
A Phony Nonsense


Moon Aemin crossed down the hallways of Seoul National High School, completely blowing away and outshining everyone she passed by with some kind of super-popular undertow and burlesque-like aura. As if the clouds parted and let the sun shine through just for her killer entrance.

Everyone watched how she strolled across as if she was walking a runaway in South Korea’s Fashion Week. Moon Aemin had always been so popular. In fact, she is one of the top students on the school’s A-List and Popular List. As a proof, she was the class president or her class.

A perfect beauty, a dream-like golden ratio, her vibrant and  fresh hair, marble-like skin that seems surreal as if her skin hasn't meet the sun for year  all things that describe how perfect she is. Is she a doll, does she even breathe? She has a heart that beats — is she a machine?

Everyone envied her and wanted to be her. Everyone always look at her with those envious and jealous eyes. Most girls wanted to be her and they tried hard to copy everything about her. But the thing is, there is only one room for one Moon Aemin in the world. She will always be the first and only Moon Aemin and everyone will be her minions hiding behind her useless shadow.

She may be so pretty and cute outside but her inner-beauty is as dark as the midnight sky. But who cares about inner-beauty, anyway? Inner-beauty doesn’t get you invited to the popular parties; inner-beauty doesn’t get you officially in the top list, it doesn’t get you catapulted to being popular. Because nowadays, people only care about what is outside and not what is in the inside.

The other students greeted, bowed and complimented her as she walked through. She walked gracefully as if a model modeling a Green Chanel gown. She was wearing the school’s uniform but still, she stood out. From hundredths of girls wearing the same outfit, you could distinguish Aemin.

The navy blue color of her skirt beautifully covered half of her legs while an oversized pink diamond ring was hooked on her finger, emphasizing how useful her middle finger is, and with her brownish-black hair flying like a black curtain paired with her signature bangs.

“Good morning Aemin-sunbae,” a petite girl shyly greeted her with a slight bow. Aemin paused and flashed a blinding smile at her as a reply before making her way to her locker.

She opened her locker with her code with a big grin in her face. As soon as she saw what was inside, her jaw dropped in surprise. Her eyes were bigger than usual and her small pupils were in the middle surrounded by her sclera. was sculpted in a very thin and narrow line that could barely be seen. While her eyebrows formed in a very questioning way as if saying, “What is happening?”

It was a red card she saw inside of her locker. A red card would be something to be send to unpopular students who gets in the way of the most popular group, er, gang in the school,? A red card would be something to be seen inside an outcast and step-student’s locker and not inside of the Moon Aemin’s locker.

You would likely to receive a red card if you got in the way of the populars or have done something horrible to the populars. Those students who are very prideful and very feisty were usually found being sent with these cards. And the day you found out you were sent a red card would be likely the day you would make your last impression to the whole student body. But Aemin is popular, how could she get in the way of the popular students?

Say goodbye to world when you receive one. You’d probably be bullied and harassed by everyone. You’d officially be the unwanted student of the school. Aemin has seen someone receive it before and the circumstances you have to face when you received it. But she never knew what was inside.

Some actually suicide and ended their journey because they can’t handle too much depression from being bullied or so. And some…well; they’re the ones who hadn’t made it.

How could this happen? Did I do something bad for me to have this? There were a million thoughts rushing through her mind as of now. She didn’t know what to do and wasn’t sure how to react. Is this really happening? Is this legit enough for her to believe?

Is this a phony nonsense? Balls! She mumbled the incoherent words inside of her thoughts.

With all her might, she grabbed the paper on her left hand, squeezing it so hard and crumpling the red piece of paper in a small ball. She tried her to keep the paper from other student’s sight. The crushed paper hid itself behind her fingers.

Out of the blue, all the students frowned and gasped while seeing a red card inside of one not-so-popular student’s locker. Aemin kept her composure, clenching her jaw so tight while she chewed on the insides of her cheeks as her hands balled into fists. Seeing someone’s locker having the same card as hers is just so… self-pity-ish. She looked away and proceeded to get to her destination.

It was still so early and there’d definitely more time before the school day officially starts. Aemin left a trail of burning footsteps as she headed for the girl’s comfort room still squishing and jamming the paper in between her slender fingers. Her whole face was so red and there were smoke eventually coming from her nose and ears.

All the other students looked at her like an owl inside a parakeet’s cage saying, “I Love You,” They were all shooting daggers at her but Aemin was the least bit intimidated. Go ahead, gossip about me all you want. Go ahead! She wanted to scream but still kept silent and bit onto her lower lip to prevent herself from bursting. Screaming out loud might worsen the situation and may ruin her reputation.

She slammed the door of the comfort room so hard that it may fall apart and stomped towards one of the stalls. She settled in and calmed herself by breathing in and out a couple of times and counting slowly from one to ten – it always calmed her every time she does it.

Slowly, calmly, smoothly, she unfolded the paper – which was nearing ripped in half as she sat on the toilet seat’s cover. She examined it and saw how vibrant and lively the paper was with its deep dark red color. The color reminded her 0f the color Super Man’s cape is.

