Protect Your Soul

Nam Woohyun's POV is in blue and your POV is in violet




There is girl I want to protect. You might see her physically fine, but once you look into her eyes then you can tell she kinda lost her soul. It’s been years since she got that personality disorder thingy, it’s only the matter of time for it to get worse. She’s not alone, she has both of her parents alive, yet they’re just not staying at their home from time to time. I just want to protect her soul, before she completly loses it. I just somehow pity her for being such lonely despite her lucky surrounding.




He is just one of those hedonist dudes in our neighborhood. We first met at the coffee shop nearby, he stood right behind me in line then sat a few meters apart from me. Despite how close we truly were in real life, we were connected through a chatting application. Mine was automatically connected with him, it might be because our relation to some other people. I felt familiar with the appearance in his display picture therefore I texted him first.  That was our first conversation ever, three years ago.




She asked me to tag her along to my favorite club last month, but I’m scared it won’t suit her. I mean, I know she’s all fine with smokes and I know her limit of alcohol but getting her into my wild night life doesn’t sound appropriate. I’m only able to keep on saying “I won’t go there this Saturday” eventhough the fact was, I went. I’m sure those temporary joy and sensation will only bring her down even deeper.




I went back home during the lunch time, taking the paperwork I left this morning then I saw him sitting outside the coffee shop, sipping whatever-it-really-was that looked like iced americano. It was when I got my vision becoming blur so I started crying like crazy for nothing. I felt myself sudddenly dragged out from where I was standing then a couple of someone’s arm hugged me tight. I got myself back, I find myself in his car with him at the driver seat. He said I was lucky for having him there, or all the people would know how sick I actually am.




Nobody was at her home that night so I came for an accompany. I volunteered myself to do her paperwork then she sat on the edge of her bed, started blabbering about her gloomy past out of nowhere. She was a victim, when she was much younger than now. Her friends ignored her during the lessons and came towards her only to bully her during the break. She said that her mother told her to just stand on her own feet back then. Her mother told her that she didn’t need those people, her mother told her that even with being alone, she would able to live her life. Then she said, some words that I did never expect to hear, that she might be just fine without me.




His sister called just now, asking whether I was with him or not. She said he hasn’t been at home for three days without any call nor text. I run out and think of finding him no matter what, afraid of something bad happens on him. My feet unconsciously bring me to the club he often comes to, but somehow I don’t have the gut to enter that place. I keep on calling his phone over and over again for only hearing a girl saying his number is out of reach. My eyes are about to get teary  when I see him coming out from the club in his sober state with some of his friends. I take a peek at my phone to get knowing what time it really is. Well, I’m sure I’ve gone crazy for crying in front of a club at 4 AM.




I just doesn’t feel like being at home these days and she comes to a place where she feels strange of with her own feet only to find me. Here she is in my embrace cursing me for being such a jerk and troublesome, yet I can’t laugh. Instead, I feel sorry, not for being such a jerk and troublesome but for feeling relieve that she worries over me eventhough she once said that she might be just fine without me. I close the gap between us by whispering into her left ear, saying, “Stop your tears, sweetheart, let’s go back home.”










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