
Key to Happiness


The transition from warm summer airs to cool autumn nights had the young man entering the shop with a craving for something sweet. He takes a seat in the back where the view of bright orange and yellow trees can be seen. He flips to a clean white page of his notebook and stations his pen to write.


“Hi there!”


Jongin jumps in surprise at the sudden voice. He looks up from his journal to come face-to-face with an overly bright smile that makes even the sun’s light seem dull. He has to blink a few times before his eyes can properly focus on the petit man standing in front of him.


“Sorry, do I know you?”


The boy grins further, if possible, and plops himself down in the seat across from where Jongin was enjoying his green tea latte and carrot muffin at the cafe his best friend, Kyungsoo, worked. The stranger shakes his head “No, but I do know you.”


Surprisingly, Jongin’s face remains void of any emotion. Well, this isn’t the first time someone’s randomly approached him claiming to know who he is. Actually, Jongin thinks he’d be more surprised if someone didn’t know him.


“You’re Kim Jongin! The most famous author, like, ever. I’ve read all your works already and damn-” He sighs out dreamily making Jongin chuckle in amusement “-I think I’m in love.”


Jongin raises a questioning brow and the stranger seems to realize his mistake and so he flails his hands around abruptly “I-I mean your work! I’m in love with your stories not…..not y-you…”


He blushes a pretty pink and looks down with a small pout playing on his lips. Jongin wonders how old he is because he definitely looks no older than 16. “Can I know your name?”


“Ah I’m Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun!”


Jongin smiles and leans forward onto the burgundy coloured table to take a sip of his drink “So Baekhyun-shi, what can I do for you?”


Baekhyun doesn’t respond, instead he reaches down for his bulky grey bag and rummages through it for a minute before pulling out a brown manila envelope. Jongin watches wordlessly as slender hands slide the envelope across the table towards him.


“What’s this?” he asks as he takes the item into his own hands.


“It’s a prompt for a writing contest.”


Jongin fiddles with the red string and misses the nervous way Baekhyun bites his lips.


“....I was sort of hoping you’d help me write it.”


Jongin stops fiddling and finally looks up “Why should I help you?” His tone comes out colder than before making Baekhyun flinch “B-Because I know with your help I’d surely win. Please? I’m your biggest fan!”


Jongin laughs dryly before sliding the envelope back to Baekhyun “Sorry but I can’t help you.” He stands up to leave but stops when there’s a tight pull on his blazer’s sleeve.


“Please! I’m begging you, I can’t write this story without your help.”


“Then don’t write it at all.”


Jongin easily removes his arm from Baekhyun’s grip and strides towards the door. Just as he reaches out for the door handle, Baekhyun jumps in front of him and blocks it. Jongin stumbles back in shock. Baekhyun frowns.


“You don’t understand. I have to write this story. At least think about it.”


Jongin taps his lips for a few seconds “Hmmm let me think…” He pushes Baekhyun to the side and walks out the door. Shaking his head, Jongin fishes through the pocket of his dress pants and pulls out the key to his car.


The moment he opens the car door a body jumps onto his back. Jongin yelps “What the hell?!”


Baekhyun tightens his grip around Jongin’s neck when the man tries vigorously to shake the boy off.




“Get off me!!”




“Yah, people are watching!!”


Jongin tries to pry the hands holding him in a death grip off his neck. Damn, why is someone so small so strong?




Baekhyun immediately lets go and jumps off. Jongin grasps his neck and takes a deep breath to fill his throbbing lungs with air.


“You’ll really help me?”


Jongin glares at the exceedingly happy male. If it weren’t illegal, he’d murder Baekhyun on the spot “You know, I could call the cops on you for assault or some crap.”


Baekhyun grins in this disgustingly cheesy way and punches Jongin’s arm so casually, as though they were best friends for years and not complete strangers who met less than five minutes ago.


“You wouldn’t do that, you’re too nice.”


Jongin opens his mouth to retaliate but Baekhyun curtly cuts him off “So where do you wanna work? I know a really cool 24 hour bar ten minutes away from here.”


Jongin's lips form a thin line as he snatches the envelope out of Baekhyun’s hands “Or...I could go home and work on this myself.”


Baekhyun’s eyes seem to sparkle at that “Ohh~ I’ve never been to a famous person’s house before. Let’s go!”


Wait. What?


Jongin watches in bewilderment as the short magenta-haired boy skips away and takes a seat in the passenger side of his car. The loud honk of a car horn snaps him back to reality and Jongin can only gape as he finally registers the situation.


Baekhyun sticks his face out the window at that moment and tilts his head to the side “Aren’t you getting in?”


What the actual ?



Jongin curses for the nth time and sneaks a glance to his right where the stranger whom he met half an hour ago was singing along gleefully (and loudly) to the tune of Girls Generation which, mind you, Jongin hated.


“Baekhyun-shi can you please -shutthehellup- be quieter?”


“What? I can’t hear you.”


Jongin tightens his grip on the steering wheel until his knuckles turn white. He really, really wants to punch something right now and Baekhyun’s face looked so tempting.


They arrive outside Jongin’s house forty minutes later and when Jongin turns to Baekhyun, he’s surprised to find the boy asleep. He observes Baekhyun’s gentle features and can’t help but think that when Baekhyun wasn’t being so god damn annoying, he’s actually kind of cute.


“Hey, wake up.”


Jongin nudges the unresponsive boy who stirs a bit before slowly opening his eyes. Baekhyun yawns and rubs his eyes in a sleepy manner before glancing around “Where are we?”


Jongin sighs and takes off his seat belt “We’re at my place. C’mon let’s go inside.”


Baekhyun takes a moment to let the information sink in before his expression changes to one of recognition. He smiles and takes off his seat belt as well, then follows Jongin out the car.


His mouth grows wide as they approach the huge building “Whoa this is where you live? It’s huge!”


“Uh thanks?” Jongin scratches his head awkwardly and types in the passcode to enter. The door opens and both males make their way inside. If Baekhyun thought the outside was nice, the inside was a million times better.


“Oh my god is that a pool table?!”


Baekhyun runs over and looks at the table with an excited gaze “Can we play? Can we, huh? Can we?” He jumps up and down in a way that reminds Jongin of a five year old kid.


“Later. We need to start on your story first.”


Baekhyun pouts but obliges anyways and walks back to Jongin “So do you live by yourself or with your parents?”


“By myself. My parents passed away eight years ago.”


Baekhyun’s eyes enlarge and he immediately bows his head “I’m so sorry! Oh I shouldn’t have asked you something so personal. I’m sorry.”


Jongin offers a small smile “It’s alright. I’m used to living alone now, it’s not a big deal. Do you want anything to eat?”


As if on cue Baekhyun’s stomach grumbles. He flushes and looks down in embarrassment. Jongin laughs “I guess we should eat first. Are sandwiches okay with you?”


Baekhyun’s head shoots up and he beams “I love sandwiches!”


In the kitchen, Jongin quickly whips up two ham and cheese sandwiches before walking back to the living room. He spots Baekhyun sitting cross-legged on the couch and he seems too immersed with whatever’s playing on TV to notice Jongin’s presence.


“Food’s ready.”


Baekhyun jumps with a start and spins around on his knees to find Jongin looking over him from behind the couch. He puts a hand on his racing heart “My god, don’t scare me like that!”


