Help Has Arrived+ Yo Seob and Jessica?!

I'm Nothing Without You

"Boss, there's 30 minutes" the follower reminded

"What's taking him so long?!" the angry boss shouted, he looked at you with an evil smirk on his face "or… he really want me to kill you"

"Shut up" you said loudly

"Wae?? You don’t believe me?? If he really loves he would be here in no time" he said and your cheek

"TAKE YOUR FILTHY HAND OFF HER!!" Yong Guk shouted entering

"Oppa" you whimpered

He looked at you and his blood boiled, seeing you all tied up, and blood dripping coming out of your forehead "you bastard, what did you do to her?" he grabbed his collar, and smacked him hard against the wall


The others hurried, pulled him, he punched one and kicked the other

There were many of them, and he couldn’t take them all

He flied kicked one, and a man came with a steel bar in his hand and hit him on his back

"Yong Guk oppa" you shrieked,  trying hard to untie your hands

He fell on the ground, and was being kicked by all of them

The boss smirked and went to his way, the men cleared his way "pathetic" he kicked him in his guts

"Stop it" you yelled, untied your legs fast and pushed him strongly

His head bombed into the wall hard, he clutched into his head tightly "you " he shouted, and took out his gun pointing it at you

He was about to press, but quickly Yong Guk stood in front of you protecting you "if you want to kill her, you'll have to go through me first"

"Oppa" you said shocked

"I'll just kill you both" he smirked

"STOP" Yo Seob, Jessica, Lee Joon, Min shouted entering

"Who are you?" the boss said

"Were here to help" they said confidently sending the whole gang into laughs

About 15 police men entered after them pointing their guns on the men

They stopped laughing, and immediately got on their knees raising their hands

"look who's laughing now!!" Lee Joon said laughing and high-fived Min

Yong Guk turned to you "were safe now, don’t worry" he cubed your face gently, and wiped your cheeks that was stained with tears, you hugged him tightly "oppa, I was really scared"

"Shh… its ok I'm here" he comforted you

"Oppa" you looked at him in the eye "I found out why you left me 2 years ago…. You could’ve told me first"

"Mianhae ~~~~-ah, I admit that I made the wrong decision by leaving you and I won't do it ever again will you forgive me?" he said desperate

"Of course" you smiled wiping your tears

He grinned happily and gave you another tight hug, as you were hugging him, you saw Yo Seob

That was standing a little further behind him

He smiled softly *it's ok ~~~~-ah, don’t worry about me*

You smiled back "thank you" you mouthed him








"~~~~~-ah, look at the detective isn’t he hot" Jessica said and looked at Jaejoong

Yo Seob snorted as he felt sudden anger "no he's not"

A playful smile appeared on Lee Joon's face "ohhhh I smell jealousy"

"I...I'm not jealous" Yo Seob stuttered

"Your stuttering and that’s mean you ARE jealous" Min pointed at his face and giggled

He frowned "I said I'm not"

"Jessica, why is your face red?" Yong Guk asked grinning

They all turned to her, Min and Joon burst into laughs

Jessica met eyes with Yo Seob, and quickly looked down embarrassed 

*Yo Seob and Jessica… never thought of it but they do look cute together* a wide smiled appeared on your face



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smileondesy #1
Chapter 40: I read them all like a one shot [long] story LOL
I kept continues reading the next chapter coz they were so interesting and I'm glad that I found your story when they had already finished so I don't need to wait the next story or how it'll end :D
Keep writing !
Oh! I'm sad it ended! T.T But I'm happy they are together *-* Great fanfic!! <3
Unwantedgirl- #4
I have a feeling that something bad will happen...Please don't kill yong guk or something like that T_T
thank you for reading ^^ !!
you're story is very interesting! :)
update!!!! I cant wait for the next few chapters!!!! raghhhhhh! I enjoy reading it! :)
Unwantedgirl- #9
New reader here !! ^^ <br />
I'm sure Hye jin has something to do with the gang thing...she coincidently was there when he was talking with them ? I don't think so...XP I hate her !<br />
<3 update soon~