Chapter II

Bad Plus Good Equals?

Chapter II


Being a student council member was sure hard, especially high school. They got a lot of homework and also a lot of student council works. Almost every day, they stay until evening just to finish their student council work. And when they arrived at the dormitory, they usually did their homework first. It’s very tiring isn’t it? Oh, this high school provides a dormitory for the students by the way. So they could be a responsible student for living alone. But this school doesn’t have too many strict rules.


Today is Monday. And this girl needed to go to work now after school. She really, really needed work because she needed to buy groceries every day and other necessaries. She has a big sister who paid her school payment. But she couldn’t rely on her sister too much. She doesn’t want to be a big burden for her sister, even though her sister already told her she wasn’t a burden for her many times.


She works as a librarian on a library a little bit far from the school. She just doesn’t want many people knew she works. She doesn’t want people pitied her for losing both of her parents and needed to work. She doesn’t want people make fun of her lifestyle. And she doesn’t want people insult her because she needed to work unlike the other rich students.


Some people knew she worked there. It happened because those people like to visit the library. And they bring no harm to her all this time because they’re not popular student that likes to bully many juniors. So she’s very grateful until today. When she means she’s very grateful until today, she really mean until today. She already worked for four hours today and her shift almost over. She cleaned her things on the desk and also cleaned the folder on her desk.


Usually, she really happy when this time has come but that moment disappeared when two certain person came into the library. Her happiness soon changed into fear and worries because one of them was known as the bad guy and likes to destroy things. She wouldn’t want to someone who’s responsible of this, and the bad luck is, she still has 10 minutes before her shift over. And that’s mean, any broken things will be her responsible as the librarian and also the person who destroyed the things.


She could see one of them shouted his friend before leaving him alone on his spots and walked towards her. Myungsoo! Are you stupid for leaving that bad guy alone!? He could broke one or two or even more things here! Geez, that president is stupid sometimes!


“Um, Miss… Can I help you?” She turned her head towards the man who just spoke a while ago. Myungsoo didn’t recognize her? Weird… Oh, of course he wouldn’t recognize her. She was wearing a long black skirt and white long sleeves shirt with a black tie neatly tied on the collar. She tied her brown hair into a neat bun and she just let her bang nicely framed her face. Very much like a business woman. Oh, don’t forget to add that she’s wearing her glasses.


Hmm, she never tied her hair before inside the school and also wearing another clothes except her own uniform. Maybe that’s the biggest reason. “I’m fine, mister… Is there anything that I can help you with?” She asked politely while smiled as nice as she could to him. Well, we needed to serve the customer well right?


“Um, I want to give back this book… It’s been two weeks since I borrowed this. Today’s the last day for giving this back so… here.” He putted more than 10 books at her desk and smiled. “Hmm, I think that’s all.” He said to himself then nodded. He smiled once more to her and turned around to head back to his friend.


“What the heck? Where did he go?” He cursed silently–but she managed to hear it–and looked around but didn’t find any single sign of his best friend. That bad guy has gone? W-what? What will happen if he destroys some books? And why he needed to disappear so suddenly? His friend didn’t leave him about two minutes and he’s already gone?


This is bad… very, very bad. She needed to help Myungsoo to find him too. If she didn’t help him, she’s afraid that he will do something bad. So she decided to ask him politely, “M-mister… Can I help you with something?” Oh god, why did she need to shutter?


“No need, miss. I’ll try to find my friend by myself. Sorry for bothering you…”


“N-no, let me help you. My shift almost over… 6 minutes again… I only worked here part time. So, I’ll help you help your friend…” She said and looked at him. “Can you describe him so I could help you?” She asked him even though she already knew his friend precisely.


“Well, I suggested you for not coming near him. He’s…,” his voice trailed off before shaking his head, trying to clear his mind before continued to speak, “Okay fine… I’ll tell you… He’s quite tall. He has a pointed nose, black hair, wears piercing, black shirt, navy jeans, and he has a very good muscles. You could see his hand if you wanted to know about his muscles.”


“I’ll try my best to help him, mister…” She bowed politely and took her bag before started to look around to find him. Well, actually… It didn’t take many times to find him. It’s actually easy. But it seems Myungsoo… are pretty dense or lazy to find him.