Jongin shrugs and leads the boy back to the dining room where he’s set the food on fine chinaware. Baekhyun nearly drools at the sight and doesn’t hesitate to start eating. Jongin eats at a slower pace and from time to time he’d risk a glance at the boy across from him.


He felt a weird sense of accomplishment from seeing Baekhyun enjoying his handmade meal.


After eating Baekhyun offers to wash the dishes but Jongin refuses profusely. He would not take the chance and have Baekhyun break his expensive plates. So, he rolls up his own sleeves and washes while Baekhyun prances from one side of the kitchen to the other whining an “Are you done yet” every thirty seconds.


When Jongin stops responding Baekhyun pouts sadly and plants his face against the cold glass of the kitchen window. Jongin eyes him weirdly but decides against saying anything. He rather not know what the hell was going on through that underdeveloped mind of his.


“I’m done.”


Baekhyun feels the presence of a warm body behind him so he removes his face off the window and turns around. Jongin grimaces at the visible red mark on the boy’s left cheek. Baekhyun doesn’t seem to notice and beams “Yay, let’s start!”


As expected, Jongin’s room is neat and free from any mess. With a simple all-white theme and only a few pieces of furniture to fill the large space. Jongin turns to Baekhyun “Alright so wewhat the heck?!”


Baekhyun’s already made himself comfortable on Jongin’s bed and is forming fake snow angels across the silky bedsheets “It’s so soft~” He flips over onto his stomach and presses his face against the fluffy pillow “Mmm it smells like you” he muffles.


Thankfully Jongin doesn't hear the second part but the sight is enough to have him bounding over and tugging the tiny man off by one leg. Baekhyun releases some incoherent yelp as his body is thrown to the floor.


“Ouch!” He rubs his sore bum and looks up at Jongin with a hurt expression which Jongin chooses to ignore. He pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration.


“Listen Baekhyun, I think we need to set some ground rules.”


Baekhyun sits up and stares at him expectantly.


“Firstly, we’ll be working in my house so that means you have to do whatever I say okay?” Baekhyun nods and Jongin continues “That means you can only touch whatever I allow you to touch got it? Oh and if I tell you to leave or not come over for whatever reason you are to oblige am I clear?” Again, Baekhyun nods. Jongin smirks “Good. Now let’s begin.”


Baekhyun starts by showing Jongin the flyer for the contest. He hovers over the tanned male who’s seated at his desk, glasses now adorned to his handsome face. Jongin scans the crumpled orange paper and whistles lowly “Ten thousand dollar grand prize? That’s alot.”


Baekhyun nods eagerly “That’s what I’m aiming to win.” Jongin wonders if it’d be too much to ask the boy why he needs that much money but like always he keeps his mouth shut and takes the manila envelope out instead.


He opens it expecting to find a piece of paper but gets surprised when the only thing inside is a silver key. Jongin picks up the object “I thought you said your prompt was in in here?”


“That is my prompt.”


Jongin’s eyes round and he looks at Baekhyun with confusion “How is this a prompt?” Baekhyun takes the key from his hands and smiles gently at it. Jongin can’t help but notice it’s not one of those bright happy smiles he’s seen from Baekhyun so far. This one looked….sad?


“Someone gave me this key saying it’d open the door to happiness.”


“....Did it?”


“I don’t know…” Baekhyun gives the key back to Jongin “I haven’t found the door yet.” Jongin twirls the metallic object between his fingers and remains silent. What was he supposed to say? It’s not like he believed the whole “key to happiness” bull anyways.


“Anyways…” Baekhyun drawls “I need you to help me write a story from this. It doesn’t need to be too long but every word should have an impact. I want the judges crying when they’re done.” He lifts his fist in the air with a determined expression making Jongin snort.


“Is that an order or a suggestion?”


Baekhyun smiles bashfully and Jongin thinks it suits him  “A little bit of both. So will you help me?”


Jongin looks from the key in his hand to the hopeful expression on Baekhyun’s face. He sighs.






Ding dong. Ding dong.


Jongin slurs from under the sheets.


Ding dong. Ding dong.


Jongin pulls the blanket off his face and glances at the clock. . Who the hell was ringing his doorbell so goddamn early in the morning? A few curses escape his plump lips as the ringing doesn’t stop. Reluctantly, Jongin scrambles out of bed and makes his way down. He opens the door and glares.


“Good morning!”


Jongin slams the door closed. He turns to leave but stops when he hears a persistent knocking.


“Jongin! Jongin! Open the door! It’s me.”


Jongin takes a deep breath. He doesn’t need to open the door.


“Jongin it’s cold!”


Nope. It’s not gonna work.


“Jongin your neighbors are giving me weird looks.”


Deal with it.



The knocking finally stops. Did he leave? Good. Jongin takes a step forward but immediately freezes at the sound of a small whimper.


“...Please Jongin, I’m scared.”


The door opens and Baekhyun breaks out into a relieved smile upon seeing the displeased look on Jongin’s face “Get in” he grumbles.


Baekhyun pulls the warm mug of hot Chocolate closer to his body and relishes its heat. It was winter now in Korea and the days were reaching their prime temperature of freezing cold. Jongin detested winter because he found the snow too much of hassle to clean up. Baekhyun loved it.


“It’s almost Christmas!”


Jongin sips his coffee and replies with a bored “So what?” causing Baekhyun to abruptly pull away from his mug. There’s a thick line of whipped cream above his upper lip which he doesn't care for as he’s too busy gasping dramatically.


So what? This is Christmas we’re talking about, how can you say so what?!”


Jongin shrugs and reaches over to wipe the cream off Baekhyun’s mouth with a napkin. Just recently he found out Baekhyun was 17 but Jongin thought the boy’s mental state was closer to 5. “What’s so special about Christmas?”


And cue another gasp.


“Jongin you don’t understand. Christmas is wonderful! It’s a time for presents and fun and joy and presents!” Jongin takes the empty mugs and walks to the sink to wash them. Baekhyun follows behind him closely “How can you not love Christmas?”


“I just don’t.”


There’s a moment of silence which is strange because Baekhyun is never silent. Jongin is about to turn around when a hand lands on his shoulder. Jongin stops washing.


“Is it because you’re lonely?” comes Baekhyun’s soft voice. Jongin’s body goes rigid. How did Baekhyun know?


“Baekhyun I-”


“I’ll celebrate with you.” Jongin turns to look at him in surprise “W-What?” Baekhyun smiles his signature bright smile and Jongin feels an unfamiliar turning of his stomach.


“We’ll celebrate Christmas together.”




“Do you believe in ghosts?”


When he hears no answer, Baekhyun sits up from his spot on the bed and glances back at the man sitting on the table. They’d been working for three hours now. The room was dark with only a desk lamp as the source of light but Baekhyun can clearly see the expression on the other’s face.


“Jongin hyung, do you believe in ghosts?”




Baekhyun perks up and crosses his legs. He grabs the nearest pillow and hugs it to his chest while boring his eyes into the back of Jongin’s head “Why not?”


“Because that’s stupid.”


Baekhyun frowns. He believed in ghosts; does that mean he’s stupid too? “What about aliens?” He hears Jongin sigh and bites his lip “S-Sorry I didn’t mean to bother you. Ignore me.” Baekhyun pulls the blankets over his head and curls up into a ball.


He hears footsteps a few moments later and shuts his eyes. Did Jongin leave? Idiot...shouldn’t have annoyed him.


“Hey…” A hand suddenly shakes his leg “Hey get up.” Baekhyun slowly pulls the blanket off his head but only enough that his eyes show. He sees Jongin staring at him “Wanna go out?”


