Rivalry Awaits.

You've Fallen For Me

'Are you kidding me? After the way you disrespected me today?' 

'Look So Min mianhae, I didn't mean-' 

'And if you're going to threaten me with my job then do it, because to be quite honest I've had enough.' 

'So Min I just really need to-' 

'Actually I'm done talking with you, I don't need to be treated like that, especially from a guy I apologised multiple times to.' 

*Beep beep* So Min hung up. 

'Yoboseo? So Min? Yoboseo? Damn it!' 

Hyun Joong tried ringing So Min again, *Hello, I'm not here at the moment but please leave-* Hyun Joong threw his phone across the room he was frustrated by So Min not wanting to talk to him. He couldn't contain himself any longer, so he rang up a taxi service from the hotel, grabbed his coat and left. He had never once used a taxi, but this time he was so determined to see her he did. He gave directions to the whereabouts of So Min's house. 

Twenty minutes later he arrived. 


So Min heard violent knocks on her front door. 

'Yah So Min I know you're in there I just need to talk to you!' 

So Min jumped at the sound of Hyun Joong's voice. 

'I'm not going anywhere. Open the door or I'll wake up the whole neighbourhood!' 

So Min ran down her stairs furiously and opened the front door. 


'I told you! I wanted to see you, aren't you going to offer me in?' 

'Not a chance, just go home it's late!' 

'Fine then. I guess I'll have to sing all night.' 


'Aish! Shutup!' 

'Not until you let me in lala la la la la la!'

'Ok, ok come in, just shutup!' 

Hyun Joong smiled. 

So Min let him and shut the door. She led him into the living room. 

'Now what can you possibly want?' she asked. 

'I came to see you.' 

'What for? Work? You could've told me this earlier.' 

'No. I came here for you.' 

'What? What are you talking about?' 

'So Min I can't get you out of my mind.' he said with the utmost confidence.

So Min scoffed. 

'Seriously? You're really doing this to me? You're really stooping that low?' 


'What is this? You're trying to make a fool out of me? Are you trying to embarrass me?' 

'No. So Min I actually-' 

'Get out.' 

'Wait. what?' 

'How dare you come around here and make me look like a fool, get out!' 

So Min grabbed Hyun Joong and started pushing him toward the door. 

'So Min! Listen to me! This isn't a joke and I'm not drunk, I'm sober!' 

Without saying anything So Min carried on pushing him, she came to a halt when Hyun Joong suddenly turned around and stopped her.

'Listen to me.'

So Min refused and tried to push him again. Hyun Joong angered, grabbed So Min's wrists and pushed her against a wall. 

'Ouch' said So Min as she hit the wall. 

'Now if you just listen to me.' 

'Fine. Talk.' 

Hyun Joong towered over So Min and looked her deeply in her eyes. 

'I can't stop thinking about you, I needed to see you so that's why I'm here.' 

'I-I..' So Min stuttered. 

'You don't have to say anything, I just wanted you to know. I-I think I like you.' said Hyun Joong. 

'I can't stand it any longer.' he said.

Hyun Joong couldn't take it any longer, his head tilted closer toward So Min's it was so close that they could feel each other's breath. 

Hyun Joong took So Min's face in his palms and slowly kissed her with all the passion he had. 

So Min startled pushed Hyun Joong away. 


'What do you think you're doing?!' 

Hyun Joong bent down and kissed her again. So Min pushed him away again. 

'Don't fight it So Min.' 

'Don't fight what? You think you can come in here shout out all the odds and kiss me?! Earlier you were kissing someone else, god knows who you've kissed since!' 

'I don't care about them I-' 

'Is that what you said to them to? I'm seriously warning you. Get out of my house.' 

Hyun Joong stared at So Min intently.


So Min violently pushed Hyun Joong out and slammed the door. 

They both sat back to back against the door. 

'Ottoke.' said Hyun Joong whilst running his fingers through his hair. 


So Min was sat working at her desk when Hyun Joong rang her. 

'Come to my office.' he said sternly, hanging up without So Min uttering a word.

So Min stood up slowly and made her way to his office. She knocked three times before entering, once she entered and shut the door behind her she didn't give him a single glance, she only stared down at the floor or her hands.

'I need you to read through this, set up a meeting for me, and pick up a client from the airport.' he said, whilst directly looking at her.

'Ye, algaesumnida.'  

'You know I'd prefer it if you look at me whilst I'm talking to you.' 

'I'd rather not.' 

'Look what happened yesterday was a mistake, and I certainly don't want it to invade into work. Now let's be professional about this, ye?' 

So Min's eyes stopped wondering around the room and met his. Hyun Joong's palms started to sweat as they made eye contact. 

'You're right it was a mistake, and I don't want it to affect our work either. But to clear this up I want an apology.' 

'Fine, mianhae. Now here's the name of the guy I want you to pick up.' 

Hyun Joong handed So Min an a4 piece of card with the name *Lee Tae Sung* on it. So Min stared long and hard at the card before taking it for him, she could recognise the name, but couldn't quite recall.

As she walked out of his office she was trying to visualise a face to go with the name, once she shut the door Hyun Joong let out a massive sigh and threw his hands down onto his desk. 

