CL x DONY: Date

CL One Shots




   Today was a special day. It had been almost two months since Dony and Chae had gone on a date, thanks to their busy schedules, and Chae has it all planned out. Recently, Dony had been showering her with lots of affection and gifts and Chae felt it was time to give back what she's received. She never was the kind to just be on the receiving end. Of course, she had asked for her members' help. Each with their own thing to do. 

       "Bommie unnie, please stop eating corn and get me those balloons." she exclaimed. "Dara unnie, we all know you like taking selcas so could you please set the reservation now? And Minji, my nice dongsaeng, could you call Deukie to confirm, please?" The three of them immediately set into motion.

   Chae had never been so anxious and giddy with excitement, and all for a date with her boyfriend. 'Tonight must be perfect..' she chanted in her head as she continued rummaging through her closet. She had already pictured the dress she would be wearing tonight but somehow, she couldn't seem to find it anywhere. She had looked for it everywhere in her apartment..she swore she'd had it with her a couple of weeks ago, unless... Unless that corn-eating-poongpoongie-loving-exercise-hating unnie wore it! She immediately got out her phone and dialled the traitor. 

       "Chaerin-ah..where do I buy the ba-"

       "Unnie! Where's my black dress?!"

   There was silence on the other side until, "'s not what you think. You see, I needed that dress. That's why I took it. It wasn't some revenge thing believe me. I could never do that to you.. I swear on-"

       "Just please tell me it's still good to wear and I will never speak of your corn-eating habits to Ssabu-nim."

   She heard Bom mumble a 'Sorry' and suddenly hung up the phone. Chae stared at her phone incredulously. Oh it was on, after today of course. Momentarily forgetting about the ruined dress, she called up her friend and stylist, Yanggeng. He would no doubt lend her something nice to wear. 





   An hour before their date, Dara and Minzy, unsurprisingly without Bom, reported back to Chae. Fortunately, Dony was free tonight. Unfortunately, due to having made the call late, there were no more empty tables for a reservation. Not even for a celebrity. Chae almost fainted right there and then. This can not happen on what was supposed to be a perfect night. Then again, she should've made the reservation a day ahead. Just then, the doorbell rang and in came Yanggeng with the prettiest white dress she's seen. Before she could even inspect the dress further though, she had to think of a way to salvage tonight. 

       "All right, Minji and Dara unnie, please prepare the ingredients I'll need for Dony's favorite dish. I'll just go and get ready." She immediately ushered Yanggeng in her room and asked him to pick her whole outfit for her, accessories and shoes too. She only has less than an hour to work with what she has right now.


   Chae had to make do with the ingredients she had and was able to make a somewhat revised Kimchi-jjigae. She was proud to say it had become one of her specialties thanks to Dony (it's his favorite dish) and that she was able to make it just in time for her to.. "Oh my god!" she gasped as she glanced at the clock. She had only a mere fifteen minutes left to dress up! She removed her apron in haste and headed over to her room where Yanggeng was waiting for her. 

       "Finally." Yanggeng exclaimed. "I was starting to think we'll never see you in that dress. A shame really, it's beautiful."

       "Never say never. Now please make me pretty."

     Yanggeng laughed and made her change into the dress he's brought with him. It was a simple yet intricate dress. A slightly form-fitting dress, with lace covering the top and the short sleeves. Overall, it had the feeling of innocence and purity. Which really didn't match all that well with Chae, but it made her feel like a princess. It matched perfectly well though with the beige wedge sandals she'd recently bought and Yanggeng topped it of with a brown belt and some accessories. And with just five minutes to spare, she quickly did her hair and make-up.

       "Hey, last minute change of plans?" Chae heard Bom ask from the living room. 'When did she get here?' she silently mused. 

       "Oh, yeah. Too late for reservations. You're late. Where's the balloons?" Dara asked.

       "That..well. I actually got something better. But it's got to wait until the couple's here." 'Oh, what is she on about now?'