Baekhyun bounces inside the bubble tea store with Jongin hissing at him from close behind “Yah! Can’t you stay still?” Baekhyun pouts but stops bouncing. Instead, he clutches onto Jongin’s arm and drags the protesting man towards the menu.


“Jonginnie~ What flavour do you like?”


Jongin flinches at the overly high-pitched voice and scans the menu. He lazily points at the chocolate flavour. Baekhyun grins “Oh we have the same favourite flavour. I think we’re soulmates!”


Jongin’s eyes grow wide at Baekhyun’s absurd comment and his neck snaps towards the smaller boy. Baekhyun wiggles his brows playfully and runs off to order before Jongin could smack him in the head.


“Aish this brat…”


They walk down the crowded streets of Gangnam with Jongin sipping his drink disinterestedly and Baekhyun making oogly eyes at almost everything “Oh look Jongin that place sells snapbacks!”


Baekhyun pulls Jongin inside and almost instantly disappears amongst the millions of hats. Jongin sighs and walks through random aisles. He stopped wearing snapbacks a long time ago after graduating high school. In fact, after becoming an adult Jongin’s whole fashion style changed. While picking up a random hat he inwardly admits he misses being a kid.


Maybe that’s why he’s drawn to Baekhyun. The childish vibes the petit boy emits remind Jongin of his own past and the times when he was truly happy. Perhaps Baekhyun is what Jongin needed in his dull life; a little light.


Where is that kid anyways?


Jongin sticks his head into a few aisles trying to spot sight of purple hair but to no avail. He’s about to give up and start shouting when he hears a familiar laugh. Walking down the store, Jongin turns into the last aisle and freezes.


Baekhyun smiles up at the worker who hands him another hat “Here try this one” the man suggests. Baekhyun puts the hat on his head. It’s a little too big making his face seem smaller than it already is.


“How does it look?”


“Perfect” Baekhyun misses the sultry undertone of the stranger’s voice and continues to grin cutely.




“Mhhm...spin around.” Baekhyun blinks, slightly confused but turns around anyways. The man’s eyes darken as they roam the expanse of Baekhyun’s slim figure, taking in his slight curves before stopping at the pert bottom. He his lips “So perfect…”


“What do you-” Baekhyun gasps when he feels a hand grabbing his “S-Stop what are you doing?!” Baekhyun’s eyes water when the man doesn’t stop and s him harder.


“P-Please let me go…” Baekhyun whimpers. He can feel the man hard against his back and tries to push him away but the guy grabs him tightly around the waist. He breathes hotly against Baekhyun’s ear making him tremble “You’re so ing y. I want to eat you up princess.”


“P-Please…” Baekhyun can’t stop the moan which escapes his lips when a hand grabs his own member through his pants. Tears stream down his face as the stranger continues to him roughly.


“J-Jongin.” Baekhyun closes his eyes. He feels dizzy and nauseated. Jongin please help me. He can’t even scream when there’s rugged fingers probing against his entrance. He’s too numb to care. Kim Jongin where are you?


Baekhyun loses all his strength and falls limp into the man’s arms. His vision blurs but he thinks he sees a familiar pair of black sneakers running towards him. He can’t hear anything but the way his name is screamed out of the boy’s mouth. Baekhyun manages to smile once before everything goes black.


Jongin came.




The sound of a subtle beeping wakes Baekhyun up. His eyes are wide and a big smile adorns his face when he remembers what day it is today.


January 14


Baekhyun jumps out of bed and dashes for the bathroom. He quickly brushes his teeth and gets dressed. It’s still cold out so he opts to wear a baby blue oversized sweater to keep him warm. Baekhyun nods in satisfaction at his reflection before slipping on his favourite winter boots and leaving his small apartment.


Jongin is fast asleep in dreamland when a heavy weight drops down on his stomach. Jongin’s brows furrow together and he mumbles something about chicken under his breath. There’s a soft giggle before the weight shifts and Jongin feels something tickle the underside of his chin. He feels a hand trailing up the side of his ribs making him squirm.


“S-Stop…” He groans when delicate fingers draw circles over his chest.




The voice was sweet and tender. Like soft kisses against his eardrum.


“Jongin wake up.”


Jongin slowly opens his eyelids and stares at the figure hovering above him. It takes his eyes a while to adjust until he can clearly see who it is “B-Baekhyun?”


Baekhyun grins and Jongin is momentarily stunned by how adorable he looks with his geeky glasses hanging low on the bridge of his nose “Good morning sleepy head.” He slides off Jongin’s body letting the man sit up before curling into his side.


Jongin yawns and rubs the sleep out of his eyes “What are you doing here?” Maybe he shouldn’t have told Baekhyun the passcode to his house after all. Baekhyun pouts “Don’t you know what today is?”


Jongin presses his cheek onto the crown of Baekhyun’s head as sleep threatens to take over him again “Saturday.” He hears Baekhyun huff in annoyance. Jongin smiles.


“No, it’s your birthday silly!”


Jongin hums. Was it his birthday already? Time sure does fly by fast. He didn’t really care about his birthday though. When he was younger getting gifts from his family was always nice but now that Jongin was an orphan it didn’t matter. Plus, besides Kyungsoo, Jongin didn’t have any other friends to celebrate with anyways. As years passed, his birthday became just another ordinary day.


“Oh” he replies while draping his arm loosely around Baekhyun’s waist. He leaned his body against the smaller man and breathed in the scent of sweet vanilla. Baekhyun always seemed to smell good.


Baekhyun frowns and nudges Jongin’s side “Yah. Didn’t you hear what I said? It’s your birthday, let’s celebrate.” Jongin lowers his face into the crook of Baekhyun’s neck and mumbles a reply against the porcelain skin “Why bother? It’s not that important anyways.”


Baekhyun suddenly jumps up making Jongin fall flat on his face against the mattress. He curses and shoots the boy a glare. Baekhyun crosses his arms over his chest “How can you say that? Kim Jongin, besides Christmas your birthday is the next most important day of the year. It’s the day you were born into the world. We have to celebrate it.”


Jongin whines and buries his face into the pillows “Don’t wanna!” Baekhyun gasps because he’s never seen this side of Jongin before. So….childlike.


“If you don’t get up you aren’t getting any cake.”


There’s a pause and Baekhyun smirks when he sees Jongin tilt his head out a bit “Cake?”


“See that wasn’t so bad was it?” they walk into the living room and crash onto the couch. Jongin groans and slides further into the seat. His legs were burning “Bad? That was horrible!”


Apparently Baekhyun’s idea of celebrating a birthday was going to the mall and watching Jongin get bombarded by crazy fangirls. It took him three hours to finally chase them away. All the while Baekhyun had been laughing and munching away on his pretzel like this were the best show of his life. Jongin swears there’s secretly a devil hiding behind that baby-face.


“Oh c’mon the cake was good though right?”


Well the two bites he got to taste were good. The rest was floating inside Baekhyun’s stomach “Yeah sure.” He closes his eyes feeling suddenly very tired.


“Wait till you see the best part!” What? Jongin’s eyes snap open in horror. There’s more?! He watches as Baekhyun disappears out the room and comes back holding a small, neatly wrapped green box. Jongin eyes the box with weary eyes “What’s in it?”


