
Left Unpunished

“I like the saying,” she spoke and gave a slight pause; seemingly to wait for my reply that never came. Or my reply that wasn’t the kind of reply she wanted. As a sign of giving up, she said it once again “Every dark rain cloud has a silver lining. Get it now Kai?” 

Every dark rain cloud has a silver lining. I do get it but she’s just so random that I had to process it all over to what I was about to say but forget it.  I wasn’t chickening out or anything just- just plain scared and unprepared. Girls think guys confess so easily, as if it rolls off our tongue naturally but no. It takes a lot of guts to confess just like when girls go out on a bad hair day or with clothes that didn’t present them the best.

I sound as if I observe because I do observe. I’m just so use to staring at her that I start to know exactly how she thinks as a girl herself. Which also doesn’t mean that I turned into a girl because I still don’t get why they force that little smile up their face when they’re sad. Same like her, she’s obviously sad to me because I know her but to other people? She’s recognized as this girl who’s so preppy.

Ironic as it is, she is happy but maybe not as happy as she makes it to be. Just like every single girl out there. You girls are strong, and I mean this both mentally and physically – and maybe emotionally too. You girls are going through so much in your life but you aren’t stopping just yet – keyword: yet – you still keep going as if life was a race itself. 

You slowly turned to face your back at me and I stared at the new flashing red cuts in your back. You may not realize it but I notice your new wounds everyday as if it were my wounds. And I notice the way your mouth quivers whenever you hear a person rant on about their parents; the kind of quiver that you get when silent tears were to make it outside. Maybe I observe you too much to the point that I might’ve gone crazy but love is crazy itself, as most people believe.

I straightened myself and wrapped my hands over your waist; it may seem like a friendly gesture to you but to me it means so much more than you can imagine. Nuzzling my chin to the crook of your neck and swaying our bodies together, I gathered up my courage to finally speak up all these unspoken words I’ve kept to myself – I should really lay off cheesiness now. Like seriously lay off cheesiness. 

I puffed my breath and stared at the view; the waves crashing harshly against the solid rocks. I squeezed my grip on you and smiled a bit when I felt you stiffen to my touch. A guy has always had this kind of pride to him whenever a girl he likes is weak to his touch, its weird but guys cant help but to feel that overwhelming pride take over us as we know that we have dominated you – not in that way as you think. Okay maybe in that way as you think. 

“Sora,” she shivered as I said her name “I know this isn’t the right time to complicate you with new feelings and such but please don’t make me wait anymore. I really –“ she cut me off by slamming her hands on my mouth; shutting my mouth off rather aggressively “I- I don’t know what to say but I’m sorry. I never looked at you in any romantic way. Only as a friend.”

And there it was; the feeling of relief for finally saying it and the swelling pain in your heart. Heart constricted, I staggered back away from her and let out a laugh before ruffling my own hair “I know. I know. I’m not your type nor am I attractive to your eyes, which I might add is quiet a high standard you have there.” Her eyes glimmered, and once again tears seem to be caged. The tears never go out though as I walked away from her saying that I need to go back home and all that fake bull that guys use when they just want to go and have some damn time alone from chicks.

Getting rejected was what I expected in the first place but that really didn’t stop me from getting drunk and doing something unforgivable to her for the rest of my life. I left her the very next day; leaving nothing but a single pendant that was our very first friendship mark.  Might’ve gave away our matching tattoos but that’s way over too impossible so I kept it anyways – like I had a choice or not – as a memory; a memory that would remind me of her. 

That was exactly two years ago and here I am, finally a college student on his 4th semester. College was – as rumored – hard as . Assignments were literally thrown to your face everyday; professors are very creative at wrecking your minds with last-minute tests; and projects, which were sometimes a bit too radical with the not-so generous deadline.

Being the Student Council’s president didn’t make it so easy of course as the stacks of paper in my desk just keeps on piling up on their own; sometimes convincing me like I never had finished any paper but instead making more paper. Then there were those times when I need some ing time alone but got none because the campus had these idiotic rules like: Ask your councils for anything. And it wasn’t exactly as the cliché wishes. No, it was something that was only a waste of time and some students use this to escape teachers by using the Oh I went to see the council to ask for a wish for the school excuse. 

Today wasn’t an exception – instead it seemed to have more additions to it as I had to meet this new transfer student who seemed to have quiet a reputation as a rebel – which confirms my thoughts of her being a total . Or maybe she’s just one of those attention seeking . Or even the total opposite.

* - * - *

     I pulled the sleeves of my hoodie and pulled down the hood to cover my face, as it was time to visit the well-known of a student council president. Though no doubt that he is damn hot and disturbingly alike to my old friend. Yet that thought seemed impossible. If he knew exactly who I am, he would’ve ran away disgusted by remembering that awful night and me. Well not awful yet it was very sensual and y AND RATED. 

