We Believe in You. I Believe in You

[Kris One-shot] We Believe in You. I Believe in You

I can't believe with what i heard a minute ago.

Kris will leave EXO??? Are you joking right? It just a fake rumor that media and anti-fan always spreaded, right?

Okay, maybe i'm overreacted about this. But my heart beat so fast now while i'm surfering my browser, searching about that news and wish that just a fake rumor. As usual. 

My tear drops are falling as i read the news about it. Yeah right Kris will leave the company which is he will leave the EXO also.

Oh i wish i live in Seoul so I could go to SM building to see what happen actually. but unfortunately me. I live in a country that far far far away from Seoul. aish it makes me depressed. The one and only thing i can do is stalking on twitter, browsing more for get more news about it, and checked the EXO's instagram. 

The news haven't revealed by Both SM and Kris,yet. Oh i wish this damn rumor not right. How could you imagine EXO without Kris??? They're would be OT12 not OT11.

I yawned wide. Since the news haven't reveAled yet, i will sleep and hope this rumor just a rumor tomorrow.


Oh no... The news about Kris will leave EXO updates on a portal news site in my country. Aaahh~ that's why i couldn't sleep properly last night. I had a bad dream which Chanyeol and Baekhyun appeared in my dream. 

I read a tweet from one of an EXO's fan in China who said that she saw Kris in a coffee shop wear his sunglasses and his eyes swollen. Was he cried? He must be so sad and broken more than i could feel. 

And Sehun which started active posted on Instagram haven't update since this rumor spreaded. He might be so sad and broken, too. I really want to know what happen in SM Building. And i really want to stay beside them and make them feel better.

but what can i do?

i'm just a fan of them. They even didn't know me. 

All i can do now is praying the best for the rest of EXO. i wish they will be strong face this problem. because I believe on them. I believe in Kris. Whatever the reasons Kris made this decision, i only wish this is the best for him. because i believe in Kris.


"the place where i can't touch you and can't even hold you

what's shining under the surface is not the person

your sad story that can't come true"

and i crying again while listening EXO's song - Moonlight

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Chapter 1: Amazing!! <3!!! I know how you feel!
singsongsungjong #2
I loved this! Well done ^^