Baekhyun nudges it to him “Open it.” Jongin takes the box into his hands and shakes it lightly. He looks at Baekhyun suspiciously while unwrapping the green paper. Baekhyun nods and so Jongin opens the box. His eyes expand when they land on the familiar silver object.


“Baek, your key.” He takes the object out and grazes his thumb against the cold metal “Why are you giving me this?”  He looks at Baekhyun with questioning eyes. The younger smiles softly and takes a seat next to Jongin on the couch.


“Remember when I told you this key opens the door to happiness? Well in the past I could never find that door. The more I searched the more frustrated I got with myself for not being able to find it. However recently I've been feeling different, a lot happier, and so I think...” his eyes meet with Jongin’s for a brief moment and Jongin forgets how to breathe.


“I think I've found my happiness Jongin, now it’s your turn to find yours.”




He looks around the store in slight disgust. So much red. He takes a seat in his usual spot near the back and flips through the menu boredly.




Said man looks up and smiles “Kyung-ah!” The short male with wide sparkly eyes runs over and engulfs Jongin in a warm hug. He pulls back and smiles, chubby cheeks beaming with a rosy pink.


“I haven’t seen you in ages, how are you?” He slides into the seat across from Jongin. Jongin returns the smile “Same as always. How about you? Business looks good as ever.”


It was true. Now that February had rolled in couples were going berserk with endless Valentine’s day escapades and for stores that meant a ton of customers. Cafes like Kyungsoo’s were decked out on red decor and special drinks.


Just like Christmas or his birthday or any other important holiday in the world, Jongin could care less about Valentine’s day though. Kyungsoo nagged that it was because he was single and old.


“Hey 24 is not old.”


“Fine but you’re still single.” Jongin sighs and blows on his cappuccino. How Jongin was still single surprised Kyungsoo. For one, Jongin was the definition of hot. His features were handsome and his body was well toned from years of dancing. Secondly, Jongin was rich and who doesn’t like rich handsome guys? Lastly and most importantly, Jongin was nice.


Jongin may come off as your typical cold-hearted bad guy but Kyungsoo knew how wrong that statement was. He knew that Jongin was just as sensitive and caring as anyone else and it hurt him to see his friend so unhappy all the time. All he wants is to see Jongin smile; really smile.


“Hey are you even listening to me?” Kyungsoo breaks away from his thoughts to see Jongin frowning at him “Sorry what did you say?” Jongin rolls his eyes.


“I said, how are you and Chanyeol doing? It’s been a while since I’ve seen the giant.” Kyungsoo laughs and steals a bit of Jongin’s cupcake “He’s goodwe’re good. Bought a new apartment closer to his workplace. You should come over sometime Jongin.”


Jongin scoffs and steals his cupcake back “And be a third wheel? Nah.” Kyungsoo frowns at him “Hey, you’re not a third wheel!” Jongin just raises his brows at him.


“Okay fine….bring a date then.” Jongin chuckles “Yeah sure lemme just call my imaginary boyfriend.” Kyungsoo swats his arm “Seriously Jongin, isn’t there anyone you like?”


It’s almost scary how fast a picture of him pops up in Jongin’s mind and he chokes on his drink “N-No.”


Kyungsoo pats his friends back and stands up “Look I gotta go but I still want you to come over. Date or not. Okay?” Jongin just nods weakly and watches his best friend disappear behind the counter.


Jongin takes his time walking home. He watches as dozens of happy couples stroll past him and he can’t help but feel envious. It’s not that Jongin didn’t want to date, he just never found that special someone in his life yet. At one point he thought he was in love with Kyungsoo but it didn’t take long for him to realize it was just a small crush. When Kyungsoo announced he was dating Chanyeol (a friend from college) Jongin was truly glad for him. Now Kyungsoo’s a married man and Jongin doesn’t think he’s ever seen his friend any happier.


His hand unconsciously reaches into the pocket of his coat and he pulls out the rusty old key. Would he ever be able to find his happiness too? He climbs onto the porch of his house and scrubs the dirt off his boots before typing in the passcode. His house is dark when he enters.


Jongin sighs and hangs his coat on the coat rack. If he had found that special someone already would there be warm food to come home to? A house full of laughter perhaps? Jongin doesn’t bother turning on the lights and heads straight to his room.


If he had someone to love would there be a spot filling the empty one beside him on the bed to fall asleep with and wake up to first thing in the morning? Jongin opens the door and slips inside. He pulls off his tie and shrugs off his dress shirt. He walks outside onto the balcony, cursing when cool air meets with his bare skin.


If he was in love would there be someone watching stars with him all night and listening to him talk about his dreams and aspirations under the warm blanket they’d share? Jongin realizes these are no longer his thoughts but small fragments of hope he has. To find love, fall in love, be in love. Could Jongin do it?


Silence answers him and it’s cold, so cold that Jongin shivers. But then suddenly its warm, so warm that Jongin’s skin burns under the touch of small arms which have wrapped around his waist.


“What are you thinking about?” that voice. That honey-like voice Jongin’s come to adore. He remains still and let’s the sound of another heartbeat mix with his. “Jongin?” warm air fans his skin making him slightly tremble.


He doesn’t know when he’s been turned around but all he can focus on are the warm brown orbs peering curiously into his own and he thinks I could stare into those eyes for eternity.


Then the boy pouts. Plush red lip curling downwards leaving Jongin breathless. The need to touch, to feel overwhelms him so much that he grasps hard onto the ledge hoping his heart might calm down from its high.


“W-What are you doing here?” it’s a miracle his voice is still there because his throat feels extremely dry the moment his eyes rake in how the boy’s small body drowns under one of his shirts. He can’t help but stare at the long white legs being presented to him, pale and begging to be marked.


“I came to see you” and under the moon’s light Jongin finally notices how beautiful the man before him is “W-Why?” It’s too much. Jongin has never felt such an intense prickling in his guts before.


“I missed you.”


And then the feelings are gone and Jongin feels numb. His mind is completely blank as he dips his head down and connects his lips against the awaiting wet ones. There’s too much tongue and not enough air but Jongin doesn’t care anymore. His hands move on their own when lifting the boy up and carrying him to the bed.


Fingers thread through his hair as his face moves down along the plane of a smooth neck, making sure not a single patch of skin isn’t or or bitten. He growls because there’s still too much clothes and wastes no time to rip the shirt off the boy’s body along with his own jeans.


Then, there’s too much skin and Jongin can feel how soft the other is under his palm. He s and kneads the beautiful flesh, becoming dizzy with every sound that escapes the male’s lips. He settles between long legs and trails feathery kisses along the inner thigh. The man above him squirms and so Jongin hushes him with his lips.


So sweet he thinks. How can someone taste this sweet?


The first digit he pushes in elicits a sharp cry from the younger boy. Jongin kisses the tears away and whispers words he didn’t know he was capable of saying against the latter’s ear. Moments pass and finally comes the small whimper.




Jongin nods and follows through with the second and third digit. He pulls out and pushes in with a motion that has the man below him a mess. Jongin finds himself hardening with every pant that is released against his skin.


“I-I’m gonna come….”


Jongin pulls his fingers out and almost laughs at the small whine. “Shhh” he whispers against swollen lips. Jongin repositions himself at the awaiting entrance. He glances once at the boy to make sure everything was okay.


There’s a small nod and Jongin enters with a precisioned . The room soon fills with the sound of loud moans and skin slapping against skin. Jongin wraps his hand around the neglected member and gives it a few until strings of white are released into his hand and over their chests.


