Live your dream

A Path to my dream

Kim Sunggyu a name that had been buzzing around Woolim entertainment. She was groomed to be the next Hallyu star, the next BoA and Korea's Demi Lovatto.


She had trained for a good five years and the management had seen her grow, both in physical terms and technical aspects. Her longs wavy hair framed her round face like a doll. Her nautrally small eyes and chubby cheeks made her the cutest even without trying. Her IU sunbae has been called the youth fairy but she was deemed the Youth princess. Even before debuting, she had been garnering attention and show invites ever since she performed on Star King as a guest vocalist for her sunbaes Nell.


She's not even half as good as me! I am better than her so why is she debuting before us?” Tiffany asked her fellow trainee Jessica.


Yeah, she's even claiming that she's all real but her cheeks are obviously full of botox. I paid a good sum for my nose and chin.” Jessica added.


Hey! Don't talk about Sunggyu like that, she's pretty good!” Taeyon confronted her dongsaengs.


Why are you close eonnie?” Jessica asked and Taeyon nodded.


We grew up in the same neighborhood. She's a talented singer so if you want to debut then better work on your vocals instead.” She said and the two whined but joined their eonnie in the practice room.


Sunggyu didn't really intend to stand out but without even trying, she always did. The male trainees would all swoon when she passed by and her trainers had always praised her. She was someone who can capture your heart in a few seconds with just a mesmerizing smile. She is good natured that even their CEO had often treated her like his own daughter.


Sunggyu was a money maker and without even a proper debut, she had been appearing on CF's and MV's for other singers. She did one with an actor and model Kim Myungsoo for her K.Will sunbae's summer comeback. Jessica and Tiffany was twice as jealous as before as they had been wanting to appear with the Kim Myungsoo. But hey, Sunggyu was the preferred lead for the MV and Myungsoo even praised her on his tweet featuring their selca; it garnered huge attention that a MyungGyu ship started.


She is going down.” Tiffany threw her hair brush towards the mirror that shattered in an instant. She then clenched her hands into a fist and walked away.


The next thing that happened was perhaps an intentional incedent that almost caused Sunggyu her life.


When she was doing an MV scene with the Thai Prince Nickhun for 2PM's comeback single, a crazed fan had drove a car towards the set and made Sunggyu trip on her heels and fell down a flight of concrete stairs of the park.


Sunggyu!” She heard their screams as her vision blurred and her hearing faded until she felt nothing but numbness.




She woke up inside the hospital bed with white walls and equally white covers. She saw her mother talking to the doctor and she saw her fell to her knees as her father tried to support her weight. She wondered what happened, she wanted to move and walk up to them but she felt nothing, her limbs weren't cooperating.


In her frustration, she screamed loudly which got the attention of the adults inside the room.


Sunggyu!” She heard her mother call out.


Omma! I can't feel my legs!” She cried as she hugged her mother tightly.


It's okay sweetheart, I'm here. You're okay” Her mother tried to be strong but it felt like she wasn't convincing anyone at the moment.


She was paralyzed from the waist down, her doctor informed her. “You have a 30% chance of recovering motor funtions in your legs but it will need time and a lot of painful therapy.” Her doctor said and tears fell down her eyes.


Why me? Why? I will be debuting in a few months!” She shouted, despair evident in her voice.


it's okay.” Her mother said as she embraced the daughter.


No! This is my dream omma! This can't be happening.” She cried on her mother's arms, her dream was almost withing reach, her five long training years would be over soon but now, it all went down the drain. “Why me omma?” She cried until her heavy heart weighed her down and tiredness brought her to an almost peaceful slumber.


I'm sorry Sunggyu.” Her mother whisphered as she kissed her forehead lovingly.





aniyo!” She shouted as she threw the flowers sent to her by her friends and sunbaes. “I don't need these! Throw them away!” She shouted,, outraged by the pity everyone has been sending her. She was disabled and her dream would stay as a dream for the remaining lifetime that she had.


Sunggyu ah, the wounds have healed an Dr. Park said that we could have therapy.” her mother said one afternoon and Sunggyu didnt even spare her a glance.


What good will it do? I am nothing now.” She replied.


But there is still chance Sunggyu.” Her mother tried to pursuade her but hte stubborn girl just shook her head, there wasn't any chance left for a cripple like her. “I met the therapist, he said there is 50% chance of recovery.” Her mother tried again.


I said no!” She said and her mother just sighed and dropped the topic all together.




Hello, Kim Sunggyu-ssi?” A young male dressed in a blue scrub suit and pushing a wheelchair entered the room and her mother welcomed him. “oh Mrs. Kim, I am Lee Jinki, I am to fetch your daughter.” He informed Mrs. Kim and she gladly led him towards her daughter's bed.


