
Love is Sin [HIATUS]

Ju Ree sighed as she stared at the white, leather sofa in front of her. Lu Han was beside her. He was crossing his arms has he stared at the black leather sofa next to the white one. The two of them had just started to shop for furniture and other necessities for the mansion-like apartment. It was just the beginning, yet they were already arguing. 

"Black one."

"White one." 

Lu Han glared at her,"Black one. It'll go well with the place."

"White would make the place brighter and more comfortable. Black is too chic and sleek." Ju Ree waved her hand in front of her face with a displeased expression. 

"It's my place to begin with!" Lu Han countered with an obvious tone. He rolled his eyes,"My. Place. My. Sofa." 

"That's lame. It's my place now too." Ju Ree pouted. "You're the one who wanted me to live there anyways, so don't I have a say?"

"The white would make it a mark that a female is dominant in the apartment. I can't let that happen." Lu Han seriously shook his head and pointed to the black one,"We're going with black! The couch is the guy's territory! I don't care about anything else, as long as the couch is black!"   

"Are you for real? Ugh, you know what. Have your stupid ugly, black, unmanly couch." Ju Ree stuck her tongue out at him and walked away. Lu Han was left dumbfounded with his mouth dropping to the floor,"Un-Unmanly?!"

Ju Ree shook her head and looked around the shop. She pushed the cart around and grabbed some decorations for the apartment. She made sure to grab some 'manly' things as well, so Lu Han wouldn't complain. All in all, Ju Ree tried her best. It was her first time shopping for stuff like this. 

Ju Ree looked at the different coffee tables and felt Lu Han beside her,"Did you get the couch number? We need that to file our order." she said while glancing at all the unique tables. 

"I got the white one..." he mumbled. 

Ju Ree glanced up at him and scoffed,"What? Why?"

"Cause, the black one apparently isn't manly. So, who cares what color we get, it's not going to manly anyways!" Lu Han threw his hands up in the air and pouted. 

Ju Ree tried to hold in her giggle, but failed to do so,"Seriously, Lu Han? It's not like anyone is going to visit us. Who cares if the place isn't manly. We know you're manly enough, for goodness sakes, your one of the Seven Archangels. I think you're pretty manly, so what's there to be self-concious about?" 

Lu Han didn't meet her glance and whistled,"It's fine. It's just a couch, nothing special. No big deal." he waved his hand and walked ahead of Ju Ree who was smiling. She couldn't believe a guy, who was a cold hearted killer, could be so...fluffy cute. Ju Ree laughed and wrote down the coffee table number. Once she was done writing, Lu Han was no where to be in sight. Ju Ree pouted her lips,"I lost him." 

The department store was crowded. It seemed like that day was the day to buy furniture. Ju Ree tried her best not to ram her cart into anyone. At the same time, she was trying to avoid get hit herself by other people. My lord, everyone is in a rush. Ju Ree thought to herself. She spotted a blonde head and tapped the person's shoulder,"Yah! Why'd you leave-oh my, I'm sorry! Wrong person." Ju Ree bowed deeply when it was a totally different guy. He gruffed and walked away. 

Ju Ree sneered his way and looked around the huge department store,"This is crazy." She ran her fingers through her hair and bit her lips,"What if something happened?"

As she pushed through the store she saw a bunch of girls smiling and giggling to themselves. Ju Ree raised her brow in curiousity, just who were they talking about? More and more girls were squealing all over the place. Ju Ree grabbed a random passerby and asked what was going on.

"There's just some cute boy sleeping on a white couch. People are just wondering if he's an idol or something." the lady just giggled to herself and pulled her friend away with her. The two continued talking about it with big, goofy smiles on their faces. 

"Someone sleeping?" Ju Ree asked herself. She instantly had a feeling this was Lu Han. Ju Ree sighed and headed towards the couch section. She kindly asked people to move aside while she went to pick up her sleeping 'friend'. And, just like the lady said, there was Lu Han, sleeping peacefully on the couch that he strongly said killed his man vibe. Yup, totally killed it. He looked like a prince...with a beautiful face. 

Ju Ree sighed,"L-Lu Han." she sat next to him and shook him lightly.

"Ma'am, is this your husband?" a worker asked. She was about the same age, if only younger, and eyed the peaceful looking Lu Han.

