
Sweet Dreams

After Taeyang and I got dressed into our uniforms we walked out of the bedroom into the hallway of chaos. Their were kids chasing each other and some of the older boys rushed out their rooms with their uniform jackets half way on, paper air planes were flying in the air and soccer balls were rolling up and down the dark brown wooden floor.

The building had 4 floors with a basement where every one was fed when not at school; first floor was where the front desk was at along with offices: two physiatrist’s office: one specialized in child abuse and the other one in children behavioral, a doctor’s office, nursing rooms, and the waiting room also known as the guest room. The second floor was where all the girls stayed; third floor was where all the boys stayed, and the fourth floor? Well, no one was allowed up there but for the adults that worked in the facility.

One of the head staff, who looked over the boys name Lee, rushed every one out the hall, downstairs, and outside. That was where Taeyang and I met Seungri and Daesung for the first time.

“I saw you arriving yesterday, what’s your name?” Seungri approached me as I stood in back of Taeyang waiting in line to get into the bus.
“Seung Hyun.”
“Seung Hyun? I’m Seungri, and this is Daesung.” Daesung ran up to us trying to catch his breath. “Whoa! That was close, I was still using the restroom. Hey who’s this?”
“Seung Hyun, he’s new here.” Seungri introduced me to Daesung as I looked at him up and down and then nodded my head at him.
“Oh this is Taeyang…” I remembered and tapped Taeyang’s shoulder for him to look back, as I introduced him to Seungri and Daesung.
“OH! You’re new too?” Both boys said surprisingly as we all got onto the bus, I followed Taeyang to the back and sat next to him with the other two sitting in front of us.
“Yeap! I’m new too! And I’m Seung Hyun’s best friend!” Taeyang announced. I quickly looked up at him and gave him a what-the-hell look, but yet he just smiled.
“Ha…” I smirked and turned to see the two twins from yesterday sitting together on my left.

“Here, let’s change places.” Chae Rin got up and slightly pushed her sister to sit by the window when a bag pack bumped into Soo Hee’s shoulder.

As I was looking at her, she turned her head catching me at a stare and smiled and once again I just rolled my eyes and turned my attention to the boy’s conversation. As we were on our way to my new school, I saw the older boys walking as we passed them quick and then suddenly a voice got my attention.

“Hey! Are you two sisters?” One boy asked. Two boys who sat in front of Chae Rin and Soo Hee had their whole bodies turned around facing the girls.
“Yes!” Soo Hee answered in excitement, much happier then yesterday. “I’m Soo Hee and this is my older sister, and twin Chae Rin.”
“I’m Jae Joong and this is GD.” One of the boys said in such a cocky tone. “What the hell are you looking at?” He suddenly noticed me looking at him with my eye brows furrowed giving him an annoyed look. Half of the students who sat in the back-end of the bus stopped talking and turned their attention towards me and Jae Joong. I rolled my eyes and just turned to look out the window.

“You must be the new poor bastard.” He said provoking me to say something, but I didn’t. “That’s right you better not say anything.” Both he and GD laughed.
I showed no emotions in my face when I turned around and calmly said to retaliate, “you must be another poor bastard just like me, that’s why you’re sitting in the same bus as I am. Am I wrong?”
“Seung Hyun… Just let it go.” Seungri mumbled to me then turned to Jae Joong, “you don’t need to bully anyone.”
“You want another beating Seungri?” GD answered for Jae Joong. Seungri balled up his fist and turned around to mind his own business.
“Do you want a beating…?” I suddenly heard Taeyang’s voice.

I was a bit surprised when I turned to look at him. His crinkled eyes from having a cherry smile was gone, with a serious face he narrowed his eyes in on GD. You’d never think Taeyang had a tough side at all, but I guess he did.

I felt like I had to back him up. “If you guys don’t want a beating, don’t ever speak like that to Seungri again and don’t even think about having a chance to bully anyone who’s with me.” After I said that I glanced at Chae Rin who was starring at me and I then got up when the bus came to a stop.

