OMO. I am a scene stealer. Thanks to my friend. Is she? I am starting to doubt.   


Then a click. She HANGED ON ME!!!! OMO! Ok. I also hanged the phone abruptly a while ago. Were even.


I crossed my fingers as I enter the building. A pretty female Korean manager welcomed me. I breathed in and breathed out. Ok this is it. I need to have a job.  


She looked at my resume. Actually there’s nothing to brag about it. Just that ok, I am a nursing graduate. And I know what’s playing on her mind. Why on Earth is this fatty applying for an English tutor when she is not even an education major. Great. Then the interrogation interview began.


Q: Tell me something about yourself

Me: Hi, I am Meilan Dao. 21 years old, took up Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Clarendon Montesorri College, a fresh graduate. Blah.. blah blah... And I am a Kpop fan.


Oh, the manager smiled. So that made the trick. So I added the crazy antics I have been doing as a Kpop fan such as doing fanfictions, reading blogs about Korean entertainment, watching Korean movies and dramas. Etc.


And Kyaaaaah! I found myself a JOB. I am no longer a bum. I am now a certified Korean English tutor. 

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