You again?!

You've Fallen For Me

So Min couldn't ever believe that this would happen to her. To wake up in some stranger's house or worse, his bed. She promptly grabbed the covers to try and hide her petite body, as she muttered under her breath Hyun Joong stepped out of bed and handed So Min her phone. So Min shakily reached out for her phone, Hyun Joong chuckled to himself. 

'You know we didn't do anything last night so why are you acting so coy?' said Hyun Joong. 

'How-how do I know that you didn't do anything to me? I don't remember remember anything.' 

'Just as well you can't remember.' 

'What's that supposed to mean?' 

'Well let's just say you had a little to much to drink.' 

'Nonsense I remember right when I was at the bar and then-then.. anyway I bet you kidnapped me for what happened with the coffee!.' 

'Seriously? You really think I'd go out of my way to kidnap you? I unfortunately had no choice but to bring you here.'

'How can I believe anything you say? You're just a thieft and-and a ERT!' 

Hyun Joong gasped. 

'AISH! YOU LITTLE! I helped you last night, and this is the thanks? If you don't believe me check the last person you rang I bet it was Jia.' 

Without dilly-dallying So Min flipped up her phone and scrolled onto her call log. She was still when realised that Hyun Joong was right. 

'See now do you believe me? You couldn't get a hold of her, and right before I knew it you crashed out on me.' 

Deep down So Min knew his was right, she couldn't understand why someone would lie about such a thing especially with him, it had to be a coincidence. She was also a bad drinker, she couldn't withhold it for anything, and she certainly couldn't resist his handsome contemplating face. 

Fine. Mianhae.' she said unapologetically. 

Hyun Joong smirked arrogantly. 

'Thanks and everything, but I really need to go home now, would it be possible for a taxi to be called?' 

'No I can't do that. No taxi's being called here.' 

So Min dipped her eyebrows at him. 

'I can't risk you walking out of my house and getting into a taxi. It'll be all over tabloids.' 

'All over tabloids? God is he serious? He really is a narcissistic jerk.' said So Min's inner thought.

So Min hadn't the slightest clue who Hyun Joong was, nor did she want to.

'I'll drive you home myself.'

So Min raised an eyebrow.

'But won't that be worse?'

'No, we can head out of the back entrance instead.'

Without any further words So Min pulled back the covers, grabbed and slipped her shoes on. Hyun Joong signalled a wave to So Min as he started to walk away, So Min followed. 

As So Min diligently walked through his house she was amazed by how neat and organised everything looked. Every now and then she would let slip gasps of admiration. Hyun Joong led So Min to a secret back entrance of the house, he told her to wait as he pulled up his car. 

Hyun Joong rolled down the window. 

'Get in.' 

So Min stepped into his car without uttering a word. Hyun Joong realised that So Min was still wearing a tiny dress, and so he took off his jacket and handed it.

'Here put this on.' He said without looking at her. 

So Min reached out for the jacket, their hands met as she grabbed it from him, and they locked eyes for a spilt second. 

'Kamsahamnida.' said So Min shyly.

Hyun Joong cleared his throat. 

'Now, where do you need to go?' 

So Min gave him the details of the whereabouts when her phone suddenly rang, it was Jia. She picked up.



'Oh I'm-I.' She stuttered whilst looking at Hyun Joong. 

Hyun Joong shook his head, indicating that he didn't want anyone to know where or who she was with.

So Min mouthed 'it's Jia.' 

Reassured Hyun Joong nodded. 

'I'm with-.' She paused. So Min didn't even know his name. 

'I'm with the guy who I spilt coffee over that time.' 

Hyun Joong instantly gave So Min a fiery glare, remembering the near forgotten incident.

'NO WAY SO MIN-AH! I thought you said he was an arrogant jerk?' shouted Jia, loud enough for Hyun Joong to hear. 

'Umm Jia you're breaking up I can't hear- *czzzzzzzt*.' So Min started making crackling noises down the phone trying to avoid the situation.

She sighed. 

Hyun Joong smiled to himself.

'Well is this it?' 

'Ah yeah, kamsahamnida.' she said whilst stepping out of his car. 