It was a letter from Byun Baekhyun – the coolest and most handsome student, the dream man of every girl. It wasn’t just a letter, it was a love letter! Aemin may be popular and perfect but some students hate her of how fake she is. Aemin has everything she ever wanted to have, except for Baekhyun.

Baekhyun is an old “friend” – he and Aemin had always been classmates since grade school. And obviously, Aemin developed a childish crush to Baekhyun and eventually confessed to him with a 25 cent necklace when they were in 5th Grade. And Baekhyun was disgusted by it. Ever since that day, he distanced himself from Aemin but it didn’t let Aemin down.

Aemin always hoped that there would be a time he will notice her and spend some quality time with him. Aemin always believed that there would be time for everything. She always chased after him and always cared for him even though he doesn’t seem to give a .

Aemin always believed and hoped and still believe and hope for him to recognize her and all that sappy and cheesy crap. “Immature love,” they say but Aemin didn’t believe about that. She thinks its “Eternal Love,” living inside her heart. She did stalk him and took millions of pictures of him for the past years. She even studied everything about him like the way some kind of fangirl studies their bias.

Aemin knows everything about him, the position he does when he is asleep, the way he liked taking a shower while singing SNSD’s Oh! Everything about him… But what, did he even care to know her? No. Does he even know Moon Aemin exists? No.

 This is the sad reality, if you think everything ends with a happy ending or everything is cliché and all that most telltale story that everyone falls in love with each other, No. Please stop dreaming and think mature! There is nothing about love stories and how Cinderella found his prince. No, there is nothing! Fairytales are something you wouldn’t want to wake up from.

Aemin continued to read the message contained in the paper as her face turned a brighter shade of red and her heart started pounding so fast – it’s beating 300 beats per minute! Thoughts of a romantic dinner were flashing through her mind already. A wooden table covered with a peplum-colored cloth and a candle to top it all off.

Dear Aemin,

I always wanted to say you this but I never really had the courage to.

She paused, feeling her heart clenched at the thought of blushing Baekhyun while writing the letter.

You see, since grade school, I avoided you because I feel this certain attraction towards you and I don’t want something bad to happen so I just stayed far from you, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for ignoring you, would you care to join me on the rooftop later when the school day ends? I would really appreciate it! Much love from Baekhyun <3

Saranghae >.<

Aemin slammed her hands against the door of the stall as she jumped off of her feet, giddily chuckling while crumpling the paper between her palms. She broke out into a wide grin and a tear escaped her away. It was finally coming true!

The paper was red because red is the sign of love, she thought while her dreamy eyes wandered around the skies. This is a phony nonsense, isn’t it? Sarcasm lingering evry word she uttered as she broke out into a gleaming smile. And there were cute outlines of hearts around the paper too! How charming.

She stormed out of the stall being very happy as ever. A girl in front of the mirror of the comfort room looked at Aemin’s reflection as if questioning that wide beam in her face, “Is she bipolar?” Because all of the sudden, there were dark heavy clouds crowding around her and lightning and thunder were striking everywhere. But now, the sun was gleaming at her and there were rainbows and ponies jumping around her. “You’re soooo red,” the girl told her.

Aemin just gave the girl a wink and continued to exit the comfort room with a big grin that almost blinded all students. She was literally skipping her way towards her first class. On her way, she shined the students with her gloomy aura.

Along the whole day, Aemin kept her outfit neat and retouched her face for nth times. She wanted to look fabulous at that day; she wanted to make the stars vanish for Baekhyun just for him to look at her.

She wanted everything to be perfect – everything. She wanted this day to come true, and now, here it was. It was finally coming to life. She even slapped her face  a few times to check if she was dreaming, but she wasn’t – as if that wasn’t enough she even pinched and bit her flesh but still, she wasn’t dreaming.

Aemin wanted to look like the prettiest girl in the world for Baekhyun at that very day, she wanted to look her best and she will do anything for it to be perfect, just the way she liked it.

She hurriedly crossed the stairs – the way to the rooftop – the place where her dreams will come true. Excitement was washing over her body while crossing which caused her to trip a few times but she didn’t care less and proceeded to reach the top.

Excitement. Thrill. Electrified. She reached the very last step of the stairs just before the door to the rooftop. She let out small pants and breaths before catching her breath and breathing in and out. She held the door knob in her hands and breathed in and out; she could feel the thrill inside her chest. Her heart was pounding against her chest that she couldn’t even breathe.

“Ughh, I hope this isn’t one of those phony lies,” she whispered to herself while sighing and in a breath.

She twisted the door knob ever so slowly revealing the way to the rooftop. The dawn color of the sun was shining and there were a lot of students crowded on the corners, shouting and cheering. Wait—she was thinking this would be romantic? Then why are there other people invited?

