Our first meet

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“I won’t believe in love anymore . I don’t wanna hurt anymore . The past is a past .”

Eunjoo POV



I shut my alarm off . *knock**knock* “Eunjoo dear, wake up . You don’t wanna be late for the first day in your new school right ?” my mum say . “Okay mum . I’m awake” I say while I rub my eyes. I look at my alarm clock . It’s already 6.10 a.m .I quickly get up from my bed and went to the bathroom .



After I take my bath , I wear my new school uniform and walk downstairs . I see my mum at the kitchen . Her back facing me . I walk towards her and back-hug her .

“Morning mum.” I say . I let go of my mum and she turn her body facing me . “Morning sweetie . Ready for your new school ?” I nod . “Sit down and eat your breakfast first . Dad will sent you to school today .” She kiss my temple and start cooking again .

I sit down at the dining table . “Honey , where’s my sock ?” I turn around and look at my dad . He’s walking down the stairs while fixing his tie . “Near the television .” my mum said .

When dad found his socks , he walk towards me and kiss my cheek . “Good morning Eunjoo . How’s your sleep ?” he sit beside me . “Morning dad , I slept well .” Mum walk towards ding table with a plate of fresh cooking pancake .

“Eat up . You guys don’t wanna be late isn’t it ?” She put the pancake in mine and dad plate . She sit down and we start to eat .



I wear my shoes and walk to the entrance . “Bye mum , meet you in the evening .” I hug mum and walk towards my dad car . He’s already waiting for me inside the car . “Bye sweetie . “ I wave goodbye to my mum before that drove off .

I look at my watch . 7.10 a.m . Not bad . I put on my earphone and close my eyes .

“Bye dad see you at home .” I wave my dad goodbye and went inside the school building .

Wow this school is big . How am I suppose to find the office . I look around and s

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Chapter 6: I hav intended to read this but since apink is the bad character so bb to this fic T.T
Chapter 6: Chapter 4? Again .-. And finalleh!!! Keep up the good work, and pls don't abandon this fic T^T
Chapter 5: *Le sighs* How can I not notice the previous chapter??? And isn't this chapter suppose to be chapter 5?
ongj50 #4
Chapter 4: This is the best of all!!! Pls update soon... Love it, total daebak, and thank you
Shroomies123 #5
Chapter 4: I wish you would give longer updates, I understand if you can't. Just don't over work yourself
Shroomies123 #6
Chapter 3: You're back!
Chapter 3: Whose that 'he'? I really wanna know....
Chapter 1: Update~~~~~
Chapter 1: Thanks for the update. No no no, you are a good author, just don't think of that. Update soon BTW ^^
Don't leave me hanging here, update plsssssssssssssss~!