Sunggyu-ah, Jinki here is going to bring you to perform a few test.” She said but the lump on the bed didn't move.


Is it okay if i do drastic measure ma'am?” Jinki asked and Mrs. Kim was surprised but nodded.


With a warm smile and a bow to her, he then moved and took the patient in his strong arms and gently laid her on the wheel chair.


We'll be back shortly.” He then bowed and wheeled the giirl out of his room.


Yah! What are you doing!” Sunggyu shouted as she protested.


If you could walk then you could've avoided being kidnapped by an unknown person like me.” Jinki replied and that made Sunggyu mad beyond words.


Yah! You think i wanted this? You think I deserved this? I should have been dead, that would be much better.” She said and Jinki stopped pushing the wheelchair and knelt in front of the girl.


You want to die instead huh?” Jinki asked and he smirked before pushing the wheelchair again towards the physical therapy wing.


Dr. Kim, Patient Kim Sunggyu is here!” He announced and the said doctor attended to her.


Oh hello Sunggyu-ssi, I will be your therapist and if we work together, we could make you walk again.” The doctor said.


What's the use huh? I'm good as dead.” She scoffed and the doctor just smiled at her.


Jinki-hyung!” A voice called out and the said boy ran towards a younger male.


Hey Minho!” Jinki greeted.


Look at me hyung, I can walk a few steps already. Painful but they said it's a good improvement.” He said and Jinki gave him a bright smile.


I am very glad Minho and in no time, you will be able to kick goals like you used to.” He said and the younger smiled and thanked him.


Jinki-ah, help Sunggyu to stand.” Dr. Kim instructed and Jinki held her hand gently and gave her a smile then counted to three.


The first time she stood was very painful, she screamed loudly and the doctor assessed that the pressure on her ankles would have triggered the pain. He wrote down notes as Jinki gently let her sit back on the chair.


Mianhe.” He uttered as he looked apologetically at the girl.


I almost died from the pain!” She shouted and Jinki sighed but smiled warmly at her.


I know how unbearable it is so I am really sorry about it.” Jinki uttered and then retrieved some ice pack from the triage nurse. “this will numb the area for a while. Dr. Kim might prescribe some pain killers and will schedule your weekly sessions. Please bear with the pain and soon you can walk again.” He said with a warm smile that Sunggyu rejected.


Sunggyu wasn' even trying to heal herself despite doing the therapy for a month and a half. Dr. Kim had given her the pep talk but she just refused to let them heal her, she refused to let herself walk again. The session ended early as Sunggyu refused to stand and that left Dr. Kim no choice but to dismiss her.


It's not that bad Sunggyu-ssi.” Jinki said as she pushed her back towards her room.


How would you know, you were never in my shoes!” She shouted at the therapist and Jinki sighed and decided to make a little detour towards the childrens' therapy center.


Why am I here?” She asked and Jinki just smiled at her and then walked towards the girl sitting on a wheelchair by the window.


Luna-ssi” Jinki called out and the girl looked at him then smiled. “How many steps did you take today?” He asked and Luna raised her fingers. “Five?” He asked and the girl nodded. “Very good. By tuesday can we make it six steps?” He asked and the girl smiled and nodded. He patted the girl on her head and then said his goodbye.


Hyung! Jinki hyung!” A boy called out and Jinki smiled at the boy in crutches slowly approachin him.


Hey Taemin! How are your legs? Your arm?” He asked and Taemin smiled widely.


Doing good hyung. Dr. Kim said that it was good progress and that i could regain control in a few months. A painful journey but i could dance again.” he said and Jinki smiled at him.


You have to show me first okay?” He said and the boy held out a pinky promise which Jinki agreed after a short chuckle.


Why did you bring me here huh?” Sunggyu snorted when Jinki went back to her and pushed her wheelchair back towards the corridor where here room was.


Luna had an accident and now she can't speak or walk. She used to be the lead vocal for her school choir but a jealous classmate had pushed her down a flight of stairs and she was left with broken legs, fractured ribs and a broken vocal chords.” He explained as they made a turn. “Lee Taemin is a budding dancer but when a talent scout spotted him on the streets while dancing, his friend's jealousy made him the target of bullying; and the bullies beat the crap out of the poor kid, injuring his limbs that had been the source of his passion for dance.” He stated.


so what are you trying to say?” Sunggyu asked and Jinki smiled wide.


There's still hope Sunggyu-ah, you could still continue your dream of being a singer if you could just let yourself heal the wounds and learn to walk again.” He said and Sunggyu just laughed at him.


