Ch. 8

You're Not Something I Want To Lose

*Your POV*

You and Jackson stood at the rooftop in silence after what you both talked about. 
“Do you know why you were able to see me as a soul?”
“Honestly I don’t know. I thought you were human all along until you disappeared and suddenly was discharged and forgot about me. That’s when I had a feeling that the one I saw was not a human.” 
“Are you afraid of me?” 
“No, I’m not. I’m happy to see you.” 
“Because I know that your safe and I missed you.” I heard his last works even though he silently said it. I smiled. 
“Why don’t we head down? the heel might ring any moment now.” We made our way down and as soon as we arrived on the first floor Eun Ji ran up to Jackson and hugged him. 
"I was looking for you where were you? Oh hi ____.” She said and let Jackson go. 
“Were you both together?” 
I nodded as she smiled. 
“Oppa why don’t we both head to class. Anyways bye ____ see you around.” She said and dragged Jackson off. 
Somehow my heart felt broken even thought it shouldn’t matter much to me. I shook it off and made my way to class. As I sat in class I stared out the window not paying attention to the teacher. 
“____.” my teacher clued out my name. 
“Yes?” I replied.
“Is something wrong?” 
“Then if you don’t mind please pay attention to my teaching.” 
“And you said she was smart than me.” The student muttered loudly enough so that I could hear him. 
“Please don’t compare your smartness, because even though she doesn’t pay attention in class she is smart than you. You don’t even have a good grade in this class while she does even if she doesn’t pay attention.” The teacher said and continued teaching. 
I sighed and the looked out the window again. “What would’ve happened if I remembered what happened two years ago also when I became a wondering soul.” I thought and then look at the board and took notes with an uncomfortable heart. 
*Jackson’s POV*
Class was over as I was heading to ____’s class. 
“Oppa! Wait for me.” Eun Ji yelled. 
I stopped and waited for her. 
“Where are you going?” 
“To ____’s class.” 
“Oh.. okay then I’ll see you next time.” She said and left. 
I quickly made my way to her class to find that she wash’t in the class. I was disappoint and was about to walk away from the class and head home but then i thought of the rooftop so i headed up there actually hoping she would be there. As I open the door to the rooftop I saw her sitting staring at the view while listening to music. 
“She probably didn’t hear me with the earphones on.” I thought and quickly made my way behind her. 
“BOO!” I yelled as she jumped from being scare to only seeing me. 
“You scared me.” 
“I expected it.” I said and laughed. 
“When did you get here?” 
“Long enough to walk here and scare you.” I said smiling at her. 
“Aren’t you gonna head home with Eun Ji?” she asked me. 
“I told her I was going to look for you and then she just left.” 
“Do you like her?” She suddenly asked me. 
“I asked you if you like her.” 
“Honestly, I don’t and she have a boyfriend just so you know also, I have someone else in mind.” I said staring at her straight in the eyes. 
“DOn’t look at me like that.” She said and turned away. 
“How come?” I asked her. 
“I feel uncomfortable.” She said. “I’m gonna go home now.” She added and ran off. 
“What if you knew that I liked you, would you have asked that question?” I said to myself and then made my way down the stairs to meet Jackson and the others at the front gate. 
“Do you know her?” Mark asked me out of no where.
“Yeah, why?” 
“DO you happen to know why she disappeared two months ago?” 
I thought for a bit. "Two months ago..that’s when ____ was still in coma. DOn’t tell me he-“ I looked at Mark. 
“Is something wrong?” 
“No.” I said and turned away from Mark and went to Yugyeom. 
“How are you doing ma boy.” I said trying to shrugged off what Mark just asked me. 
“I don’t want him to take her away this time. He had his chance. She saved him from the fire. I should get to keep her this time.” I selfishly thought. “I can’t stand to lose someone like her.” 
*Your POV*
I was walking home when I saw someone familair standing at the corner as if waiting for someone. I continued walking and got closer to her. 
“Eun Ji?” I asked as I got closer to her. 