When the four of us, Taeyang, Seungri, Daesung, and I got out the bus no one said anything, until Jae Joong and his group of friends walked past pestering me with his arrogance. Before he entered the school he turned around and yelled out, “you’re going to get it for your first day of school!!” And then went in.

“Wuss.” Taeyang said then turned to me with a change of mood and a switch of facial, and back came his cherry smile, “so are you excited?! I’m stoked for my first day of school here!”

I nodded then both Taeyang and I followed the other two and came to a stop once we arrived to our assigned class with Chae Rin and Soo Hee standing outside waiting for all the students to be seated so they can be introduced to the whole class. Taeyang went and stood next to Chae Rin and leaned his back against the wall as he started talking to her in excitement, “Oh Chae Rin!!! I’m so excited! Do you think there’s going to be pretty girls like you in the school?!” He rubbed his hands together jumping up and down as she kind of leaned her head to give me a look, seemingly to see if I was okay or not.

I tuned them out until the teacher stepped out and told the four of us to go in. We stood in a row as the teacher introduced us to the class.

“Kids these are your new classmates, Soo Hee, Chae Rin, Taeyang, and Seung Hyun.” Taeyang and Soo Hee smiled widely and waved to the students as Chae Rin and I trade a small glance.”
“Okay now, where should you guys sit...?” The teacher looked up and down the rows.
“Soo Hee can sit by me!” Jae Joong offered giving Soo Hee a smile flattering her, as she shyly smiled from the inside out looking down on her shoes.
“No.” said Chae Rin. All the student’s eyes were on her, but she stood straight glaring at Jae Joong. I’d figure, I wouldn’t want my little sister sitting next to him either.
“Sis…” Soo Hee nudged her on the side as Jae Joong’s smile faded in confusion.
Chae Rin turned to the teacher, “me and my sister have to be placed together, I don’t want her to sit by him.”

Her request caught the teacher by surprise, “oh… okay… well we can arrange something okay dear?” She then looked over to me and said the most ridiculous thing. “Seung Hyun you can go sit by Jae Joong and Tae–“ Are you serious? You got to be kidding me.

“No.” Both Jae Joong and I said at the same time in total annoyance that the teacher would even have the audacity to place us together.
“Oh… Okay… Why is every one having seat problems today?” She smiled uncomfortably, fretting at the fact that we were so picky as where to sit. “Alright
GD you move back to your usual seat with Jae Joong and you over there, move next to her,” the teacher rearranged some kids to have two empty tables for us. “Okay now Chae Rin, you and Soo Hee may be seated together over there. And you Seung Hyun may be seated along with Taeyang in back of them.” The four of us walked slowly to the far right in the back of the class next to the big windows.

Soon came gym class towards the end of the day, I dreaded the class when I smelled chlorine on the wet heads of the students that walked past us exiting the gym room. My classmates already knew the drill, every one headed towards the boy’s locker room and the girl’s locker room.

“What are your names?” The gym teacher asked the four new students.
“I’m Taeyang.” – “I’m Chae Rin.” – “I’m Soo Hee.” The three answered as I glared nervously at the boy’s locker room.
“And what’s yours young man?” He asked me pulling me out of my thoughts.
“Seung Hyun.”
“Great! Well we have extra swim wear for new students, they are placed on the shelves in the locker rooms. You’ll see them once you walk right in onto your left. Go get changed and meet me and the rest of your mates out in the swimming pool.” He smiled and walked away looking down at his clip board.

The four of us parted ways, Taeyang and I entered the boy’s locker room as every one were changing, some already walked out to the swimming pool, and some just started to open their lockers.

“Over here guys!” Seungri waved us over, he and Daesung were already quickly changed.
“The extra swim wear are over there.” Daesung pointed to the left. “Once you guys finish just follow the signs out to the in door pool.”

