Forever as One



A/N Enjoy...^^

It's been two weeks. Two weeks since Kris has been avoiding Tao. There was no words exchanged or physical contact. It was like Kris was trying to shun Tao out of his life but there's no way that these two can be separated that long. They're stuck like glue.

"Tao." Kris called from their shared room.

"Coming!" Tao yelled from the couch where he was playing on his phone, and went their room.

"Hey you." Tao smiled and sat next to him on the soft familiar bed. 

There was silence. So the younger took this time to admire his boyfriend's handsome face. He didn't look too happy though. His eyes that were once glinted with love and passion, were dead and lost, covered with deep dark eye circles. His face that glowed and was flawless, was now pale and stained with tears. His lips that displayed a playful smirk or a genuine smile was replaced with a sadden frown.

"Gege, what's wrong?" Tao asked gently before placing his warm hands onto Kris's back, rubbing soothing circles.

"I'm sorry!" He screamed and landed his head onto Tao's lap, sobbing and shedding his hidden tears.

The words 'I'm sorry' was repeated. Tao ran his slender fingers through Kris's hair and massaging his scalp to at least calm him down.

"Shhh....just let it out." Tao whispered.

After a few minutes, Kris sobs died down. He let whimpers from time to time. 

"Kris?" Tao broke the silence. Kris said nothing, instead he tightened his grip on Tao's torso, nuzzling his face on the younger's stomach.

"Kris babe...Please tell me..." Tao's pleaded, his own voice breaking before him. 

He couldn't bare seeing Kris in such a state like this. It was actually really rare for him to break down. Kris would usually keep his -face and cold personality. But when his wall break, a side of him just takes over. A side that people would never see except for Tao. 

"I'm sorry..." Kris mumbled

"Yifan." Tao called and pushed Kris up to see his depressed side.

His eyes were blood shot red and puffy from crying.

"Please talk to me." He laid his forehead against his, feeling the older's warm breath on his face.

Kris took a deep breath and looked up to his lover with a piercing gaze.

"I'm leaving." Kris whispered. 

Tao's eyes widened. 'Leaving?' He thought. Everything seemed fine. They just had a comeback that went wll. Sure they had to wake up early and work their asses off but, no one gave up and all of them were determined to have a good, smooth comeback. Beside, if Kris had any problems, he would tell Tao and yell while hitting the wall throughout the whole night. Why would he choose to leave after 3 years of being in Exo?

"Duizang... " That's all Tao could mutter. 

His best friend, role model, leader, and most importantly, his lover is leaving. Fresh new tears escaped his dark brown eyes. He placed his hands gently onto Kris's face.  

"Did I do something wrong? I-if I did I'm-"

"No it's not you Tao." Kris interrupted.

"Then what?!" Tao screamed, startling Kris.

Tao hugged him, asking for forgiveness for using such a tone, which he received by getting a peck on the lips.

"I'm leaving because I just can't take it anymore! The pressure of being a leader, the stress, the saesang fans, and so much more that I can't list them all. They're treating me like ! They're treating me as if I'm an object. I'm a ing human for 's sake but these bastards don't seem to know that!" He took a deep breath. 

"B-but gege! We need you! Who's going to take care of the group and make sure we're right on time? Who's going to rap beside me? Who's going take a shower with me when I'm scared? Who's going to be there when I have nightmares? Who's going to be there when I cry? Who's-" Before Tao knew it, his waist was wrapped around by those familiar arms that held him every night. 

Tao was already sobbing and crying his heart out, praying to every God out there to make Kris stay. He needed Kris like he needed oxygen.

"Yfan gege. Please don't leave. Exo needs you. I need you." He whispered the last part, but was still heard by the elder. 

"I'm sorry my love. I tried to bare the pain. I stayed for us. I didn't want us to separate but I was getting tormented day by day. I couldn't take it anymore so I asked the company to terminate my contract. Please understand. But remember, no matter where I am, my love for you will remain until we see each other again. Exo will stay until the last member standing." Tao held him tighter, crying harder than ever.

His tears were staining Kris's grey T-shirt but he didn't care. 

"Hey, come on. Don't cry." Kris cooed and lifted Tao's chin with his two fingers.

He leaned down and placed a breath taking kiss onto his lips. Kris Tao's bottom lip, asking for an entrance, which was granted less than a second. They both fought for dominance until Tao gave up and let Kris play the dominant. Tao actually didn't mind, He just wanted to savor the kiss like it was the last, but he knew it is the last. The kiss was gentle, soft, not going over the limit. They poured out foreign feelings into the kiss. Tao pulled Kris closer to deepen the kiss, They both separated but never leaving their loving and sad gazes.

"I love you Huang Zitao."

"As I love you Wu Yifan." Kris held Tao's waist tighter, afraid that if he let go, he would never see his lover ever again.

"If you do leave, do promise to visit us? Or have a comeback with us so we could be the REAL Exo again?" Tao asked.

Kris chuckled. "Yes I promise. Nothing could separate the 12 of us. We are Exo."

Tao nodded and pecked his lips.




"...We are one."

A/N Well here it is. *Sigh... Just ignore the mistakes and yeah. Have you seen that one post where Tao opened the window for the fans to listen to him sing and he was crying and screaming out of fustration. I feel really heartbroken, I'm not even kidding. I cried after reading that and when Suho was alone on the Mcountdown to accept the award. He looked like he was about to cry that I just wanted to hug him. I don't want this. Seriously, can just SM apologize to Exo? The galaxies are going against SM that they don't even have to take things too far. It's just getting us more pissed off. UGHHHH ing SM...





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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 1: Saddening.
Chapter 1: I liked this a lot, yeah it's true that the fact that kris is leaving makes me sad, but it's even worse to see him suffer.
Chapter 1: *sobs* Oh gosh...
Where did you read that post about Tao crying and screaming? That's just so heart-wrenching.
Can everyone just stop this and go back to how it was before? When they just started as 12 boys with out to fulfill their dreams?
I wish Tao could use his time control powers to go back in time and change everything...
sshineexo501 #4 are right...I honestly think that all the other members were forced to do those things...Its impossible to turn their back on him just like...WE, his fans will support him and members forever....
I really look forward to your story...update soon and cheer up....<3 Kris
It's impossible to be turning your back against your brothers so quickly ok! And all that nonsense about betrayal and crap - no, just no.
My sister fights with my parents every now and then and I've never even thought about disowning her or whatever. -,,,- It's better to do nothing and pray for them to patch up rather than taking sides and fueling .
Anyway, end of rant.

Sorry for that! I'll be looking forward to this story! Please don't be depressed anymore ok cheer up WE MUST BELIEVE IN THE GODLY KRIS.