“Oh. ____. She said and smiled. “I thought I missed you or yo walked a different home or something because you took quite a while to come by.” She said. 
“Sorry, I usually stay at school until it clears a bit that’s when I make my way home. Sorry to bother but may I ask why you’re waiting for me here?” 
“Oh. I wanted to talk about Jackson.” 
“Jackson? What about him?”
“I know this is really straight on the point but do you like Jackson?” 
“Not that I think I do, no I don’t like him.” I said to her. Her face seems to have brighten a bit by my answer. 
“Why? Was there something wrong between you two?” 
“NO, i just wanted to know if there was something between you and him.”
“So I heard from Jackson you have a boyfriend, how’s thing’s going with him?” 
“Huh? Oh that, it was a lie.” 
“A lie? You lied to Jackson about having a boyfriend? How come?” 
“All my life I’ve been waiting for this one guy but he’s never noticed my feelings. We grew up together but her never really noticed my feelings for him, because he’s never really scared about a relationship. And now he probably have someone else he likes.” 
“May I know who he is? If you don’t mind me knowing.” 
“I’d rather keep his name to myself, sorry.” 
“No, it’s okay. I understand. I’d keep his name in secret too if I were you. So do you live around here?” 
“Yeah, I live that way down the street. Anyways, I’m going to go home now. Bye.” She waved and made her way down the street as I continued walking to my place. 
“Gosh that was a long walk.” I said as I reached the front of my house. I grabbed the key form my bag and unlocked the door to the house and made my way to the room. I roof of my bag and put it aside laying down on my bed. “I’m tired.” I closed my eyes for a bit and then got up grabbing my bag. “Got to do homework first.” I said and took out some papers and put it on my desk and started working on it. 
“____-ah, what do you want for dinner?” 
“Omma! I want spaghetti!” My little brother shouted. 
“Jackson!” I suddenly remembered. 
“Omma! Noona said noona want’s Jackson for dinner.” 
“Yah! That’s not what I meant.” I yelled opening my door and made my way to his room. He smiled at me. “Happy Birthday.” I said and kissed his forehead. “I got a present for you.” 
“Really? What is it?” He asked excitedly. Just then the doorbell rang. 
I made my way down the stairs to check if it was him. I opened the door and there stood Jackson. 
“Your present came!” I shouted and he came running down the stairs. 
“Hyung!” He yelled and jump onto Jackson. Luckily Jackson was able to catch him. I just smiled while my mother came and saw she stated “You two would make such a cute family.” 
“Omma!” Jackson just laughed while I blushed. 
“Noona’s blushing..” My little brother said. 
“No I’m not! I’m heading to my room.” I said and made my way back up the stairs to my room. “I’m glad he remembered.” I thought and smiled. 
“Why are you sitting there smiling by yourself?” Jackson asked from my door. 
“Because I just thought of something funny.” I said and then remembered Eun Ji then frowned. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked as he realized my mood changed. 
“Nothing.” I said. “Why don’t you go back and hang with my little brother. I told him you were his present so make sure you play ball with him. He doesn’t have any friends.” I said to him and pushed him out of my room. 
*Jackson’s POV*
I smiled at her before she closed door on me as I made my way to her little brother’s room. 
“Hyung do you like my noona?” He asked making me laugh a little. 
“Yeap, this hyung likes your noona, is that fine with you?” 
He nodded. "I was worried that noona might not have a boyfriend because she was in coma for two years and she lost her memories. I didn’t want her to remember the guy she used to like because he’s at fault. I took all the pictures my noona took with him and threw it away.” 
“Who was that guy?” 
“I don’t remember much but if I remember correct my nooona said his name was something like Yi Tuan or Tuan Yi. 
“Yi Tuan Eun also known as Mark Tuan.” I said. 
“You know him?” 
“Don’t worry. He forgot about your noona too.”
“Why do you hate him though?” 
“He caused noona to go in coma for two years while he is living perfectly fine.” 
“How did such a little thing like you know so much?” 
“Because I saw him at the hospital.” 
“Oh, I see. Go on.” 
“If my noona didn’t like him, she wouldn’t have worried about him being hurt. Yet she went to save him after hearing that he was still in the underground level. And so when she did she was able to save him and when he was saved she was going to go help someone else however she herself got trapped while the other student found the door out.” 
“Really? That’s really specific information as if you were there.” I said quite surpassed that he knew a lot that happened two years ago.”
“I saw noona.” 
“I saw noona. She talks to me.” 
“Did since when?”
“Two months ago as well. I believed you when you said you saw her, because I did too.” He said. 
“Did she tell you all this before she left?” 
He nodded. “She said that because someone was her light she was able to go back and she told me to tell her everything when she is conscious but because I don’t want her to remember that evil man I don’t want to remind her about him.”
“I understand you, but when the time comes make sure you tell her the truth as well okay.” 
He nodded. “Now let’s go and see who far your mom got with cooking.” I said and picked him up making our way down the stairs. 
“Do you need any help with the cooking?” I asked their mom. 
“Oh, you don’t have to worry yourself about this. I’m almost done.” She said. “Why don’t you go ask ____ to come down and help set the table.” Her mom asked me as I looked at her and then nodded. 
“Ne.” I said and made my way up the stairs to her room. 
I arrived at her door and then knocked. 
“____, I’m coming in.” I said and then slowly opened the door to her room. I found her sleeping on her desk and walked slowly over to her and stared at her. I leaned down and kissed her head and then stood up then removing her strand of hair the just fell and covered her face. I then stood there and woke her up. 
“____-ah, shouldn’t you be doing your homework.” I said as she quickly woke up and looked at me. 
“I was tired.” she said and flipped through her text book. 
I smiled then spoke. “Your mom told me to come get you to set the table.” 
“Okay.” She said and stood up. “Let’s go she said and pulled me out the door with her. 
*Your POV*
“I dreamed that someone came and kissed my forehead softly and then pushed my hair aside as it fell. I wonder who it was.” I thought to myself as I was walking down the stairs. 
“Omma, look. Noona is holding on to hyung’s hand.” My little bother said as I realized I was still holding onto his hand. I quickly let go of his hand and then entered the kitchen setting up the kitchen table. 
“Do you like your present?” I asked my little brother ruffling his hair after I fished setting up the table. 
“Yes. I really like my present noona.” He said smiling. 
“How old are you now?” I asked him. 
“I am now 5.” He said happily holding out 4 fingers. 
“Five.” I said holding all my fingers out. 
“Five.” He repeated after me holding five fingers up. 
“Good.” I ruffled his hair and then helped my mom prepare the spaghetti onto the plates. Jackson came and helped me when my mom left to use the restroom quickly. We both set the table laughed about my little brother’s joke when we heard a camera click. 
“You two look like a newly wed.” My mom said and took the camera off into her room and locked her door. But it doesn’t matter, I’ll just delete it later. We celebrated and my little brother blew out the candles. 
“You cute little thing. I can’t let you grow up.” My mom said hugging him. We finished eating and then cleaned up. After cleaning Jackson came into my room while I was putting my homework aside and getting ready to write a few notes down. 
“If you don’t mind can I ask you a question?” He said. 
“Sure, I don’t mind.” I said. He stared at me in silence for a bit and then asked even thought he was hesitating to ask. 
“How come I don’t see anything about your father in this house?” He asked. 
“My father…” 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.” He suddenly said. 
“It’s okay. My father was coming back from a business trip and it was ranging heavily. HIs car lost control and slipped off the cliff avoiding an oncoming car that was driving recklessly. We were gonna sue the driver but they were never able to capture the driver.” I said. 
“I just wish that driver have bad luck.” Jackson said as I laughed. 
“Honestly it’s okay. What goes around comes around.” I said. 
“Anyways what about your parents?” 
“I’m the only son. My family we lived in Korea since I was little.” 
“Really? I would’ve thought you had a brother.” 
“Honestly, I did have a brother. But I’m the only one left.” 