   Chae finally got to look at her self in the mirror and was blown away. In the short amount of time she'd had to get ready, she actually managed to look decent, ok.. beautiful. With no time to waste, she gave Yanggeng a hug and then the doorbell rang. 'Dony.'

   Minzy, thankfully, had already set the table and Dara lit some candles. 'For added effect.' she said. Either way, Chae was thankful. Bom on the other hand was again no where to be seen.

       "Hey, uhm. Deuk said you wanted to- wow." Dony stared at Chae in amazement. "You look stunning, love."

   Chae smiled in embarrassment, "Thanks. So what were you saying?"

       "Oh, uh yeah. Deuk said you wanted to talk?"

       "Yeah. I want to talk about us."

   For a moment, Dony tensed. 'Us? Is she breaking up with me?' he thought. Chae noticed and took ahold of his hand. 

       "It's not about that. It's that-" Chae finally noticed the group of three- Dara, Minzy and Yanggeng- over at the kitchen eavesdropping. "Guys, privacy please?"

   The trio sulked and pouted but still proceeded on their way out. Chae then mumbled a quick 'thank you' as soon as they reached the door.

       "As I was saying.. It's about you. You've been giving me so much these past few weeks- your time, affection, gifts- and I'm extremely thankful for all of that. But I felt like I've been lacking, you know. And I want you to not feel like you're the only one in this relationship."

       "Chae, I like doing those stuff for you because I just do. I don't expect anything in return. I love you, Chae. You know that, right? You don't have to do this." Dony interrupted her.

   Chae nodded, "Okay. But I still want to do this, because I just do. I love you too, you know that right?"

   They both chuckled and went to hug each other.

   The moment came to a halt when all of a sudden, the door opened and in came a handful of firemen, y semi- firemen. Strippers dressed up as firemen. One of them played a song and automatically all of them started dancing and grinding on the couch and on the floor. Needless to say, the moment had been ruined. 

   Dony jokingly covered Chae's eyes. "Dony, I can't see." she kid.

       "Why would you want to see it? I can do that too! Just tell me!"

       "Ha-ha. Now can you stop covering my eyes? I'm not a minor anymore."

   Dony pouted and then remembered he had Chae's eyes covered so instead faked a hurt tone of voice, "What a girlfriend you are."

       "Alright, okay. I know why you want to cover my eyes anyway."

      "You do?"

      "Yeah, you don't want me to see you get excited, huh, big boy?" Chae laughed as Dony stuttered words of disagreement whilst still managing to cover her eyes.





       "See, that is my work right there. Nice, isn't it?" Bom asked Dara as they peeked from the front door. Minzy ran off spewing something along the line of 'God help us' as soon as she saw the semi- group of firemen heading towards them.

       "Uh..yeah. Nice, great, perfect." Dara replied, obviously transfixed by the sight before her.

       "I'm a total genius. Oh, the things I do for my friends. Well, my work here is done. Let's go."

       "Yeah, genius. Nice, great, perfect." Bom rolled her eyes at Dara and pulled her by the collar. "Wait, they're not done yet! I mean, we have to make sure they get home safe! I mean, we've got to stay for Chae! Think about Chae!"











        Hi guys! You like? *TOP style* With special participation from Dara, Bom, and Minzy, yay!

        Sooo anyway.. I'm terribly sorry for leaving you hanging for a year. Haven't been feeling up to write lately. Unfortunately, I will only update when I feel like it. Again I'm sorry. 

        Do feel free to leave suggestions, i.e plots & CL ships. Til next time. :)







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xxgdclxx #1
Chapter 5: chaedon shipper is here kkkk~ i love the sweet dony. thanks for the update, authornim~ i love you
xxgdclxx #2
chaedon is back in instagram. can you make a new story about it? pretty, please?
xxgdclxx #3
xxgdclxx #4
Chapter 1: finally i found some chaedon fanfiction. this is just so great
CLBear #5
Chapter 3: Omg so good wat about CL x Bang Yong guk
Love it^^; update soon authornim
Chapter 3: cl with amber or hyunaaa wkwkwk
Chapter 2: hope you'll continue thiss
Chapter 2: update pleaseeee your story really really good