Screw This.






Kai looked up. His fingers were intertwined, and his chin rested on his hands, giving him a cool-headed, nonchalant sort of appearance. “Come in,” he said, inclining his head at the pale girl standing right in front of him. He mentioned with one hand. “Sit down.”


“Well?” Kai’s smile, dangerous without him trying, was all white teeth. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”


“We need to talk. About that matter.”


Kai smirked. “I am well aware of that. Thought we already resolved that.”


“No. You said no.” She frowned.


“There you go. You know the answer to that question already.” Kai rose to his feet. He was taller than most boys his age, and there was a certain confidence, a certain casual elegance in the way he stood.


“Please Sir. I really need to pay off my debts, I-“


“Miss. Eunji, I suggest you keep your private matter to yourself. I’m sure you don’t want me to go blabbing about it in the near future, now- do you?”


Eunji’s eyes flashed. She had known Kai, has heard long enough about the president to know what that statement could mean. One wrong push, and her lifetime career would be over in just a blink of an eye. She doesn’t care though, not about that. But she does really need his money.


“Sir! With all the respect, I-“


“I’m afraid, I don’t have much time to waste on something as trivial as this. Now, will you excuse me,” His eyes travelled down to her nametag, “Miss. Eunji, I’d rather be somewhere else than here.” He straightened.




Kai turned, picked up his phone on the table, and flicked it open to see the screen. His lips instantly twitched, eyes darkened as his eyes rested on the text that he has just received.


He continued to look at his phone, before shifting his eyes to the girl now standing right behind him. His eyes seemed to address her figure before settling down on dark her eyes. “Say miss Eunji, what would you do to get the money?”


Eunji’s eyes widened with hope.


“Regarding the money matter, if you so demand it, perhaps I could help you?” His smile had a secretive sort of edge to it, like it was full of secrets he had no plans to share.


She looked at him with complete appreciation.


“Thank you! Thank you so much, sir. I-“


“Miss Eunji.”


She stopped. Kai was studying her, and she was suddenly very aware of being alone with him. She flushed. “Yes?”


He took a step forward and, came to a halt in front of her. This close, he could smell her and she didn’t smell like any of the women he’d known, of expensive make up or perfume. “You don’t think I’m doing this for free, do you?” His lips were next to her hear.


“Let go of me,” Eunji said, shoving him back. He caught both of her arms with ease, holding them against the wall.


“So, how much do you need, Eun-ji?” This time, his voice had authority.


“Let go of me!”


He laughed. The sound was silken and dangerous. “You could have as many as you want, you know.” He was still holding her there so she couldn’t get away, but he did not kiss her, did not touch her in any other way. She’d come to him. They all did. “I have influence. Money. What was it that you need to take care of? Ah- debt?”


He smiled, and then he whispered into her ears, “I could easily take care of that.”


“Who do you think,” her voice was suddenly cold and, for a moment, Kai’s eyes widened. Then they were cool, again. “You’re talking to?” She twisted her arm, ripping it free of him, her breather fast and furious. Her hair had come undone, and her eyes were shining with anger. “Do you think you can do whatever you want just because I need your money?”


Screw it. Screw this. She slapped him across the face, hard, and before Kai could recover, she had left, banging the door of his office shut behind her. 

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