░ ⚠ prologue

⚠ BRAAAINS! — ❝ story starting. ❞


Ready or not, here they come.

It was bad enough that Kris had to fund his violinist's stay at Atlantis, let alone that he had to spend his day now cooped up in the same room as her thanks to some stupid quarantine. No more than two hours could have passed since the island was put on lockdown, and he was all ready to pull his primped bleach-blond hair out to get away from her. Thank god the resort had an indoor pool; lounging beside it was the only thing keeping the young rap "star" sane as he tried—to no avail whatsoever—to tune out the doofy country bumpkin's incessant prattling from over at the bar.

"Well, golly gee, I sure do hope this flu business clears up mighty quick," he overheard Minnie Su bore the barkeep and rolled his eyes. "I heard this poor old man died the other day, bless his heart. It sure does remind me of this one time back home on my farm when all the pigs started gettin' the flu, and then all the farmhands started gettin' the flu from the pigs, too! My daddy had to take them all 'round behind the barn and put them down easy with his shotgun, bless their souls..."

And no, Kris wasn't imagining that; she really did talk like she walked straight off the set of the Beverly Hillbillies. Personally, he couldn't care less about the flu that had been sweeping over Esla Key as of late. People died in Africa every day. That was the cost of not setting aside funding for proper medical care. All he knew was that his cocktail glass was empty and he was going to need a lot more to make it through the next twenty-four hours.

Kris reclined against the lounge chair he had claimed, soaking up the tiny traces of afternoon sun seeping through the window (as if he really needed more of a tan, anyway). From the bar, the chatter continued, and he listened on merely out of having nothing better to do.

"It sure is mighty strange, though, that the military got involved, don't you think, Mister Bartender?"

He opened one eye to peek at the bar, immediately finding that the tall, thin man behind it had taken to wiping the counter down with a rag like in some old-timey movie. Minnie Su's stumpy legs dangled high above the ground from her perch on a tall stool, and one glance was all it took for Kris to ascertain that her hair was still a frizzy mess, her cotton dress was still dowdy, and she was halfway through chugging a tall glass of milk. Who the hell drank milk at a tropical bar?

"I just hope it doesn't spread like the swine flu," the bartender agreed. "My mom's come down with something, and Dad says she's been getting worse. He had to take her to the hospital yesterday. Haven't heard from them since, I hope it's not the flu."

"Oh, bless her heart," Minnie Su sighed, clutching a hand to her chest.

Kris would have given his left arm to get back out to the beach bungalow he'd been lodging in up until a couple hours ago. (Hell, he was planning on storming down to the front desk to demand a refund or some sort of compensation as soon as he was done sun tanning.) He heaved himself up from his lounge chair only to turn it facing the window—the shoreline was a much prettier sight than Minnie Su and her buck teeth—and proceeded to stare sullenly out at the deserted huts lining the beach. Dozens upon dozens of footprints lined the white sand, all abandoning the bungalows for the main hotel he and other paying customers had been forced to board up in once lockdown had been implemented.

To see the once bustling beach completely vacated of life was almost surreal. Where were all the bikini babes?

As if on cue, a movement out of the corner of his eye suddenly caught Kris's attention, and he crooked his neck for a better look. Not two hundred feet further inland, almost obscured by a cluster of trees and ferns, appeared the figures of two young albeit fully clothed brunettes lugging what appeared to be—

Was that a corpse? Kris cocked an eyebrow. Barely, just barely, he could make out tiny details of the body carried between the girls; it looked to be a bony, motionless old man with discolored, almost grey skin. But no sooner had he spotted the trio than it vanished into the trees once more, apparently heading toward the shabby, ramshackle hotel just down the beach. Three Seasons, was it?

Kris almost chuckled as he reclined against his lounge chair again. Two girls carrying a dead guy down the beach... He needed another drink.


Author's Note!

( NEW AUTHOR'S NOTE JUNE 5 ) WOOPS, SORRY GUYS. I totally meant to leave an extra couple of chapters up so I wouldn't have to bump this story in your updated subscriptions, but I totally forgot to and deleted them all! ;_; Hence, had to add a new chapter to repost this prologue, so I apologize for the false flag in your story updates. While I'm here, if anyone's actually reading this, I figured I'd update you on the status of this fic! I've finished choosing apps and chose a total of six—one more than I originally promised! I actually wanted to choose a couple more, too, but I just couldn't work out the partner and personality overlaps. OTL

I'm going to be revealing the chosen characters 2 at a time over the course of the first 3 chapters. I've got most of chapter 1 written up, so expect it to come out sometime tomorrow hopefully! You may notice I fixed the layout up and made a poster for the fic! Minnie Su is the only character featured right now, but I'll be adding more ladies and gentlemen to it as they're revealed. I'm sorry if it's low quality or anything; I used my laptop to make it since I don't have my main computer at the moment and the screen isn't exactly the best for distinguishing low quality photos from high, lol.

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BRAAAINS! — wheeere has everyone gone???


