
100% Synchronized

When the meeting was adjourned, Kris had a word with his father.

"Abeoji! What was that? I just got back from training and business trips abroad, and yet you're already appointing me as your successor? Why?" Kris confusedly asked.

"You're ready. I know you are" His father spoke like he was sure of what he was saying.

"Abeoji! I am not yet ready for this! And what if I don't want this? Don't I have a say to this?" he hopefully asked.

"WHAT?!" His father was already flaring in anger but he had to control himself since they are still at the company. "We'll talk about this later Kris. I still other matters to attend to" he said before walking away.


Tao and his father were talking just outside the board room.

"Abeoji, why did you say that? He is the Chairman after all. We expected this to happen, right?" he nicely approached his father.

"Son, you don't know how it felt like to always be the second; always trailing behind him. It and at some point it will make you miserable." 

Tao can see how much grudge his father was holding. "Abeoji, Kris is my best friend. I won't treat him as an enemy or competitor. We are in this together. I won't turn my back on him just because of this. It's all business, money and fame. I don't care about any of it. I'm happy with my life right now" he assured him.

"That's where you're wrong, Son. It’s not just business, money or fame, there’s a lot more. And soon you’ll never be the first at anything.” His reply made Tao confused.

“What do you mean Abeoji?” he curiously asked.

“You’ll see Tao. If I were you, I’d stay away from Wu Yifan” he warned him. He patted his son’s shoulders before walking away.


Tao was left there standing still, trying hardly to think what his father meant by his words, but he couldn’t grasp any of it.

“Yo Tao!” Kris called from a distance. He paced quickly towards him.

“Hyung, why?” he asked.

“Crazy huh? My father just has nothing better to do” he defended.

Tao blankly nodded. “Yeah, crazy. Even my Dad is out of appropriate words to say.”

“So we’re still okay, right? Nothing will change?” he hesitated.

“Yeah, sure. Nothing will change” he responded.

“Let’s drink this off!” Kris offered.

“No hyung. I’ll pass for today” he said before walking away. He was still in deep thought of what his father told him. He didn’t want to break his friendship with Kris but he didn’t like to disappoint his father, so he was torn between family and friend.


Chaerin was walking down the hallway. She was looking down while listening to her favorite classical songs.

A girl intentionally bumped into her. The books she was carrying scattered on the floor.

“Yah!” Chaerin exclaimed as the girl walks away without apologizing. She caught up with her and said, “Excuse me! Aren’t you even gonna say sorry?!”

“Why should I? You’re the one who wasn’t looking at where you’re going!” the girl replied/

“What?! Ya!” Chaerin couldn’t control her anger.


“Yah! Who do you think you are, shouting at a helpless girl?!” A girl appeared at the corner with 3 more mean-looking girl behind her.

“Helpless? She…” Chaerin looked at the once arrogant girl who bumped her. She was pretentiously looking down and started to act scared. Chaerin was speechless at the turn out of events.

“Ya! Just because Suga oppa saved you once, it doesn’t mean that you’re already someone in this school!” the smallest girl shouted.

“What? She’s the one that oppa saved the other day?” The girl who seemed like their leader was shocked. “She’s Lee Chaerin?!”

The other girls nodded in unison


What? How did they know my name? Nice! There goes my invisibility! She thought to herself. “Excuse me, but I don’t know what you’re talking about. I am not acting like I’m somebody, okay?” she voiced out.

“Really?” another girl, who looked like the youngest, said in disbelief, “Unnie!” she addressed the leader. “This girl grabbed Oppa by his wrist and dragged him out of the room this morning!”

All their eyes widened in shock. They were getting really mad.

“Ya! How dare you do that to Suga oppa! You don’t have the right!” the curly girl bawled.

“And who are you to act like you’re his bodyguards?” Chaerin retorted in annoyance.

“We’re oppa’s most loyal fans and we’ll always be there for him, to protect him and not let him get hurt!”

“You’ll have to pay for what you did to him.” The biggest among them raised her hand in an act of hitting her.

