
Mark POV

After one hour the lecture from his new homeroom teacher, here come thing that he hate the most introduce my name in front of the class when all people in the class already know each other but i was a new classmate. Good job papa, here i was standing with embarassed face. Mark just look down while introduce his name and all boy inside the class seem like welcoming him well. someone said from behind 'Ya let be friend you are handsome dude' he at last look up and one guy give him a wave with both hand. He know it was truly crazy year ahead.

"You can seat beside Jinyoung, he was school president and class representative" ....Argh.. seem like bad luck follow me today...Mark mubble..

Seat beside school president, this was just like what his mom & dad wish. He went to his seat not even interested to know what the face of the president look alike.

"Hello, I'm Jinyoung" Mark who was busy taking care of his thing feel embarrassed out of sudden with that cool voice. whe he look up, that smile  he saw it before.

His eye fixed to the other eye. His heart pounding heavily, what does this mean.. no not again. Park Jin Young the name that he want to erase not just one day but forever. He automatic stand up and trying to get his bag but Jinyoung hand faster than him.

"Don't go, many people looking at you" Mark look around and people were whispering while looking at him. He sat back and push Jinyoung hand.

"Let both of us settle what happen before, it has been 3 years Mark. Let meet after class, for now just concentrate." Mark look at calm Jinyoung, who is talking to him while his eye facing the white board. You might calm Jinyoung but not me, it three years ago but for me it like my nightmare.

*bell ring* Lunch break

Just right after the bell ring Mark stand up and he was like inside the fire this whole morning to keep it up acting in front of others. 

"Mark, did you remember me?" Mark look at the person who was talking beside him.

"Im Jaebum? You also here...? hahaha... what a funny coincident.." Jaebum look at him, his face telling him i'm sorry.

"Did i miss anything here? Did all of you know each other? why i never meet this redhead?" the same boy that swoon him before. 

"oh... I'm Jackson, Jinyoung & Jaebum is my best buddies.. actually more like Jinyoung best buddy but jinyoung also a friend of Jaebum so that how we were related" Jackson told him the long stories.

"Mark let both of us talk alone, it complicated if we involve others again" Jinyoung at last open his mouth. Mark just agreed by letting Jinyoung lead the way.


Jinyoung POV

Jinyoung bring Mark to the secret garden that his father gave to him when he agreed to enter this school. When he also left someone who he should take care but he could not fulfill the promise. 

"Mark..." Jinyoung turn but a hard fist flew when he turn.

"This is what i want to do when i meet you Park Jin Young -shi... don't even think that i will forgive what you did before and don't you even dare to give me more reason to believe you." Mark left Jinyoung alone. He was hurt that for sure but the most hurting part was his heart. He know Mark will never forgive him..never..but he will try.

Jinyoung, stand up and the blood come out from his corner lips. Now you can become a boxer Mark Tuan the inner thinking of Park Jinyoung smiling. I want him again even just a day. Just once he want to feel the taiwanese talk with his husky voice he miss him. Nothing can be compared how much pain he have to face now. He walked toward the shady tree where he wanted to bring Mark so they can calmly discuss and he has something to confess after those 3 years he regret he not.

It was nice  Mark i meet you again, but you seem far from me now. I know i was too much that time but my lips not even have the caurage to said it. I'm the coward man who leave you before we fight for it. The anger you show me today is the right thing you have to do, if i was at your place i might kick you when i first saw you today. Jinyoung closed his eye lying under the tree slowly close his heavy eye, falling asleep.

Jaebum POV

Did both of them reconcile, jaebum wait eagerly wanted to know what happen. He saw Mark coming out from the Secret garden, he come toward him but Jaebum just silently look at his face, read the right word to said. Mark sat at his place and just turn his face on the table. Jaebum wait for Jinyoung but it seem like his bestfriend not showing up even after the lunch break ended. He worried but he know Jinyoung might doing this for someone. From his seat he keep looking at Mark but Mark seem like focus with the lesson. 

"Yah...why you keep looking at him?" Jackson knocked his head with book.

"Yah... it hurt, i don't know it just that i'm worried since Jinyoung not coming back" he look at Jackson, told his worries. He already told the whole secret to Jackson after the 2 month younger boy keep annoyed him that he will him if not. He happy to accept if the offer from Youngjae but this beast no he will not sacrifice his life. He know Jackson have a crush toward Jinyoung but Jinyoung always take it as if the boy joking around. 

