Good Night

Sweetly, Softly


(Loosely based on 10cm’s Tonight, I'm Afraid of the Dark)





To be perfectly honest, Himchan didn’t really like the night.


Or at least, he didn’t like waking up in the middle of it – if it made sense because he usually slept really late anyway. He didn’t like waking up to the dead silence of everything- most things. He didn’t want to see just the light from the window peeking into the room. He didn’t want to hear just the heaving breaths of people who were asleep and probably weren’t awake like him, or the occasional pitter-patter of rain and the scratching of tree leaves against the window glass. When he wakes up tonight though, it’s one of those nights and all he can do is sigh.


He turns to look around the room and watches as all the features he disliked fills it. He sees the dim white the moon shines into the four walls (that needs another coat of paint, he notes to himself yet dismisses it for another time instead); he hears both the even and uneven breathing of the other members, but then he sees some of them asleep and assumes that those on the upper bunks probably were too. Even worse, he can hear the rain again and the rustling of the leaves outside, and it makes the butterflies sit terribly in his stomach. He feels annoyed and clutches at his blanket to turn to his left side, only for his eyes to fall onto a huddled form, and there he remembers it's Bang Yongguk sleeping opposite of him.


Funny, because he allows himself to think that this is done on a whim, but for once, Himchan considers that he might be able to deal with some of the things he didn’t like – maybe for tonight.


And he does.


Throwing his blanket off of himself, he sits up as gently as possible, just to make sure he doesn’t wake any of the members. His eyes stay on the leader’s shadowy figure for a while before a meek smile plays on his lips and gets him standing on his feet. He grabs the shirt by the foot of his bed and pulls it over his head, struggling against grogginess to clothe himself before he gets up to walk.


It's starts out a little difficult because the sleepiness lingering in his senses feels obvious when he shifts his weight between his legs and he does this a little clumsily and groggily, his hands flying straight up to rub at his eyes. He makes his way to the window first - his initial enemy or so, he tries and sort of fails to smile to himself – and looks behind him just to check if the members would notice. To Himchan's own, each eye was closed then and in the gentlest way he can, he places his hands softly against the window and slides it to the side until a tiny opening’s enough for him to look more clearly and listen to the breeze outside.


The light pours in some more and when he turns around, he’s glad to see that nobody still hasn't woken up yet. For a while, he sees the starkness of his shadow too and though it might be eerie to him on another night, he nods to himself as he realizes how it might not be too creepy after all. He feels the cool air hit his face and looks back outside to note that it’s just droplets lining the glass; while it’s cold, the raining has stopped, and it makes him feel a tiny bit better again.


He then stares at the remainder of the world outside of the window and takes into detail – after indefinite ages, ages, and ages – the things he hadn’t remembered in a while. He finds it again that by this time, the number of red taillights and bright headlights have minimized greatly on the streets while the lights coming from the lamps and the buildings and the stars seemed to be even more and more, and even brighter outside. He considers taking a picture to keep it in memory, but thinks to himself that maybe he can do this again next time.


He hadn’t noticed how long he had stayed there, but when he feels his legs tire and tremble, he comes back to his senses and tells himself that he should perhaps go back to sleep and give his body a rest. Closing the window a bit, putting it back to his place, he flicks the lock and turns around to go back to his bed, only to be stopped by the most unexpected – or not really, he thinks again – thing he never ever wants to see at night.


There’s a huge cockroach inches from his foot and even if Himchan doesn’t want to, he releases a pretty - very - audible gasp and stumbles a step backwards too loudly. His hand rushes immediately to his mouth, just as a precaution for creating more sounds, but with his attempts of driving the cockroach away, maybe he just couldn't keep too quiet. After many seconds of trying caught in vain, a rather smarter idea comes up in his mind - he dismisses the fogginess of his brain and his body for it - and he rolls up an old newspaper in his hand. He swats at the insect once again inches from his foot and when he’s done and done deciding that he might have killed it maybe a bit too much for its own good, he takes sheets of tissue and almost swiftly catches the cockroach into it. He rushes quite ungracefully to slide the window back open and as the thought came from the depths of his brain, throws out the insect before closing the window as quietly as possible. He turns around with a sigh and makes his way to the bathroom, the sleepiness clearly starting to take over again, and fumbles the tissues out of his hand into the waste basket. He washes his hands quickly before making his way out to the room. When he gets back by the foot of his bed and rubs at his neck, he sees a rather groggy Bang Yongguk looking up at him through heavy eyes, and another thing he doesn't expect doing gets caught up in the movement of his aching joints and muscles.


He makes a way for his bed but instead, he turns around immediately to kneel into Yongguk’s, and while the leader’s likely to be sleepier than he is, he takes it for granted and dips in right beside him.




Himchan hears him say it lowly, gruffly, and clearly out of his usual tone of voice, but with his arms out of purpose, the younger raises them anyway and wraps his own around the leader.


The younger just tightens his hold against him and while he doesn’t seem to protest - or either his body or his senses just don't allow him to any longer - Yongguk nuzzles further into his not-so-deliberate embrace. Himchan looks at the other to see if there’s really any resistance on his part and when he concludes that there isn’t really, the younger mumbles and whispers and decides where he wants to stay for tonight.




Himchan hushes him, and the leader just moves slowly, too slowly - lazily to keep on hugging him and keep him there; whether it’s conscious or not - although the younger believes that it is - he stays where he is and falls asleep sweetly, softly for the rest of the night.




(Hello there, I will try having A/N's at the end now, haha~)


How was it? :)

It's quite a simple thing and if you would've wanted some more interaction at the end, I'm quite sorry - I just really thought that subtleness would be enough. I wanted it to be really realistic so I chose to put something I could actually imagine happening in real life (haha I would flip out if it did, so much OTL). :)

Thank you so much again for subscribing and as always, your comments and recommendations are deeply appreciated! ♥ Take care guys and have happy (fluffy) days - hope this made you smile!


~ kimchibreading, May 3, 2014

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Sweetly, Softly's finally up! Hope you all enjoy!


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Chapter 1: It was a really sweet, small one-shot and as MollsLeMouse pointed out already it has a really nice, realistic feeling to it. That's great ♡
Chapter 1: You made a good job keeping the story realistic! I really like your story author-nim :D
Chapter 1: How nice~ I really enjoyed this piece~ I can relate to himchan waking up in the middle of the night... I really really hate it, it's just to hard to fall back asleep...(like now lol) awesome job! Now... off to bed I go... again! Hope to read more from you soon!