Start a new life

Falling inlove with the prince of darkness

"Hyemi~ah! Ireona!"


A loud voice made Hyemi open her eyes and sigh.

"it's just a dream" she thought as she rubbed her head She looked at the girl who burst into her room and woke her up. It was Yuna, her bestfriend. Yuna is standing in front of her with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Goodmorning Hyemi ah" she said cheerfully but noticed Hyemi not be to happy.

"what's wrong?" she sat beside her

"nothing. Just another bad dream" she sat up and combed her hair

'lets go out Hye." Hyemi nod and walks to the shower, while Yuna plays with her little poodle, Cheer. While Hyemi is showering, she touched her neck where Kibum last bit her. It's been 2 years but the memories are still fresh in her mind. Tears slowly comes out from her eyes but she quickly wipes it and splashes her face with water. She finishes her shower, wears her blue cardigan and her favorite black jeans then flashed a smile to Yuna . They went out of the house and starts to walk around. The wind blew and it made Hyemi to relax. She looked around and appreciated the view in front of her. Then she realizes that it's been a long time that she haven't got out of their house since she got scared of meeting Kibum again.

"So where are we going?" Hyemi asks

"let's just go anywhere. I want you out of your house."

"why? Im having fun inside the house." Hyemi defended

"like? What do you do in your house? You just stay in your room all day."

"Cheer is there, Im having fun playing with him."

Yuna rolled her eyes. " whatever Hyemi, I just miss us hanging out together." Hyemi hugged Yuna then flashed a huge smile "I will hang out with you again."

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ChiNoNeko #1
Pleeeease update~
Icecream213 #2
Chapter 11: Update please
yuixukiss #3
Chapter 9: Please update soon ><
PurpleRoseBlueFire #4
Chapter 1: Um I really like it plz add more next time keep up the God work can't wait for more:D
strawberryqueen #5
wowww, i really like this already!! Keep up the good work :)