The sun sets at my sadness

The sun sets at my sadness

Title: The sun sets at my sadness
Author: Freakinboomtrak
Words: 205


She saw him wince when the last ray of light touched his cheek. He immediately scraped the ashes off with his slender finger and looked at her with his dark, capricious orbs.

She ignored the way his dark blue wings shadowed the pavement, his dull brown eyes turned into icy cool blue and how his canines grew into something dangerous and terrifying.

“This is me.” He whispered with a slight cracked voice. The words vibrated from her nape to her spine.

“I still love you.” She confessed as she caressed the soft feathers of his wings.

He gave her an appalled expression. It’s impossible to love someone like him, a monster, a murderer. He kills people, eats their flesh and the blood out of them. He’s out of control.

Love isn’t meant for him, the word loses its own meaning.

She gripped on his wings when he tried to move and cries her ‘I love you’s’ and ‘I can’t leave you’s’

He stayed there for hours, watching his ripped shirt soaked with his lover’s tears. He gazed at the moonlight; the stars are bright but dead.

The sun arrived and his remains were being blown by the wind. 



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