N e w s 0 2

{ N E W S } EXO-M Kris

n e w e s t u p d a t e s Ü

Time : While ago


UPDATE : Kris no longer active in EXO activities in the future
With his lawsuit against SM Entertainment being processed, Kris' side reveals that Kris will not be joining his fellow EXO members in their promotions and activities in the future.
Recently, EXO-M appeared on Chinese CCTV Global music program to promote 'Overdose' and even won their 1st trophy, but it seems like that would be his last stage. Furthermore, fans could expect that 11 members of EXO are going to perform on their first solo concert on May 23 to 25, excluding Kris.

resourse : dkpopnews

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( 2o14 / o5 / 15 ) I will keep update :) Thank you for subscribing to keep on the updates of Kris :)


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Hello there. I got a news from SM Wechat and I need your help now. SM's Wechat sent me this message and Chinese...Duh I can't understand it..So I need your help to translate this thing and yeah,you can post it too. Here's the news.

5月16日上午,宋秉洋公开发微博 支持吴亦凡,写道“亦凡,欢迎回 家!”并在原文中描述:“昨天到现 在,有质疑的声音,也有很多很多的 关心亦凡的人。对于吴亦凡的决定, 我作为同样在韩国待了7年而离开的 音乐人,完全能体会他离开的苦衷。 同时作为他多年的好朋友,我不希望 时常看到他因为过度的心理压力和劳 累,让身体不堪重负,甚至现在连心 脏都出现了严重的问题。我只是希望 大家能理解和支持吴亦凡,在这

Thank you . By the way,I got this news just a few minutes ago
Chapter 13: how come u r so sure that what suho said is made up by manager? n that comversation between the member too?
rated-x #3
Chapter 13: you do realise that half the things you post are just rumours?
Chapter 12: Is that conversation real?
jiosne #5
Chapter 12: So... is he leaving?
Sfivanyang #6
Chapter 12: Is the conversation between the members true or it's just a make up by their fans ??
Hunhan_Exok_Exom #7
Chapter 12: how did you know about this conversation?
baekhyunniexoxo #8
Chapter 10: Kris :')

Because 12 - 1 = 0 , 6 + 6 = 1