Chaerin closed her eyes. She knew that it will be very painful. She waited for the hand to struck her, but it didn’t come. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the four girls staring behind them in shock.

She noticed one of the girl’s hand was still raised in the air as Suga was holding it to prevent it from hitting her.

“Oppa…” the biggest one embarrassingly uttered.

“Fans like you are really disappointing. If you’re going to act like this, I wouldn’t mind losing a number of fans” Suga firmly said.

“Oppa, you don’t mean that right?” the leader, who was acting very mean a while ago, now had puppy eyes and a soft pleading voice.

“You make me sad. Please go…” he stated. The girls miserably walked away; one girl even started crying.


“Why do I always see you caught up in trouble?” Suga said once he turned to Chaerin.

“Bad timing?” she shyly replied. She was still embarrassed by what she said at the rooftop garden.

“Yeah maybe. Or I just have a trouble radar when it comes to you” he joked.

Chaerin giggled a little.

“So that’s how Lee Chaerin looks like when she’s happy” he commented.

She immediately turned around to hide her blushing cheeks.


“You’re fans are pretty serious in protecting you…” Chaerin opened it up when they where heading towards the cafeteria.

“I know. That’s why I always felt safe. Honestly, I like feeling safe when I’m with them, but some gets really crazy. I’m just afraid they might do something they will regret, which is why I always have to tell them off. Even if it hurts them” he concernedly said. “At least I’m the one who is hated and not them.”

“Wow. I thought by being a celebrity, you just have worry about what you’re going to wear at the airport or how you’re going to lose weight, but by the way you sounded, it’s seemed like there’s a lot more than that” Chaerin interestingly stated.

“Of course, there is. There’s nothing easy in life” he uttered in a low, depressed voice.

“That’s where you’re wrong” she replied.

“What do you mean?” Suga was confused.

“There are easy things in life” she answered.

“Really? Like what?” he challenged her.

“There’s one…” she looked like in deep thought. “…falling in love” she expressed in dreamy voice and then smiled brightly at him.

Her smile; it was what made Min Yoongi attached to her. He vouched to himself that he will do everything to keep that sincere and innocent smile on her angelic face.


The following days, girls who supported UG were becoming worse, especially those Suga-stans. They couldn’t accept that he was friends with an ordinary girl like Chaerin. They kept on glaring and whispering whenever she passes in front of the. It definitely ruined Chaerin’s dream of being invisible. Even if that’s the case, Chaerin couldn’t stay away from him. His life stories interest her too much. She even met and got along well with Woo Jiho. She and Krystal often have lunch with them.


“Enough about me, how about you? What’s your plan after Wu University?” Suga said one time they were getting some fresh air at the school’s rooftop garden.

“I’m going to pursue modelling, and then when I’m the best at it, I’ll enter the fashion industry and maybe have my own clothing line?” she shyly said.

 “Really? Wow! That sounds exciting! I can’t wait for you to graduate” he exclaimed.

“Is it weird that you sound more excited than me?” she joked.

“Yeah, I guess it is. But I really like the thought that you’ll be out of here months from now” he said enthusiastically.

“Why?” She was confused.

“Uhm… well, I can show you everything there is in the entertainment world” he stuttered. It really wasn’t what he meant.

“Oh, I guess that is something to look forward to” she replied.


Chaerin’s friendship with Suga did good things to her. Because of the fans who kept on giving negative remarks about her looks and skills, it made her more eager to show them that she was better than they thought. She excelled more and her skills were recognized by her professors. Girls became more envious of her.


Part of Chaerin's modelling course is to take weeks of training at an agency and be assessed based on her performance after. She also had to complete her modelling portfolio in order to pass the course.


“Hey, you look like hell. What’s the matter?” Krystal greeted when she sat beside Chaerin under their favorite Crabapple Tree.

“We already need to start the modelling training, but because of examinations, I can’t find the time to apply to even one agency!” She buried her face in her palms in frustration.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?! Aish! You never really asked for my help! I’m sad right now…” She felt emotional.

“Why? What are you saying?” She became confused.