"i'm going to find him after class want to go together?" Jaebum make a suggestion. Jackson make a cute face while nodding his head. Jaebum laugh make the whole class look at him. Jackson just act innocent and look at him. He then push Jackson and pinch his thight. Jackson shout and the whole class laughing except someone who just stay still and look front.

Jackson POV

Today class ended, Jaebum asked him to look for Jinyoung alone since Youngjae ask Jaebum to accompany him went to library. He know Jinyoung always there when he need to make a decision. The same thing happen last year when he confess  his feeling to him, Jinyoung not talking to him for 2 days and he dying want to know the answer but he cannot find where Jinyoung went after class. He always going alone without him. It just happen in the 3rd day he follow him after their class and he find the secret garden. At that moment Jinyoung just lying down under the shady tree and take a nap. He slowly went to him and give him a peck but the name come out from Jinyoung sleeping lips was Mark. He seem dreaming but the name still linger in his head up until this morning when he meet the real person. He know the rival finally show up and he will never give up eventhough he promise to Jinyoung to just stay as friend.

He walked to the secret garden, the sunset make the garden glow like a gold. He saw Jinyoung under the tree sleep like a baby, but he saw Jinyoung cheek seem swelling. He know who did this to his one sided lover, he felt angry he will make sure that kid pay for it later. He woke him up since it dinner time, he know Jinyoung not ate any food yet since lunch today.

"Jinyoung wake up, let grab some food" Jackson pinch the younger swollen cheek. 

"Arghhhh... ya... you know it hurt..." Jinyoung shout while quickly open his eye and sit down. He just laugh and grab Jinyoung hand to stand up.

"Do you think i will let my little princess feeling hungry all alone here and crying in his sleep" He tease Jinyoung. Jinyoung pull his hand and take his bag from Jackson shoulder. Jackson love when Jinyoung blush and make an angry face.

"Don't call me that or i surely won't be your friend anymore" Jinyoung threaten him, the boy know he cannot live without him. He just follow jinyoung from behind and follow his step. Jinyoung might thing it cheesy but when jinyoung stay still his heart beat fast and he felt like Jinyoung a princess born to be with him. Jackson then grab his shoulder walk with Jinyoung side by side.

Youngjae POV

He not really know about what happen in class today since he spent his time with their sport teacher prepared for upcoming football match. He always play with Jinyoung before eventhough both of them not in the same school during their elementary school but he met Jinyoung when he happen to involve in school fight and Jinyoung & Jaebum help him. After that he always spend time with Jaebum and Jinyoung, he once confess to Jinyoung that he felt different when he just alone with Jaebum, they seem like awkwardly silent when he not around. Jinyoung was a great friend he really take good care of his friend even he have to sacrifice his own life.

"Jaebum, i heard something happen today" He asked jaebum after he tricked Jackson that he wanted jaebum to help him study today.

"Hmm... Mark is our new classmate" Jaebum tone down and sigh. He feel like Jaebum joking, but with that sigh he know it not a joke and it serious matter if it really the same Mark.

"Mark??? Jinyoung Mark??? Why our school?? why he choose this school??" Youngjae feel it really a fate that out of all high school why Mark ended up here. He and Jaebum know how hard Jinyoung try to forget him, even now he still try. He don't even want that happen again. Jinyoung look tough but his heart was weak when love come in between.

"Yes and after Jinyoung talked to him, he not turn up in class the whole evening" Youngjae just cannot believe Jaebum words. He know Jaebum also in the difficult situation here. He hope Jaebum also let go of their past, the right thing for him to do know cheer the person beside him.

"Do you want to rebel today?" Youngjae grab Jaebum hand and went to student secret hole behind school library. He know Jaebum worried about Jinyoung but he also scared if he stay in dorm today Jaebum will be involved between the two. He saw Jaebum laugh when they was crawling in the school drain to get out.


Mark put all his clothed inside the given cupboard, someone enter the room. His roomate seem like a very cute boy. 

"Hi, I'm Bambam and i was engaged with someone so don't try flirt with me" Mark shocked with the younger look roomate. Sorry you were not my style, Mark heart shout.

"Hi, I'm Mark and officially single but not gonna seduce you because you are not my type" Mark fire Bambam back. Bambam just smile and lay on his bed.

"Did you know Jinyoung hyung?" Bambam asked. He actually listen to several rumors during their dinner today.

"Yes" Mark just don't want to cheat he knew the whole school already know what happen in his class today. A man like Jinyoung who is perfect in and out of cause so many people will look at him and look at what other did to him.

