
Heartstrings - Yonghwa

The soft kiss lasted for a little while longer before Shin pulled away from the emotion filled kiss. Gyuwon happily smiled before placing her hand in his. Shin happy turned as both of them walked slowly back to the school, they happily talked, catching up on the year that they missed together.

Swinging their hands between them gently, they made it to the school. The Director was waiting outside for them. Seeing Gyuwon and Shin together made him smile and shake his head at how love can change in an instant.

"So do we have some music for the musical?" The director asked once he caught Shin’s attention.

"I’ll get right on that, Director." Shin smiled and looked over at Gyuwon, she smiled and nodded.

"Let’s get started." She nodded her head as the two of them headed up into the band room.

"Unni!" Joonhee happily called out as he stood up from behind his drums.

"Gyuwon!" The girls from the Wildflowers happily called while they ran over and surrounded Gyuwon and hugged her tightly. Shin let her hand go and took his seat, grabbing his guitar, he tuned it quickly and watched you with a smile.

"Are we going to be doing the music for the musical?" Joonhee asked as he took his seat.

"Yeah, we are." Shin smiled as the girls released Gyuwon and she took her place in front of the microphone.

Several hours of practice and creativity later, a song was born and memorized. Months passed while they worked on the songs for the musical, trying to get everything perfect for the performance.

"I’m hungry!" Joonhee whined standing up from his drum set.

"Let’s get something to eat. Is that okay Shin?" Bowoon asked, learning her lesson.

"Yeah, you guys worked hard. See you tomorrow." Shin smiled as the group of Wildflowers and The Stupid.

"Gyuwon are you coming?" Bowoon asked, as the rest of the group stopped at the door.

"You guys go have fun, I will help Shin a little more with the lyrics." Gyuwon smiled as the group of friends skipped out the door to get some food to eat.

Once the door closed behind the group, Gyuwon turned and lifted her bag onto her lap. Taking out the two bears that Shin and Gyuwon bought together, she held her bear in her hands. Shin leaned on his guitar and tried to work out the chords a little more.

Turning around in her chair, she watched Shin as he tried to play the chords that would come next. Looking from his paper on his lap to his fingers, he then grabbed a pencil and jotted down some notes before your attention on him lifted his head.

"What?" He asked snapping Gyuwon out of her thoughts.

"I-I was just wondering if you wanted this back." She said in a soft tone while stuttering a little. Gyuwon held out the little bear, he smiled and took it from her grasp.

"Do you still have mine?" He his lips gently, before looking down at the little bear in his hands.

Gyuwon smiled and pulled out her phone, he saw that it was still hanging from her phone and he smiled. Lifting the bear up to his lips, he smiled and kissed it in front of her. She laughed but covered with her hands. Shin snarled at her but couldn’t help but smile.

"Yah, don’t just sit there." Shin snarled at her.

"What would you like me to do then?" Gyuwon taunted him a little.

"Coffee." Shin demanded. Gyuwon snarled and stood up.

"Fine, but I’ll spit in it." She announced as she walked out of the room. Once the door closed, Shin smiled and shook his head.

"How do you make me fall more for you, Gyuwon?" He smiled and got back to his chords.

Gyuwon skipped down the stairs and made her way to the coffee shop, remembering his order. She got a coffee for herself too before she headed back to the campus. Walking along the side walk, she looked up at the old balcony where she used to place Shin’s coffee.

Smiling at the old memories, she headed up to the balcony with the leaves around, she smiled taking in the night air. Holding her cup of coffee in her hands, she rested the cup of coffee on Shin’s spot.

Little did she know, Shin was watching her while the night air carefully caught her hair and lifted it from the sides of her face. The gentle breeze kissed her skin causing her to smile as she looked up at the full moon. Shin couldn’t help himself but walk up and take his coffee from his spot.

"Did you spit in this one?" Shin questioned leaning on the metal railing.

"A lot." Gyuwon nodded, Shin took a sip of his beverage.

"Ah this tastes just like old memories." He mumbled, Gyuwon took a deep breath and nodded her head gently.