No… I honestly can’t swim. Due to a time when my mother tried drowning me in the bathtub. That scarred me for life leaving me with one of my biggest fears, water.

Taeyang walked on over to grab his set. I decided to ditch changing when I walked away and headed out to the swimming pool. My eyes grew wide as I swallowed, my eyes roamed the pool from one end to another, trying my best not show fear walking slowly to the gym teacher.

“Oh… Why aren’t you dressed son?” He looked up from his clip board when he heard me walking towards him with my shoes on.
“Uh… Sir, I’m not going to swim today or tomorrow.” I announced calmly to him.
“And why is that son?”
I sighed and looked at the water that was 10ft deep glistening at me. It doesn’t matter even if the shallow end is only 3ft. There’s no way in hell I am swimming. I then saw Joong and GD’s reflection as they came out from the locker room. I ignored them walking past me, pestering me with glares once again.
“Sir I can’t swim and –“ Without finishing Jae Joong interrupted me. “Scary-cat! Seung Hyun you’re scared of water?” He yelled out loudly in the open as it echoed across the pool-room in mid-air.

I swear to God you are provoking me. I gave him a death glare as the teacher put his hands on my shoulders catching me by surprise.

“Its okay son, you may watch today and we’ll work something out for you.” Not meaning to do it rudely, I pushed his hands off my shoulders and took a step back. I hate it when people touch me. I really hate it.

He then coughed uncomfortably, smiled, and then walked away looking down at his clip board. I hated the smell of chlorine. It always had this kind of disgusting attack to my body when I inhale it in through my nostrils giving me a headache. As soon as I turned around to walk the other direction, someone pushed me towards the pool. I almost slipped trying to catch my balance with my left feet but instead fell right into the blue water.

I literally started to panic finding myself in the deep end, kicking and kicking not feeling the bottom. My arms were flying every where trying to push the water down as I tried to push my way up. My vision started to blur as water went up my nostrils and slowly in to my mouth when I started to feel weak, almost giving up. After about 30-40 seconds of drowning that felt like forever, someone jumped into the pool and went under me to push me up. I gasped for oxygen when my head hit the air. The person stayed under me, pushing my body to the edge as Taeyang and Seungri had their hands out both pulling me up and out of the pool as I coughed and coughed choking on the water that was coming out of my nose and mouth. My clothes were drenched feeling heavy weighing down on me as I looked around hearing Jae Joong and his friends in laughter.

“CHAE RIN! SIS! SIS!!!” Soo Hee screamed from the top of her lungs on her knees with her arms in the pool panicking, as Seungri ran over to give a hand. “CHAE RIN!” Out of shock, tears started welling up in her eyes rolling down her cheeks one after another.

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i'll looking forward to your story . update soon
doodlenotes #2
i've finally found your fic!!! i've been searching for it all over the net, all for the love of skytempo!! ihhh! :))
OverDrewYa #3
please update TT__TT
cl_jiD #4
the concept is really good but since i'm in an international org against women abuse it somehow feels a bit awkward to read it but i will definitely wait to know how the story will end up.... though i don't really like him beating the woman he loves but i would want to know how this will all be in the end i do hope you finish this story:)
ciel_blue #5
Wow. I found the concept of this story to be very interesting. I'm very curious as to how it'll turn out. I must admit I found your story a little late, but I do hope you continue and finish it. :)
I like the story especially your concept. I've been finding fics like this one. With too much angst. Please update. I will be waiting for it. I'm a fan of your writing also. I wish I could write like that. So descriptive, it's as if I can imagine the scene that you're portraying. Thank you so much. Your story and your style of writing reall, really, really made my day.
xxbubblegumxx #7
please do update soon i've just started reading and i found it really interesting
mskellyxiong #8
lightXdarkness234: Thanks for reading hun! I'll update soon w/ Ch. 2 =)