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porcelain #1
tears because i was going through my subscriptions and this was 10/10 gold tbh
porcelain #2
Chapter 6: ALRIGHT.
playing left 4 dead 2 (me: eats kraft dinner while slicing zombies with a katana ;-;) got me even more into the zombie feels now, and i literally read this chapter twice over because o boy, is the gore coming soon, because with that ending, i fEEL LIKE SOMEONE'S EITHER GOING TO DIE, OR LOSE A LIMB.
where do i start with this
1. minnie su goodbye
2. kris goodbye
and i have no idea why but anybody with a crossbow now reminds me of joffrey from game of thrones so i may or may not feel the need to strangle baekhyun bUT I CANT BECAUSE MICHAEL AND BAEKHYUN ARE SO CUTE I CRI
may or may not have sat on top of a roof to shoot zombies in l4d2 to feel like miho
but i read the part with ahreum and i immediately thought she was going to die oH GOD IM SO TERRIBLE I WAS LIKE NO WHAT oh wait it's bulletproof (like bts h4h4h4 i hate myself) nevermind gee heck wow phew ok

doctors are cool bye im going to seppuku again
Chapter 6: oh jesus christ. How do i bone mr kris? omfg. already done with this chapter. I need a minnie su in my life.

Kyungsoo is basically a badass mofo. something tells me he's going to kick some dead .

Omggg. mia and minseok <3 Can i just say youve totally nailed mia. everything is perfect with her and how you portray her, her relationship with minseok is also so cute and perfect. so thankyou :D

Rem. I love her and the fact that she has no s to give.

MMMMMMmmmm. was just eating my spaghetti bolognese whilst reading alyssa's part. yum. like i really did not need to know that whilst eating xD

awww shiiit. its a zombie apocalypse, first rule NEVER LEAVE SOMEONE ALONE. D': tbh i dont want no one to die :c But cant help but think hannah's a goner.

I swear this is the most laidback relaxed and calmish group of people youll ever come across in a zombie apocalypse xD
porcelain #4
right here! otl
sorry, haven't been able to comment recently, being dragged out by friends almost every day.
and then the beach tomorrow, will read the new chapter soon. ;-; i swear. orz
Chapter 6: i relate to kris so much whenever i wake up in the morning
and omg how did you tailor a dress in the bathroom minnie su
teach me your ways i can't even sew
"Okay, question: How many arms did Beom Beomseok start off with?"
amazing kris you pay so much attention to detail i didn't even notice that xD
ah, yes sarcasm in italics. im so slow i didn't get it at first tho hue
ahahaha i can't believe how oblivious minnie is too
aah kyungsoo is scary
okay i take that back
he is literally my favorite character atm

i love how detailed you described what miho was doing
im betting lay designed that shirt ...or chen or jooeun or suho idk
ah i like mia she stays optimistic even if we all know that the military helping is unlikely
or is that just me
oh ok ahreum and me think the same
omfg she's sipping pina colada with sunglasses on
i can't believe the supplies are running out and they're not even doing anything
what if the story just ended with them starving to death

hahahah shes inside the building
like not even on the rooftop
okay kyungsoo is literally the greatest
im wondering if someone from the group let the zombies in
cause i still dont have a clue where the heck the zombies even came from

why is he still insIDE

oh. she's dissecting him.
"The old man's not going anywhere." ..or is he? = y =
BY e

I'm looking forward to how they'll survive/die omfg
Chapter 6: This chapter is golden. I seriously love every second of it - from beginning to end. I swear, I could read it a million times and never get bored, and it really is a nice relaxer before all the crazy shizz goes down.

For starters...okay, Kris and Minnie Su interactions make my day. They are literally the most amusing (polar opposites) pairs in the world. And, oh dear god, is Minnie Su naive. Such a precious bby ;_; Just stay that way forever, okay? Lol I love how she had no idea what he meant, and she went to Michael, of all people, for an answer. If baby boo keeps hanging around him, he might just taint her. When all this is over, I'm praying for an epilogue with Minnie Su's siblings.

My love for Kyungsoo is infinite ;_; <3 Like what even? He's so weird and mysterious. And, well, slightly creepy, but I think that'll come in handy in the future. He sounds like a toughie. Did he just catch an arrow with his bare hands? Lol, whut? What even, Kyungsoo? XD lol

Miho and Luhan are so casually bad as, it's not even funny. They are going to be one awesome tag team, and, well, pretty cute if they end up together :) Miho is so cool what with all her apocalypse knowledge and accidentally accurate shots. It's really smart of her to practice shooting while she's still got time. Heck, I can't even pick a favorite character anymore because they're all so amazing!

Aww :) Mia and Minseok fluff is too much. For someone who appears so self-centered, she's very sweet :) I like how she considers Minseok's feelings and his situation. She's so cute *^* Let me love you, Mia. You guys are so squishy.

Ooh. There be doctor drama going on 0.0 I knew that the old man was going to be the end of their relatively peaceful days. I guess the only question now is, what now? And who will survive?

