
100% Synchronized

Chaerin frustratingly scanned her room. She turned their whole apartment over to look for her charm bracelet, but she couldn’t find it anywhere

“Yedam-ah did you really not see my bracelet anywhere?” she sadly asked.

“Noona, I didn’t see it for days already. You must have lost it somewhere else” he answered.

“How will I find it? Appa and Eomma gave me that bracelet. It already had charms given by the most important people in my life?” she said. Tears began falling from her eyes.

“Noona, are you crying?” he concernedly asked.

Chaerin didn’t respond. She stood up and locked herself in her room. She felt stupid for crying in front of her brother just for a lost bracelet but she treasured that thing so much because it was the last thing she had received from her parents before the accident that killed them. Losing it made her scared that someday, she might not remember them anymore.


Tao was sitting in a VIP table at Galaxy bar. He often hanged out there alone since Kris was too busy with his work. But this night he was excited because Tiffany would be coming.

“Hey! Sorry I’m late” Tiffany greeted once she was near him.

“It’s alright” he received a hug from her and helped her to her seat.

“So you’re here alone huh? That’s different” she began.

“Yeah, it’s sad. My friends all have their thing and then Kris is busy handling two projects”  he responded.

By the mention of Kris, Tiffany’s heart beat sped up. She hasn’t seen or talked to him for almost two weeks and she was dying to know how he was doing, so she gave in to Tao’s invitation so that she could ask him about Kris.

“I heard Kris oppa is is doing two huge ones. How is he?” she hesitantly asked.

“Well, he is fine. I guess” he answered. “Anyway, how are you? What are you busy with these days?”

Tiffany was disappointed with the immediate change in topic but she shook it off. “I’m busy with opening up my own clothing line” she briefly answered and went back to the topic she likes, “Is Kris oppa taking care of himself? You know how he gets overworked when he focuses too much.”

“Yeah, I know. He is fine.” His answers are becoming short and his tone sounded a little annoyed so he forced out a new topic. “Wow! Your own clothing line? You should’ve told me. I can sign you in under Wu Fashion” he was enthused but the mention of Kris made lessen his enthusiasm a bit.

“Really? Wu Fashion?” she was suddenly excited. Being under Wu Fashion can bring her closer to Kris.

“Of course, I’m the VP. And you know my mom loves you. You just have to pull off an excellent debut fashion show; I can get her to watch it; and she would be convinced in signing you in!” Tao thought of those in impromptu. He was stirred by the idea of him working with the girl he likes.

“Kris oppa will watch too right? Since he is the one in-charge of all Wu Companies?” she hopefully asked.

Tao was flustered by her question. He had ignored her mentioning Kris several times but regarding this topic; he felt that Kris was more superior to him. It made him mad and frustrated.

“Hey are you alright? I’m asking if oppa will watch the debut show?” she excitedly asked.

He can see the bright sparkle in her eyes. He thought it was pretty but he was sad that she was being pretty for another guy. “Yeah, he will” he boringly answered.

“Wow! I have to do my best! It’s oppa’s first time to see my designs!” she replied while ignoring the change in Tao’s tone and mood.

“Yeah you should” he uninterestedly said. To add to the pain that he was feeling he asked her, “Have you seen him lately? Do you want to visit him?”

“No” Tiffany slumped back at the chair. “When he is busy, he hates it when people bother him. Besides, he easily gets annoyed when I’m around” she sadly stated.

He can see that she felt miserable. “He doesn’t hate you. I’ll come with you if you want” he unwillingly volunteered.

“Really you’ll do that?” she enthusiastically exclaimed and then hugged him tightly, which caught him off guard but he felt good so he hugged her back.

“Thanks Tao, you’re the best!” she complimented. When she let go she bombarded him with panicky questions; “So when will we visit him? Tomorrow? What time? Should I prepare something for him? How long will we be staying?”

He was annoyed at how happy she was with the idea of meeting Kris. “Hey calm down, okay? I’ll just pick you up tomorrow and we’ll buy him something.” He tried hard not to lose his temper.


Kris was having a hard time balancing two major projects. He sat on his desk and tried to ease the headache he was feeling.

“Hi Kris oppa!” Tiffany greeted him as soon as she steps into his office.

“Tiffany? What are you doing here?” Kris asked while he was massaging his temples.

“Tao said that you work too hard for the past weeks and I wanted to make sure that you’re still taking care of yourself. Here I brought lunch” she sweetly replied.

“You didn’t have to do that. I’m fine” he responded.

Tao unwillingly followed Tiffany. “Yo!”

“Tao! You’re here too?” Kris shockingly asked.

“Yeah, how are you? You’ve been working too hard. You should take a break” he replied.

“Thanks Tao but I’m fine. I just need to finish a lot of things for tomorrow” he frustratingly said.

“Wow! It sounds like a lot of work. Don’t worry we won’t stay long”  he assured him.

Tiffany didn’t want to go yet. She can see how much Kris was panicking so she went towards him and held his hand. “Oppa, there you go again. You always panic like everything’s impossible. You’re Wu Yifan! You can do anything” she said and then flashed a sincere smile.

