Ch.1: Smile


The members of the hottest new group under SM entertainment were having the worst day of their lives. It was during their Growl era. Kris and Suho, being the leaders, they had it hard. Their manager woke them up at 4 AM just to discuss the schedules for the day and what's bad about it is that they went to sleep at around 1 in the morning.

Sehun being the maknae that he is was currently annoying the Chinese maknae who was quite annoyed, but Chanyeol could still see that they were both tired and that Tao would rather be annoyed by Sehun the entire day than to perform at Music Bank once again.

Kai and Lay were currently passed out in their seats, being the two main dancers, they had to practice to perfect the moves and practicing meant sleepless nights.

Xiumin was quite in his seat and was just listening to bus music since he can't eat, the CEOs wanted him to lose weight. For Chanyeol, it was unfair for his hung because his hung had to suffer three days without food and having only water to fill his stomach, that was three days ago and Chanyeol could see that his hung lost weight, a lot of weight.

Luhan and DO were having a silent conversation. Luhan looked as if he was ready to pass out any moment and DO looked as if he was on drugs with the bags under his eyes, and yes, the bags could raival Tao's. But of course, there were make-up artists, so they could cover it up.

Chen was drinking from his water bottle. Suho had to pack a warm one because the only water the people offered there was cold water and yes, Chen had a sore throat. But of course, the management wanted him to sing and they wanted him to hit the high notes. Perfectly.

Lee Soo Man, being the president couldn't even do anything because the cruel CEOs would just pin it all on him and he would end up looking like a bad guy.

At first, Chanyeol wasn't sure what to think about their president, but after learning from Baekhyun that president Lee hired a personal doctor for Chen after hearing that he had a sore throat and had to sing. That's what made the rapper agree that the man truly had a heart, unlike the other CEOs who cared for nothing but money.

Speaking of the bacon, he was currently asleep beside Chanyeol. The taller of the two had to restrain himself from touching Baekhyun's hair just to see if it was as soft as it looked. The shorter man had bags under his eyes like Tao and it wasn't a surprise to Chanyeol if the reason was because he had to practice all night just to perfect his singing for the performance.

And now, we come to our favorite giant. He, like his other three members had bags under his eyes, but unlike the two who earned it from practicing from night till dawn and unlike his dongsaeng, Tao, it wasn't natural. He earned it because he couldn't sleep at night. It was a stupid reason for him, but truth is he couldn't sleep because he kept on worrying about people.

And one person in particular. No, it isn't Byun Baekhyun! Chanyeol was worried about his mother, his mother was currently in the hospital. He wanted to visit her, but the CEOs wouldn't allow him. He asked once and he received a beating, he was just thankful that they were wearing school uniforms that could cover up his wounds.

Nobody knew about this. Not s. Not his manager. Heck, not even the president of SM! Because if by any chance they did, he would just earn another beating. That's why he's now careful on what may slip from his mouth and if by any chance it slipped. It was bye-bye to his comfortable bed and hello to the very back aching bad in the hospital.

Baekhyun moved a bit and the shorter hit one of his wounds. He winced earring the attention of everyone in their van. Well, except for the sleeping bacon that is.

"Yeol, are you okay?" Their tall and charismatic Chinese-Canadian leader asked him. He bit his lip and tried to think of a reason that would sound somewhat convincing to the older male, but of course his mind just had to fly somewhere else.

He remained silent. Luhan being worried about the younger male stood up and walked over to Chanyeol, "Yeol, is something wrong?"

"A-ah, no. Hyung, why do you ask?" Before Luhan could ask the giant another question, the van stopped. The driver turned to them and said, "We're here! Good luck on your performance, boys."

The members didn't want to go down until they were assured that he was okay. He just gave them a smile and they were sure that he was okay.

They walked out of the van. A few minutes later, they were in the waiting room with the other artists who would be performing on that day.

Chanyeol cracked a few jokes here and there, the other members joined him and the next thing they knew, the other people in the waiting room were laughing so hard K.Will even choked on his water. Plus, his smile was contagious! Nobody could ever resist not smiling after seeing the happy virus.

