You and I

You and I - Minwoo's New Drama!

                Once the scene was done, Seh Lyung stayed still in her place, for if she ran away too quickly it would look too suspicious to Minwoo. She gave him a smile as he got up from the hospital bed, sticking his tongue at his gown. “Don’t look at me.” He ordered playfully.

                She laughed softly. “That’s impossible. I can’t tear my eyes away from cuteness.” She said, trying to buy him with a cute pick-up line. It totally wasn’t her style, but gave it a try since Minwoo seemed like the type to admire one.

                It definitely worked, and it looked like he had forgotten all about how her outburst on set not too long ago. “Aish! You’re cuter Seh Lyungie~” he cooed as if he was with a baby, pinching one of her cheeks.

                Oh no. Don’t say he wanted to have a ‘who’s cuter’ fight.

                --You’re cute!

                --No, you’re cuter!

                --No you!

                --No~ you!

                She wanted to throw up at the thought. “I have to use the bathroom, Oppa.” She frowned. “I’ll be back in a minute, okay?”

                Minwoo gave his own frown, but managed to kiss her cheek without her saying anything. “I need my daily dosage of Seh Lyung.” He said cutely, before turning away. “Do you want me to get you green tea?” he asked, being a responsible almost-boyfriend to make sure his almost-girlfriend is always hydrated.

                She gave an ‘okay’ symbol and walked off to the restrooms. But she didn’t really have to go to the bathroom; it was just an excuse to get away from him. But during the conversation it was all for nothing, since he couldn’t remember a thing, but maybe she should hide from IU, she has good memory.

                She washed her hands twice and stared at the mirror, checking her face. Seh Lyung gave a small smile, and touched her cheek. He kissed her cheek, again.

                Opening the bathroom door, she was jumped by a twin, specifically, Kwangmin. She squeaked and almost ran back inside, but he immediately pulled her out, his face filling with excitement.

                “Our teaser just came out, Seh Lyungie!” He repeated to her over and over, bouncing up and down.

                That explained his new hairstyle, and pretty much all of Boyfriend’s new trims and dyes. At the moment he said ‘Boyfriend teaser’ she wanted to jump up and down with him, but kept her composure. “Okay, so are you going to show me or what?”

                Kwangmin stopped jumping, and Seh Lyung narrowed her eyes. “Just let me warn you, me showing this is for your own good.”


                Not answering her, he shook his head, and pulled out his phone. He pressed the ‘play’ button on the touch screen video.

                Seh Lyung peered into Kwangmin’s tiny phone and watched the teaser. She accidentally bit her tongue as she watched a random actress go off and be close to Minwoo. They were smiling happily on the grass, leaning on each other, the girl’s head tucked comfortably on his shoulder. It was her role, she was hired to do it, Seh Lyung understood, the role to be his girlfriend. Yet her heart still panged.

                “Seh Lyung-ah…” Kwangmin mumbled, suddenly feeling bad for showing it.

                She shook her head. “I like it…” she smiled, a tad empty. “But why do boy bands always like the same girl? Boy bands can share a lot of things, but not a girl, really.”

                Kwangmin laughed at her successful attempt to get back up, and gave her a small hug. “Well, now you know how Minwoo-ah felt when you kissed Jeongmin-hyung?”

                Her smile turned sullen. “Yeah, but thanks, I appreciate it.”

                “No problem! Now let’s get back.”

                She skipped back on the set with Kwangmin, watching the sets being torn down and put away. “Is the drama really over? It doesn’t feel like it.” The boy asked her.

                She shrugged. “We were short on time, IU-unnie, Minwoo and Jeongminnie oppas would’ve been too tired since there’s comebacks.”

                “Are you going to miss it?”

                Seh Lyung rolled her eyes, and nudged him. “Of course I am! Without the drama I wouldn’t have met all these cool people, especially Boyfriend and IU-unnie.”

                The dark-haired boy grinned smugly. “I’m cool. Yeah I feel so cool~ cool~” The second he started singing SISTAR’s song Seh Lyung backed away and pretended not to know him. “Yah! Come back here! I’m not going to just be Boyfriend’s rapper my entire life!”

                “Ah, fine. Anyways, it’s about time you guys had a comeback. You have like, two and a half songs!” She giggled, walking backwards, giving Kwangmin a thumb up. Well if he was going to sing more in Boyfriend’s songs, which was a big plus. “Oof!”