Shin smiled and carefully rested his hand on hers, moving his thumb over her fingers, she smiled and looked over at him before he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her against his chest. Gyuwon grabbed his wrist gently and moved her thumb over his skin, blushing, she sipped her coffee and enjoyed the beautiful moment with Shin.

"Do you still want to wish on a shooting star?" Shin asked softly, searching for a shooting star against the black canvass that hung above them.

"Yeah." Gyuwon smiled and nodded.

"What would you wish for this time? Since your last wish came true." Shin probed a little more with his questions.

"You got your wish too, Lee Shin." Gyuwon pointed out.

"I did." Shin chuckled a little, "What would you wish for?" He asked again. Gyuwon looked up at the moon and smiled.

"I’m not telling." She teased.

"Aish, you know this is a habit of yours." Shin pointed out.

"What would you wish for?" Gyuwon asked, looking over her shoulder at Shin.

"For you to answer my question with a ‘yes’." He told her while not wavering his eyes from the full moon.

"What is the question?" Gyuwon turned around in his arms.

Shin ran his tongue over his bottom lip, pulling it under his teeth. Placing his coffee on the ledge, he pulled something out from his pocket and smiled. Easing himself down on one knee, he opened his hand while a diamond ring cradled in the palm of his hand. Lifting his eyes to yours, he smiled.

"Gyuwon, you aren’t like most girls, from the first day that I met you to you being my slave and becoming neighbors and enemies, but each others fans and greatest support system. Even though you hurt me, I hurt you too. We have been through some rough times but that has just made us stronger. Will you marry me?" Shin went through his little speech just like he rehearsed.

Tears filled Gyuwon’s eyes as she brought her hand up to cover . Shin gently stood up and took her hand into his.

"Will you make my wish come true?" He smiled, looking into her eyes.

"Yes, I will." Gyuwon happily accepted, Shin smiled, she lifted her left hand as he slipped the ring on the correct finger and kissed the back of her hand.

Gyuwon gently pulled him into a hug, he smiled and wrapped his arms around her too.

"Thank you for making my wish come true too." Gyuwon whispered into his shoulder. Shin smiled while he held you against him.

A few months later, Gyuwon and Shin were working together at Shin’s house. Shin got up from his chair and went over to the bed where Gyuwon was sitting.

"Can you look at this song for me?" He asked holding out the music sheets for Gyuwon to read.

She nodded her head, taking the music she looked over it. Shin grabbed his acoustic guitar and pulled it onto his lap.

The penciled notes danced across her eyes while Shin started strumming the notes that she saw. When it came to the words Shin gently started to sing.

Everything about us started coincidentally
At first I didn’t know that this was going to be love but to think that this was actually love
My heart keeps on going thump thump
When you look at me, you keep on smiling without you even noticing,
And before you even realized, you started to fall for me

You’ve fallen for me, fallen for me, you melted because of my sweet love
You’ve fallen for me, fallen for me, you’ve fallen for the look in my eyes
See my eyes, you’ve fallen for me
See my eyes, you’ve fallen for me

Guess love always comes like faith/destiny
As if a sudden rain has passed by and soaked me, to think that this was love
When you close your eyes, the face keeps on appearing
When you notice your face with blushes, before your feelings realized,
You’ve fallen in love with me

You’ve fallen for me, fallen for me, you melted because of my sweet love
You’ve fallen for me, fallen for me, you’ve fallen for the look in my eyes
See my eyes, you’ve fallen for me
See my eyes, you’ve fallen for me

I’ll also confess to you I love you I love you, Now I shall confess to you that I love you
I also love you love you my feelings are telling you that I love you
See your eyes, please only look at me
See your eyes, I love you
(See my eyes, you’ve fallen for me) Even if this moment passes by I’ll love you forever
(See my eyes, you’ve fallen for me) Without even realizing, you have fallen for me

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Chapter 1: It had been a while since I watched Heartstrings and when I stumbled onto this while rearing Whistle-Hoya all the fun memories from the drama rushed back. Especially the "I'll spit in your coffee". Hehe. Priceless.
Anyway, it was really cute - just like Gyuwon and Shin. :)