For a person that he didn’t like that much, Tiffany makes it impossible for him to ignore her. Yes, she can be annoying sometimes but her sincerely comforting words and her contagious smile makes her likeable, even for a cold guy likeKris. “Thanks Tiffany” he replied and then smiled back.

Tao wasn’t amused at what he was seeing. He was annoyed the whole time that Tiffany was sitting across Kris while he ate the food that she brought. However, he still acted like nothing was wrong because Kris was his bestfriend.

“So hyung, how are the projects?” he checked.

“It’s okay” he replied and snapped when he remembered something. “Speaking the projects, Tao I need to meet with about something. When are you free? he asked.

“How about tomorrow morning? What’s it about?” he replied.

“The new line of products, we’re almost done with it. You’ll know more tomorrow” he ended.

“Okay see you tomorrow then” he said.


The next morning, Kris headed to Tao’s office at Wu Fashion.

“Mr. Yifan, Mr. Zitao will be out in a minute” Tao’s secretary informed him.

“Thanks” he replied and then sat at the sofa.

After a few minutes, Tao stepped out of his office, “Yo! You’re here early. C’mon inside!” he said and then motioned towards his office.

“Tao-ah, thanks for meeting with me this early. This is really urgent” Kris said even before he could sit.

“Woah! Hyung, calm down. What can I help you with?” he excitedly asked. He always liked working with Kris, it brings back the times they had to go to every business affair together when they were still young.

“Here” he handed him a folder that reads ‘Nature Republic’ on its cover. “It’s the latest line of products that we came up. The testing is ongoing and I wanted to focus on marketing it as soon as possible since we only have a few weeks left before its debut” he stated.

Tao scanned the folder to get a gist of the project and he was undoubtedly amazed by his hyung’s work. “Wow! There is a lot of good stuff in here. I guess the testing is going well?” he asked.

“Yeah, no problem so far” he agreed.

“So where do I get involved?” he curiously asked since the project is almost finished.

“Well, for marketing, I thought of something unique; something new. Since this is the newest line for Wu Group’s golden anniversary, I thought that the marketing strategy should be something or someone new and explosive. And I suddenly thought that you own both of the best assets of Wu Group when it comes to CF’s, billboards and media. I’m talking about, Wu Fashion Korea and Wu Entertainment” he excitedly disclosed.

“Hyung where are you going at this?” he asked.

“I’ll need your modelling trainees from Wu Fashion to promote this newest line with a product of Wu Entertainment” he proposed.

“Wow! Hyung! I think that’s a good idea! But are you sure? Trainees? You’d have to choose someone in less than two weeks and they just came in a month ago” he worriedly replied.

“C’mon Tao! I know you! You won’t let amateurs stay as a trainee in the company! Your reputation is producing top quality models” he complimented him.

“Thanks hyung. Okay I agree with that. But how do you want do this?” he inquired.

“That, I haven’t yet decided on” he honestly answered. “Do you have anything in mind?”

“A contest would be nice?” he shyly suggested.

“Wow Tao! That’s great! I will talk about that with my team and if they approved, do you want to be that sub-project head?” he willingly asked.

“Really Hyung?” Tao asked in shock. Kris never asked him to do anything for him so he felt good when he asked him to be head of the marketing project.

“Yes! Just imagine the winner promoting Nature Republic with one celebrity from Wu Entertainment. It’s awesome!” Kris couldn’t hide his happiness. He was glad he got Tao beside him. “Thanks Tao!”




Here's another chapter. What do you think? Please leave your awsome comments below.

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shiniheiji #1
Chapter 21: Reread it and wish you update..
shiniheiji #2
Hi, will you update this ?
Chapter 21: It made me cry and I want no NEED more!!!
Chapter 21: This is a great story!! I literally cried on some chapters and that rarely happened lol. Please continue this wonderful story, author-nim. I usually love chaekris pairing, but chaetao got my heart real hard this time......*cries*

And still totally looking forward to the reason why the Wus panicking about Chae.

Fighting authornim! ❤❤


Your new reader
Chapter 21: Actually I read this story because of ChaeKris but after reading this I fell for ChaeTao or TaoRin. I love the way Tao cared for her maybe I will ship this two more. Authornim I love this story so much so please update soon... ♥♥♥
Chapter 22: Take your time, but update soon!! ~~ I understand you. :**
dntknw #7
Chapter 22: i really need an update lol....,
but if you really can't i understand hihihih
cipluk #8
Chapter 22: i do understand , babe ..
But honestly , you're take a too long time and make me forget about this story :)
Chapter 21: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaseeeeee upload moreeeeeeeeee soon!! ~~~ Please!! This is great, awesome, the best I don't know how to describe this! ~~~ Keep writing! Hwaiting!! :****
shiniheiji #10
Chapter 21: Okay, after I read this I still stick with chaekris. I have to admit that I also like chaetao especially tao always show up when chaerin has problems. But, I can see that kris really love chaerin eventhough he still confuse between chaerin and jiyoon. So, I hope you can make better development in their relationship. Well, I still feel bad for tao tho. I hope he will find a good person for him. If tiffany will be good person at the end, I dont mind she end up with tao. ㅋㅋㅋ