"I heard you try to seduce him but he refuse you, then you follow him to this school to revenge." Bambam some sort of curious with rumors he listen today.

Mark just silent and take his towel left the kid.

While Mark take a shower Yugyeom come to meet his secret fiance. They make love happily ignore the fact Bambam already had a new roomate. When Mark finished shower both of them panting inside the blanket. Mark shout and throw his slipper toward yugyeom who were at the top of Bambam. Yugyeom shock when he remember that Bambam not alone anymore. He quickly turn off and nod at Mark as greeting for first meeting.

"You just can do this without me here ok?" Mark warned the two younger.

"You just make me miss the best part" Bambam annoyed with the older appeared wrong time in between their show.

Mark left the two and start to walk around the dorm. He saw someone in the small study room. He just look from outside and his eye stare at the body inside. He then turn around to make his way when he bump into someone behind him.

"Seem like you look at my man" Jackson talk when mark bump into him. He saw Mark when he wanted to give Jinyoung a medicine since Jinyoung hate to see a doctor he personally buy the medicine. He saw Mark peep outside of Jinyoung room and he just stare there more than 20 minutes. He come near Mark without his knowing and the man seem startle when he bump into him when he turn.

"Your man?" Mark heart shout seem like someone just speak plainly. "That man will never know what is love about and if you being with him your heart will be teared up until you feel like you die while you alive" Mark mock and giggle. Jackson grab Mark shirt "you can speak bad about anyone but if you talked about him then you are just declare yourself as Jackson Wang enemy." Jackson feel angry and he almost give Mark a good beat if only he not saw Jinyoung open the door of study room.

"What are you both doing" Jinyoung drag Jackson far from Mark. He know this two might end up fight if he not come out just now. "Jackson, let go i don't have a mood to fight tonight and you back to your room after finish what you want to do i don't think you come to meet me right?" Jinyoung hold Jackson hand and walked. Mark look at both of them from behind, don't know why but his heart somewhat feel terribly hurt when he saw Jinyoung hold another man hand. The feeling just like 3 years ago.

3 years ago.

Mark prepared himself to went out with Jinyoung, it has been a few week they did not meet each other. Mark greet his mom & dad before going out. This few weeks he and Jinyoung both busy to study in order to pass their exam before enter high school. Jinyoung and him promise not to meet each other during this time so they can enter the same school, he happy being with Jinyoung. Jinyoung lead him well and protective boyfriend, he remember the first time they meet Jinyoung help him when a gang from other school gang up beating him because they thought he was the one who seize their leader boyfriend. Jaebum & Jinyoung help him and start from that day he begin to hangout with both of them. 

Although not from same school but they always hangout at the playground near the apartment where he live. Jinyoung always take good care of him and sometime he treat him like a child. Mark start to feel his feeling toward Jinyoung not just friend it can be define as something more than friend and more than best friend. One year after they hangout together Jaebum start dating one of his schoolmate and he less hangout with them. Jinyoung and him spend time together most of time and without realised both grow fondly toward each other and Jinyoung confess his feeling at that playground it was during his birthday and he seriously wanted to date him. One year dating they are well known for a playground couple around the neighbourhood. Mark cannot live without Jinyoung and Jinyoung felt the same everyday was heaven created love for the two. Even during their promise week both of them will call each other and checked what the other doing via text.

Mark nearly reach the place where  they need to meet, but what he excited about just drain and gone like the falling rain that night. Jinyoung hold Jaebum and both of them kissing affectionately in the rain. Mark slowly come near the two.

"What the heck happen here?" Mark shout at Jaebum and Jinyoung

"Mark don't you saw it? I was kissing Jaebum and for your information i always doing this with him" Jinyoung drag Jaebum by his side and without feeling guilty answer Mark

"Are you crazy Park Jin Young? Who am i to you?" Mark shout and fall down on the ground.

"You just nothing i only play with your feeling and i make a bet with Jaebum whether i can make you fall for me during this two years or i cannot" Jinyoung explain

"argh... actually the first time we meet i also plan it all.." Jinyoung said while laughing. Jaebum hold Jinyoung hand give him a strength to deny what he felt.

"I was the doll here am i? I don't even think you will do this to me Park Jin Young... i will never ever want to meet you again and don't appears in front of me or i will kill you both" Mark stand up and runaway.

Jinyoung fall right after Mark dissappeared from his view, he crying trembling and keep mubbling he miss him and he love him so much. He stay there for a while it was raining and his heart just appear to hurt more that the rain hit him.