“So beautiful” Jongin leans forward to capture those delicious lips in another heated kiss. Their tongues graze one another sending wonderful chills down Jongin’s spine. His lower body increases speed and he can feel himself nearing release.




His hips snap forward when he comes, feeling his hot seeds shoot up the other’s man’s . There’s arms wrapped around his neck and he’s pulled back down into another kiss.


“Kim Jongin.”


He rides his out and pants against soft lips.


“I love you Jongin.”


Love. Had he finally found it? Jongin realizes no. He hadn't found love, because he was already in love, just too blind to understand it. Love was found 5 months ago in the cafe when a petit boy who smiled far too brightly turned around and said hello.


Jongin stares down at that same boy now with flushed cheeks, hooded eyes and parted lips. Jongin smiles.


“I love you too Baekhyun.”




Jongin brushes aside his bangs and fixes his collar for the nth time. A quick glance to his wrist watch indicates it’s currently 5:30 PM. He sighs out, thankfully he wasn’t late.  


“How do I look?” He turns to his right where a short boy glares at him. Jongin flinches back “W-What?”


Baekhyun rolls his eyes “Kim Jongin you look fine. Now would you stop fussing over yourself.” Baekhyun looks back at his phone and Jongin pouts. It’s not his fault he was nervous, he can’t help it. The elevator doors open and the two step out.


They walk down the shining marble floor and the closer they get, the more scared Jongin feels. He thinks he might even pass out but then there’s a small hand sliding into his larger one and Jongin relaxes. They stop outside the platinum door and Jongin feels a light squeeze to his hand. He looks down and forgets to breathe when he sees that beautiful smile.


“Jongin you look gorgeous” Baekhyun says in a voice that always seemed to calm Jongin down. He brings his hands up to Jongin’s chest and re-adjusts the tie before giving it a light tug, effectively pulling Jongin down and connecting their lips.


Jongin sighs against Baekhyun’s mouth “You look cute.” It was true. While Jongin was clad in a formal black dress shirt and grey suit vest, Baekhyun wore a big red knit sweater with a small pink heart on the . He said it was “Valentine’s day vogue” or something. As long as he was happy, Jongin didn’t care.


Jongin moves away to ring the doorbell. There’s a minute of silence before the door abruptly opens and a breathless Kyungsoo stares wide-eyed at them “You made it!” Jongin scoffs “Of course I did, you threatened to take away my free drinks if I didn’t remember?”


Kyungsoo grins smugly “Hmm did I? Don’t recall sorry.” Jongin opens his mouth to say something snarky but Kyungsoo suddenly gasps “Oh my who is this?” He averts his attention to the small man clinging gently to Jongin’s arm.


Baekhyun bows his head “Hello I’m Byun Baekhyun.” Kyungsoo squeals and Jongin looks at his best friend in aghast. Suddenly Baekhyun is pulled away from him and is crushed into a hug “Oh aren’t you just the cutest thing ever! Are you here with Jongin?”


Jongin rolls his eyes at his friend’s stupidity “No he just happened to be there at the exact same time I was.” Kyungsoo wacks Jongin in the head “Don’t get sarcastic with me Kim Jongin” he looks back at Baekhyun with a far more tender expression “Come Baekhyun, I’ll take you to the kitchen.”


Jongin makes a noise of disapproval but Baekhyun sends him a small smile indicating it was okay before he’s dragged away by Kyungsoo. Jongin shakes his head and curses Kyungsoo a few times before a hand lands on his shoulder. Jongin turns around “Oh Chanyeol hyung!” he allows himself to be pulled into a hug.


Jongin met Chanyeol back in their college days. He wore big nerdy glasses back then and always smiled like he was on drugs. Jongin found him strange at first but when Kyungsoo introduced him as his boyfriend, they ended up spending more time together and eventually Jongin grew to like the giant.


They settle on the sofas and chat about old times. Chanyeol offers him a beer and Jongin declines kindly, saying he doesn’t drink. The house is soon filled with chatter and from what Jongin can hear, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are getting along quite well.


The two shorter males emerge from the kitchen twenty minutes later claiming dinner was ready. Kyungsoo was always a good cook, hence why he worked in a cafe. The dinner table was dressed with plenty of delicious looking foods and Jongin nearly drooled from the smell.


He takes a seat next to Baekhyun and gives the boy’s thigh a small squeeze before whispering in his ear “How was spending time with Kyungsoo?” Baekhyun shivers slightly at the warm breath but he manages to whisper back “I like him. Sort of loud though.”


Jongin smirks “And you aren’t?” Baekhyun looks at him with a pout “Am not.” Jongin chuckles and pecks the pouting mouth “Yes you are but I still love you.” Baekhyun can’t help but beam.


“Aww would you look at them. Young love~” Kyungsoo clasps his hands together and fakes a sob. Jongin throws a carrot to his head “Shut up Kyung.” Chanyeol wraps an arm around his fuming husband and smiles at Jongin “So how did you guys meet?”


Jongin glances at Baekhyun and smiles “He approached me at the cafe Kyungsoo works at asking for help and being the oh-so kind person that I am I agreed…” Baekhyun and Kyungsoo snort “AND SO...well I guess after seeing each other almost everyday the feelings just appeared.”


Chanyeol nods “Oh and what are you helping Baekhyun-shi with?” This time Baekhyun decides to answer “He’s helping me write a story for a writing contest.” Kyungsoo breaks out in a fit of giggles “HIM?! You’re asking him for help to write something?”


Jongin frowns “And what’s so wrong with that?” Kyungsoo shrugs and takes a sip of his wine “You just don’t seem like the writing type.” Jongin frowns deeper and crosses his arms “What do you mean I’m not the writing type? I’m a freaking author in case you forgot.”


“Anyways-” Kyungsoo ignores Jongin and looks at Baekhyun “-how’s the writing coming along?”


“It’s really good. Almost done with the rough draft right?” He looks at Jongin who nods. Kyungsoo’s eyes sparkle “Oh~ Well when it’s done I want to read it.” Jongin looks at him in disbelief “So you’ll read his work but not mine?”


Kyungsoo sticks his tongue out immaturely and if it weren’t for Baekhyun’s hand on Jongin’s back, this dinner would have gotten messy.  





They arrive at Baekhyun’s apartment well after midnight. Baekhyun had insisted he could walk home but as if Jongin would allow that. Once they reach the outside of Baekhyun’s door he turns around and gives Jongin a sleepy smile “I guess this is goodnight. Thanks for driving me home.”


Jongin’s lips curve down slightly “I can’t come in?” Baekhyun laughs at the pouting elder but shakes his head “I have school tomorrow so I need to wake up early.” Oh yeah, Jongin almost forgot Baekhyun was still in highschool.


Jongin snakes his arm around Baekhyun’s slim waist and draws his body close. He whispers in the boy’s ear seductively “I’ll be quick, promise.” Baekhyun gasps and hits the toned chest “Jongin!”


Jongin sighs “Okay, okay fine.” He pulls back and captures Baekhyun’s lips instead. The smaller doesn’t fight back and closes his eyes while melting into the kiss. Jongin takes him time, kissing Baekhyun slowly and taking in the flavour of the boy’s addicting lips. It’s when he at the seam of Baekhyun’s mouth that the boy whimpers and pulls away. Jongin, too devoured by lust, tries to chase after the retreating lips but gets stopped by a hand covering his mouth.


