My selfish choice

Secret till the end

As the end of the school day grew closer, there was a dark aura between me and my friends Feeling like the situation before rendered everyone to a mental state where it was too sudden to react. I wasn't surprised, if it was me I wouldn't know what to say. 

However the class seemed quieter than normal. Usually Jina and Hyorim would be the class' mischievous duo that would encourage the class, whether it rains or snows,  to do their best and a motivational speech was always heard never give up and cheer up. And that day, the phrase was nowhere to be heard and I sensed that I was at fault when the silence filled the class.   

At the midst of worrying about confronting my friends again, a scrunched up piece of paper appeared on my table. I took a look around the room and I caught someone's eye (who presumably was the one who put it on my desk). His head pointed to Mark as if to say its from him. I sighed, while opening it, expecting a whole instruction manual of How To Pretend To be A Girlfriend or how his plan was going to work out. But no. When I finally opened the piece of paper all I say was the word 'Hi'. Annoyed I spun to his direction and glared at him with anger. He has said some stupid things, but this outwits all of them– by far

Finally noticing my intimidating glares, he casually waved and smiled like it hasn't dawned to him that he's currently ruining my life. Everything was perfectly fine until he came and dragged me into unpredictable situations. He better have reasonable explanation or else I'll definetly kill him, I whispered aggravated.


When school ended Jina and Hyorim still refused to talk to me. They sat silent for the rest of the day. If I knew that it was going to affect them that bad I wouldn't have agreed to it, but it was too late. What has been said can't be unsaid. I didn't know what to do. I was in a predicament that they'd hate me forever and that if I didn't do anything our friendship would be torn apart because of what I did. Therefore, I took the courage to approach them at the school gates. I planned to explain them everything because I was pretty sure that they'd understand that he was the one at fault and I had nothing to do with this. 

"Jina, Hyorim!" they turned around, "I need to talk to you." I ran to them. Not looking amused, I felt hurt as Hyorim forced a smile and Jina was reluctant to look at me.  

"Yoohee, how's it been?" Hyorim said as if she hasn't seen me for a long time, "How are you doing?" she questioned, "Are you having fun keeping secrets from your friends?" The words struck me deeply. Feeling guilt in my heart, I had a sudden feeling that I had betrayed them.   

"I-I..." I stuttered I didn't know how to explain it and by the words of Hyorim they seemed to be angry.    

"Yoohee," Jina said quietly like she was tired, "I'm not in the mood. We'll talk tomorrow." With her head down, her voice deepened. "I'll be leaving" 

"Me too." Hyorim said. 

"Jina..." I begged, softening my voice, trying not to anger them. 

"Yoohee," Jina raised her voice as our eyes finally came in contact. "please..." trying to prevent her voice from cracking, "dont..." she trailed off and left with Hyorim following after her.

I could feel my eye water as saw the two distant figures grow further and further. I didn't know why tears were suddenly come out– when I knew already that I could tell them the truth anytime– but there was nothing that could compare the feeling that they were slowly slipping away. Why didn't I do anything?


I walked at a slow pace, thinking about my friends' feeling. I didn't notice how dark it was getting. Growing close to my house, I was deep in my thoughts of my friendship. Losing my friends was like losing my life. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have had been looking forward to every school day nor would I even go. Friendships was what I had been relying on even when I was young; without it I am nothing.

I walked through an empty streets filled with houses at ever corner. Coming to a bend, I reunite with an old friend. Jinyoung. I looked at him coldly and tried to ignore his presence. I never liked him because he was always trying to be cute. But there was one thing he said one time that made me like him. Even though I acted all cold and cruel to him, there were times where I like his company.   

"You don't look very happy" he observed 

"That's because you're here" 

"So..." he stared at me for a while, noticing that something was wrong, "Are you alright?" 

"Never been better" I lied. 

After walking a some time Jinyoung departed on his own way, leaving me alone. The lamps flickered. An eerie fluorescent light filled the streets, its bulbs humming and buzzing and clinging to its life. Tree trunks wavered as they shivered it fear of the darkness swallowing up the rest of it surroundings excluding the the street. Nervous, I could feel someone's presence near by, which I chose to ignore until heard footsteps. They cake it theme closer and closer. My muscles tensed as the cold air blew harder. I was only a few streets to my house and I knew that if I ran could get there within minutes. Footsteps became louder. My heartbeat enhanced in speed as I was positive that there was someone there. Hesitating to turn around, my pace accelerated just slightly, thinking that I could outrun it.

But the... a hand grabbed my shoulder. 

"AHHH!" I screamed, shutting my eyes while slamming my bag at the person's face. Hearing the person in agonizing pain, gradually opened an eye. And there who grouched on the floor and groaning was Mark. Folding my arms, I laughed and said, "You deserved that." 

A/N: Sorry that this isn't much. 

 And I'm officially updating weekly at this day. Please look forward to it. 


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Next update at Saturday 13th September. I don't wantt to rush the next chapter. Sorry for the delay~


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indahsrc #1
Chapter 17: Thank you for updating!!! :') I thought you gonna abandongin this story T.T haha
Ahh this going to end soon? Hope you make it a good ending :D Update soon!♥:):)
indahsrc #2
Chapter 16: Please update this story~~~~ *puppy eyes*
Authornimmmm fighting!
Thanks so much for everyone's comments!! I read all of them and they always make my day :D don't be afraid to leave comments~ much appreciated~
Thank you so much for the subscribers and upvotes~ You guys are the one who keeps me motivated to write ^^
70V3LY #4
Chapter 16: Great update! Never cease to disappoint ^_^
michellebagans #5
Chapter 14: i like this one.
kpop_angel44 #6
Chapter 14: i love this fanfic.. i was a bit confused at first but things are clearer now.. except why does he have to leave?? he shouldn't go! he should ask to stay with jinyoung.. or maybe even yoonhee
blanca06 #7
i love it. mark is my bias and sohyun is the bess child actresss i love her so much jiji. now i ship them i am also a markzy shipper
Chapter 13: OMG! Haha!! I can't believe yoohee heard what mark said
SHINee_lover092391 #9
Chapter 12: I love it so far!! Update soon!(:
kawaiimacaron #10
Chapter 1: I love it so far :)