'Don't mention it. Literally.' 

'Well then I'll be going, bye.' 


So Min walked along the path toward her way home, Hyun Joong sat patiently watching her as she walked away. He didn't have a clue what just happened and he was overwhelmed by her beauty, he was also curious to know where she lived and if she'd make her way home alright. 

'Don't mention it. Literally. I really wish I hadn't now, he's so darn rude!.' she said quietly to herself, and carried on walking home.


So Min woke up to the sound of her phone ringing, she reached out of her bed and grabbed it. To her curiosity it was In-ah, she sat up and cleared . 


'Jung So Min I'd like you to arrive early to work this morning, your boss will be arriving and I'd like you to meet him.' 

'Ah ye. What time should I arrive then?'

'Arrive in an hour's time. Don't be late.' In-ah emphasised the don't. 

'Ye. Moreugessuemnida.' 

So Min climbed out of bed, headed toward her closet and changed into a white silk blouse, demin skinny jeans and black suede heeled ankle boots. She wanted to make a good impression whilst meeting her boss and knew she would. She walked into her bathroom, put on simple make-up and threw her hair into a pony tail, leaving her side fringe down. So Min picked up her phone and looked at her message sent by her mother from the night before, it read *Daughter, when are you ever going to get married?*. So Min looked into the mirror, 'Why should I get married? I mean who wants to get married anyway?' 

So Min grabbed her bag and keys and left for work. 

When she arrived there she couldn't' seem to shake off this feeling she had, like something unexpected was going to happen, but none the less So Min carried on trying to ignore that feeling.  So Min sat down at her desk, she aw In-ah walk toward her. 

'I'm glad to see that you've arrived on time.' said In-ah impressed. 

'Kamsahamnida.' said So Min whilst smiling. 

'Oh he's here So Min stand up and greet him.' 

'Hyun Joong this is So Min, Jung So Min.' said In-ah.

So Min stood and looked up, that feeling she had in her stomach was now in , she thought her eyes were deceiving her.

'YOU?!' They both snapped at the same time.

In-ah shifted her eyes to Hyun Joong. 

'You know each other?' she questioned. 

'Ye. NO.' They jumbled together. 

'No, we don't know each other. Umm So Min follow me to my office.' 

So Min stood up quickly and trailed behind Hyun Joong. They both entered the office, as So Min shut the door behind her, clinging onto the handle she gave  a crying expression.

'You just couldn't' get enough of me, could you?' he said conceitedly.

So Min turned her attention to Hyun Joong.

'Excuse me? I had no intention of following you here, nor did I know that you worked here I just needed a job.'

 Hyun Joong laughed to himself. 

'What's so funny?' said So Min sharply. 

'Well the fact that you're working here is such a coincidence don't you think?' 

So Min scoffed at him. 

'Coincidence? More like bad luck to me.' 

Hyun Joong sat down at his desk and sprawled his feet up. 

'Well seeing as you're working for me here's everything I want you to do.'

He handed her a huge pile of documents. So Min stood there staring at it all.


'Oh umm ye.' She said whilst grabbing it from him.

'You better get going then if you want to leave early today.' 

So Min gave a fake smile, turned around and walked toward the door. 

He couldn't help himself but to look at her figure as she walked out. 

'Hyun Joong snap out of it, she's not even your type.' he said disappointedly.


By the time So Min finished work it was already 9pm. Before she left she knocked gently on Hyun Joong's office door and walked in.

'I'll be leaving now, I'm finished with everything.' 

'Ok then, don't be late tomorrow, I've got important stuff for you to handle.' 

'I won't.' she said bluntly.

Once So Min left his office she received a call.

'Yobeoso umma.'

'So Min-ah did you get the text I sent you the other night?' 


'Well you know it's hurting umma to see you lonely all the time I-.' So Min cut her off.

'I'm fine, I don't need anyone, I'm still young.' 

'Look yobeo, you need to get married soon for the sake of your family.' her mum pleaded.

'But I'm fine.' 

'I've arranged a date for you tomorrow with a nice guy, I'd hope you go. I'll text you all of the details later.'

'But I don't want to go to some date with someone I don't even know.' 