“I’m under Wu Entertainment, which is headed by Wu Zitao sajangnim, and at the same time he is the president of Wu Fashion!” Krystal exclaimed.

“Really? Wu Fashion?!” Her eyes widened.

“Yeah! Just the top leading company in modelling and fashion! I could totally refer you directly to him!” she excitedly said.

“Yah! You’ll really do that?” She felt relieved.

“Of course, I will! You’re my bestfriend!” she replied.

Chaerin grab her for a tight hug. “Stal-ah! You’re the best bestfriend I could ever have! Thanks!” she uttered in sincere gratefulness.


A week had passed since that talk.

Krystal was running fast as she shouted, “Yah! Rin-ah! Lee Chaerin!”

“Yah! Why are you running? And why do you look flushed?” Chaerin worriedly replied.

Krystal handed her a letter in a sealed envelope.

“W-what is this?” she stuttered.

“Oh! Just open it, you’ll see” she gladly replied.

Chaerin slowly and shakily opened the envelope and carefully unfolded the letter.

              Dear Ms. Lee Chaerin,

             We are pleased to inform you that you are accepted as a trainee at Wu Fashion.....

Her eyes widened and she started hyperventilating even when she only had read the first sentence. “Yah! Krystal ah! They accepted me!” she cried in happiness.

“Honestly, I knew it even before you read the letter because Sajangnim mentioned what was inside. VBut Chaerin-ah! I’m so proud of you!” She tightly hugged her.

Chaerin could feel that she was very near to her dreams already. Her hard work was about to pay off; she was relieved and thankful for that.


She suddenly remembered the time when she told her parents that she wanted to become a model, they immediately found a way to enroll her at Wu University. They were very supportive of her.


A tear suddenly fell to her cheeks, Appa, Eomma, I’m almost there, she thought to herself.



Hi readers (especially my lovely subbies!)

Here is another chapter for your genuine hearts. 

This might be short and events happened like a montage, but it has to since I couldn't think of any more regarding this part of the character's life. But don't even worry that you'll get sloppy chapters after this, oh no! I won't let that happen. To assure you, I already have the story line re-arranged for a more interesting flow of the story.

Also, sorry for another delay. You see I'm in a training and i's kinda hard to access the internet there so I can't update even if I want to.

Anyway, I still hope you show your love for this chapter by commenting below! Feel free to say anything. I'd be happy to read it.

Thank you for reading and please stay tuned for the next chapter.


<3 <3 <3 lots,


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shiniheiji #1
Chapter 21: Reread it and wish you update..
shiniheiji #2
Hi, will you update this ?
Chapter 21: It made me cry and I want no NEED more!!!
Chapter 21: This is a great story!! I literally cried on some chapters and that rarely happened lol. Please continue this wonderful story, author-nim. I usually love chaekris pairing, but chaetao got my heart real hard this time......*cries*

And still totally looking forward to the reason why the Wus panicking about Chae.

Fighting authornim! ❤❤


Your new reader
Chapter 21: Actually I read this story because of ChaeKris but after reading this I fell for ChaeTao or TaoRin. I love the way Tao cared for her maybe I will ship this two more. Authornim I love this story so much so please update soon... ♥♥♥
Chapter 22: Take your time, but update soon!! ~~ I understand you. :**
dntknw #7
Chapter 22: i really need an update lol....,
but if you really can't i understand hihihih
cipluk #8
Chapter 22: i do understand , babe ..
But honestly , you're take a too long time and make me forget about this story :)
Chapter 21: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaseeeeee upload moreeeeeeeeee soon!! ~~~ Please!! This is great, awesome, the best I don't know how to describe this! ~~~ Keep writing! Hwaiting!! :****
shiniheiji #10
Chapter 21: Okay, after I read this I still stick with chaekris. I have to admit that I also like chaetao especially tao always show up when chaerin has problems. But, I can see that kris really love chaerin eventhough he still confuse between chaerin and jiyoon. So, I hope you can make better development in their relationship. Well, I still feel bad for tao tho. I hope he will find a good person for him. If tiffany will be good person at the end, I dont mind she end up with tao. ㅋㅋㅋ