                She bumped her back to No Minwoo’s chest, Seh Lyung and Kwangmin had an amused look on his face. She felt a pair of slender arms wrap around her waist protectively, noticing in one of the hands clutched a green tea bottle (so tightly the person’s knuckles turned white.) She felt a slight weight crunch the pounds of hairspray the hairstylists forced on her, Minwoo’s chin. She was stunned at the sudden contact.

                Kwangmin watched his band mate in hilarity as Minwoo’s gaze was rock hard, as if he was protecting her. He found it really endearing and cute that the maknae was doing such a thing. “Anyways,” he continued, trying to keep the normality. “They gave me more lines this time around!”

                Genuinely, Seh Lyung asked, “Really?” She was doing her best to mentally shake off Minwoo and forget he was even here, he was making it awkward. “That’s really, really good. It having to hear your voice only once in the songs.”

                “You liked my rapping?”

                “Yeah, you have a nice voice.”

                Abruptly, the young girl felt herself being dragged backwards, Kwangmin getting farther and farther away. The twin waved animatedly as if nothing was wrong. They reached the hall in the building where the bathrooms were, which Seh Lyung just came back from less than five minutes ago. It was mostly empty, except for the few passersby that would come once every few minutes.

                She was finally spun around to face Minwoo, who wouldn’t reach her gaze. “… What is it?” She asked.

                “… Did you run away from me earlier so you can talk to Kwangmin?” He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

                “What are you talking about?”

                “Seh Lyung, just please answer me!” His voice rose, and Seh Lyung took a cautious step back.

                The feeling of being loved was setting in.

                “I’m sick and tired of being lost.” He mumbled, his head low. “From the day we met, you were my challenge. You were someone I wanted to decipher, I always pulled you a step forward but eventually you somehow managed to get two steps farther. And just when I finally feel like I’ve won,” His voice started to crack. “You kiss Jeongmin-hyung off-camera. And I’m lost, all over again.”

                Seh Lyung wanted to make him shut up. She already knew what she did wrong. She thought Minwoo already forgave her, but he continued to bring it up, over and over. 

                Minwoo was heated. “And then you and Kwangmin, you guys always talk so close. Why can’t you just talk to me like that?”

                “And then you and IU-unnie.” Seh Lyung mimicked. “You guys always talk so close. Why can’t you just talk to me like that?”

                The boy faltered, and his eyes softened. “Seh Lyung-ah…”

                “And you and the teaser girl. Lee Se Young.” Seh Lyung remembered seeing her in some dramas beforehand. “I wouldn’t have kissed Jeongmin-oppa if it weren’t for the drama. Would you have let her put her head on your shoulder if you didn’t have to do the music video?” Seh Lyung sighed. “I don’t want it to sound like you’re the bad guy here. I want to say we can’t stop what’s coming at us. We’re idols.”

                Minwoo pulled her into a hug, and Seh Lyung numbly obliged, almost feeling unworthy to be in his arms. She inhaled his intoxicating scent, even though he probably sweated like wildfire twenty minutes ago, she didn’t mind.  “I’m going to be so busy with the comeback.” He said, his voice muffled from his mouth digging into her hair. “Kwangmin still believes we could have time to come to your house during the week.”

                “I guess I can go watch your performances.” She tried to make ends meet. “But I’ll have to try my best not to gain any attention.”

                “I heard ‘We Got Married’ is looking for actual couples on the show.” Minwoo half-joked.

                “Heh. Maybe when we’re legal.”

                “We’ll be together that long?” Minwoo asked hopefully, snuggling his face more into Seh Lyung’s sweet-scented hair. “I’d like that.”

                It finally settled in a comfortable silence. They did their greatest to suppress the fact that this wasn’t going to be an easy relationship, but there wasn’t any sense in giving up.

                “Seh Lyungie…” Minwoo always had to be the first to start the conversations, since the first day. “We’ll never get time alone like this ever again.”

                The girl broke away and just let herself hold his waist by the sides. “Now you’re just repeating things.” For some reason, he liked how she didn’t dwell on things and just got straight to the point.

                Minwoo didn’t answer her straightaway. It was now or never. There was no one here. They just cleared out their relationship. It was perfect timing. Well, perfect-rushed timing, because he would never have time to take her on a date anymore. It was his one, his only chance, or else he’d have to wait months before trying again. And that was just too damn long.

