
Frame of Mind

Jongin ran his fingers through the soft brown hair. He held the boy close to his body. They wanted to feel each other's embrace. Kyungsoo blinked slowly as he was held. His eyes where lifeless and dull. The taller pressed his lips to his forehead as they waited.

A loud crash sounded.

It had came from outside. It rumbled the house's bricks. Jongin held tighter to the boy who didn't move. He just stared lifelessly. Jongin gripped tighter as more crashes and booms hit outside of their small apartment. The structure of the house shook as they heard screams from outside.

Jongin looked at the boy in his arms. His eyes were dull still. He showed no fear, no depression, no emotion. He was blank as he stared into his chest. Jongin his hair. He knew his frame of mind wasn't a good one. It was hopeless and broken.

Kyungsoo had no hope for rescue. They were going to die here together. There was no hope for rescue. To Kyungsoo there wasn't. Jongin believed there was. He believed they'd make it out alive. Kyungsoo had a shattered frame of mind. Jongin had a slightly better one.

Jongin stood up and walked over to the boarded windows. He peeked through to see families running with blood dripping from their bodies, police directing the people to a safe zone, and overall destruction. He turned around as he heard a soft sigh.

Kyungsoo had rolled over to face the ceiling. The walls shook again as another crash was heard causing dust to spill from the roof. Jongin watched as Kyungsoo stared into the dark colorless ceiling. He knew what he was thinking. He knew his mind well. He knew well that the thoughts wouldn't leave. He was ok with it.

He would stay here with Kyungsoo all day. He would hold him in his arms all day, all week, all year, all eternity. He waited. He was waiting for it. It was going to happen. He knew it was. And it did.

Kyungsoo's eyes filled with tears as he bit his hand to control himself. He heavily panted before screaming at the roof, "STOP! STOP GIVING HIM HOPE! STOP IT! WE'RE DEAD! WE'RE ALL DEAD! ALL OF US ARE ING DEAD!!" He screamed. His breath hiked and he panted for air as tears slipped down his cheeks.

Jongin rushed to his side and helped him breath. He was having a panic attack. Kyungsoo took his hand and squeezed. He could barely breath. It was as if on cue, a loud boom pierced their ears. The roof a little aways from them collapsed to the floor. Jongin's eyes widened as he hugged Kyungsoo.

He didn't want to let go anymore. His own mind was being stripped. They lied there softly panting as dust flew within the air. Jongin's eyes caught the bright sun pouring in from the hole in the roof. It made him choke on his sobs, He knew then that they weren't going to live through this.

He grabbed to the older male and sobbed. He felt like his last string of hope was torn away. Kyungsoo looked towards the ceiling above him. He felt Jongin shaking next to him. He took a deep breath and let it out. He knew it was coming. It always was. It always had been. Another boom, another shake, one much stronger. Kyungsoo's eyes shut as he gripped the other's hand.

The roof fell to the ground. 


When you lift your head up to the sky, take a deep big breath and give the time. You can walk the path among the lines.

But always know that you'll be safe, i'll be here throughout your days. Come find me and we will play.


sorry if this didn't make any sense

it didn't make any to me either >>

anyway thanks for reading~

words: 628

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Chapter 1: I like it so much oh my god how can you make me feel this way?
Chapter 1: Omfg it was so awesome!! I'm happy to find another person that likes Tristam & Braken. I Really love that song and this story. It just gave me goosepumbs. *sigh* maybe we could chat sometime. I'd love to do that. Super great work!!
Chapter 1: Ohhhh so cool
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww why (cries) this was good tho^^
Chapter 1: That is rly sad~~ kaisoo omo..but they died together and that would count..kekeke.. ^^v
Chapter 1: Not what I expected. You said it turned out sadder, so I expected to be bawling my eyes out, hugging my knees in a corner, asking the world why.'s sad, but it as a sense of peace. I quite enjoyed not crying for once ^.^
AgnesXylie #7
Chapter 1: At least kaisoo is together now :')
Chapter 1: Oh my god, that was amazing. ^.^
Chapter 1: Aww it's sad, but good. I'd love to see the whole story before this scene though lol
Chapter 1: So sad :'(