Her gaze shifted to the middle of the rooftop, where there was a table wrapped with velvet colored table cloth and a gold candle holder—just like how she imagined it to be. Her smile dripped when she saw a girl seated on the chair that was supposed to be her chair with Baekhyun sitting across her.

Right there in front of her eyes, she saw how Baekhyun and the girl flirted with each other. How they exchange bites with a chocolate flavored cupcake and how Baekhyun said, “Thank you for joining me here, I am also sorry for ignoring you,” while glancing at Aemin’s startled face and putting up a smirk on his face.

She hated what she was seeing; it was all nonsense to her! It was a joke they played on her and she fell for the trick. She was an idiot for believing. She clenched her jaw and curled her fingers into a fist but stayed still and didn’t move.

The girl giggled while shoving a pink pastry candy into his mouth. Baekhyun took the moist and sturdy sweet into his mouth while Aemin watched how the heart-shaped candy was dissolved by his chiseled teeth.

Aemin made a disgusted face while watching their sappy movements. And the other students started to whistle, clap and cheer when Baekhyun’s lips slowly, gradually found its way near the other girl’s.

“I love you…Baekhyun…,” the girl uttered ever so sappy which made Aemin’s blood boil into its boiling point – 4000 degrees. If water’s boiling point is 100 degrees, her blood’s point is 400 times than the water’s.

1…Aemin did not move a muscle and watched a s how their lips got closer. 2—Aemin saw how their lips were just an inch away from each other and stomped over. 3 is when Aemin grabbed Baekhyun’s collar and shook him back and forth.

“What the hell?!” she roared at his face while still shaking him. Baekhyun didn’t say a word but kept his signature smirk on his goddamn face!

Aemin let go of his collar and trashed the whole table. The ceramics flung everywhere and the candle almost burnt down the cloth. As if that wasn’t enough she even tried to break down the table but couldn’t and just threw it on god-knows-where.

The girl acted so naively and innocently that pissed Aemin even more. She wanted to just jerk the girl in her hands and throw her off of the rooftop. She stomped angrily to the girl’s direction while pointing a finger, “You, what do you think the you’re do—“

“You know, I gave you a letter – which you assumed was a love letter. But it was still red and whoever gets red card gets...” he paused to smirk. “…trashed”

He was right, it was still a red card and a red card means nothing but bad. She hated herself for assuming and believing. But Baekhyun didn’t know how hard it is for her to wait for almost 7 years for him. He didn’t know the difficulties of always assuming and waiting, the hardships of anticipating for something impossible.

Aemin’s point slowly descended as she fell on her knees and tears slipped from her eyes. She tried hard to hold them back but couldn’t – for all those years she spent to plan her happiness and her future with him, all she get was a phony love letter, or should I say, invitation for a prank.

She cried all her whines out. She was just humiliated in front of the whole school body by her hugest crush and just broke her heart with a throw of a knife. She sobbed and whimpered all her misery and suffering.

Her knees forced herself to stood up as she slowly walked backwards towards the edge of the rooftop.

“Byun Baekhyun, you didn’t know what I went through, didn’t you?” She laughed out loud so evilly taking a step as she ended her question. “Well, you shouldn’t treat me like because hurts! And all I get as a reward was a phony nones—“

It was late her feet reached the very edge and accidentally made her trip at her back. Aemin closed her eyes. Feeling all of her suffering finally ended. You should care about those people who always care for you…

Author's Note: Hey, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE for more oneshots, and UPVOTE! Thumbs up guys! I really really would appreciate it! Comment, subscribe, comment, subscribe, K-k-k-pop! *Hello Kitty - Avril Lavigne*

I kindda relate to this since I pretty much chased my crush since we were in 5th Grade, and now he'll be flying over to Canada to live the outta him! So those who are chasing out there, I say keep chasing cuz there's something waiting for those who wait and chase...

Oh well...Comment what you think about it and Subs for more stories, UPVOTE if you like the story! By everyone, cuteismysterious (Crissy) awaits!~ And wish me luck on the contest I'm joining. Have a nice day everyone <3

REVENGE, REVENGE, REVENGE! Comment below if you want a revenge, err, sequel! Stop by below and voice out your thoughts! 

Saranghae <3 Crissy

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Chapter 1: Author-nim,can you make a sequel???Please!!!!!^ω^
Chapter 1: Sequel please!!!!
exostan13 #3
Chapter 1: Yahh.....! Sequel please!
Chapter 1: Yahhhhh!!!!!! Why ?!?!you made me go loco ! Cliffhanger!! Sequel sequel!!! REVENGE REVENGEREVENGE !!! loll . Plsss
Chapter 1: You know, I love revenge...VENGETA!!!! XD Lived your plot twist, I'm kind of bored with all that cliche plots. Although I knew that she will fall from the rooftop when it said that she slowly walked backwards towards the edge of it, still, It was interesting to read! I really like it!
Teascream #6
Whoops point of view *
Teascream #7
Pleaseeee write baeks pic :( or sequel

Please make a sequel authornim :*