                He gently placed his hands furtively on Seh Lyung’s shoulders, his eyes gazing intently, burning with charisma. He drank the image in; it wouldn’t be the same one next time around. Her large brown eyes looked at him, wondering what was going on. It was good; it was the only time she didn’t have any clear prediction or anticipation of something, he didn’t want her to know what he was going to do.

                So, he leaned in and kisseed her. And she didn’t push away, or not respond like some fish. She nervously kissed him back, and she pulled away quickly, blushing. Oh, it definitely wasn’t the same reaction Jeongmin got from her. See the red on her cheeks? That’s her love. Jeongmin didn’t get that, and Minwoo felt pretty good about himself.

                “That felt like a first kiss.” She said.

                It was Minwoo’s first kiss. “Yeah, it felt like mine too.”


                The director pulled everyone in for the last time of ‘You and I’. The sets were completely demolished, the equipment was all packed up and ready to go and all the elderly workers were taking in exhausted breaths of air.

                “Alright, everyone! I’d just like to say, it’s been a great few months working with you all! We’ve created a popular drama, and the last few episodes will air pretty soon—also Boyfriend’s new song!” he added, making the Boyfriend band bow and say their respective thank you. “I’d like to give my sincerest gratitude toward the heartfelt set and wonderful cast we have, and thank them for filling in when we needed them.” Hint-hint, Boyfriend band mentioned, again. “And… I’ve talked to the station!”

                The elder workers high-fived each other, as they knew what the director was talking about, and the teenagers were awaiting the news. IU tugged on Hyunseong and Donghyun’s arm. “Yahh. What are they talking about?”

                The director’s bright smile lit up the room. “There’s going to be a sequel to ‘You and I!’”

                Jeongmin’s eyes widened. Kwangmin admired his barista outfit, liking how he could put it to good use once again. Donghyun and Youngmin high-fived each other, and IU patted Hyunseong on the back. They said to him that he could redeem himself a second time and get over his camera shyness.

                And Minwoo and Seh Lyung’s hearts beat faster. They brushed hands to feel that identical, brief electricity. They would be reunited once again, they were inseparable.

                “What is it going to be called?” Donghyun asked. “Don’t touch my girl?”

                “That’s our working title.” The director replied ironically, but more sarcastically. “But, that’ll be towards the middle of the New Year, that’ll be a long time from now. But better late than never!”

                 The director clapped his hands together, calling it the end of ‘You and I’.


The end.

I know, the last part hints a sequel, I'm sorry. But, it probably won't happen anytime soon. But if it does, and that's why just in case I put in that last bit, I'll surely come back to it and tell you all.

I'd like, no LOVE, to thank all of my beautiful readers!!! I know not many of you guys commented, but either way it was such an honor for you to read my story since summer 2011. You guys are amazing, thank you for bringing smiles to my faces, and making my first chaptered fanfiction a win, at least to me.

I can't believe it's over!!! But if you ever want to see me update, I'll have one fiction that'll update every week;

It's called Absolute Boyfriend. If you can't tell it's based on the drama/anime. I'll do my best to make justice to it, and I hope it doesn't look like I'm stealing other ideas, because it's a pretty common concept. And I just felt the need to write something like this, hello, it's Boyfriend! Perfect!

Absolute Boyfriend is not specifically a Minwoo fanfiction, as much as some people would like. BUT, it can be, if you vote! I'll put up the vote later in the story, but if you keep reading you guys could decide the reader's fate!

But enough about a fanfiction you won't care about XD Back to You & I!

A round of applause to my subscribers! (I hope I got you all, as of 10/25/11)








Especially to all my commenters! You guys no who you are :) High five!

Everyone, I'll see you soon~


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oshawot1 #1
sendohime guess who it IS secret #7♂
lov4ever #2
new reader here [of this fanfic] woww i lovee this!!! im reading the anime/manga based one aswell!! it took me 3 hours to read it all, im happy, because this is amazing!!
AlladoNGBA #4
<3 So CUTE!!~ =) =D LIKE the story!!~ <3 <3 <3
itsme-miya #5
OMG is ended. I want a sequel so badly. Looking foreword to one!<br />
I'm gonna go check out Absolute Boyfriend hehehe :D
Sharpie #7
that was fast.... xDD
_mrsmjjeje #8
can i just say that was the sweetest thing ever? I'm gonna shed tears if you're going to end their drama! :p haha