A few hours passed and they found themselves in their living room at the dorms. Tired from their schedules, they didn't even say goodnight to each other as they walked to their respective rooms. Chanyeol found himself alone in the living room. He sighed as his shoulders slumped down, seems like they forgot their promise.

It wasn't longer before he found himself in the room he shared with Baekhyun, the shorter male was currently in the bathroom.

"Goodnight to me then..." He muttered to himself, but before he could drift to sleep, his phone started ringing obnoxiously loud that Chanyeol had to smack himself for forgetting to put that cursed thing on silent mode. 

He reached for his phone that was residing on the table beside his bed. He opened the message and soon after reading the message that was sent to him, he jumped up from his bed and changed his clothing. He grabbed his phone and wallet and dashed out of the dorms.

By the time Baekhyun returned, he couldn't find Chanyeol anywhere. Tired as hell, he dismissed the subject thinking that the taller male just went out to get some water.

Oh, how wrong he was.

Chanyeol was currently running to a certain place, his long legs hurting with each step he took. But the pain didn't stop him, he had to see her. He had to see his mother before it's too late.

Tears ran down his cheeks as he muttered, 'Umma...'

At a hospital somewhere an old woman was starting to lose consciousness, while a younger girl gripped the older woman' shandy tighter. 

"Umma, please. Please just hold on for a while, he'll be here. I texted him about your condition, he'd miss his sleep and schedules for you." The younger woman said.

"Tell me, Yura. Where was he the past few months? Didn't you tell him that I was in the hospital?" The older woman said.

"I did. But mom, he's a busy man."

"You said he'd miss his sleep and schedules for me..."

"He'll come, umma. Just stay for a little bit...."

The older woman's eyes were starting to drop, "Yura, I'm so tired. I can see your papa, don't let him wait for me..."

Tears started sliding off Yura's face, "Umma, please don't! Chanyeol's coming, please just wait a little while for him to come."

"Tell Chanyeol that I'm proud of him, I love him and that..." The last part was already muttered, but Yura still managed to hear it. Yura nodded her head as she choked back a sob.

"Yura, I love you both." And with that said, the older woman's eyes closed for sleep. A sleep that is for an eternity.

A minute after her eyes closed, the door slammed open revealing a dripping wet Park Chanyeol with puffy red eyes. He kept on hoping that he wasn't too late, but to his dismay, he was. He walked over to his mother's side and gripped her lifeless hand as tears slid down his cheeks.

"Chanyeol, you were only a minute late. Where were you?"

Those words continued to echo in his mind. So, he was only a minute late huh? Too bad for him, that minute cost him everything that he was living for. Tears stopped sliding down his cheeks and sadness could no longer be seen in his eyes, no other emotion was seen either.

"Mom said she's proud of you and that she loves you..."

Loves him? He couldn't help but feel inferior as he heard those words, when was the last time he actually said that to his mom in person? He wanted to cry again, but he kept all his tears inside. He was known for being strong enough to smile at situations like these, but he couldn't smile as well. 

That's when realization hit him. Was he really that stupid to smile in the worst case scenarios? Does s think his obnoxious enough to keep on smiling even after hearing of his mother's death? No can do. He would never smile again, besides he's been strong for far too long. He couldn't keep all his thoughts to himself anymore, he will be blunt about his feelings and thoughts to other people.

Even if it hurts them.

The happy virus wouldn't smile again, he finds it stupid. Plus, who said that all his smiles were real anyway? People just think that they're real since you know, he's the happy virus. All his smiles were supposed to be real.

A/N: this is fanfiction none of this ever happened, okay?

Okay, maybe some of the things that I would put here are things that actually happened. But chanyeol's mother is not dead in real life!

Oh, yeah. Review, subscribe and up vote and our happy virus would be soooo happy that you'd see rainbows and unicorns behind him.

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biiitina #1
Don't forget about us, please continue the story!'!!!
lovemelikeudo142 #2
This is really interesting! Poor Channie :(