
You Never Know..

*Taemin POV*

I cried..all I could do was cry. What else could I do? She had broken up with me, and it was through a text.

It said, "Hey Taemin, I don't think this is going to work for us. I still have to think about my future and having a boyfriend will only complicate things. It's not you, it's me. Goodbye..forever -Naerin." 

I had loved her, no, I had still loved her. I didn't know if I could live without her. I knew I couldn't, but I'd have to. I decided to text Jinki, my best friend, and I told him what happened. He didn't reply, so I figured he was busy. I didn't waste any time looking for something to do in my house. 

No one was home, as usual. My parents were always off somewhere, whether they were out together or not, leaving me alone to occupy myself. I usually danced in my room, but my body felt tired and useless. Instead, I made myself a sandwich and went back to my room to feel bad for myself over Naerin.

*Jinki POV*

I saw Taemin's text, but my mother was making me do everything in the house, so I couldn't comfort my poor, lonely friend.

When I finally finished, I ran over to Tae's house right next door and went inside without knocking. I knew I was welcomed into his house as if I was family, comsidering we knew each other since we were young. 

I noticed how dark it was in the house and realized that no one was home. I was about to leave until I heard a small sniffle in the back room. I slowly walked back and heard the sniffle again. 

I knocked on the door and tried asking if he was okay. He didn't answer me...I started to think about something I'd want to hear from him if I were in need of comfort from a break up. So I said....

*Taemin POV*

"Are you okay, Tae?" he asks me.

"You wouldn't know how to help," I say. It was only true. Right?

"You never know Taebaby. I know how to make a man feel better.."

What was Jinki saying to me? I couldn't believe those words had come from his mouth. He'd never said anything like this to me, and he'd never made any kind of hints that he felt strongly towards me. So...what was this...and why did I like it...?

Why did I find it interesting the way he called me 'Taebaby?' Why did I want to know how he'd make a man feel better? I felt a little crazy, but I thought it was most likely because I was lonely and vulnerable from the break up with Naerin. And yet, I still said...

"Then come and make me feel better, Jinki."

*Jinki POV* 

I felt a little odd saying those things to Tae, but I felt like it would keep his mind off of Naerin and more on me. 

I guess it helped a little since he invited me in his bedroom. But I'd been welcomed in there before, so it wasn't anyhting new. I just couldn't believe he's let me in after what I'd said.

Taemin's face was red and his eyes were puffy. His lips were really red, and I guessed that he'd been biting them a lot recently. His long, light brown hair was in the style of halfway in a ponytail and half of it was down. He was wearing a light blue T-shirt and black skinny jeans. His frame was so small and feminine, and since he was sad, it made him look even smaller.

I sat on his bed next to him and placed my hand lightly on his back and started rubbing it in circles.

"So, are you going to tell me what's wrong?" I asked him. I already knew, but I wanted to hear it from him. It was always better to say your feelings out loud.

"Naerin broke up with me.."

"Any reason why?"

"She basically said her future would be in jeopardy if I was her boyfriend."

I winced at his words. They sounded so harsh. No wonder he was so hurt. I put my arm around his shoulder and leaned in close to his ear. I let my lips brush against it slightly.

"How about I help you forget about her?"

Taemin shivered slightly under my touch, and I was starting to enjoy his reaction, though I wasn't sure why I had done it in the first place.

"How will you make me forget..?" He said silently.

I chuckled lightly and pulled myself away. 

"Let's eat chicken, Tae!" I yelled as I got up from the bed quickly. 

Taemin looked up at me with wide eyes. Then, he suddenly pouted and got up as well, but he walked quickly past me to go to his kitchen. I followed him and leaned on the counter as he looked through his kitchen for some food. I watched his body as he strided from left to right in search of the famous chicken. I can't lie...his body looked incredible in his simple yet beautiful outfit. I couldn't help but stare at beautiful.



A/N: This is my first fanfic ever and I hope readers enjoy. This story came suddenly so it might lead to some weird points. .__. Hope readers enjoy~! -Minnie <3

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This story doesn't revolve the SHINee life style. Also, Jinki and Taemin are only a year apart. Yes...I have quite the imagination. Hope you Like~!


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