The First Night

The Long Way Home {Complete}

It was already almost midnight when Jiro and Selina was able to pull away from their guest ,friends and has been a day long of activities and excitement.Selina was so tired but very happy.She can feel her heart playing trick on her as it beat faster than usual making her short of heart,and gasping for more air as she took a couple more deep breathe.She can feel Jiro's hands on her waist as he pulled her closer ,and as she lay her head on his shoulder  and close her eyes.

"You must be very tired now." Jiro said as he looked at her face ,with her eyes close."I never knew that getting married can be this hectic.We should have just eloped and got married in Vegas,then it could have been less nerve racking."as he kissed her head.

Selina did not answered but smiled at his words.It feels nice to be near to him just like this."But this have been my happiest day.I love being married to you.Everything has been great." she finally said.

"Yeah,me too.I won't forget this day.The start of our life together.What do you say on that?" Jiro said."At first,I thought ,it will be scary with all the responsibilities and all,but knowing I have you by my side,It does not seem so scary now.I love you Selina." as he kissed Selina on her lips.Selina could feel the passion that has been building up.She was tired,but she knew,she have to fullfill her wifely duty,and she have been dreaming of their night together.

"So where are we heading off?" Selina asked.

"It is gonna be a surprise,leave everything to me." Jiro said with a naughty smile."Our first night together,should be very special."

Selina pinched Jiro on his side,when the limosine  finally came to a halt."Yes we are here"Jiro said,with much excitement om his voice.He took Selina's hand,as they got off the car.They stood in an isolated cottage sorrounded by lots of trees.She could not figure out the sorroundings for it is quite dark already.You can only see the full moon on the sky with twinkling stars from the distance.You can also hear chirping of night cicadas and the birds.Gentle breeze came as it fans and cool their faces,and you smell and tasted the seasalt on it.So maybe there is the nearby ocean somewhere.

Finally their eyes went to the cottage in front of them.There is a glowing light inside.One can see the silhouette of its beauty from the distance.Jiro looked at Selina and a smile broke in his face.

"Finally,now is my time." as he grin."And I guess I have to carry my bride to the threshold." as he swoop up Selina in his arms,and Selina sustained a giggle with the act.he was so strong to carry him,as she stared at his husband's face.Finally he belongs to her,and she belongs to him,and nobody can change that now.She is now Mrs Jiro Wang,the rightful one to bear his name.

Jiro did not stop at the entrance but carried his bride into the bedroom.He stopped in the bedroom and gently lay Selina there,his eyes never leaving her face.Selina can feel the longing and the passion ,as Jiro started kissing her first on the lips,as he devoured her lips.He was so hungry and so consumed with his love and emotions.The now gentle Jiro is now consumed with so much passions as Selina tried to cope with his building emotions.

Jiro kissed selina all over as his lips moved down to her neck and down to her cleavage,as he fought for her clothes.,finally winning over it ,as he slide it off from her body.He quickly  removed his jacket,bows,shirt and pants,until he stood in front of her.Selina blushed at the sight of him.He came back to her,tasting her lips once more,this time his toungue probed deeply and played with her own.Selina was drowning and drowning with each kisses,the air is running out,as she catch her breath with each kisses.Tiredness and excitement together....her heart is acting wildly,as she stopped,she felt her heart is like she teared.

She got up to sit up trying to catch her breath,Jiro was so surprised and so alarm when he looked at Selina all pale and short of breath.he thought,she is going to pass out.He helped her out as he put his arms around her.

"Selina what is wrong?" Jiro asked.

"I think,today is just too much for me.I am so sorry." Selina said, knowing his disappointment.

"Don't worry about it, just rest for now.I have waited before,I can still wait for another day." Jiro said as he smiled at her."Rest now.I am sorry,I should have been more considerate,you must be very tired."he quickly dressed up and gave Selina a kiss on the chheks,before walking out from the room.

Selina lays there feeling so disappointed.Her heart is failing her now.Maybe if she rest tonight,she will be able to cope with him tomorrow.But somehow,tears came by,though she tried so hard to stop it.She does not want tears on their first night,she wants it to be happy and memorable,but her heart won't let her.

Jio sat on the sofa as he tried so hard to control himself.Disappointment settled and not being able to make love on your wife first night is so disheartening.He have to cool himself before going back to Selina,for he is afraid that he might not be able to control himself,when he lies beside her.He is only a man after all with needs and longings.He took a deep breath  once more and grabbed the remote of the TV as he flipped from channels to channels.He got tired flipping back and forth and got bored at the news and old rerun shows and turned off the TV,He found his cell phone on his pocket and dialled  Hebe's number.......

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
beecatss #4
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them
hihipear #5
striped-cat #7
oh god i love wang jiro
sea0horse #8
Taiwanese fanfic!!! \o/ congratulations and ... love S.H.E + Fahrenheit. <3