Chapter 4


When Aeri gets back from a quick walk around around the block to shake off her embarrassment, she peers inside through the glass doors, chiding herself for hiding from her own café. Thankfully the interiors are Kyungsoo free, with only Yixing and Sujin sitting at a table and drinking tea. She sighs gratefully and the two give her half-waves as she sits down.

"Kyungsoo went to take a call," Sujin says meaningfully. Aeri shrugs, taking great interest in fixing her hair.

"I heard you're getting a website?" Asks Yixing, inhaling the scent of his tea deeply. "That's good.... good but... I don't think that's going to cut it." Aeri rests her chin on her palm and raises an eyebrow. "Look, you need to appeal to people, make them want to come here, associate something with this place so that they'll want to experience it for themselves."

"Yeah," Sujin takes over. "We've been talking and we think that you need a concept for this shop."

"Concept?" Aeri asks warily. "Isn't that too much....?"

"Not at all, I think you need something with extra.... pizzaz to wow people. You like they have in those clothing stores?"

"You people are thinking of concepts now?" A low voice behind Aeri speaks. She starts, and finds Kyungsoo slightly bending, holding the back of her chair. Not daring to look up at his face, he snaps her head away quickly and nods to the wall before her, mentally stabbing herself as he eases into the seat next to hers. Sujin starts again.

"Look as a psychology student, I'd say you need to attract people using a strategy and since people in love, or teenagers are easily influenced, go for a concept to get them."

"How about you transform this place into a castle? Or into a woodland where there's the Alice in Wonderland charm," offers Yixing. Sujin jumps up.

"OH!!! Oh! Or we could turn this place into one of those old world lounges!!! And dress up from the 1980's maybe??" She sits down looking around. Yixing appears lost in thought. Kyungsoo throws up his hand.

"Don't look at me, I only make the cakes look good." Sujin sits back pouting.

"Damn.... you people don't know the brilliance of my plans." She flips her hair back, leaning into the chair.

"Let's get married....." Aeri whispers. Three pairs of eyes train themselves onto her. She repeats herself looking straight at Sujin, who bursts out into laughter.

"Girl, as amazing as I am, I can't possibly get married to you, that won't really solve your problems," Sujin sticks her tongue out. Aeri waves her away.

"No, eww, no." Sujin glares. "Youre lovely but that isn't my point. What I mean is we don't have the money to pull off the ideas you guys thought up.... so, instead, I'm saying let's associate this place with emotions and memories and stuff like that. Let's go with the concept of an elopement that ends right here, in this very café! Everyone wants to root for love! Also, people are a er for happily-ever-afters."

"But pictures alone won't help you with that concept, a video maybe....?" Kyungsoo asks. Aeri nods to his right ear. "Who'd do it though?" Sujin and Aeri look at each other. Yixing slowly rises from his reverie.

"I could.... I did a bit of it in college...." Aeri's eyes widen.

"Gege you'd help?!?" She asks, pouncing upon him, shaking him by the shoulders.

"Sure." He smiles and Aeri swears there's something very scary about how it's always so calm. "So you two ready to act?" 

"What?!" Two voices yell as Yixing nods serenely. "Yes, you don't really have money to hire actors." Aeri doesn't dare look anywhere but at Yixing, whom she could punch if she didn't like him as much as she did.

"I did not sign up for this," groans Kyungsoo. "But if this flops it's on you."

"You're agreeing?!" Aeri asks him incredulously. Kyungsoo shrugs.

"We need to make money."

"Yes," Sujin pounds her hands on the table. "We'll make it so adorable that it'll brainwash people into walking in here."

"We need to hit them where they're bound to buckle," Yixing nods gravely, taking another sip from his cup. Aeri groans.

"Boy am I glad you two weren't the ones who started the third Reich."


"No! No, no, no."

Aeri is more than happy Yixing and Sujin haven't started planning world domination together. With their combined mental strength, they plot out the video, every little detail adding to Aeri's horror, reducing her to nonsensical spluttering at their ideas. She grabs the sheet and erases out the last line.

"I am NOT staring longingly into his eyes as we lean in for a kiss!! Nobody will kiss!!"

"But it's your wedding!!!" Sujin whines. "Can we please have a dance!"

"Who dances in the middle of a café?!"

"I think we need a dance...," hums Yixing, as he taps his pencil against his chin. "Dances are nice."

"Aargh!!" Aeri ruffles her hair in frustration.

"That Sehun kid is coming to help right?" Yixing asks Sujin, who nods.

"Yes, Kyungsoo is bringing him over. Oh! Oh! Let's have a proposal bit too!!" Yixing brightens up and pens it down.

"It's like I'm not even here..." Aeri buries her face in her hands.

"Hush girl! You're getting married tomorrow, enjoy a little," Sujin nudges Aeri, who pretends to choke herself. Tomorrow didn't seem like a very nice day.


Later that night, when they're both ready to sleep, Sujin bothers Aeri about tomorrow, to which the later huffs and states that it is after all, only a fake wedding. Aeri watches as Sujin peers over the edge of the bed and forms a slow grin.

"Do you want it to be not fake?" Aeri coughs in surprise, before swatting at her friend with her hand, missing her nose by inches. Sujin laughs and falls back audibly. Aeri glares at the bed from her futon.

"It could be real, you and Squishy make a cute couple." Aeri sits up, glaring.

"I'm not making anything with that guy."

"Not even babies...?" Sujin pouts sadly. Aeri shakes off the covers and stands up.

"I'm going to get myself water, good night."

"Pre-wedding jitters, love? Don't worry, it'll go away." She hears Sujin call out as she shuts the door with a huff. The café seems even more lonely at night. A small light in the corner casts more shadows than light. She sits down on a couch and looks around.

"What if we never get this to work...?" She whispers to the empty chair next to her.

She falls asleep on the table waiting for a response.

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Chapter 5: I think about this story a lot (and your other kyungsoo stories too). You're such a great writer and I miss your updates! Hope you're well (:
Saumya #2
Chapter 5: Why isn't the marriage real? T.T
And why can poor Sujin never sleep to her heart's content? T.T
This makes me sad. :(
Chapter 5: Kyungsoo being so close to Aeri o.o
However did she survive?!
Oh she did, didn't she? Wake up and snell the beautiful cake woman! He's not going to kill you! :p

All the wedding prep is so cool and cute.
I think I'll just do my daily dose of Yixing flailing here xD

That smile at the end *_*
Chapter 5: Love love looooove!~

Can you feeel the lurveee tonight~

So many rainbows *-*

Yixingie :3 Sujin <3

Sehun :P

Aeri and Soo = love.

*incoherent jabbering everywhere*
It needs to be ten characters but I am going with :3
Yixing and Sujin I love you!
So Kyungsoo is a psych student but doesn't know how Ari feels? O.o
Sehun, you better not ruin it -_-
Saumya #6
Chapter 4: Why, marrying me now? XD

But really, Aeri totally got herself stuck in this :P
Chapter 4: So squishy.

That's all I could think of the entire time:P

Also, Sujin and Yixing, welcome to team AALSOO. WE need more people like you.

It's so much cute everywhere that it's killing me with the cuteness :")
I am already in love with this story so don't cut yourself short! Your writing is beyond exceptional (: