Wedding Dress

My Second Chance at Love

Taeyang's POV

Jeez that girl was so violent. I kiss her, and in return I get a slap to the face. Most girls would melt at the thought of kissing me. Then again, there is always that 1% of the female population that doesn't find me attractive. I guess she was part of that 1%. I rubbed my cheek and left the office. School had been dismissed for almost an hour already. What was I still doing here? I got my lazy up and trudged outside. I was usually hungry by the time school ended, so I decided to go to the snack shop for a quick bite.


I was scarfing down my ramen when I saw Jung hee walk in. Now would be a good time to apologize to her. I snuck behind her and tapped her shoulder. "What are you doing here?" she asked bitingly. Somebody was good at holding grudges. "Uh same as you. I'm hungry and I want to eat," I said. She rolled her eyes and turned away. I chased after her. "Look, I'm sorry okay? Here I'll prove it." She put her hands on her hips as she waited for me to get out my apology gift. I pulled it out of my pocket and handed it to her. "A stick of gum?" she asked in disbelief. "Yeah, it's the best kind. And look, it says "I'm sorry" on the back of the wrapper." She was quiet for a minute, which kinda freaked me out.


Then she burst out laughing. "A stick of gum? I didn't know we were in second grade," she said through her giggles. I stood there stupidly with my hands in my pockets. "So am I forgiven?" "Yes. But don't you ever kiss me again without my permission," she said. I could only concentrate on one part of her reply. "So there will be more kisses WITH your permission right?" I asked with a grin. She turned red. "I never said that!" "Yes you did. You said I couldn't kiss you without your permission. But I can kiss you if I get permission ," I said victoriously.


"I wouldn't hold my breath" she growled. "Someone's in a bad mood," I teased. "Guess who caused that?" she said back sarcastically. I was about to piss her off some more when I heard my name being called. I spun around to see TOP running towards me. "Hey man," I called to him. "What's up?" he shook my hand. "Is this your girlfriend?" he asked, gesturing to Jung hee. "Yes," I answered, putting my arm around her. "No!" she said, shoving my arm off and giving me a dirty look.


TOP laughed. "Cool. Well, if you're not dating him, would you be interested in dating me?" he asked cockily. As funny as that was, I was kind of angry at the thought of Jung hee dating another guy. Did I actually have feelings for her? "Wow, so players actually do hang out with players," she said with mock innocence. "Ooh, I like your attitude!" TOP teased again. "So did you need something?" I asked awkwardly. "Oh yeah. Uh I got the guys together and we were wondering if you wanted to join a band with us," he said.


"Which guys?" I asked. "G-dragon, Seungri, and Daesung. Who else would I be talking about?" he asked. I shrugged. "So are you in?" he asked. I looked at Jung hee, who was listening to us with wide eyes. "I don't know," I said. "C'mon man. If we get a record deal, we'll be instantly famous. Besides, chicks dig guys in bands," he said, looking from me to Jung hee. I got the message. "And you're a really good singer," he added. Now he was sugercoating. "Fine," I said. "Yes!" he shouted, causing strangers to look at us. "So do you guys have a name for the band yet?" I asked. "Yeah, you're really going to like it," he said. "What is it?" I asked. "Big Bang."


Junghee's POV

I saw Taeyang as many things. I saw him as a cheesy guy, a douche bag, a jerk, an emotional person, a girl magnet, and even a guy that I sort of liked to hang out with. But never in my entire life would I have thought of him as a singer. The thought was so funny that it made me laugh. "What's so funny?" Taeyang asked. "Nothing," I tried to kill my smile.


"So you're for sure in right?" TOP asked. Taeyang nodded. "Awesome. Oh I almost forgot. You have to write a song and have it completed by next week,” TOP added. “Since when did you become my teacher?” Taeyang half whined. TOP grinned. “I gotta get going. It was nice meeting you,” he said, and kissed my hand like a 1900’s gentlemen. I had a hard time not rolling my eyes. These guys were such flirts. Taeyang and I stood silently as we watched TOP leave.


“I guess I know my plans for this week,” he sighed. “I can help you write your song,” I blurted out before I could stop myself. He eyed me suspiciously. “Really?” he asked. “Sure,” I replied. He grinned. “We start now,” he said, and grabbed my hand to pull me along. “Where are we going?” I asked as he dragged me along. I found myself to be a bit pleased that he was holding my hand. “My house,” he answered.


Taeyang’s POV

I waited to see how she would reply to that. She said nothing, to my disappointment. I tried to concentrate on the good things, like our intertwined hands. Mercifully, my house was not far from the snack shop. By the time we arrived, Junghee was breathing hard. “You’re not much of an exercise person are you?” I asked. She stuck her tongue out at me.


I pushed the door open for her and she hesitantly walked in. “I’m guessing you’ve never been to a guy’s house?” I observed. She shrugged, which I took as a yes. I slowly guided her to my room. “Yeah, so this is it,” I said modestly. “Wow.” She walked over to the grand piano and gently the keys. “You play?” she asked. I nodded, a little embarrassed.


“So, do you any ideas for the song?” she asked after a moment of silence. I cleared my throat. “Um, yeah actually. I wrote one a while ago.” “Can I hear it?” she asked. “Sure,” I sat down by the piano and she joined me. The seat was small, so we were forced to sit shoulder to shoulder. I took out the music sheets and placed them on the holder. She looked at me expectantly. I sighed and started to play. I heard her surprised gasp when my hands connected with the keys. I should've guessed that she would be shocked. Bad boy Taeyang plays the piano. I smiled.


My hands expertly drifted across the keys despite my busy mind. When I was finally finished, I noticed Junghee was slightly red. “Are you crying?” I asked. “No,” she said, but she turned away. “What do you think of the song?” I asked. “It’s … um pretty,” she answered. My face drifted closer to hers until we were only a couple inches away. “It’s only pretty?” I asked. Her eyes wouldn’t meet mine. “What’s the title?” she asked, dodging my question. I shifted so that her eyes met mine. “Wedding dress.”  

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Hi guys! Thank you for reading my fanfiction. I hope you all enjoy the up coming chapters! -sid


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Chapter 8: swear I hate JinHo and Ga Sun!!! Update soon please
Chapter 6: Yay! No cat-dog fight! I was wondering if these two would ever play nice, lol!
cjcuhz #3
Chapter 4: OMG this is so good please make it longer
Chapter 3: Love this!! Update soon please!
cjcuhz #5
Chapter 3: u are doing really good with this story :)
cjcuhz #6
Chapter 2: Really good story hope more updates
Happymochi #7
Why did she do that to Taeyang? Really good, by the way.
Chapter 1: =( so sad! How could she break up with him? Huhuhu... Hopefully he will find someone to love soon.
Dontworrybehappy #9
OOh, sound interesting. can't wait to read xx