God. Why must my mind be so evil to me until the point it reminds me of such unpure scenes at exams, which reminds me of college. I was transferred here since my last college had disapproved of my manner. Screw the world. Right to express oneself my . You still get judged and judge equals to compressing yourself to suit society’s wants. I do not exactly understand to why groaning in class is unsuitable, I mean like, oh, come on! I JUST STRETCHED BECAUSE OF STIFFNESS IT DOES NOT MEAN I AM ING IN CLASS. 

Well I’m betting you think I’m a whiny brat if you read my mind but no. This is just how a plain teenager thinks; we about almost everything that concerns us, sometimes even irrelevant stuff. I’d say most of us do. Don’t even deny it if you’re guilty because I’m a teenager and why the hell would I lie about ing when I have no reputation to uphold in my own freaking mind.

I ran my hands through my hair and plopped down a bench just outside the principal’s office. The school had expensive interiors but the students were all uncontrollable- the word ignorant might be used as well since they don’t particularly care about anything – or so the rumors say. 

My parents came out with big smiles on their faces, which was utterly disgusting. My mom took a hold of my shoulders and her grip on it tightened; her nails digging in my skin. Escorted by blood that flew out freely from the new open wound. Another open wound. She leaned down to my ear and hissed unmotherly “Don’t mess up again. It wont go by unpunished.” But you did punish me what do you mean by it won’t go unpunished do you mean that my next punishment would be worse? But then define worse.

Anything wouldn’t be worse than last time. If it were worse it would mean death. Death would mean the fall of our family’s future bloodline. Which would lead to my parents’ grief – yet it would also be magnificent, I still do love my life. I may hate myself and so on but I treasure my life. Even if I am full of imperfections and sometimes I just want to let go of the string of life; I didn’t have the guts to do so. 

Mom let go off me and walked away with my dad. All this time my dad was stepping on my foot with his soles; which felt like he was digging a hole to my skin. I didn’t scream because I cant also if I did, it would’ve been worse than just that. I would’ve been done for.  Back to the point, I had to go inside the council room, which, according to the campus brochure, was inside of the inside of the principal office. 

Dusting off my black loose jeans, I stood up and made my way up to the door – stepping back the instant the door slammed open. Thank god for my fast reflexes. I stared in awe as I met eyes with dark brown orbs. A little lost in his gaze, and vice-versa, we stood still; no one making the first move. He cleared his throat and I couldn’t help but to take note on how his adam apple bobbed up and down.

It was undeniably attractive. Did I mention that I have a thing for boys with tan necks and hot adam apple? He scanned me with his eyes; obviously checking me out by the way his eyes seem to rip my clothes off– OKAY I’M GOING OUT OFF TOPIC AGAIN. He finally managed to muster up his voice 
“Newbie?” I nodded 

“Sora, am I correct?” I nod once again. He groaned 

“Use your mouth, god” I nodded again. He let out an amused smile as he cracked up “and you are added to the list of people who I look forward to knowing,” teasingly he spoke “it wouldn’t hurt to know you more than just … this.” He gestured to my clothes and I – as a habit – pulled my sleeves down but this time I uncovered my hood; revealing my oh-so pretty face.

His reaction wasn’t what I expected. He murmured something in a alien language (preferably welsh) and went back to the room, once again slamming the door right at my face this time. Well, you are definitely added to my people-i-should-get-to-know-better list too . Waiting, I leaned my body on the wall and popped a sour candy up my mouth “This has got to be a fun school then,” I grinned like a maniac to myself.

* - * - *

I slammed the door at her face and rushed my way to my room; rummaging through all the files of Kang Sora, which is ironic actually since her name is exactly the same as her. Plus, her face was like the older version of her. Her eyes still the rare mix of Hazel and a slight rainbow near the pupils which usually only green eyed and blue eyed people has.  Another disturbing fact was that under her lips lay a scar that I know too well. 

Sighing, I ruffled my hair and groaned out loud before making up my mind to go out and face her again. This is my chance of finally making it up for her, a time to apologize for even leaving her. I straightened my tie and made my way to her; my pride magically shrinking at each step I took closer to her. It’s always been like this. She manages to over-man me somehow. 

She was leaning on the wall, staring out to space while chewing something – maybe candy or some sort – slowly. She turned to me with a raised eyebrow “done relieving yourself from your fanboying feels?” She taunted me with a sly smirk but then released it into a sort of grin “You’re forgetting your job.” I shook my head no “I was only stalling,” she grinned wider; obviously not planning to hear any word I spout off. 