Ju Ree choked,"What?"

"Well, it is a big sale for newlywed couples today. That's why it is so crowded. Ma'am, no matter how much I don't want to wake him up, I'm going to have to ask you to wake up your husband, by the way, he's really handsome." she whispered really quickly and blushed a bit. 

Ju Ree blinked and felt hit the ground,"H-He's not my-"

"Ju Ree?" Lu Han rubbed his eyes and sleepily looked at her. Ju Ree blushed at his cuteness. He woke up too soon for her to compose herself. The worker and a bunch of women who were watching silently squealed at him. Some ladies even sent envious glares towards Ju Ree. Lu Han looked around and noticed a bunch of women surrounding him. He immediately glared. 

That did the trick, sike. That made the ladies squirm even more. Some of their husbands had unhappy faces. Lu Han was confused and didn't like the way they cooed together as they watched him. He frowned at Ju Ree,"What's going on?"

"Sir, I'm sorry, but I asked your wife to wake you up. You can't actually sleep on our furniture." the worker shyly smiled at him and wrapped a piece of hair behind her hair. Ju Ree suddenly felt extremely pissed off for some reason at the worker. Was she flirting with Lu Han, even though she knew he was her (supposedly, but not really) husband? The nerve of this woman. Ju Ree had a big scowl on her face as she stared at the worker. The worker caught on and looked down and bowed her head so she wouldn't meet Ju Ree's cold dark gaze. She changed her eye color to hazelnut, both of them actually changed their eye color. It'd be weird to have crimson and blue eyes while walking around humans. They'd think they were crazy or just had really weird taste in color contacts. 

"My wife?" Lu Han repeated. 

Ju Ree felt like the room got extremely hot and she felt flustered. "Lu Han, let's go. I need help with the table and chairs. You ran off without me knowing." 

Lu Han glanced at her, then at the worker. He smiled at her and stood up, pulling Ju Ree up along with him,"I apologize. You see, my wife and I were up late last night. I was kind of tired right now. My bad for sleeping here. It's just so comfortable, I kind of dozed off I guess. Sorry." 

"N-No problem." the worker smiled awkwardly and cleared ,"U-uh, I hope you both find what you're looking for and thank you for shopping here. Have a good day." then she walked away rather quickly. 

Once she was gone and they were alone, Ju Ree smacked his toned chest,"Why didn't you tell her the truth?! She thought we were married and stuff." 

"Hmm, and why didn't you?" Lu Han countered back,"She was obviously talking to you about me being your husband. Why didn't you correct her?" he smirked playfully. It was fun to . 

Ju Ree didn't expect him to mention that and she stayed silent. After a minute, she just mumbled quietly,"Let's go pick out the table and chairs."  she walked away from him. 

Lu Han smiled, then snickered,"Wait for me, my wife~!" 

Ju Ree glared back at him,"Shut up!" 

"If you kiss me."

"Ew. No way! You lied earilier, you're going to hell."

"You did also!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Even if I did, I'm a demon, I've lived there most of my life."

"Uh, you're still a liar~!"



Ju Ree gaped at him,"Did you just blow a kiss to me?"

"And if I did?" Lu Han was walking backwards while facing Ju Ree with a playful smile. 

"You're unbelieveable." Ju Ree rolled her eyes. 

Ju Ree couldn't believe this angelic demon. What was he doing? Why was he so playful and cute and y? No, she shouldn't be thinking about stuff like that. He was the enemy, apparently. But, it was a petty thought to think like that. He saved her life, according to him. Plus, he wasn't that bad of a person. He was kind (most of the time) and thoughtful. Why was he doing this for her? Ju Ree just couldn't understand this whole situation.

"How about this one?" Lu Han pointed to a table. 

Ju Ree snapped out of her thoughts and stared at the table,"Yeah, that one looks fine."


After paying for their furniture, with manifested money, they went to shop for personal stuff. Ju Ree argued that he really didn't need to be with her. Lu Han was just stubborn and didn't let her leave his side. He'd always be with her, since it was dangerous. He kept reminding her of the 'demon alarm' things. Ju Ree just gave up and looked around some clothing stores. In one of the stores she saw a black shirt and held it against her body.