“Jongin stop or I swear I won’t let you touch me for a month.” Jongin stops. Baekhyun smirks and gives Jongin’s bum a light pat “Now go home.” Jongin shakes his head “You go in first.” Baekhyun complies and gives him a small wave, blows a kiss just to be cheeky and then disappears into his apartment. Jongin releases a content breath and leans his back against the door.


He can’t suppress the wide smile that spreads across his face. Is this what happiness felt like?




The first thing Jongin notices when he wakes up is that the space beside him is empty. He sits up, rubbing at his eyes while glancing around the quiet room. He scratches his head and picks up his boxers from the ground. After getting dressed, Jongin walks out of his room. He checks the bathroom, office and balcony but each place looks the same way as the other, empty.


He works his way down the staircase and paces towards the kitchen before coming to a hault. His eyes land on the familiar male standing beside the stove with a spatula in one hand and plate in the other. He doesn’t seem to notice Jongin so the latter clears his throat.


“Oh you’re awake!” Baekhyun turns around and waves cutely, Jongin’s white dress-shirt a little too big on his body and hanging off his shoulder revealing the milky skin marked with purples and reds. Jongin smirks at the memory.


He walks over and wraps his arms around the smaller’s shoulders before planting a small kiss to the back of Baekhyun’s hair which was now black instead of purple “What are you making babe?” Baekhyun hums and puts pieces of bacon onto the plate “Chef Byun’s special breakfast to celebrate the first day of spring!”


Ah yes spring. Jongin couldn’t be glader now that the snow was all melted and he could finally walk out of the house without freezing to death. He trailed kisses along Baekhyun’s nape “What should we do today?” Baekhyun puts the plate down and turns around so he can enclose his hands behind Jongin’s neck.


“We” he leans up and pecks Jongin’s lips once making the latter hum in approval “are going to stay home and finish my story.”


Jongin sighs out “But it’s so nice outside Baek. Let’s go for a walk, eat ice-cream, play in the park, have behind a tree.” Baekhyun lightly hits him “I know and as much I want to do all that minus the thing, my story is due in a month. We can’t afford to delay this any longer. Please Jongin?” he looks up with his most pleading eyes.


Jongin groans “Okay...but we’re still having behind a tree.”


Baekhyun smacks him harder this time.




A week before the deadline for the writing contest Jongin finally gets the courage to ask Baekhyun why he wanted to win so much money.


Baekhyun smiles at him “I’ll show you.”


When Jongin’s car pulls up into the parking lot of Sejong General Hospital he turns to his boyfriend in pure confusion “Why are we here?” Again, Baekhyun merely smiles and pulls the boy inside. Jongin looks around nervously when Baekhyun walks away to talk with the front desk.


A few elderly were talking, wheelchairs moving up and down the hall, children playing around despite the casts on their arms. He feels strange and unfamiliar, like a sunflower amongst a patch of roses. Luckily before Jongin could flee the area, Baekhyun comes back holding two hospital passes and takes his hand.


They ride the elevator up to the sixth floor and Baekhyun leads them down the hall. Jongin’s silent as he passes several rooms. He can hear sounds, some good some terrifying. He clutches Baekhyun’s hand tighter. They stop outside room 479.


“Jongin I want you to meet someone.” Jongin looks at him in both anticipation and slight fear. Baekhyun opens the door to reveal a white room filled with warm sunlight. There’s the sound of a television playing and when Jongin looks up he sees a small boy sitting on the bed.


“Baekbeom-ah…” The boy turns his head at Baekhyun’s voice and grins in a way that is eerily similar to Baekhyun’s smile “Hyung!” the little boy shouts happily. Baekhyun smiles and runs over to engulf the boy in a smothering hug.


“Hey little guy how are you feeling?” Baekhyun takes a seat on the bed and takes the small boy’s hand into his own. The boy shoots a thumbs up “A lot better now! Doctor Shin said I might even be able to go home soon.” Baekhyun smiles back but Jongin notices it’s not as bright as usual.


“That’s great kiddo. Oh there’s someone here I want you to meet.” Baekhyun turns to Jongin who walks over slowly. Jongin bends down so he’s at the same level as Baekbeom. He waves awkwardly at the blinking boy “Uh hello. My name’s Jongin.”


The little boy bows his head “Hello my name is Byun Baekbeom. I’m hyung’s little brother.” Jongin’s eyes widen at the information. He looks at Baekhyun whose eyes reflect sadness but he smiles anyways looking back at his little brother “Beom-ah this hyung is someone who’s going to help you get better.”


Both Baekbeom and Jongin look at him in surprise “Really?” Baekbeom looks at Jongin with so much hope that he feels his heart falter “Really hyung you’re going to help me?” Jongin doesn’t know what problem this kid is dealing with or how bad it may be but Jongin knows one thing for sure; he wants to help him get through it. And so Jongin nods with a big smile making Baekbeom smile back just as wide “Hyung’s the best!”


The three boys spend the rest of the afternoon playing together. Despite it being less than a day, Jongin finds himself growing very attached to Baekbeom. Maybe it’s the fact that he resembles Baekhyun so much that pulls a few strings in his heart.


Jongin buys them ice-cream and carries Baekbeom on his shoulders as they take a walk around the hospital’s garden. Baekhyun reaches up and wipes ice-cream off his brother’s mouth “Aigoo you’re already five but you still eat like a baby ‘tsk’.”


Jongin laughs at him “You’re the one to talk Baekhyun-ah.” Baekhyun raises a brow “What are you talking about-” he gasps when Jongin leans down and the corner of his mouth where a bit of vanilla ice-cream was. Jongin pulls back and smirks in a far too sensual way. Baekhyun’s face turns bright red and he shoves the taller away “P-ert” he mutters.


Jongin chuckles at his cute boyfriend and looks up at the boy resting on his shoulders “Hey little B, how would you like it if your hyung and I got married?”


Baekhyun splutters on his cone “W-What?!” Jongin ignores him and stares curiously at Baekbeom whose small face twists in thought before he gives a firm shake of his head “No I don’t like it.” Jongin raises his eyebrows “Oh and why not?” Even Baekhyun turns to him curiously.  


Baekbeom pouts sadly “If hyung gets married then Baekbeom will be all alone. No one will play with Baekbeom.” Baekhyun looks at his little brother and feels his heart soften. He takes the boy from Jongin and hugs him tightly to his chest “Hey don’t say that little guy. No one’s gonna leave you alright?”


There’s a small sniffle against his shirt “Umma and Appa did.” Jongin sees the way Baekhyun’s face hardens and it surprises him because he’s never seen Baekhyun angry. Baekhyun looks straight into Baekbeom’s eyes and speaks with a serious tone “No. Umma and Appa are different than hyung. Hyung won’t leave you understand? Hyung will never abandon you like they did to us.” The last part comes out as a whisper but Jongin hears it clearly.


His brows furrow and he steps forward to pull Baekhyun’s head to his chest. He doesn't know much about Baekhyun’s past but the day he made Baekhyun his own he promised himself he would never let anything harm this angel. Only smiles and never tears would adorn his face. And most importantly, he will never let Baekhyun be unhappy.


Later that evening Baekhyun finds himself in Jongin’s arms as they cuddle under the bedsheets. Baekhyun hasn’t said a word since they left the hospital and Jongin starts to worry. Baekhyun was always the loud one of the two; the one who needed to be told when to stop talking. Now, Jongin wants nothing more than for the smaller to at least utter a sound.