So Min made her way to a company car that she had been assigned to use to pick up Hyun Joong's client. She stepped into the car, ignited the engine and set off to the airport listening to the tranquil sound of classical music. Once she reached Incheon airport she parked up and headed toward the entrance. She stood waiting whilst holding up the name card. After twenty five minutes of waiting a guy approached So Min. Whilst he was walking toward her So Min couldn't recognise who it was, only until he came closer So Min clicked. She was shocked to see that it was him, the guy who she had a date with and left alone whilst running after Hyun Joong. 

'Annyeonghayseo.' she said in a cute tone. 

'Annyeong. What a coincidence, you work for Kim enterprise?' he said smiling brightly.

'Ye, it is, and ne I do.' 

'It's good to see you, I'm sorry I'm late the flight was delayed.'

'Anio it's fine I haven't been waiting long, do you want me to carry anything?' she said attentively. 

'No kamsahamnida, what sort of man would I be if I let a woman carry things for me.' 

So Min smiled at him, and led her way to the car. 

Once they got into the car they both tried to initiate a conversation at the same time.

'You go first.' he said. 

So Min giggled. 

'So, what brings you to Kim enterprise then? If you don't mind me asking.'

'Not at all, well I'm hoping to become partners with them.' 

'Oh really? I hope it goes well, actually I'm positive it'll go well.' 

Tae Sung smiled. 'Kamsahamnida, you're the first person to have that confidence in me.' 

So Min smiled and continued asking more questions. 

'So how come you were abroad?' 

'Well I had to attend a conference with my business associates. I also went to visit my family.' 

'Where did you go?' 

'I went to America. New York to be specific.' 

'Really? that must be great. Oh god I'm so sorry I just realised that I keep asking you questions, I'm so nosey.' 

'Not at all, I really don't mind.' he said whilst laughing.

When they arrived at Kim enterprise So Min's mood plummeted, she remembered the encounter she had with Hyun Joong from the night before, how he sprung himself upon her and told her he liked her. But trying to push that aside So Min led Tae Sung to Hyun Joong's office, she knocked her usual three times and entered. Hyun Joong immediately left his seat and  greeted Tae Sung warmly, his eyes shifted to So Min but quickly shifted back when she looked at him.

'I see you've met my secretary So Min, I hope she greeted you warmly.'

'Ne, well the funny thing is this isn't the first time we've met, and she greeted me very warmly indeed.' said Tae Sung smiling toward So Min. 

'Yes, well let's get down to business.' said  Hyun Joong abruptly.

'You can leave now So Min.' he added.

So Min bowed to Tae Sung, smiled and walked out. 

Hyun Joong hated the fact that So Min was so polite to Tae Sung, he also hated that they had already met before, and that Tae Sung spoke so highly of her. 

'She's beautiful don't you think?' said Tae Sung.

Hyun Joong's blood started to boil, he quickly calmed when he realised where he was. 

'If you say so.'

'You don't like her?' 

'Anyway did you bring your brief and documents?' he said trying to avoid the question.

'Of course.' 


It was 9:30pm and So Min still hadn't finished working, she was sat in the lobby drinking coffee when Tae Sung came and joined her.

'Don't mind if I join you, do you?' said Tae Sung.

'Not at all.' said So Min smiling.

Half and hour had passed since they sat, had coffee and talked. Tae Sung offered to walk So Min back to her office and she agreed. Whilst heading there So Min realised that she had left her phone on the seats in the lobby, with that she ran back, collected her phone and headed toward Tae Sung whilst he stood waiting for her. So Min ran to catch him up when she suddenly slipped on spilt water, came flying into Tae Sung's direction and bumped straight into him. Hyun Joong was walking past at the time going to grab coffee himself when his eyes caught the moment. He saw So Min hands pressed up against Tae Sung's chest with Tae Sung's arms wrapped around her. Hyun Joong was furious, and carried on watching them. 

'Ah mianhae.' said So Min embarrassed as she looked up at Tae sung with her hands still pressed against his chest. 

'It's fine, are you ok?' said Tae Sung. 

'Ye kamsahamnida.'  

With that So Min realised her position and dropped her hands from Tae Sung's chest, he also realised and immediately released his arms from her waist. They stood there embarrassed and awkward, but soon laughed it off and made there way back.

Hyun Joong watched as they walked away, his hands clenched into fists and his eyes fixed to a glare.

He now knew that he had encountered a rival.




Note: Sorry that the chapter's are pretty short I just can't think of much to write, but in the next few I'll try and make them longer so I won't leave you hanging. Hope you enjoyed this chapter though, and please carry on waiting for my updates! ^_^







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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 3: Please update it..
Rani16 #2
Chapter 8: hello authornim ,im late reader.hehehe .. Please update your story, im curious for next chap :D .. Sweet couple (hyunmin)
wendylovesss5012 #3
update soon please!! :D
kimberly97 #4
update soon please ??
I hope that its Hyun Joong on the phone!
Boo3454 #6
Muhahah well looks like you guys are in for a shock then! I'm actually kind of pleased with the chapter I'm writing at the moment. I think it's going to be a long one again and I might be done with it tonight so please look forward to it! ^^
say what? late reader her.. what would i say? just like everyone else, i hope it's HJ on the phone.. or someone else that could help SM go to HJ and stop him from leaving.. or at least have a good talk with him before he leaves.. LOL
Azile8374 #8
@Jell19: Yeah, I hope she agrees to a long-distance relationship as she's starting to acknowledge her feelings for HJ. As long as that villain In-ah doesn't get HJ first is all I'm saying. Ugh!
pangaraplangkita #9
New reader here. Please update soon! :-)