Chapter 2


Aeri wishes for a lot of things on a daily basis. Today, she wishes she could seem a little less of an idiot before her new employee. She wakes up at seven, jumping over Sujin, whose turn it is on the floor, and making her way to the kitchen. She stares around the café, smiling to herself and then makes herself a basic cornflakes breakfast (not so much makes as pours) before sitting at one of the booths, trying not to look too eager. Right now she wishes Sujin was an early riser so she could share her misery.

The bell at the door tinkles as Aeri quickly pretends to be busy, finding nothing but the newspaper before her.

"Are we ready to work?"

Dropping the paper a little, she notices the same black shirt and jeans. She stares for a moment, because the sunlight streaming in from the door gives him a faux-holy aura before trying to get up and almost knocking over the table in process. Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow but chooses to walk into the kitchen, leaving Aeri alone to set everything back in place. She manages to shoot a scowl at his back for a second before he turns around and she quails, carefully walking into the kitchen. Kyungsoo continues to stare at her. Is he going to kill me now? Aeri's eyes widen. She shoots furtive glances around the kitchen only to realize that Kyungsoo is standing before all the knives. Panic slowly seeps in, while she tries to back out.

"Are we standing here all morning?"

She lets out a muffled squeak, bumping into the wall in surprise. So much for wishes coming true. She waves her hand towards the large fridge. Making a basic batter should be safe right?


It's strange for Sujin to dream of normal things. For once it seems to be normal. "Wish", Aeri's little street corner café, seems to be thriving in business, while she sits there with the cute senior from college, who feeds her a bit of strawberry pudding. The air smells of cake and vanilla and chocolate, as she notices, families and couples enjoying their brunch. Suddenly there's a loud bang and roman soldiers seem to break in. Sujin smiles in her sleep, the abnormality was comforting.

"Stay out of my way!"

"Are you always so slow?"

"Slow?! Slow?! I'm looking for perfection!"

"Good luck finding perfection on the streets."

Sujin slowly comes into the realization that the sounds aren't in her dream but emanating from the kitchen. She groans as she hears another crash, followed by a few more accusations. Cautiously peering into the kitchen she finds the normally timid Aeri, half caked in flour, with a whisk raised in hand, glaring across the room at Kyungsoo, who was wearing same black apron as Aeri, but little less smeared with white.

"Whisks down soldier..." Mutters Sujin rubbing her eyes. Kyungsoo furrows his brows at the intrusion. Aeri whips around to the taller girl.

"You." She says, waving the metal implement, dripping bits of batter over the floor. "You'd better thank your lucky stars I'm feeling kindly enough to not beat you into a pulp."

"With a whisk?" Sujin asks incredulously. "I think I'm going back to sleep, it's too early to have this conversation." Aeri glares at the receding figure. A half cough from Kyungsoo brings her back.

"Are you quite done looking like a crazy cat lady?"

"A crazy —?!!!???" Aeri splutters for a while before slamming the utensils back on the kitchen counter. She pauses for a moment, then straightens up to meet his eyes. "Fine. Do whatever you like, give it your best shot, if you impress me, you stay."

"If I don't?"

"It's sort of obvious."

"You gave me the job."

"You never signed the contract." Aeri forces herself to stand ground, coolly staring at Kyungsoo, who doesn't drop his gaze.

"Fine. Give me an hour or so."


Once outside, Aeri sits down upon the pavement, leaning against the wall. It had started out just fine, with herself making a basic batter and him making one too, until she realized he was too fast and she was too busy looking at perfection and pandemonium had been raised. Ari sighs.

"Why the long face kiddo?" Someone sits down beside her.

"Yixing ge... I got someone to work for me..." The bookshop owner from next door smiles serenely at her. He's a sight for sore eyes, with his dimple, sense of calm and the faint smell of green tea that seemed to always linger around him.

"What's the problem with that?"

"We don't see eye to eye..."

"Are they taller? Wear heels then."

"Gege! That's not what I mean!" Aeri laughs at the serious face.

"No one sees eye to eye. That would be kind of boring right?"

"I almost hit him with a whisk." Yixing lets out a low whistle.

"Wow, this 'he' is really something then, isn't he?"

"His name is Do Kyungsoo and I'm going to see if he's really something or not. I hope he is...." She whispers into her knees suddenly feeling a heavy weight settle itself down upon her. Yixing pats her back gently.

"Because it's more important that he is than that you can tolerate him, right?"

"Yeah.... it's very, very important....."


A/N— I dunno what I'm writing but it feels good to write pointless sometimes ~

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Chapter 5: I think about this story a lot (and your other kyungsoo stories too). You're such a great writer and I miss your updates! Hope you're well (:
Saumya #2
Chapter 5: Why isn't the marriage real? T.T
And why can poor Sujin never sleep to her heart's content? T.T
This makes me sad. :(
Chapter 5: Kyungsoo being so close to Aeri o.o
However did she survive?!
Oh she did, didn't she? Wake up and snell the beautiful cake woman! He's not going to kill you! :p

All the wedding prep is so cool and cute.
I think I'll just do my daily dose of Yixing flailing here xD

That smile at the end *_*
Chapter 5: Love love looooove!~

Can you feeel the lurveee tonight~

So many rainbows *-*

Yixingie :3 Sujin <3

Sehun :P

Aeri and Soo = love.

*incoherent jabbering everywhere*
It needs to be ten characters but I am going with :3
Yixing and Sujin I love you!
So Kyungsoo is a psych student but doesn't know how Ari feels? O.o
Sehun, you better not ruin it -_-
Saumya #6
Chapter 4: Why, marrying me now? XD

But really, Aeri totally got herself stuck in this :P
Chapter 4: So squishy.

That's all I could think of the entire time:P

Also, Sujin and Yixing, welcome to team AALSOO. WE need more people like you.

It's so much cute everywhere that it's killing me with the cuteness :")
I am already in love with this story so don't cut yourself short! Your writing is beyond exceptional (: