
Nature's Way of Love
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Doojoon stare at the blue sky, the white and fluffy cloud cover almost 75% of his sky vision and he can feel wind breeze gently pass his hair. ‘It feel so peaceful here but why my chest hurt?’ Seeing Yoseob who soon passed out on his hand he hug the boy and lift himself up. He lay Yoseob head on his lap and wipe his dry tears.

‘Junhyung.. Who is he? Why Yoseob called me Junhyung? The name sound familiar to me, seems like I heard it before but where and when?’ He caress Yoseob hair gently and smile when the boy stir on his sleep.

“Junhyung.. Why you call me Junhyung, Yoseob? Don’t you remember me?” Doojoon continue to caress Yoseob soft hair and twirl it on his finger sometimes as he try to recall who this Junhyung is.

“Uhm.. Jun..” Doojoon stop his hand abruptly when he see Yoseob smile while say the name. The smile is different, it’s not the same smile he give to Doojoon before he jump, it’s smile for Junhyung..

‘Who are you Junhyung?’




The doctor and nurse Gayoon find them in the park and bring Yoseob back to his room for a medical check-up. Doojoon stay and observe in silent when the doctor check on Yoseob condition. From the side, he can see Yoseob sleeping face, smile still on his face as the boy clutching his pillow on his chest.

“Hmm.. I think there’s not-/He didn’t recognize me doc, he call me with other people name.” Doojoon say and give him a sad smile. The doctor recognize Doojoon sadness and give him an encouraging pat on his back.

“Can you come with me?” Doojoon nod and leave nurse Gayoon with Yoseob. He give gentle on Yoseob hair before he left with the doctor. There are so many uanswered questions on his head regarding to Yoseob, Junhyung, and his strange feeling toward the boy, but deep inside he scared to find it out. ‘Everything will be fine.. Right?’

“Come in, have a sit” It doesn’t take long before they arrive at the doctor room. Doojoon take a sit and sigh loudly, he try to release everything from his heavy shoulder. Fact that Yoseob didn’t recognize him is too hard for him to accept at this moment.

“I’m afraid, I have a bad news about Yoseob-ssi condition. From the the test and the story you said, I’m afraid that Yoseob-ssi has amnesia and he start to hallucinating. After all suicide attempts he did, It’s not weird if he want to forget and lock his own memories.” Doojoon eyes widening in shock and he just can’t believe what the doctor just said to him. He knew how much the poor boy want to end his life, but he can’t imagine how many scar and bruises left on his body until the doctor know about it. After that, both of them continue to talk about Yoseob condition and all uncertainties Doojoon feel about Yoseob. Doojoon found out that Yoseob might not get his memories back and he can’t be happier than that. It may sound bad but it’s better for Yoseob to forget all bad memories, right? There’s this weird feeling he feel since he saw Yoseob on the park and somehow, he scared if he will never see Yoseob again or if the boy try to kill himself once again. He want Yoseob to be happy, with or without him..

“I understand doc, thank you very much. I promise to try my best to make Yoseob happy.” Doojoon bow for the last time and walk out of the room. He then come back to Yoseob room and sit on the chair beside the bed. Watching Yoseob sleeping, make him feel calmer and happy. 5 minutes ago, he decided to be Junhyung and make Yoseob happy. He knew it was a stupid idea of his but for now, he just want to make Yoseob happy. He want to see him smile and he want to hear his laugh. Even if Yoseob did find out in the end, at least he know that he become a part of Yoseob live once..




“Well, hello Do-Junhyung-ssi!! Here to see Yoseob?” I nod and give one flower on my hand to Gayoon. I feel so thankful that I meet her since she is a very fun and kind nurse. I go inside the lift and push 8th floor button, I keep walking until I stop in front of white door with ‘812’ number on it. Yes, this is Yoseob room and the room I have visited like every day.

“Yo-Where is he?” I go inside and see no one on the bed, thinking Yoseob maybe in the toilet I just go to fill the empty vase with some fresh flowers. Minute by minute passed but still there’s no sign of Yoseob. Where this kid can be?

“Ah!! Junnie~~~” Then, here he is slamming the door hard and running fast before jump to my lap with a very cheerful smile on his face. I have to admit it, Yoseob really did change a lot. It looks like the cold Yoseob I knew before was gone and replaced with this sunny Yoseob. Yoseob who always smile and laugh whenever he see me, Yoseob who really like to jump into my lap and snuggling on my neck, and Yoseob who always call me ‘Junnie~~~’ with his cute voice. This maybe a shocking side of Yoseob I never see before, I’m happy with it but all of it was not for me but for someone named Junhyung, not me..

“Junnie.. I have a strange dream yesterday night.. In my dream I see you sat on a bench alone, I’m running to you but I can’t reach you. Even though I run faster, the distance stay still and slowly you walk far away from me.. You know, when I woke up this morning and not see you, I feel so scared.. What if you really leave me just like in my dream?”

“I won’t Yoseob.. I wo/Seobie..” My eyes widening when he lean closer to me and give a small peck on my cheek.

“Call me Seobie..” He then smile and somehow he move something inside me. I can feel warmness as he circling his arms on my waist and hug me.

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catsKatty #1
Chapter 38: Such a great fic you have here~ I really love how you write all the stories... So adorable!! Love the dooseob moment >.< great job authornim~~
Chapter 38: Yeah, happy ending♡♡♡♡
Chapter 38: This is beautiful author-nim! Thankyou for this <3
Lera222 #4
Chapter 38: Oh my god i love this story you dont know how open my mouth was when i saw that u updated i couldnt believe my eyes @.@ LOL anyway this was the first dooseob story that i reed and it was the reason that im still reading . Thank u for finishing and i love u for writing this beautiful story I JUST LOVE IT THANK U oh and also HAPPY 6TH ANNYVARSARY TOO BEAST♡♡♡♡♡ . Looking for ur next story honestly i wished it was longer i wanted too see yoseob going out having fun with doojoon but i have too stop being selfish it must have been hard for u so good jop and good luck for ur next story fithing :))))
Lera222 #5
Chapter 35: Aaaauugh ...next chaaaappteerr please T T ...my poor yoseobii
goosecaryoseob #6
Chapter 33: A few months and I really missed alot of chapters @3@ I have finally have time to read it again Woo hoo! Can't wait to read moreeeeeeeee!!!!
Chapter 31: oh god!! this is hurts me so much :'(
even after six years, the pains still there. but im curious abt how can hana know abt doojoon's apartment? .-.
i'll wait for the next chapter. hope you'll update it soon ^^
Chapter 31: AH! Forgot to reply your Q : I'm fine, thanks you.. =D
Chapter 31: Aaww~ I also appreciate each and every replies from you! :*
Let's be friend, Page-nim (I decided to call you "Page-nim" rather than authornim because it more shorter and more comfortable lol..) XDD
Do you have Katalk or LINE? Can I chit chat with you sometimes? Or maybe helping you by giving my silly and crazy ideas to create another fanfics!! LOLS~
I'd love it if you want it too @_@ anyways, I could grab the plot now and thanks to this chap hehe..
Can't wait for the next chaps! Please be healthy and happy.... <3
shivaitzmeys #10
Chapter 31: poor yoseob Π~Π
Thanks for update :)