“Did he get kicked out of the family?” 
“No, he died in an accident. He was waiting for his girlfriend to come meet us at the park. When he saw her across the street he crossed however a truck came and hit him. He was barely breathing when we got to him. His last words to me were ‘I’m sorry Jack, that I can’t keep my promise, but don’t forget that I’ll always watch over you.’ and smiling to me he lost conscious and when we arrived at the hospital it was too late.” He said. 
“I’m sorry to remind you of that.” 
“No, it’s okay. We have to become stronger with problem like these, because we have to live our life for them.”
“That.s true.” I softly said. 
“I feel protected by him.” He spoke after a moment of silence. 
I sat in silence for him to continue. 
“I was also underground when the fire happened.” 
“What?” I asked surprised. It’s the first time I heard that. 
“I was in the room diagonally from where the fire started. They found me unconscious. I was perfectly fine. I was in the hospital for a week.” He finished. 
My heart suddenly felt like it had stopped beating for a moment. What’s this feeling. Why am I acting like this towards his story?
“I was in the fire too.” 
“I know. You saved Mark.” 
“How did you know especially with all those smoke?” 
“I saw you save him. I called for help however I wasn’t heard and then knocked out.”
“I heard a call. That must’ve been you.” I said. 
Jackson then received a text and stood up. 
“Well I got to make my way home. See you tomorrow at school.” He said and headed towards me door. 
“Ka Yee.” His name softly slipped out of my mouth.
“We made a promise that you’ll call me Ka Yee when you need help, mad, sad, or happy and you’ll use Jackson to call me so I’ll know is something is wrong. Why did you call me?” He said softly with his back facing me. 
I walked up behind him and hugged him. 
“Even though I don’t really understand what happened two months ago, I’ll be here for you, so don’t take in so much stuff and try letting it out so that way you wouldn’t feel so worried and stressed.” I said and then let him go. He turned and hugged me and kissed my forehead. 
*No One’s POV*
“Thanks for being here for me, I love you.” Jackson, wanting to say those words so much yet he can’t bring himself to. 
“Even though I don’t remember anything, I feel happy to see you, and have you here with me. Thanks Wang Ka Yee, Jackson.” 
Okay my lovely readers I have written Ch.8 in less than a few days, why? Because I finally got a laptop and it’s mine!! Hooray. However I’m now a college student and I don’t know how often I can update but I have a lot of class gaps so hopefully during those time I can use it to both type my story and work on homework. Anyways my lovely readers please give me comments. I love reading comments. haha Anyways thanks for reading my story. Until next time. ^-^
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Alkimnindya #1
Chapter 12: So what's the point? I don't get it... can you explain to me, author-nim? ^^
btw I'm so happy to found this fanfic

Happiness hahaha
sweetypiee #2
Chapter 12: Yeshhhh she remembered YAYYYYYYYY!!! JACKSON DONT MAKE ME JEALOUS*pouts* why kiss herXD
Chapter 12: Aww finally jackson . Hehehe goodjob
raemii #4
Chapter 3: She is spirit? Only mark and jackson who can see her? And she bought a flower wakakak
syonghwa #5
Chapter 12: OH MY FREAKING GOSH! She remembered!!! AHHHHH!!! :D I'm so happyyy!!!! ^^ They said I love you to each other too! Aahhhhh! :D I'm soo fangirling right now lmfaoo. I'm gunna miss this story! But it was good, we ended up together :3 lol.
syonghwa #6
Chapter 9: Wait wait wait Jackson related to the bride??? Whadda feckk.....I'' so confused....
syonghwa #7
Chapter 8: OHMYGOSHHH! Ahhhh! She remembered somethingg!!! Ahhh! Finally! Lol, oohhh this is gunna be sweet :3
syonghwa #8
Chapter 7: Awwww poor Jackson! She needa hurry up and bring that memory of hers back shoooooo...wait...technically it's me or the reader....whalee we needa hurry up and regain out memory shooooo. Perfect couple alert! Lmfaoo.