So, like requested of me I toured her all around the school. I was appalled time to time when she called me by her nickname for me ‘’ and ‘bastard’ and ‘dickhead’ and every profanity nickname known to man. Yet I couldn’t help but smile at remembering the way her grin never disappeared; she was enjoying my company. Was it the cheesy comments? The small jokes? Or was it the way I retorted to her opinions- just like we used to. 

Sora never did flirt back though. She simply just answered my ‘flirting’ with friendly comments. Just like back then. It was all sad nostalgia coming to me most of the time since she just kept amazing me but at the same time disappointing me. But no one ever said that adoring – in this case, loving – was always stable with only one certain perspective of that person you love. 

Yet still a thought haunts me until now: Why is she covering her body so much? Don’t get me wrong but Sora was the type of girl who loved comfortable clothes, and as much as I love hoodies, why wear long clothes in the middle of summer? It made no sense unless if her life then and now is still the same. Without second thoughts, I grabbed my keys and drove my black Audi; stomping the gas and raced down the road like a mad man.

 10:50. Pushing my door open and then whipping it shut, I ran to the front steps of the house; knocking on the door so innocently as if I didn’t know what they were doing. A panting Sora opened the door and I saw that relieved smile of hers when she saw me “Oh god. Kai.” The way my name rolled off her tongue was so pleasing. I grabbed her hand and her whole figure collided against mine; her hands then making its way to wrap around my waist. Again, I felt as if she managed to over-man me. 

“Hey,” I felt her lips curved upwards 

“Hey,” she replied. 

“I miss you.” She grinned now

“Me too,” she replied.

“I love you,” I said cheekily. She stiffened but let out a soft laugh “Why are you here? Weren’t you supposedly disgusted by my body and ran away to cleanse your eyes from the hideous sight or something?” I cracked up and laughed until my stomach hurt “Oh god. Out of all the many reasons you concluded with that one?” 

I put up my cheesy mode on and slowly closed the space between us; feeling our heartbeat beating in both accelerating paces. We were nervous by our closeness. Yet I enjoyed it, I always did enjoy every single time our skin makes contact. She stared at me; her eyes trying so hard to not make contact with mine. She was being too adorable that I can’t help myself. 

I kissed her. Not the sloppy and -driven kiss, just a simple chaste kiss on the lips “You’re anything but ugly. I ran away because of my ugliness of actions. Not yours. You will never be hideous to me for as long as I love you – which might in fact be around, like, forever.” Silence greeted us. I panicked. Quiet publicly panicked, I might add. 

“Kai?” she asked. 

“Yes?” I replied.

“You really mean it?” she asked softly.

“Would I lie,” I answered all too much with pride “for a second time when I could’ve avoided you?” She nimbly interlaced our hands and nudged closer to me. Her body somehow so cold comparing to mine so I hugged her, just like we used to. She mumbled something but I heard it loud and clear. 

I love you too. This time, don’t leave me when I push you away because I never did. I will always pull you closer to me. Savoring every single kiss, touch, and words we share. You left unpunished so now your punishment is to love me and only me.

I coughed like a dying person “Oh my god,” I dramatically yelled “The Kang Sora actually knows how to be cheesy. As in realllllllllllll cheesy.” Sora punched me square in the stomach and I doubled over 

“.” She spat.

“Cutie.” I retorted back.

She stood silent; a slight change in her cheeks as it grew redder and redder. I guess every dark cloud has a silver lining after all. 

“I love you.” I said.

“You won’t leave unpunished.” She retorted this time. 

“I gladly accept this punishment, cutie.” 

Once again she stayed quiet and I let out a soft but longing sigh. 

“Can I kiss you? With tongue contact this time?” I smirked teasingly and almost choked at my own saliva as her cheeks turned bright red. I can’t hold it in anymore “Oh my god,” I acted aghast “Kang sora is thinking dirty thoughts –“ I received a sharp kick to my shin but I only laughed and kissed her deeply, and as I wanted, with tongue contact. 

* - * - *

I am seriously considering on making a sequel for this but I felt as if I did poor on this one-shot and I am now 70% sure that there won’t be a sequel. And please, if you read this story don’t you “Make a sequel!!” me. I will personally murder you if you do. I wrote a story and I expect you to comment by referring to the contents of the story not just some comment on how you want me to continue this story when you might not even get it 100% right. I am one hell of a whiny-assed-y author. Do not expect me to sugarcoat my words with you lol.

 Subscribe even if this is a one-shot because you never know if I suddenly update more and plus “subscribing” basically means that you like this story so if you do, kindly subscribe AND upvote. I love those who will upvote and trust me, I seldom like humans. 

Goodbye for now. :D 

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