'Well that's all I have to say, I have to go now So Min. Bye.'

'Umma? Umma!'

Hyun Joong was standing on the other side of the door when he heard So Min's conversation. He could tell by the tone of So Min's voice that all wasn't good, he opened the door to see if So Min was still there but she wasn't.

So Min was making her way to the nearest bar. Although it wasn't her scene, she couldn't handle the stress from her mother, and she certainly couldn't take that she was now working for someone she disliked. She walked in, slammed her bag onto the bar and sat down. She asked for the strongest drink, and within seconds she downed it. The words of her mother's played in her mind whilst she ordered another drink, she didn't want to end up like her mum. She didn't want to have to get married for money first time round, and then re-marry again for love. Whilst she was sat there the bartender walked over to her and handed her another drink. 


'Free, but why?' 

'It's from him over there.' He said whilst pointing to a familiar someone. 

So Min glanced down the bar and saw who it was, Hyun Joong. He then smiled and shook his glass at So Min. So Min stood up, walked over and sat beside him. 

'What's this for?' she asked.

'Seemed like you needed it.'

'Kamsahamnida.' So Min said quietly.

'What're you doing here anyway?' 

'Oh, it's nothing. I guess being all high and mighty such as yourself you wouldn't understand.' 

'Try me.'

'Well my mum's been nagging to me about getting married, so she then decides to set up a date for me which I have no clue who he is and I don't particularly care about relationships and love. And secondly I end up finding out that I'm working for you, a narcissist.

'Whoa, I umm actually can't relate to that, but hey I'm not a narcissist!' 

'Yep I kind of guessed that and believe me you are.' said So Min assuredly.

'Well I'd love to stay and chat but you see there's someone that I can't be late for tomorrow.' she said sarcastically. 

So Min pushed her chair back and stood up, bowed at Hyun Joong nearly stumbling and left.

Hyun Joong followed after her worrying for her safety.

Whilst walking along So Min started singing to herself, she turned around to seen Hyun Joong behind her. 

'Yah are you following me?' 

'Pfft! Following you? Who?' he said.

'Well would this just happen to be coincidence that you're walking the same way as me then?' she said.

So Min contiuningly walking backwards stepped out onto the road. What she didn't realise is that a car was coming her way. 

'YAH SO MIN MOVE!' shouted Hyun Joong.

So Min jokingly stood there. 

'I SAID MOVE!' he yelled.

Before So Min could say anything the beeping of the car horn startled her.

Hyun Joong in complete awe ran toward So Min. So Min's eyes were now closed with dread. She suddenly felt a warmth around her, and an embrace around her waist. She was being carried. As the car swerved just missing them by an inch Hyun Joong lifted So Min onto the pavement. He turned So Min around and held her face. 

'So Min are you ok?! he said with distress. 

Tears started falling from So Min's eyes.

'Mianhae.' she said penitently. 

Hyun Joong wiped away So Min's tears with his thumbs.

'It's ok.' he assured.

The two looked deeply into each other's eyes lost for words and completely mesmerised.

'Am I dreaming?' So Min thought.

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 3: Please update it..
Rani16 #2
Chapter 8: hello authornim ,im late reader.hehehe .. Please update your story, im curious for next chap :D .. Sweet couple (hyunmin)
wendylovesss5012 #3
update soon please!! :D
kimberly97 #4
update soon please ??
I hope that its Hyun Joong on the phone!
Boo3454 #6
Muhahah well looks like you guys are in for a shock then! I'm actually kind of pleased with the chapter I'm writing at the moment. I think it's going to be a long one again and I might be done with it tonight so please look forward to it! ^^
say what? late reader her.. what would i say? just like everyone else, i hope it's HJ on the phone.. or someone else that could help SM go to HJ and stop him from leaving.. or at least have a good talk with him before he leaves.. LOL
Azile8374 #8
@Jell19: Yeah, I hope she agrees to a long-distance relationship as she's starting to acknowledge her feelings for HJ. As long as that villain In-ah doesn't get HJ first is all I'm saying. Ugh!
pangaraplangkita #9
New reader here. Please update soon! :-)