"Hahaha... Park Jin Young.. wow i don't know that love will make u kneel down.." Junsu come with all his gang. "That why i told you before don't act cocky and stay low brother, why you fight with my man?" Junsu laugh.

"Here your friend, sorry i beat him quite bad because you too slow when break up with your lover" Junsu push wooyoung and Jinyoung just stay still. Jaebum felt guilty because of wooyoung, Jinyoung get involve. He don't know that wooyoung actually send to keep eye on Jinyoung but wooyoung get caught when Junsu know he was dating Jaebum. Junsu at last kipnapped Wooyoung and asked what Jinyoung afraid to lose the most and afraid to get kill he reveal that Jinyoung cannot lose Mark. Junsu was Jinyoung enemy because Jinyoung family actually buy Junsu family business and reveal that Junsu father corruption while managing the company. Junsu father end up in cell and he start think to take revenge again Jinyoung. He plan the whole drama for tonight and he happy saw Jinyoung kneel down. He laugh feel like heaven at last by his side.

"Park Jinyoung at last you feel what happen when you lost someone you love the most and if i saw you still with the boy i will surely kill him" Jinyoung know Junsu totally crazy and he mark his word even if he will end up crash together. Jinyoung cannot imagine if Mark die because of him.

"I won't do that..Just let him live.. let him live.. just kill me if you have hate me junsu...not him" trembling voice and begging for his lover life. 

"Ok..but i cannot promise if you start a new relationship again...hahahaha..." Junsu walked pass them and enter the van.

Jaebum try to make Jinyoung stand up but Jinyoung look like he lose all his energy. Wooyoung keep on begging for apologised and thanks save him. Jaebum ignore wooyoung and asked him to back home and break up with him that night. Jaebum call jinyoung driver to pick him. when he arrived he was really shocked with what happen he hold Jinyoung and bring him back. After he can think wisely, Jinyoung agree to enter his father school, although his father felt something fishy but he so happy at last his son gonna be his heir. 

Mark choose to study abroad and he become a playboy who heartless and make women cry without any intention to apologised. He don't want to study anymore and party all night. His life totally ruined. Both of them did not enter their dream school and live their life on their own.

Mark wonder around, his heart still beat faster, he then find a note in front of his door.

"See me if you need a whole story about 3 years ago, i waiting for you in my room no:501" from: someone who care

Mark felt like he maybe don't know the whole story about the last three years. He walked to the mention room. He knocked, he saw someone he doesn't know sat on the bed.

"How you want to start the story?" Mark enter and sat on the other bed.

"Hi, I'm wooyoung. Jaebum ex-BF" That guy start introduce his name and the truth come out one by one. The tear come out just like rain on that night, wooyoung continue the stories, his heart just shouting how idiot he treat Jinyoung like this today. 

"He really love you, when he come to this school he always lay low and he personnally asked me & jaebum enter this school with him afraid if Junsu will did anything to us" Wooyoung sigh. "...but he not fully forgive me yet... that why i choose not get too closed to him and i choose different major afraid if i make him remind the pain of losing you"

Mark just stand up and blankly come out of the room, he walk recklessly and ended up crying at the hallway. He crying so hard and people start gathering around him. 

"Yah... why you cry here?" Jackson said. Just now this man have so many strength around him. What actually happen to him.

"Jackson...can i meet Jinyoung...?? will jinyoung meet me...?? Did he angry with me...??" Mark asked Jackson. All crowded like watching a movie that previously only a rumors that spread faster than internet. 

"Mark...why you sit here?" Jinyoung turn out and shed the man tears. "i'm here and i did not angry with you not even once" Jinyoung smile and kiss Mark in front of all people who was watching them. "I miss you so much" Mark said and back to kiss Jinyoung.

Jackson warning all student to back to their dorm or he will kiss all of them who stay. Jackson also turn away from those two love birds.







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I will let your own imagination to ended what the two doing after being together again after 3 years


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Marklife #1
Chapter 1: Masternim I’m sorry if I kept reared your story again and again bc I can’t get enough to your amazing story ???
Chapter 1: Poor Jacks :(; such a good friend..... Jaebumie, take care of Youngjae and be happy. JUNSU YA HATE HATE HATE, only here love sz
tymark #3
Chapter 1: fell bad for you jack.... markjin so sweet
Chapter 1: nice fic,,, sequel please please please ;;;;;;