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CHAPTER 24 Maybe-Dana Filming with Seonwoo Jaedok sunbae, who serves as Taejoon’s father, was yet another delighting and honorable feeling. With his undeniable acting experiences, I really am astonished by the way he deliver his part. It’s not awkward and fake and often I learn so much from him and he also gives me some tips on how to manage a more convincing expressions. It’s daebak. Right now, I am heading back to the main set to shoot again, a wet scene with Sulli. Thank God it is summer that I am more than willing to have a swim at night. As we come close to the destination, I rubbed my eyes and am trying to keep myself awake. Fatigue has already reached my system. I kept dozing off to this van but somehow this is already a familiar feeling and all I need is coffee and a bit of Sulli. I still have no official plans on how I should court her. Though I really have this ambitious idea in mind. I too cannot believe how this pierced into my head. Call me old fashion or what, but I am currently deciding to place the course of my courtship in Sulli’s home. I know, I know. It’s ridiculous how I would want to barge into her house and her family. But isn’t that how real guys do it? Though I fear her parents would not like me and her older brothers. Besides, that is not only the problem with this relationship there are actually three: I am afraid that guy still possess some evil plan pending, my shawols who surely are gonna be mad when they found out I am dating someone, and of course the no-dating-labelmates policy in SM. God, I am aware that I am off to a very big trouble but I’d rather face these challenges than to give up. I let out a deep exhale of insanity. It’s insane how humans’ life revolve around love and attraction. Attraction felt for other people which leads to a lot of struggles and reasoning. Love, I suppose, is the entire reason of our absurd existence. For the last hour of preparation for the next scene, we have discussed and laughed our exhaustions out. And now that we are all geared up we are just waiting for the director’s ‘Go’ signal. “So, dude, how’s it going?” Sangchu, not the dog, but Sangchu of Mighty Mouth is joking around with Sulli. He has become the comic subject in the set everytime he attends the taping for his cameo. It is amusing how he makes other people so alive with his funny remarks and actions. He picked up the doll, which is a replica of Sulli, and did some embarrassing things with it. Sulli, on the other hand can’t stop laughing. I am almost getting jealous of how she can be so cheered up by this guy. Haneul joined the two and the instinct of protecting Sulli with so many boys surrounding her creeped in, but I can’t seem to move. I’ve been paralyzed and meditating with myself all throughout the preparation time. “Minho~ya! Break a leg!” Hyunwoo sits down with me. He knows that I am already getting nervous about the CPR scene. “Anyway, don’t be too agitated and excited because Jun kamdongnim won’t let you
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just WOW! aside from being HOT some times it was so beautiful and sweet!
thank u for this lovely story dear auther,So real and So Desirable...
jhanehojas #2
Chapter 41: oh my g!its reaIIy amazing happy ending cant get enough to re read it more and more tnx authornim ,pIease continue to write minsuI no matter what authornim,i just Iove them so much.....tnx again authornim
Chapter 41: KYAAAAAA OMG! It is very very awesome story my dear author. Reading this sequel is putting very most idiotic grin ever on my face. It feels so real. I freaking love it so much. LOVE IT.
"In the end, it will still be us no matter how it seems like it is almost impossible." This is my most favorite line ever. I pray everything will turn out real like your fic and I'm are sure going to be the most happiest shipper on earth, not just me but all minsul's fans, even if by then there would probably be a few left hehe... Thank you so much for this great story. You are really talent. Hopefully after this story, you will continue to write minsul story. Btw I've missed you and your story. I'm happy to see your update finally. I'm looking forward for the last sequel. Again, thank you so much. Take care my dear :)
elizaot5 #4
Chapter 38: I loved this chapter! hahaha What a naughty couple. Can't wait for the wedding.
Chapter 38: Authornim, please update again. ^-^
varhalaela #6
Chapter 38: Wah wah sepertinya minsul tidak sabar....tunggu dulu sebentar lagi kalian menikah..kekee
jhanehojas #7
Chapter 38: tnx authornim great progress for both minsul too excited the wedding tnx again
Chapter 38: Aww that's sweet of them. Minho, this reader surely doesn't mind if you plan to make babies from now. Love the update dear authornim. More more soon please. Thank you.
naeminsul #9
Chapter 38: I don't mind if they have a baby before the wedding, hehehe. Thanks authornim for your update :))
Hawaali #10
Chapter 38: nicely done Authornim let them get married first