Train to Busan

예쁜남자 (Pretty Man)
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Heechul and Gunhee have quickly gotten close again like they were when they were kids as they started to spend more and more time together. A lot of people around them were starting to think that they were a couple and there really wasn't a reason for them to think otherwise since they spent almost every waking hour together.


“Yes! Long weekend!” Heechul shouted with joy

“I don't remember having one of those, must be a good feeling” Yesung said

“You know it!” the older one said with a smile

“So where are you going?” the younger one asked

“몰라 (I don't know), I haven't thought about it yet. I’ll ask Gunhee”


The older one took out his phone and started typing a message to the person they were just talking about. Yesung was holding his glass of water and watched his hyung.


“So tell me, are you and Gunhee like...? ...You know” the younger one asked

“Sure, why not?” Heechul said without even looking at him


@kimheenim 야 (hey)! long weekend, Where are we going?

@gunheenim long weekend? Crap I forgot about that...Dana has a photo shoot in Busan so I'm going to be working

@kimheenim haha~ for you!

@gunheenim wait a minute, why don't you come? I mean it's the perfect opportunity for you

@kimheenim …to get a tan?

@gunheenim to ask her out! I mean, the sun, the sand, great food… plus we're staying at this nice hotel

@kimheenim you're kidding right? i don't want to impose

@gunheenim since when have you cared about imposition?

@kimheenim since i graduated high school!

@gunheenim so are you coming?

@kimheenim hhmm...fine but you're paying for my hotel room!

@gunheenim let Dana pay for it ㅋㅋㅋ

@kimheenim the how would...? Never mind… pick me up at 7

@gunheenim we get on the KTX at 6

@kimheehim what?!

@gunheenim see you at the station at 5:30~



“Looks like I'm going to Busan” Heechul said

“Nice bring me back some sashimi” said Yesung

“There’s sashimi in 노량진  (Noryangjin)”








He rolled around once and fell straight down on the wooden floor when he tried to reach for the alarm clock that he placed on the desk across the room. He slowly tried to lift himself up.


"아 시발 (ah )"


He rubbed his head and ran his fingers through his hair with his eyes still closed. He got up and sat on his bed then reached for his phone that was on his sidetable. He looked at the time and slowly stood up.


"Who the hell gets up this early? Ugh..."


His bags were already packed so the only thing he had to do was wash up and get dressed before heading out to the train station where he was going to meet Dana, Gunhee and her manager. He wasn't even sure why he agreed to this but it was chance to get out of the city and kill time during the long weekend since the members were going overseas for a schedule.


The sun wasn't even up yet as he crept through the 12th floor living room so that he wouldn't wake up the others who were still in dreamland. He went to the kitchen to fix himself a cup of coffee to wake up his senses when someone came out of their bedroom, still half-asleep.


“Why are you up so early?” he asked

“I was about to ask you the same thing” Leeteuk said while rubbing his eyes

“Oh..I..I'm going to Busan, the train leaves at 6” the younger one said

“Why so early?” asked Leeteuk

“It's a long story” Heechul said

“Oh okay then, have fun” the older one said

“You still haven't answered my question”

“What? Oh right, i don't know, i just got up, probably going back to sleep in a bit. So have a safe trip”


He was about to go back to his room and leave the younger one but he suddenly turned around again. Heechul was waiting for the coffeemaker to finish its thing.


“Who are you going with?” Leeteuk asked

“Gunhee” the younger one responded

“Look, if you're going to start seeing guys, at least let us know” said the older one

“Do you seriously think I

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I don't really read idol fanfics anymore but once in a while I think about this one. It's such an original theme and very well written, I always think about how it could've turn out. Not here to pressure or ask you to continue, just wanted to say that you kinda made a mark on me and I'm probably more critic with what I read now thanks to the level I found here. Wish you the best!
Chapter 21: Curious how this story pans out. Hope you continue updating. :)
Chapter 21: OMG YOURE BACK!!!
Lei_sue #4
Chapter 21: wow..welcome back authornim... thank you
Chapter 20: Heechul is being so childish. Is Dana's father so bad?
Chapter 20: Gunhee, I love u so much
Chapter 19: I kinda get the picture there but 20yrs back n it feel kinda strange on Heechul behaviour plus is he the cause to wat happened to Dana 20yrs back???
Chapter 19: come on man it's just a picture, move on