As a side note, lol at Jongin and Jooeun's mini comas. Are they going to die sleeping?
Chapter 6: I would really like a story about the Beom siblings, especially this Beomseok character -- Kris voiced my thoughts here: how many arms did this guy have?
...And how many limbs is he missing now?
But anyway, Minnie Su is seriously my favorite character. Not only for her comic relief, but... Oh god I love her optimism and I really hope someone doesn't ruin that for her, since Michael's ruining her innocence. "" was so so cute, oh my. But if Kris ruins her completely I will have to personally punch him and break that pretty face of his; this group needs its optimist more than it thinks it does.

Can I just get this out before I go on because--
I KNEW HANNAH WAS GOING TO DIE IN THIS CHAPTER. Well uh sort of not dead /yet/ more like about to become undead BUT OH GOD I HAD A FEELING. When I saw they were working on the corpse and then Alyssa left the room and Hannah was alone... Oh my gooooood. And now there are zombies in the hotel and it's all the Doctor Duo's fault ahaha oops? All Alyssa has to turn to now is Yixing -- I feel bad for the both of them.

Anyway, back to the rest of the chapter--
Baekhyun and that crossbow seriously scares me. Just the idea of him flinging that around and shooting at /grapes/ and then Kyungsoo snatching at it out of the air what kind of sorcery is this. I think Kyungsoo is the real one to be afraid of here, since he's so quiet and... That boy is channeling black magic, I swear.
Chapter 6: yeah Rem baby way to be realistic and spend all your time getting drunk rather than trying to be productive. I love you girl, seriously. That's probably how I would deal with it too, and just sing "IF YOU LIKE PIÑA COLADAS, AND GETTING CAUGHT IN THE RAIN," cuz I sing when I drink (it's legal yo no lectures here lol) BUUUT I meant to respond last time yeah those two, JongRem or RemDae, they're just being tsundere to each other. I'mma add to their relationship a little and my scene requests to help you out so they're not so ambiguous? Because I think I've put you in a bad position with those two lol. Like they don't know where they stand (well Jongdae doesn't seem to know he's standing right in the middle of Rem's list but lol)

I love this so much KRIS NO. YOU CANNOT CORRUPT- and okay wait I noticed that moment where Kris and me were the same with "how many limbs does beomseok have" because wow Beomseok was the human incarnate of Kali or maybe secretly a hydra just sprouting limbs, so LOL yay Kris- BUT HE STILL CANNOT CORRUPT MINNIE SU AND LOLOL OFC MICHEAL HAD TO EXPLAIN TO THAT POOR DEAR AFTER SHE MADE THE MOST NAIVELY UAL COMMENT I HAVE EVER SEEN. She's a sweet little angel I swear I love her and would love to have that cutie pie as a friend and shield her from the world.

Miho is bad and yeah girl real life doesn't have a cross hair man, . For this sole purpose I think I'm going to learn how to shoot because I want to be prepared and bad like Miho, mainly because I've been doing archery for fun for years and I'm still absolute at it.

I would comment on everyone because they're all so beautiful and I want to touch their pretty faces and let me tell you there isn't any other group of people I'd want to die in a zombie apocalypse with if not this group. I'd probably trust most of them (besides my own character, Rem is practical but a brat) with my life. God I cried with joy when I saw this was updated, it's so beautiful.
porcelain #9
Chapter 5: the amount of in this chapter, I CAN'T DEAL.
sighs flawless writing as always, i feel like i'm starting to sound like a broken tape recorder u-u
im sry i just. teACH ME HOW TO WRITE SENPAI-SAMA????
i don't get how you managed to fit so many characters in one chapter, and yet there are still ones you need to include. otl

michael is rustling my jimmies tho, i did not expect for there to be a character like him.

but holy wha- i thought the face claim for jooeun was a normal ulzzang with kai's face edited onto it
and then i remembered jo eunhee existed and i just-- mIND BLOWN.
i guess you could say it's just a really good choice of a face claim otl.

ANYWAYSSSSSSSSS. i may or may not look forward to this, so thanks for the chapter update. <:
Chapter 5: Michael and Baekhyun were getting it on. Vhat. Lol. Michael is too hilarious. Especially after peeing in the pool like that XD But, hey, if I saw a zombie, I'd pee a little too.And then he's subtly checking out Kris like, "Oh hey, he's cute, but that stubby arm. Hmm. Maybe want? Maybe do not want" And then Baekhyun is so chill about his boyfriend just checking out another guy.
I don't know who JooEun is meant to have a plot line with...but I kinda ship her with Sehun because that lisp. YES. THE LISP. I absolutely love Sehun, the y pizza guy. He's so awkward, it's great. The Kim twins literally just sleep XD All day every day.
Minnie Su is too precious ;__; Her country lingo makes me so happy, and I don't even know why. As much as Kris convinces himself that he dislikes her, I'm sensing that he's warming up to her. So I guess they're kind of sort of friends now? Anyway, when Kris asked to be roommates, I died. Oh my gosh, precious babies.
Loving Remy so much. Her sass makes my life complete. She Is Just amazing. And Jong dae totally likes her, but it's so one-sided. But the feels are real.