"Hmm, this looks just like my other one." Ju Ree smiled and looked over it. She saw the price and her smile fell,"That much for such a simple looking shirt?"

Luhan looked over her shoulder to glance at the piece of clothing,"Well, you have the money, what's the problem? Do you want me to buy it for you?"

Ju Ree sent him a mind-your-own-business look and turned towards the shirt,"It's not that I don't have money, it's just that this shirt is too my opinion." She frowned and one side of her cheek,"But, I guess I'll get it anyways. I need some clothes."

As she walked around some more, Lu Han trailing her of course, she saw a worker and patted her shoulder,"Excuse me."

"Yes?" the worker smiled at her. Her eyes casted over Ju Ree and Lu Han, wondering who these captivating beings were. 

"I was just wondering, where would you be able to find cheaper clothes?" Ju Ree asked curiously.

The worker's smile vanished and she just scoffed,"Cheaper clothes?"

Ju Ree nodded with a small smile and she wondered why the worker suddenly stopped smiling. Did she offend her some how? Ju Ree opened to apologize,"I'm sorry if-"

"Why don't you try the thrift store, it might work a lot better for you." the worker just had a small, evident smirk on her face. Her words sounded like an insult.

Ju Ree blinked,"Oh." she nodded and silently walked away. Lu Han gazed after her and stared back at the worker, he gave her one mean, chiliing glare and followed after Ju Ree,"Watch who you speak to."

Lu Han hastily followed after Ju Ree. She was just grabbing different clothes with a frown on her face. She didn't even look at the price tag and grabbed random stuff. Shirts, jackets, pants, shorts, skirts, bags, shoes, jewelry, and other accessories. Ju Ree gave a bunch to Lu Han for him to hold and pulled him along, dropping the things on the counter. The worker, the one from earlier, was behind the counter now, staring at the pile of clothes.

Ju Ree looked at her with a blank face and said with an obvious tone,"I think this place works better with me. Hurry up and scan all of these. And once your done, I will give you a load of money, you will feel dumb for acting so haughty in front of me when you're a mere worker, and this will be the last time I will shop here because you're so damn rude. I have an infinite amount of money that you can't even reach in million of years." 

The worker just squeaked a yes and began scanning the items. Lu Han held in his laugh and just bit his lips. Ju Ree had the biggest smile once she walked out the store with a bunch of bags in her hands. Lu Han was beside her, holding a few bags himself. Ju Ree curiously looked up at him,"Lu Han."

"Yeah?" he looked down at her.

"Thanks...for back there. You defended me." she shyly smiled.

Lu Han returned the smile with affectionate eyes,"You're my dear friend. Of course I'd do that for you. I can't let her talk to you like that."

Ju Ree looked down,"Yeah, I guess we could be friends. You're not that bad of a guy, Lu Han."

"You're not that bad of a girl, Ju Ree." Lu Han said coyly. 

Ju Ree and him met eyes and held each other's gazes. Then they started to laugh. The demon and angel walked side by side, with no problems between them at all. They shared the ground they walked on, the air they breathed, and enjoyed those facts. Ju Ree smiled to herself and felt her heart flutter soft, like a butterfly's wings inside her chest. She felt all warm and just giggly, but she didn't peep a sound. She kept it all to herself. 



"What's a thrift store?"

Well, I haven't updated and I feel like a butthead.

Don't you love my new poster and bg? I do :)

Hope you guys had a good day today!






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lost a subbie, kbye lol


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gogogirl26 #1
Chapter 13: This is so good story :)
SelSelss2001 #2
Chapter 14: Please don't discontinue this story ;;^;; I've just recently read the story and fell in love with it. It would be a waste to be discontinuing the story...
Chapter 13: I love it! Can't wait to the next chapter!
yankee17zelo #4
ayeThere #5
Chapter 13: yaaas xD the feels
dawnxiamara #6
Chapter 13: FINALLY.....
Riaaaaxoxo #7
Chapter 13: yassss!!! THEY FINALLY DID IT!!! LOVE THEM!!! ^^
pllz update
Chapter 12: Oh dayuuuuum. Go ju reeeeee!! Shhh... Love is unstoppable-
MoiChanKawaiiDesu #10
Chapter 11: I have a thing for 2nd male leads, I think it's a syndrome, aryt?
and jackson, just love him and his personality lol