Finale: Part Three

Baby Blues

"Five plus three? No peeking." Kris uses his large palm to cover the answer page on Tao's math book.
Tao furrows his brows, thinking hard about the answer.
Kris almost laughs out loud at his adorable son.
Maybe if he thinks hard enough steam will start rising from the top of his head.

"Eight!" Tao breaks into a wide grin and pushes his daddy's hand away.
A big number 8 is printed on the page, and Tao throws his arms up in the air happily.
Kris is about to pat Tao's head, when his mobile phone buzzes in his pocket.
I'm pretty sure my scheduled meeting with the company isn't till next week...
Kris frowns as he digs his phone out, then picks up right away when he sees Suho's name.


"Uh... Hey Kris."
Kris can't help but wonder why there's hesitance in the usually cheerful man's voice.
Concern starts bubbling up inside him.

"Everything okay?"

"No... No. Not really."


"Suho!" Kris runs towards his friend as soon as he spots him outside the sidewalk of his house.
Suho gives a small grateful smile that can't hide how upset he is as he nods at Kris and his children.
The Kim children are in Suho's arms, visibly shaken and disturbed.
Kai and Sehun are crying, while Baekhyun and Kyungsoo look so pale it's like all the color's been drained from their faces.
Chanyeol looks like he's gone into a trance, but on closer inspection Kris can see his pupils trembling.
Kris sees why as soon as he is standing by Suho's side.
Suho's house is burnt to ashes, charred to dust.
The walls of the neighboring houses and the roads have been vandalized, with "GIVE MY CHILDREN BACK", "SUHO YOU SWINE", "MY SONS NOT YOURS" scrawled all over in bright red paint.
There's only one person who'll do such a thing...

"Look children, Uncle Kris and the kids are here..." Suho says softly and pats his children's shoulders.
They all look to Kris and bow their heads while sniffling, before breaking their family hug to form a new one with the Wu's.
Kris is stunned beyond belief.
The ash is thick in the air, the unpleasant smokey smell making it hard to breathe.
The red and blue lights from the police cars are especially blinding in the dark, and the panicked cries of the neighbors can be heard.
It's a right mess, and there's nothing Kris can do about it.

"Suho, kids, I... I'm really sorry about this." Kris wraps one arm around Suho, the other cradling a distressed Tao closer.

"It was our Umma..." Baekhyun sobs as he reaches one hand out to smooth the back of Chen's head.

"She tried to persuade us to go with her. We didn't and she ran when Appa came... We tried to look for her and reported her at the police station, but when we came home..."

"Sir, I'm afraid you and the children will have to come with us to give testimonies and help with the investigation." A police officer taps Suho on the shoulder, and Kris releases his arm around the shorter man.

"I'll call you Kris." Suho gives Kris another sad smile as he follows his children into the police car.

"Yeah... Call me." Kris can only whisper those words as he watches.
He can't help but feel that this will be the last time he'll see Suho and his children for a while.


"H-hello? Suho? Are you alright? Are the children alright?"

"Hi Kris. Yes... We're all safe."

"Where are you now?"

"Ah... Actually, I'm at my parents' place in... Bucheon."



"Oh...... Are you... Are you coming back?"

"...... I'm sorry, Kris. We can't. Our neighbors... Well, ex neighbors, are very angry. We're not wanted anywhere in the town, I'm sure you're aware."

"Yes, but-"

"They didn't catch her. It's not safe for my children."

"I understand..."



Author's Note:

Last part up tomorrow! :D

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Chapter 23: This made my day. Really. I did not intend to but I'm glad I took the time to read this. This was a total treat for my stressful Tuesday.
Chapter 32: Thehunnie's PS is LIFE!!!!!
Chapter 22: "You Yehet-bish" LOL
Chapter 8: LOL How can Baek...? He just took 2 years old kid's cushion to sit on it himself!!! Hahahaha
Chapter 7: *aggressively types while wiping tears* THOSE ING FEELS!!!

(but seriously, I cried so much)
The latest news of KrisHanTao's reunion got me emotional... I feel happy and sad...
Chapter 4: *aggressively types while wanting to kill something* THIS IS TOO ING KAWAII!!!!!
Chapter 18: Lol, I have Luhan's hands... or Baekhyuns... Actually, I compared my hands to a picture of Baekhyuns hands... and mine look more slender and "perfect"... maybe cause Baekhyun's a guy and I'm a girl lol xD My mum says I should become a hand model, but I can't cause my hands are covered in scars cause I get into fist fights.... o-o and also my cat use's my hands as a scratching and biting post lol... dun worry, I think more than half the population of female EXO-L's are erts... XD I am..... :3
Chapter 15: omfg XD this is to cute and funny I can't stop laughing
Chapter 14: Ooo, dis just got interesting -.-