The Day We Met

Remember that bike?


            It’s a windy evening of this autumn season. The wind blows some dead leaves off the ground, leaving them rustling in the air. A flock of clouds was blown by a gentle breeze across the late-evening sky. Scent of damp grass and melody of crickets filled the air. It was truly refreshing…Perfect day for biking.

            The wind soon died away. I was biking on a small narrow dirt path across a field of brownish gold grass. Listening to cracks of dead leaves whenever I bikes on them. Soon, I came across lake filled with crystal clear water. Reminding me of my childhood.

            I wasn’t looking where I was biking, I then feel a strong force. I then heard a scream followed by a water splash. It’s like I hit something or SOMEONE.

            OH MY GOD! I knock a girl into the lake…with my bike! [Is my bike scratched? (Joking)]I jump off my bike, leaving it on the dirt path.[See I’m a good guy] Feeling manly, I took off my shirt and jump into the lake water like what hero do on TV. SPLASH!

            “God Damn It! It’s COLD” I shouted.

            “You Don’t Have To Shout In My Ear! I know it’s cold. I’m in the water too, stupid!” She shouted, looking at me with those eyes you gets when you broke your mom’s favorite mirror.

            She stands in the lake water with water level that doesn’t even reaches her knee, looking, no, staring at me. I suddenly feel stupid. “Can’t you see where you are going?!” She said putting out one of her hands, lending me a hand. I grabbed her muddy hands and she pulled me up to my feet.

            I can’t stands her stare and ask, “What are you looking at?” putting my face closer to her’s, nose to nose. She pushes me away, and I landed into the water again.

            “Get lost, ert!” she turns around and climbs up the small cliff onto the dirt path.

            “Hey!” I shouted at her angrily. I got up and joins her on the dirt path. She still giving me that stare and I know she wants something,

            “What do you want?” I asked without looking at her.

            “Is it so hard to say ‘sorry’?” she said, still giving me that ing stare.

            Somehow those word made me mad, “I didn’t do anything wrong. You should see where you are standing.” I look at her making those annoying troll-face. I can see her face turns sour.

            Suddenly she “blows up”. I landed on my knees, my “birdy”… She kicked my “birdy”. [There goes my chance of being a father (Joking)]She pushes my head and I rolled down the cliff into the freezing water again. She pulled me a troll-face and ran off. “ YOU!” I can’t say it out loud because I’m in so much pain but swore I’ll have my revenge on her.

           On the next day, I was walking home after school and guess who I saw in front of me? That’s right! [It’s the ice-cream man! (Joking)]It’s the girl from yesterday! She’s wearing my high school’s school uniform. I don’t know we go to the same school, I don’t even know she exists in school. She walks into an antique shop and I followed.

            When I enter the shop, the cashier welcomed me and continues to wipe an Egypt based vase. Looks priceless. Then I saw my target, she’s sweeping the floor. I sneak up behind her and, “BOO!”

            She jumps a little. She turns.

            “It’s you again.” She said giving me her poker face.

            “Is this how you say ‘hi’ around here?” I said, teasing her.

Her face turns sour. I read the name tag on her uniform.


And she reads mine, “Jong…hyun”

“Awww…someTHING that can’t even see where she’s standing can say my name! Good girl!” I said patting her fluffy hair.

She finally burst and swings her broom at me. I ducked and she hits the Egypt based vase that is on a rack just behind me. Yes! My plan worked. I ran out of the shop as fast as I could. I stood beside a lamppost just in front of the shop, waiting for her to come out.

She came out soon after me, crying. Tears keep rolling down her cheeks. I felt guilty and walk over to her.

“Are you ok?” I asked.

She lifts her head up and asks “What do you want now?”

I offer her my tissue. She didn’t take the tissue and said “I got fired because of you” She started punching me in the tummy, “How can I pay the rent for my house now?”

 My guilt just got heavier. I don’t know she works there.

“The paying due is tomorrow, if I don’t pay up I’ll be kick out of my…” I cover before she could finish her sentence. The more she talks the more she cries.

“You’ll be kick out of your house?” I asked, looking at her. She nodded.

“D-D-Do you want to stay w-w-with m-m-me?” I asked again trying to lift my guilt. She looks at me with her eye, fills with hope. She suddenly look…attractive.




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RiCa1826 #1
LOL. You Jonghyun. Kim Jonghyun... XD<br />
<br />
Tsk.tsk. it's your fault that your story will come true *laughs evilly*<br />
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Update soon :D
PosterRequest100 #2
nice story..^^
TsukiHana #4
RiCa1826 #5
Oh my gosh! Please continue this ! I love the plot XD<br />
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LOL. Jonghyun, knocking a girl over a bike *shakes head in amusement*<br />
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Update Soon! :D
TsukiHana #6
this is my first fanfics. sorry if i at it.<br />
please please please comment if im not asking to much...