Like that will happen.” She said which made Jinki sighed loudly.





Uhm Hello.” A voice greeted them and Sunggyu gasped as he saw the famous idol Kim Jonghyun visit her on her hospital room.


Kim Jonghyun-ssi?” She asked and the idol nodded as he handed a bouquet of roses to her.


Yes. Uhm I was visiting a friend of mine and he kind of requested me to visit you. He said that you needed encouragement.” He said and Sunggyu furrowed her brows. Jonghyun chuckled and then cleared his throat.


Uhm it's actually Jinki-hyung's idea.” He confessed and Sunggyu became more confused. “We used to train together at SME but he sort of took a break after an accident. I shouldn't be revealing it but he meant well helping you. There are a lot of people who are cheerign for you and praying for your recovery. We want you to debut as a singer and conquer the world with your voice. It would be a pleasure if we could do a duet soon Sunggyu-ssi.” He said and Sunggyu gave him a small smile and thanked him for the visit.



The next time Jinki came in to picke her up, she had a grim expression on her face. “I am not going until you tell me the truth Jinki-ssi.” Sunggyu started and Jinki looked at her with confused eyes.


You used to train under SME?” She asked and Jinki sighed before nodding. “Why did you leave?” She asked and Jinki looked at her like he had seen a ghost.


I don't want to talk about it.” He answered and Sunggyu glared at him.


Well i don't want to take the therapy either!” She shouted and Jinki looked at her sternly and raised his voice.


My personal life doesn't concern you and my reason for dropping out doesn't affect your therapy.” He insisted but Sunggyu held her ground.


So? Are you deaf? I said i don't want to do it!” She shouted and Jinki frowned and left the room without another word.


The next therapy session, it was a different aide who fetched Sunggyu. She inquired about Jinki but the aide just told her that his contract had expired previously. Sunggyu was baffled by it, his ocntract?


Could you bring me to Lee Taemin please?” Sunggyu asked and the aide nodded and led her to the children's ward where she met the dancer.


Oh Jinki-hyung? He's a really kind person. I heard that he used to train with Jonghyun-hyung but a year before they were rumored to debut as a duo, he dropped out without proper reason. No news though and he didn't tell me any” The youner said and Sunggy thanked him.


Sunggyu became more confused at the words of the younger. What could Jinki's reason be?


Jonghyun-ssi” Sunggyu spoke through her phone.


Neh Sunggyu-ssi?” The idol replied.


Do you know a way I could talk to Jinki-ssi?” She asked and she heard a surprised reply from Jonghyun.


Oh, that would be easy, i am with him at the moment, hold on I'll give him the phone.” He said and Sunggyu could hear some shuffling and then a familiar voice.


Hello?” He asked and Sunggyu felt her lips curve into a smile.


Uhm Jinki-ssi. Uhmm I was wondering why...” Sunggyu started but Jinki cut her off.


My contract expired.” He replied.


Oh, its uhm I talked to Taemin and uhm found out that you dropped out before you and Jonghyun-ssi were scheduled to debut.” She said and she heard Jinki sighed.


It's none of your business Sunggyu-ssi.” He replied.


I am. Proposing a deal Jinki-ssi.” Sunggyu said and then continued “If i get to walk again, would you tell me your reason?” She asked and she heard a hollow laugh from the boy.


Why would you make a fuss about it.” Jinki asked.


Because you are telling me to work to achieve my dream but you backed out on yours!” Sunggyu said, fighting the urge to cry as the argument progressed.


Is that about it huh? You want to challenge me? Then i accept. If you want it that badly, then try harder and get on your feet!” Jinki said, voice a pitch higher.


Then watch me do it!” Sunggyu answered then dropped the call. She then screamed out of frustration and puffed her cheeks. “Why am I even this desparate to know?” She asked herself in disbelief as she shook her head.




Good Afternoon.” Jinki greeted as he entered the room.


You came!” Sunggyu chirped and regretted it afterwards as she relaized that she must have sounded a bit too eager to meet him again.


Well, let's see how fast you can wrign out the truth in me.” Jinki grinned and Sunggyu scoffed at him.


Oh please, I've handled ore es than this, Tiffany and Jeesica wasn't the only es in the trainee world you know.,” Sunggyu uttered as she let Jinki assist her to her wheelchair.



She tried to stand up but it hurt her ankles so bad. She winced at the pain but told her doctor that she could handle it. She was determined to get the truth out. She then sat back and took a deep breaht. “One more time.” Dr. Kim uttered and while holding on to Jinki, she tried to stand up on her a couple of times more.


are you that determined to know my reason Sunggyu-ssi?” Jinki asked as he pushed her wheelchair back to her room.


Yeah. I am.” Sunggyu replied,


Well work harder then.” He replied and Sunggyu scoffed at him.


You bet i will!” She shouted back and that made Jinki grin widely. You don't need to ask Sunggyu, it's out in the open.


The progress for Sunggyu was beyond remarkable as the desire to heal was more powerful than what we could have imagined. The saying 'mind over matters' has been true to its meaning as the power of the mind has done remarkable things way beyond expectations.


One more step, yes that's good.” Jinki said as Sunggyu held on to the metal bars as she dragged her legs towards the training platform. She was breathing heavily and the pain has been bugging her but still she was determined to finish it, to be able to walk again the soonest.


Should I tell you know Sunggyu?” Jinki asked but the girl shook her head.


not yet. I will kick your just wait!” Sunggyu shouted as she took a few more steps before collapsing on the floor.


Don't overwork yourself Sunggyu.” Jinki said as he helped her up.


I am not.” She replied while trying to catch her breath.

By the fourth month of therapy, Sunggyu was in crutches and was learning to walk properly. Woollim had been supportive of her and had been giving her trainings to continue her powerful debut sometime in the next year. Sunggyu beamed happily as her doctor had given her the go signal to walk on her own.


Should I tell you now?” Jinki asked as he guided Sunggyu towards her room.


Not yet, tell me after my debut showcase!” Sunggyu uttered and Jinki chuckled as he nodded and waved at her before leaving.


Yah, kim Sunggyu, are you dating him?” her mother asked which made her blush a little. “aigoo, so is he the reason why you wanted to walk this badly? I thought it was about your dream!” She stated and Sunggyu hissed at her.


I'm doing it for my debut!” She shouted and then closed her eyes and tried to sleep.



By the sixth month, she was back on track and was training for her song choreography. She was discharged and went on to Woollim to continue her training. She had been busy with the preparations for her debut that she had forgotten Jinki for a momentt; which was definitely good for her.


Yah, Sunggyu-ah! It's so nice to see you!” Taeyon greeted her and she smiled as she bowed to her sunbae.


Neh Taeyon-ssi. Good luck on your comeback!” Sunggyu greeted and the friend hugged her.


I'm glad that you will debut! I wish we could work together sometime.” She said and Sunggyu nodded and thanked her.




Her debut went on to be the hottest news. She was deemed to be the miracle idol, the inspiration of thousands who had dreams but had been crippled with all sorts of problems.


What was your reason to recover from the accident?” A reporter asked during her debut showcase.


She smiled wide as she took the mirophone and answered him calmly. “I made a promise with a friend that if I was able to walk again, he would tell me his reason why he backed out from his dream.” She said and there were a mixed responses from the press.


How would you classify your songs?' Another asked.


Inspirational. I drew a lot of emotions from my experience and i want to share to the world a story of hope despite the hardships of life.” She answered before she was called to prepare for her performance.


She sang a song about never giving up, about reaching for an impossible dream; her voice had that angelic timbre that one would shed tears just hearing her sing. She gave it her all, standing in front of everyone as she sang her heart; the lights shining down on her, framing the performance perfectly. She had captured everyone, her short dress revealed the scars on her legs whuch she didn't mind hiding, a reminder that flaws could be sources of hope and strength.


She finished the song with standing ovation and her eyes sparkled as she held the tears back. She had reached her dream.


So I owe you an explanation?” Jinki said as he handed her a bouquet after she finished the showcase.


You bet. Did I do well?” She asked and jinki raised two thumbs up, effectively making her smile.


Jinki smiled and spoke gently. “I didn't give up on my dream, debuting as an idol is just one of my dreams, the real dream i have is actually singing with you.” Jinki uttered and took Sunggyu by surprise.


Me?” Sunggu asked and Jinki nodded.


The day I backed out was the same day that the news of your condition spread. I entered the agency because i wanted to sing with you, but with the accident, what would be the purpose of debuting? I just thought that helping you reach yours is also a way to reach mine.” Jinki said and Sunggyu felt warm liquid fell from her eyes.


Jinki-ssi” She said as the bouquet dropped from her hands and fell to the floor. She had ran towards to boy and wrapped her arms around him tightly. “Thank you.” She uttered as Jinki pulled her towards him, arms protectively around her.


But you have to be an idol if you want to sing with me!” Sunggyu chuckled and Jinki nodded as he handed him a pass for his debut showcase.


I'll be debuting in a group. Taemin and Jonghyun are in it.” He said and Sunggyu nodded as she closed their distance and gave Jinki a peck on his lips.





A/N: Very cliche T.T

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Chapter 1: Very sweet... and cool...
Chapter 1: Very cute....