He looks down to where Baekhyun is absentmindedly playing with their fingers. He sees the frown on the younger’s face and leans forward to kiss his temple. Baekhyun blinks back to reality and peers up at Jongin. “What’s on your mind?” Jongin asks.


Baekhyun shakes his head “Nothing just….scared.” Jongin brushes the boy’s stray hairs to the side “About what?”


“The competition. Jongin if I lose I wouldn’t be able to afford Baekbeom’s surgery and if that happens he’ll….J-Jongin he’ll-”


“Shhh…” Baekhyun didn’t realize he was crying until warm hands were wiping at his eyes. Jongin pulls him closer and Baekhyun buries his face into Jongin’s chest “Baekhyun that won’t happen. You’re gonna win and Baekbeom’s gonna get better.”


And Baekhyun believes him. Every word that comes out of Jongin’s mouth brings nothing but reassurance to his mind and so Baekhyun relaxes “Promise?”


Jongin nods although Baekhyun can’t see it and presses a small kiss to the crown of Baekhyun’s head “I promise.”


The night before the competition Baekhyun doesn’t get any sleep. He had spent the entire day at Jongin’s house going through his story over and over again to make sure there wasn’t a single error that could ruin his chances of winning.


Jongin had called him saying not to stress and that everything would be fine. Baekhyun didn’t feel fine. He felt like hurling and screaming and the nasty weather outside didn’t help lesson his anxiety.


He especially didn’t feel fine when he placed the folder with his completed work into the mailbox the next morning. His body was shaking, his palms were sweaty and his only comfort was the distant ringing of someone’s cellphone.


With a deep breath he drops the folder into the vast darkness and whispers a small good luck before closing the lid shut.


He smiles at the sky which was no longer raining. Everything was going to be fine.




Except everything wasn’t fine.


It’s two weeks later when everything finally falls apart and Baekhyun’s fairytale comes to an end.


He was in his kitchen cutting up some radish for dinner when he gets the call. He stops all movement and listens to the calm voice on the other line. His grip on the knife loosens and it comes crashing to the ground barely a centimeter from slicing through Baekhyun’s flesh. But he doesn’t care.


“His condition has gotten worse. We’ve decided to take him into surgery.”


The ride to the hospital is silent. Baekhyun doesn’t say a word and stares out the window with an empty gaze. Kyungsoo glances at him from the rearview mirror, concern etched all over his face. Chanyeol squeezes his hand from behind the steering wheel and Kyungsoo breaks away from the heart-breaking sight to look at his husband.


“He’ll be okay.”


The moment the car pulls into the parking lot, Baekhyun runs out despite shouts of his name from the other two. His blood-shot eyes meet with the secretary’s who without question admits him entry.


Baekhyun finds himself slowing down as he reaches the emergency section of the hospital. Everywhere he sees pain and red; so much red. His legs grow weak and he places a hand against the wall to balance himself.


His body makes it to operation room number 333 and he finally collapses into the closest seat. He hears footsteps from behind but his head feels like it weighs a hundred pounds. A warm body wraps itself around his torso and something inside Baekhyun snaps.


Tear after tear falls from his eyes and he’s sobbing hard into Kyungsoo’s shirt. The elder rubs soothing circles on his back along with hushed “It’ll be okay” which only elicit a louder cry from Baekhyun.


Maybe it’s because he hasn’t cried in years that at last, all his built up emotions have burst. From the pain of his parents leaving, to seeing his little brother sick in a hospital and the late nights of working endless hours to afford a place to live; everything that Baekhyun has ever held in finally comes pouring out.


His broken sobs resonate through the hall and nurses can only give him sympathetic glances for they’d seen this sight far too often. It hurts so much. Everywhere in his body there is pain, burning, stabbing, eating at him alive.


Just when he thinks it couldn’t get worse, it does. Because now there are strong arms holding him and warm lips against his lips and Baekhyun’s never felt a pain this strong. It’s suffocating and his chest feels like it’ll no longer contain his throbbing heart.


“Byun Baekhyun look at me.”


No. He shakes his head and shuts his eyes. His body is pulled up and he tries to fight back but he’s too weak and the other is too strong “Baekhyun please.”


When Baekhyun looks up he thinks he’s looking into a mirror. The same blood-shot eyes and tear stained cheeks are staring back at him. Baekhyun lets himself be pulled into the warmth of the other’s body and bit by bit the pain disappears.


Just like that Baekhyun falls asleep into Jongin’s arms.


What feels like hours later, Baekhyun wakes up. He’s been laid horizontally along the row of seats with his head resting on Jongin’s lap. He squints a few times to focus before sitting up. Jongin stirs and opens his eyes as well “Where’s Kyungsoo and Chanyeol?” Baekhyun asks the older.


Jongin yawns “They’re gone to get food. Are you hungry?” Baekhyun shakes his head “Not really.” Jongin reaches over and tucks a few strands of hair behind Baekhyun’s ear “How are you feeling?”


Baekhyun looks at him. It’s dark outside but the hospital lights are still bright enough for Baekhyun to see the redness in the other’s swollen eyes “Not so great. You?” Jongin gives an understanding nod and brings Baekhyun’s head onto his shoulder “Trying to be strong for the both of us.”


“Do you think he’ll make it?” Baekhyun whispers quietly after a moment of silence.


“He’s your brother right?”


Baekhyun nods.


“Then he’ll definitely make it.”


“And why’s that?”


“Because you’re both hella stubborn.”


Baekhyun cracks a small smile but doesn’t disagree. Jongin continues “Also because you’re both fighters.” Baekhyun’s eyes round and turns slightly to look at Jongin. Jongin meets his eyes and speaks with sincerity “You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met Baekhyun and I have no doubt Baekbeom is too. I promised you already didn’t I? Everything will be okay.”


And once again Baekhyun believes every word Jongin tells him. Because he knows that Jongin is sincere and would never lie. He trusts Jongin more than anyone because Jongin is his happiness.


“Thank you Kim Jongin.”


Jongin smiles and rests his forehead against Baekhyun’s. They stay like that for a few minutes until the sound of a door opening catches their attention. The moment Doctor Shin steps out of the operation room Baekhyun storms over.


“Oh Baekhyun you’re here.”


“Doctor Shin I-”




Baekhyun’s head snaps the other direction where a red faced Kyungsoo comes running towards him. There’s a bright yellow envelope in his hand.


“As I was saying the results for your brother’s surgery are out-”


“Baekhyun I got the results for your story!” Kyungsoo comes to a complete stop right in front of Baekhyun.


“Your brother he-”


“Your story it-”










Baekhyun’s eyes water.




Summer was always a promising season. With long days and warm nights, the feeling of freedom and serenity was something Jongin always looked forward to. He loved the sound of grass being watered and meat being grilled over barbeques.


He enters the store and walks over to his seat in the back. There’s cut-outs of suns and clouds plastered all over the walls and Jongin thinks it’s pretty stupid. Kyungsoo had called it art. A cup of green tea latte is brought over along with his favourite carrot muffin. He bows at the waiter who smiles and walks away.


Jongin blows at his drink and glances out the window where children can be seen laughing and playing around. There’s a distant sound of bells jingling and Jongin doesn’t need to look up when a figure slides into the seat across from him.


“I’ll have an iced americano and slice of chocolate cake.”


The waiter scribbles something on his notepad and walks away. Jongin averts his eyes away from the window and when he looks forward he’s met with the most blinding smile he’d, after years of seeing, grew to love.  


