Chapter 1

Blind Love

“Luhannnn! Are you there?”

“Yeahh, I’m here!!”

“Oh My God Luhan, what are you doing ?” Xiumin looked at the boy who was lying on the ground. Xiumin always live with Luhan since he was a boy, because his parents died in the car accident when he was just 7 years old.


He got shock by the news and went to the nearby park to entertain himself that night. He couldn’t hold the tears that alredy ruined his flawless cheeks. He really missed his parents, his mother’s sweet voice, his father’s laughter, he missed all about his parents. He wished that he could see his parents smile once again, but he knew he won’t. But then, he saw another desperate boy who cried and sat on the ground of the park. He was curious and want to cheer the boy, so he hesitantly took a step closer to the boy. But the boy looked like he didn’t feel his presence.

“Hey! Are you okay? It’s cold out here, my name is Xiumin. Let’s be friends….” Xiumin spoke, but cut off by the boy.

“My name is Luhan.”

“Okay, let’s be friends Luhan-ssi!” Xiumin over his hand to Luhan and waited him to shook his hand.

“Yah! If you agree to be my friends, why you didn’t shake my hand?”

“I….I’m sorry Xiumin-ssi, I can’t see you, I can’t see your hand, I can’t see the world like you do… I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it…” Luhan began to cried. Xiumin realized the meaning of Luhan’s words and he felt very guilty toward the boy.

“Heyyy, it’s not your fault! Please don’t cry, I’m so sorry… Let me take you home then?”

“Unfortunately I don’t have a place called home… My mother died and my father just abandoned me here…” Luhan began to cried harder.

“Ooops, I’m so sorry Luhan… Do you want to live with me? As you know… My parents died, so… I need somebody to accompany me, you know….”

“Yes, let me live with you!” Luhan cut off Xiumin’s word and thought that his life will start all over again. He don’t know why but Xiumin just made him sure that Xiumin can change him.

End of flashback

“Hey Xiumin! You’re here, huh? I just fell asleep, but then I fell to the ground. I couldn’t find my bed, even though I tried my best, so I… Ummm, just lying on the ground… As you see…” Xiumin chuckled, upon hearing his friend’s explanation.

“Was it that funny?” Luhan said with a blank face.

“Oh, sorry Luhan, but IT WAS funny.” Xiumin began to laugh and the two broke out into laughter.



(A/N) So I decided to post my first chapter, haha~ sorry about the grammar mistake

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ImaiYagami2107 #1
Chapter 1: I like the story. Keep update! xD