From her spots, she could see him took many book but only for playing. Throwing it, bothering people with it, and lots of other things with those books he used. Oh book, don’t worry… Park Chorong will save you… soon…


“Mister, stop messing with the library and you should keep your voice down…,” she said strictly as she could to confront a person like him. Hearing her voices, that guy turned his head around and looked at her with annoyed face all over his face.


“Like the hell, I would do that! Geez, library !” He said while sat on the library table, didn’t really minding the look that people giving him. He sure is bad guy, isn’t he?


“Then I think you should… take your leave now… if you don’t like the library…,” she said politely while crossed her arm in front of her chest and stared at him. Well, that guy is idiot for her. Why would he go to the library in the first places if he doesn’t like this place?


Feeling annoyed, he stood up and walked towards her. He bended down a little to match his eyes with her before decided to speak once more right in front of her face.“Pft. Who the hell are ya? I ain’t need your advice! Geez, librarian these days are !”


She decided to ignore his comment and answered his first question. “I’m just an ordinary librarian, mister… Well, please do take your leave… People aren’t comfortable with your presence.” She said while looking around to see people around them.


He scoffed and pushed her shoulder a little and shouted, “You ain’t have the permission to order me around!” He groaned and soon squint his eyes to look closer. “Wait a second! I’ve seen you at the campus before!!” He exclaimed while backing a little.


Uh-oh, this isn’t good. She must make him leave now. When she means now, that means right now. “Hmm… I think you should leave now.” She said while grabbed his wrist and dragged him outside the library.


“Wha– Hey! Don’t drag me around!” He shouted.



Once they finally outside and right behind the library, he wriggled off her grips and pushed her against the wall. “What the hell is your problem, Miss Vice Pres!?” He shouted while grabbed both of her hand and pushed it against the wall right above her head before she tried something bad to him. Considering from his experience of fighting, he held her legs with his legs, preventing her from trying to kick between his legs.


He could see she trembled in fear while looking at him, wide eyes from shocks. Hearing no response from her, he leaned closer to her ear and spoke again. “Do I need to repeat myself?” He said in a very harsh tone she really scared of.


“I-I… M-myungsoo… asked… for my help… to find you… a-although he doesn’t know who I am…” She shuttered with a very weak tone. She’s afraid, of course. She’s afraid how he trapped her against the wall. She’s afraid he might hurt her. But she doesn’t need to afraid of him… she needed to learn to be brave around him… after all, he’s the one who helped her when she still a junior high school student at the second year–or in the other words, grade eight.


It’s been three years since the incident. She’s now a high school student at the second year–grade eleven. Those years, she tried to show him her gratitude but failed because she doesn’t have the courage to talk with him. And now… this thing wasn’t helping at all.


“Tch, Myungsoo. He’s pain in the .” He groaned and released her. “Listen here, vice. If ya messed around with me again, I won’t hesitate to hurt that pretty face of yours.” He ordered while walked away from her. With that, he left her alone behind the library.


His words… she doesn’t know how to react… she should’ve scared of him… but why she was flattered when he said pretty face of yours. She's weird isn't she?


Author's Note:

Fine fine... some of my friends complain about 'subscriber-only' because they don't have AFF acc... So, I decided to use it when I reached around chapter five or more..

Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter! :D By the way, any of you are a fans of anime 'Fairy Tail'? Fairy Tail Opening of Season 5 was sung by BoA! It was freaking good! And I love it so much!! XD

Until then, byee!! Comments are very acceptable! :D


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Special Thanks to: xia0bh, riyu_rinho, Syuffy_Hani98, kiseop1 for commenting :D


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sourjongie #1
Chapter 7: finally!!!!;;; ah did woohyun want to introduce chorong to his parents? ouo
Chapter 7: I thought it was real.....
anyway, i'm curious who are 'they' update soon
Chapter 7: I like it
Update please!!!
Chapter 6: Oh please!! Update!
Th story is too gooD!
Chapter 6: Update please!!!
Love the story
Hi^^ I'm new reader, well, not really.
OMOOOOO This fict is AMAZING!! keep it up author-nim^^
i really like the plot
Chapter 6: OMFG Woohyun just asking her to be his girlfriend. I... I can't /dies/ T^T Just let them kiss for the next chapter /shot. LOL I am sorry but I'm looking forward to the next chapter! Woahhh!!!
sourjongie #8
Chapter 6: ' rong mama' and 'hyun papa' are really cute name ; 3 ;