“Long day at work?” he asks to which the other pouts. Old habits really do die hard Jongin thinks when he finds himself leaning across the table to wipe chocolate off soft lips “Ugh don’t even get me started!”


Jongin raises a brow “Are the kids bothering you?”


“No! It’s the total opposite. They won’t even come near me.” Jongin chuckled in amusement “Managed to scare away some eight year olds I see.” A hand slaps his arm “Not funny Kim Jongin.”


Jongin takes the hand into his own and grazes his thumb over the thin white-gold ring “What about our little monster?” Before the other can respond though there’s a high pitched scream from behind “HYUNG!”


Jongin turns around and beams whilst scooping the running boy into his arms “Hey lil guy. How’s my favourite person in the whole world doing?” The small boy giggles when fingers tickle along his stomach “H-Hyung s-stop i-it!”


“See this is why I said he’d be a terrible father.”


Jongin looks up and scowls “Shut up Do Kyungsoo.” Chanyeol pops up from behind and wags a finger “That’s Park Kyungsoo to you.” Jongin rolls his eyes and mutters a “Yeah whatever.”


Kyungsoo ignores him and looks to his right “So how’s paradise in the Kim family residence?” Jongin follows Kyungsoo’s gaze and smirks at the person across the table “I don’t know….how is it Mrs. Kim?”


Baekhyun stops eating and glares at Jongin “If you call me that one more time, I swear to god I’m filing a divorce.” The smirk fades from Jongin’s face and he bites his lip, trying hard to figure out if Baekhyun was joking or not. Baekhyun grins at his husband’s expression before returning his attention back to Kyungsoo “We’re living well hyung thanks for asking.”


Kyungsoo shakes his head with a light sigh “I can’t believe it’s already been three years. Feels like just yesterday I was watching Jongin here trip over his own two feet before finally getting on his knees-”


“-oh and don’t forget how he dropped the ring into the sewer so the whole proposal was delayed for twenty minutes” Chanyeol interjects. Everyone except Jongin laughs at the memory. Jongin shoots Baekhyun a frown making the boy shrug “Hey, I thought it was cute.”


“Speaking of cute…” they all look down to the squirming child now in Baekhyun’s lap. Baekhyun gasps “Yah, yah, yah! Baekbeom-ah!” and pries the cake out of the boy’s hands. His little brother smiles innocently hoping it’d cover up for the mess that was now all over his face and shirt.


Chanyeol quickly grabs Kyungsoo’s hand “Um we’ll let you guys take care of that. Bye Jongin. Bye Baekhyun- oh and congrats on your book getting published!” Baekhyun doesn’t even get the chance to say thank you because the pair were already out the door. He sighs and stands up with Baekbeom in his arms “Let’s go child, time for a shower” he pauses and reaches a hand out “You too Jongin.”


The bathroom is filled with sounds of laughter and joy. Baekhyun squats in front of the bathtub and tries desperately to shampoo Baekbeom’s hair but the task deems difficult as he’s far too immersed in having a splash war with his self-proclaimed appa. Baekhyun finally snaps when a specific attack ends up soaking him instead.


“Yah, stop it both of you!”


The two boys (technically one man) stop their movements and it becomes quiet. Baekhyun smiles in satisfaction until


“Baekbeom-ah, I think your hyung wants to play too.”




Before Baekhyun can register what’s going on his body is lifted off the ground and he’s pulled into the bathtub with a loud splash.




Baekhyun splutters on the water being thrown at his face “S-Stop!”  He tries to get up but strong arms wrap around his waist from behind and he’s held in place. He can hear Jongin chuckling next to his ear and Baekhyun fumes.


“KIM JONGIN…..I….SWEAR…..I’M GONNA…...KILL…..YOU!” he screams despite the water being shoved down his throat. Abruptly the splashing stops and Baekhyun slowly opens his eyes to find his brother giggling at him “Haha hyung you’re all wet.”


Baekhyun narrows his eyes into slits “Of course I’m wet you brat! C’mere you little-” Baekbeom screams and jumps out of the tub. Baekhyun watches flabbergasted as his brother’s little disappears out the bathroom.


“Aish that kid….”


“He’s just like you.”


“What are you-” his words are cut off by thick lips closing over his own. A hand travels down his back and onto his where there’s a light squeeze.


“You know…” Jongin mumbles against his mouth “being wet isn’t always a bad thing.” Baekhyun smirks and brings his hands around Jongin’s neck before taking one of the plump lips between his teeth and tugging “Oh yeah? Wanna prove it.”


The all too familiar spark is present in Baekhyun’s eyes and Jongin knows as he carries the petit man to their bed, tonight was going to be one of those long and playful ones. As their breaths mold and their bodies become one Jongin thinks he finally understands what finding happiness meant.


It was never about the end result but instead about the journey. The time he spent looking for happiness made him blind to the fact that happiness was already there. It was in the carrot muffin he ate every morning at his best friend’s cafe, in the dance floor room where he spent hours learning new moves to old songs, in between the curses he shot at Chanyeol whenever they played X-Box together.


Jongin could not find happiness, because you can’t find what you already have. All that was missing was a key to open the door to let that happiness in. But Jongin thinks, as he leans down and kisses the man below him, he’s found that too now.


And Jongin will hold onto this key forever.


Because Baekhyun was Jongin’s key to happiness.





[A/n]  Thank you to everyone who subscribed, commented and upvoted for this story. I'm sorry it took this long to post. I hope you all enjoyed reading this. Please leave a comment and feel free to upvote. Bye my lovely readers~


Fun fact: Baekhyun was supposed to die in this story hense the angsty looking poster but I decided last minute that NOPE. I CANNOT. And so we ended with happy fluffy kaibaek <3 ohwell. 

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Chapter 1: Oh my God good thing Baek didn't die because this story is PERFECT like this! I am in loveee with this story!!! !!( sorry for my language) I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! So much ^.^
Abbll16 #2
Chapter 1: This was so beautiful. And thank god you didn't kill Baekhyun because I would have cried. It was perfect how it ended up. :)
Chapter 1: Hi author-nim ! I'm a KaiBaek shipper and I really love this fic. So I want to traslate this oneshot into Vietnamese. Could you please give me the permission ? Christmas is coming, Kai's birthday is too. So I want this translation as a gift for myself and my friend - KBs too. ^^ Anyway, thank you for writing such a sweet story !
Chapter 1: I love this story so much. Such a warm fic for this X-mas
kellkell63 #5
Chapter 1: woww this is really baeutiful!!^^
sonenari #6
Chapter 1: Hi there, I'm Nari from Vietnam. I really like your fiction, "Key to Happiness". And I wish I can have your permission to translate it to Vietnamese. I will write the credit and send the link after I finish. Hope you will reply my message soon. Have a good day ^^
Chapter 1: Omg... wow.......
This is seriously so good !!!
Omgggg... thankyou for this kaibaek story♡♡
Chapter 1: Each n every story about Kaibaek m reading today is making me cry..three Kaibaek stories back to back n all of them made me emotional..n in all three Baek is d one dieing..ㅠ.ㅠ

Still this was just daebaek..;) Kaibaek stories are always heart touchin...btw their ages are in reverse order Baekbeom should be the oldest n so on...:D

Anyways thank u for sharing such a beautiful story...^_^
Chapter 1: Ghad this is beautiful
nerdychanyeolism #10
Chapter 1: How dare you ;___; you make me feel a lot of things i can'tttttt /sobs under table/